Deal Comparison

The Deal Comparison zone lists the deal versions which you have selected for comparison. It contains the following columns:

Column Name Column Description
Deal Information Displays the concatenated string of information about the deal for which the deal version is created in the system separated by a comma (,).
Note: It has a link. On clicking the link, the Deal Information screen appears where you can view the details of the respective deal version.
Customer Information Displays the concatenated string of information about the main person for whom the deal is created in the system.

It has a link. On clicking the link, the Customer 360° Information or the Prospect Person screen appears where you can view the details of the respective person.

The Customer 360° Information screen appears when you select the deal version of a deal having the entity type as Account or Customer. Whereas, the Prospect Person screen appears when you select the deal version of a deal having the entity type as Account.

Deal version Displays the concatenated string of information about the deal version.
Deal Status Indicates the current status of the deal for which the deal version is created.
Deal Revenue Displays the revenue generated from the deal version.
Deal Creator ID Displays the user who has created the deal in the system.
By default, the Deal Comparison zone does not appear in the Deal Dashboard screen. It appears when you select a deal or a deal version from the Search Results section or the Deal Versions zone respectively and click the Add to Compare link.

You can delete a deal version from the comparison list by clicking the Delete (The Delete Icon) icon corresponding to the respective deal version.

On clicking the Compare link, the Deal Compare screen appears with the comparison results.


At a time, you can select only two deal versions for comparison.

You cannot compare a deal version which is in the Draft, Pending Simulation or Discarded status.

You cannot compare a deal version of a deal which is in the Draft, Pending Simulation or Discarded status.

You cannot compare two deal versions having different currency codes.

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