Creating a Deal using a Deal Template


To create a deal using a deal template, you should have:

  • Deal templates defined in the application

  • Deal identifiers defined in the application

  • Deal types defined in the application

  • Currencies defined in the application

  • Values defined for Review Frequency, Deal Frequency, and Usage Period in the REVIEW_​FREQUENCY_​FLG, FREQUENCY_​FLG, and USAGE_​PRIOD_​FLG lookup fields respectively

  • Terms and conditions defined in the application

  • Products defined in the application

  • Characteristic types defined in the application (where the characteristic entity is set to Deal)


To create a deal from a deal template:

  1. Click the Menu link in the Application toolbar.
    A list appears.
  2. From the Main menu, select Deal Pricing Management and then click Deal Dashboard.
    The Deal Dashboard screen appears.
  3. In the Deal Dashboard screen, click the Create Deal button.

    The Deal Information - Deal page appears. It contains the following zones:

    • Search Entity

    • Deal

      Note: By default, the Deal zone does not appear in the Deal Information - Deal page. It appears when you click the Broadcast (The Broadcast Icon) icon corresponding to an entity (i.e. customer, account, or prospect) in the Search Results section of the Search Entity zone.
  4. Search for the entity (i.e. customer, account, or prospect person) in the Search Entity zone for which you want to define a deal.
  5. Click the Broadcast (The Broadcast Icon) icon corresponding to the entity (i.e. customer, account, or prospect) in the Search Results section for which you want to define a deal.

    The Deal zone appears. It contains the following sections:

    • Main - Used to specify basic details about the deal.

    • Terms and Conditions - Used to associate terms and conditions with the deal.

    • Product - Used to associate reference products which you want the accounts of the deal entity to be enrolled.

    • Characteristics - Used to define the characteristics for the deal.

    Note: For more information about the fields available in the Main section, refer the Defining a Deal topic.
  6. Click the Search (The Search Icon) icon corresponding to the Copy Template field.

    The Copy From window appears which contains a list of deal templates that you can use for creating the deal. The Copy From window contains the following columns:

    Column Name Column Description
    Basic Details Used to indicate that you want to copy only the basic details of the deal template for creating the deal.
    Pricing Used to indicate that you wan to copy only the price item pricing details of the deal template for creating the deal.
    Usage Used to indicate that you want to copy only the SQI details of the price items from the deal template for creating the deal.
    Deal Information Displays the concatenated string of information about the deal template separated by a comma (,).
  7. Select the required option and/or options from the Copy From window.
  8. Click OK.
    The deal template data corresponding to the selected option and/or options from the Copy From window is copied to the new deal.
  9. Modify the details in the Main section, if required.
  10. Recommend products to which the accounts in the customer hierarchy can be enrolled, if required.
  11. Define characteristics for the deal, if required.
  12. Click the Save button.
    The deal is created using the deal template.

    Earlier, while creating a deal using a deal template, the system copied only the basic, pricing, and/or usage details from the deal template. Now, when you create a deal using a deal template, the system copies the following information along with the basic, pricing, and/or usage details from the deal template:

    • Price item and hierarchy entity selection

    • General terms and conditions selection at the deal, price item, and hierarchy entity levels

    • Overridden general terms and conditions at the deal, price item, and hierarchy entity levels

    • Adhoc terms and conditions at the deal, price item, and hierarchy entity levels

    For more information, refer to the Deal Creation Using a Deal Template topic.

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