Associating Deal-Specific Terms and Conditions with a Price Item


To associate deal-specific terms and conditions with a price item you should have:

  • Terms and conditions defined in the application

  • Terms and conditions mapped to the price item


To associate deal-specific terms and conditions with a price item:

  1. Ensure that the Pricing and Commitments zone is expanded when you are associating deal-specific terms and conditions with a price item of a prospect person or a prospect account in the Pricing and Commitments screen.
  2. In the Pricing and Commitments zone, click the Edit (The Edit Icon) icon in the Terms and Conditions column corresponding to the price item to which you want to associate deal-specific terms and conditions.
    The Terms and Conditions screen appears. It contains the following field:
    Field Name Field Description
    Price Item Information Indicates the price item to which you want to associate deal-specific terms and conditions.

    In addition, the Terms and Conditions screen contains the following sections:

    • Terms and Conditions Section - Lists the terms and conditions that are mapped to the price item. It contains the following buttons:

      Button Name Button Description
      Select All Used to select all the available terms and conditions for the price item from the list.
      De-select All Used to de-select all the terms and conditions from the list.
      Refresh Terms and Conditions Used to de-select the terms and conditions that are selected for the price item from the list.
      Note: You can also select or de-select the terms and conditions by clicking the check box corresponding to the respective terms and conditions.

      On clicking the Edit (The Edit Icon) icon corresponding to the terms and conditions in the Terms and Conditions Section section, you can view and edit the terms and conditions of the price item.

    • Adhoc Terms and Conditions - Used to add deal-specific adhoc terms and conditions for the price item.

  3. Select the required terms and conditions for the price item from the Terms and Conditions Section section.
  4. Click Save.
    The deal-specific terms and conditions are associated with the price item.
    Note: You can associate deal-specific terms and conditions with a price item until the deal is in the Customer Accepted or Rejected status.

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