The Dimension Navigation cartridge displays dimension refinements for Guided Navigation. Additionally, you can configure it to boost or bury selected refinements.

As the name implies, the Dimension Navigation cartridge displays dimension refinements for non-hierarchical dimensions. These results can be ordered by sorting, relevance ranking, or through explicitly boosting or burying selected dimension refinements.

An example of the Dimension Navigation cartridge is shown below in the Discover Electronics reference application:

This layout uses multiple Dimension Navigation cartridges for the left column Guided Navigation interface. Note that the Features dimension has the 'More' link enabled, while the Price Range dimension does not require it.

The cartridge configuration interface is shown below in the Content Details Panel in Experience Manager:

The Section Settings controls affect general settings for the cartridge. In addition to modifying the cartridge name in Experience Manager, you must use the Dimension Name drop-down to set the dimension for navigation.

The Refinement Menu Order controls determine the order in which results display to the end user.

The Refinement Menu Size controls determine size of the refinement menu.

The More Link controls let you set the text of the "More results" link and the maximum number of refinements that should display when it is clicked.

You can configure the Dimension Navigation cartridge to boost or bury selected dimension refinements in the displayed results set. This overrides their default position in the sorting order.

To boost or bury dimensions in the Dimension Navigation cartridge in Experience Manager:

  1. In the Experience Manager Rules pane, select your Guided Navigation folder.

    In the Discover Electronics reference application, this is the SharedGuided Navigation folder.

  2. Select the rule you wish to edit.

  3. In the Content Tree, select the section where you wish to add or edit a Dimension Navigation cartridge.

  4. In the Content Details Panel, Add a Dimension Navigation cartridge or select the Dimension Navigation cartridge you wish to edit.

  5. Select the dimension that you wish to search for:

  6. Select a sort type in the Sorting Options drop-down.

    By default, it is set to Dimension Default, the configuration defined in Oracle Commerce Developer Studio.

    The out-of-the-box template also allows you to sort dimensions in Alphanumeric order or By frequency. Additional drop-down options can be specified by your Application Developer in the cartridge template.

  7. Configure boosted and buried refinements:

  8. Click OK to save your changes and return to the Rule List View.

Verify that your change took effect by navigating to the Discover Electronics reference application at http://localhost:8006/discover-authoring. Following the example configuration shown in Step 5b, Manual Exposure is boosted as a refinement, while Auto exposure is buried:

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