6.5.1 VNC Console for x86 Requirements

Oracle VM Manager uses a secure tunnel to protect the virtual machine console (remote connection utility) data across the network. Oracle VM Manager does not communicate directly with the VNC client, but rather connects via an SSH-encrypted tunnel on port 69xx (where xx is based on the guest to which it is connecting).

Any firewall between the Oracle VM Manager and the Oracle VM Servers needs ports 6900 and above open; one port for each virtual machine on an Oracle VM Server. For example, if you have 100 virtual machines on an Oracle VM Server, you should open ports 6900-6999 (100 ports) on any firewall between the Oracle VM Server and Oracle VM Manager.

To connect to a virtual machine's VNC console in Oracle VM Manager, you must install the appropriate package on the Oracle VM Manager host computer.

Ensure that you are using a supported web browser when accessing the VNC console.

See Launch Console for more information on using and configuring the VNC client.