When you and your team have finished updating assets in your project, you can publish it.

These instructions assume that you want to resolve any conflicts that occur between your project and published projects.

All the updates in your project are committed to the current site, and Experience Manager users outside of your project see your changes. If your changes have conflicts with open, unpublished projects, then these projects display conflict indicators. Your published project cannot be undone, these other projects must resolve the conflicts.

A conflict occurs when two projects modify the same asset. Two different projects can hold different versions of the same asset, but this is not a conflict until one of the projects is published.

For example, Project A and Project B edit the same asset. Project A is published first, so now Project A's changes to that asset are part of the current site. Experience Manager recognizes that the unpublished Project B has an updated asset that is no longer current, so it flags Project B as having a conflict.

Even if different properties of the same asset are edited in two projects, and one project is published, a conflict occurs. For example, if Project A changes the query for boosting products on a results list and Project B changes the number of records per page, a conflict occurs.

Note that if another project deletes, renames, or moves the parent of your asset, then the projects are in conflict. A parent of your asset can be the folder or page where the asset resides. For example, if Project A changes the name of an asset in the Brands folder, and Project B moves or deletes the Brands folder and then publishes the project, Project A has a conflict.

You can also have conflicts involving the children of an asset that you have changed.

The following messages appear in the Details column of the Asset List when your project has conflicts with a published project.



A published project added <tree path and asset name>. If you publish, your version will overwrite the other version.

Another project was published that

If you publish your project anyway, your version of the asset overwrites the other project's asset.

A published project deleted <deleted ancestor path>, which contains this asset. If you publish, a new <folder/page> will be created at <deleted ancestor path>.

Another project was published that deleted a folder or page that originally contained the asset. If you publish your project, only the updated assets in your project are included in that folder or page. None of the other assets in the deleted folder or page will be restored.

A published project moved or renamed <source path>, which contains this asset, to <target path>. If you publish, a new <folder/page> will be created at <source path>.

Another project was published that moved or renamed a folder or page that contains this asset. If you publish your project anyway, only the updated assets in your project are included in the original folder or page.

A published project modified <tree path and asset name>. If you publish, your version will overwrite the other version.

Another project was published that modified the same asset. If you publish your project anyway, your project's version overwrites the other project's version.

A published project deleted <tree path and asset name>. If you publish, your version will take precedence over the delete.

Another project was published that deleted this asset. If you publish your project anyway, your action takes precedence and the asset is not deleted.

A published project deleted <deleted ancestor path>, which contains this asset. If you publish, a new <folder/page> will be created at <deleted ancestor path>.

Another project was published that deleted a folder or page that contained this asset. If you publish your project anyway, you still see your asset, but all other assets contained in the deleted page or folder are gone.

A published project moved or renamed <source path> to <target path>. If you publish, both your version and the asset that was moved will exist.

Another project was published that moved or renamed a folder or page that contains this asset. If you publish your project anyway, both your version of the asset and the moved asset will exist.

A published project moved or renamed <source path>, which contains this asset, to <target path>. If you publish, a new <folder/page> will be created at <source path>.

Another project was published that moved or renamed a folder or page that contains this asset. If you publish your project anyway, a new folder or page will be created at the original location. Both versions of the asset will exist.

A published project added <tree path and asset name>. If you publish, <tree path and asset name> will be deleted.

Another project was published with a modified asset that your project is deleting. Someone in the published project

A published project changed one or more children of <tree path and asset name>. If you publish, the other project’s changes may be lost.

Another project was published with changes to assets in the page or folder that you renamed or deleted. Your action takes precedence, so the page or folder is renamed or deleted. Assets contained in the deleted page or folder are also deleted.

A published project added <added path and asset name>. If you publish, both <moved-path> and <added path and asset name> will exist.

Another project was published that deleted and then a re-added the asset at the original location. The re-added asset could have happened in any of the following ways:

If you publish your project anyway, both versions will exist.

A published project changed one or more children of <tree path>.

Another project was published with one or more changes (additions or updates) of one or more of the asset’s children. If you publish your project anyway, the asset and its children are deleted.

A published project modified <source path and asset>. If you publish, your version will exist in its new location, and the other project’s updates will be lost.

Another project was published with changes to an asset that you moved or renamed. If you publish your project anyway, the other project's modifications are lost.

A published project modified <tree path and asset>. If you publish, <tree path and asset> will be deleted.

Another project was published with changes to an asset that you deleted. If you publish your project anyway, the asset is deleted and the other project's modifications are lost.

A published project moved or renamed <source path and asset> to <target path and asset>. If you publish, your delete will take effect, but the asset that was moved will also still exist in its new location.

Another project was published that moved or renamed an asset. If you publish your project anyway, the asset is deleted at the original location and appears in the new location.

A published project moved or renamed <source path>, which contains this asset, to <target path>. If you publish, your delete will take effect, but the assets that were moved will also still exist in their new location.

Another project was published that moved or renamed a folder or page that contains this asset. If you publish your project anyway, the asset is deleted at the original location and appears in the new location.

A published project deleted <tree path and asset name>. If you publish, your version will exist in its new location.

Another project was published that deleted an asset that you moved or renamed. If you publish your project anyway, the asset still appears.


Another project was published that deleted the source folder or page that contained the asset that you moved or renamed. If you publish your project anyway, the asset still appears.

A published project deleted <target ancestor’s path>, which contains the new location of this asset. If you publish, a new <folder/page> will be created at <target ancestor’s path>.

Another project was published that deleted the folder or page that contains this renamed or relocated asset. If you publish your project anyway, your renamed or relocated asset becomes the only member of the folder or page. No other assets are there.

A published project moved or renamed <source path> to <target path>. If you publish, both your version and the one that was moved will exist.

Another project was published that moved or renamed an asset that you also moved or renamed. If you publish your project anyway, both your version and the other project's version will exist.


Another project was published that moved or renamed the source folder or page that contained this asset. If you publish your asset anyway, both your version and the other project's version will exist.

A published project moved or renamed <move-to ancestor’s source path>, which contains the new location of this asset, to <move-to ancestor’s target path>. If you publish, a new <folder/page> will be created at <move-to ancestor’s source path>.

Another project was published that moved or renamed a page or folder in the asset's target location. If you publish your project anyway, your asset becomes the only member of the folder or page. All other assets are gone.

A published project narrowed the content type of <parent path>. If you publish, the type mismatch between <asset path> and <parent path> will need to be resolved before <asset path> can be edited again.

Another project was published that changed the content type of the parent folder of the asset that you are adding or updating. The new content type does not include the type for this asset. There is a mismatch. If you publish your project anyway, you need to resolve the mismatch before the asset can be edited, again.

A published project added or updated <child path>, whose type does not match that of <parent path>. If you publish, the type mismatch between <child path> and <parent path> will need to be resolved before <child path> can be edited again.

Your project changed the content type of a folder. Another project was published that added or updated an asset that no longer matches the content type of the folder. If you publish your project anyway, you need to resolve the mismatch before the asset can be edited, again.

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