
Numerics  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  


  • 3P Service Integration 4.3



  • Bank Core Parameters File Upload 6.2
  • BIC Directory 1.5
  • BIC Directory File Upload 6.5
  • Borrowing Capacity 3.7
  • Branch Core Parameters File Upload 6.3
  • Branch EOD 1.6
  • Bureau Integration Service 2
  • Business Service Mapping 4.3.6


  • Charge Code 3.17
  • Chart Account Handoff 1.20.2
  • Checklists 1.7
  • Checklists Linkage Maintenance 1.7.1
  • Checklists Maintenance 1.7.2
  • Classification 5.2.5
  • Classification Algorithms Supported 5.2.6
  • Classification Processing Service 4.3.3
  • Classification Training Service 4.3.1
  • Configure Branch EOD 1.6.1
  • Core Maintenance 1
  • Counter 3.16
  • Country Code 1.8
  • Country Code File Upload 6.1
  • Create Account Entitlement Group 1.1.1
  • Create Advice 1.3.1
  • Create Amount Text Language 1.4.1
  • Create BIC Directory 1.5.1
  • Create Borrowing Capacity 3.7.1
  • Create Bureau Criteria 2.5.1
  • Create Charge Code 3.17.1
  • Create Counter 3.16.1
  • Create Country Code 1.8.1
  • Create Currency Definition 1.9.1
  • Create Currency Exchange Rate 1.10.1
  • Create Currency Holiday Master 1.11.1
  • Create Currency Pair Definition 1.12.1
  • Create Currency Rate Type 1.13.1
  • Create Customer Access Group 1.14.1
  • Create Customer Category 1.15.1
  • Create Data Segment 1.16.1
  • Create Decision Grade Matrix 3.11.1
  • Create ECA System 1.17.1
  • Create External Bank Parameters 1.18.1
  • Create External Branch Parameters 1.19.1
  • Create External Chart Account 1.20.1
  • Create External Customer 1.21.1
  • Create External Customer Account 1.22.1
  • Create External Customer Account Structured Address 1.23.1
  • Create Fact 7.1.1
  • Create GL Parameter 1.26.1
  • Create Host Code 1.27.1
  • Create Inter Branch Parameters 1.29.1
  • Create Interest Rate 1.28.1
  • Create Language Code 1.30.1
  • Create Local Holiday 1.31.1
  • Create Lookup 2.3.1, 3.5.1
  • Create MCA Linkage 1.35.1
  • Create Media 1.32.1
  • Create MIS Class 1.34.1
  • Create MIS Group 1.33.1
  • Create Pricing Model 3.12.1
  • Create Pricing Source System 1.38.1
  • Create Qualitative Scoring Model 3.14.1
  • Create Quantitative Scoring Model 3.10.1
  • Create Questionnaire 3.15.1
  • Create Resource Class 1.39.1
  • Create Rule 7.2.1
  • Create Rule Group
  • Create Scoring Feature 3.9.1
  • Create Screenclass 1.41.1
  • Create SLA Maintenance 1.40.1
  • Create State Code 1.42.1
  • Create System Parameter 3.4.1
  • Create Transaction Code 1.44.1
  • Create Upload Source 1.45.1
  • Create Upload Source Preference 1.46.1
  • Create Validation Model 3.13.1
  • Credit Bureau Display 2.6
  • Currency Definition 1.9
  • Currency Definition File Upload 6.4
  • Currency Exchange Rate 1.10
  • Currency Holiday File Upload 6.7
  • Currency Holiday Master 1.11
  • Currency Pair Definition 1.12
  • Currency Rate Type 1.13
  • Customer Access Group 1.14
  • Customer Category 1.15


  • Data Extensibility 5.7
  • Data Segment 1.16
  • Decision Grade Matrix 3.11
  • Decision Service 3
  • Document Configuration
  • Document Verification API Details 8.3
  • Document Verification Framework 8
  • Driving License Extraction 8.3.2
  • Driving License Validation 8.4.2


  • ECA System 1.17
  • Equifax Configuration
  • Error Codes and Messages A
  • Evaluate Rule 7.2.3
  • Exchange Rate File Upload 6.10
  • Experian Configuration
  • External Bank Parameters 1.18
  • External Branch Parameters 1.19
  • External Chart Account 1.20
  • External Customer 1.21
  • External Customer Account 1.22
  • External Customer Account File Upload 6.9
  • External Customer Account Structured Address 1.23
  • External Customer File Upload 6.8
  • External Virtual Account Structured Address 1.24


  • Fact 7.1
  • Fetch Credit Decision
  • File Upload 6
  • Forecast REST Service 5.9.1
  • Forget Customer 1.25.1
  • Forget Process 1.25
  • Frameworks Supported 5.2
  • Functional Activity Codes B


  • GL Parameter Maintenance 1.26



  • Image Processing 8.2
  • Inter Branch Entry Retry 1.20.3
  • Inter Branch Parameters Maintenance 1.29
  • Interest Rate 1.28
  • Interest Rate File Upload 6.11
  • Invoke Branch EOD 1.6.3


  • Language Code 1.30
  • Local Holiday 1.31
  • Local Holiday File Upload 6.6


  • Machine Learning Framework 5
  • Media 1.32
  • MIS Class 1.34
  • MIS Group 1.33
  • Model Definition 5.4.1
  • Model Definition Maintenance
  • Model Explainability 5.8
  • Model Import and Export Maintenance 4.1.5
  • Model Management 4.1.4
  • Model Management Maintenance
  • Model Monitoring and Auto Training 5.10
  • Model Training 4.1.3
  • Model Training and Scoring 5.4.2
  • Multi-Currency Account Linkage 1.35


  • National Identification Extraction 8.3.3
  • National Identification Validation 8.4.3
  • NER Processing Service 4.3.4
  • NER Training Service 4.3.2
  • NLP Framework 4


  • On-Boarding Use Case 5.4
  • Online Single Record Prediction 5.5
  • Operation 4.2
  • Oracle Banking Origination to Decision Service Configuration 3.19.2
  • Oracle Banking Routing Hub Configuration 2.7.1, 3.19.1
  • Overview 2.1,


  • Partitioned Model 5.3
  • Passport Extraction 8.3.1
  • Passport Validation 8.4.1
  • Pointers About Request and Response 8.4.5, 8.4.6
  • Pre GL Balance Check 1.20.4
  • Pricing 3.12
  • Pricing Source System 1.38
  • Priority Code 1.37
  • Priority Code Maintenance 1.37.1
  • Process Code 1.36
  • Process Code Maintenance 1.36.1
  • Process Flow 3.2
  • Product Processor 2.4,


  • Qualitative Scoring Model 3.14
  • Quantitative Scoring Model 3.10
  • Questionnaire 3.15


  • Recommendations For Better Performance 8.5
  • Regression 5.2.3
  • Regression Algorithms Supported 5.2.4
  • Resource Class 1.39
  • Rule 7.2
  • Rule Group 7.2.4
  • Rules Framework 7




  • Unbalanced Transaction Log 1.20.7
  • Upload Document 4.2.1
  • Upload Source 1.45
  • Upload Source Preference 1.46
  • Use Case Definition 4.1.1,
  • Use Case Modifications 5.6
  • Use Case On-Boarding 5.1