Performing a Silent Install

The Oracle VM Manager installer can be installed silently, without any intervention. An installation configuration file can be created to set particular installation options. The configuration script is written in YAML format (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YAML). Structure is shown through indentation using spaces. Do not use tab characters in the configuration file or it may not parse correctly. Sequence items are denoted by a dash, and key value pairs within a map are separated by a colon.

The following example silently performs an installation using predefined parameters.


Always provide the absolute path to the configuration file. The installer cannot process a relative path and will simply terminate the installation process.

Example 3.2 Silent install using configuration file

The command to run the silent production installation using a configuration file is:

./runInstaller.sh --config=/path/config.yml -i install --assumeyes 

Substitute /path/config.yml with the path to a YAML formatted configuration file that includes the following keys and values:

	port : 49500         Sets the TCP port that MySQL uses
	user : ovs           Sets the username for the Oracle VM Manager database in MySQL
	password : p4ssword  Sets the password for the Oracle VM Manager database in MySQL

	user : weblogic      Sets the username for the Oracle WebLogic Server administrative user
	password : p4ssword  Sets the password for the Oracle WebLogic Server administrative user

	user : admin         Sets the username for the Oracle VM Manager application
	password : p4ssword  Sets the password for the Oracle VM Manager application

       FQN : fully.qualified.domain.name  
                      Sets the value for the hostname applied to the
                      automatically generated self-signed SSL certificate that
                      Oracle VM Manager uses for HTTPS communications. It should
                      either match a valid IP address, or should contain the hostname
                      returned by the hostname -f command.                

Replace the p4ssword entry with your own password. It is advisable to use the same password for all components to avoid confusion later. Replace the fully.qualified.domain.name with the fully qualified domain name of the server where you are installing Oracle VM Manager.


The db:port, db:user, webLogic:user and OVMCore:user parameters are all ignored during a silent upgrade. You must include these parameters in your silent install configuration, however, they do not take effect.