Submitting a Price Item for an Approval


To submit a price item for an approval:

  1. In the Simulation Details zone, click the Edit (The Edit Icon) icon in the Pricing and Commitments column corresponding to the person or account whose price item you want to send for an approval.
    The Pricing and Commitments screen appears.
  2. In the Pricing and Commitments section, ensure that the Price Item Hierarchy sub-section is expanded when you are sending a price item for an approval.
  3. Click the check box corresponding to the price item which you want to send for an approval.

    The check box appears when the price item is assigned to the user for an approval.

    You can select multiple price items at a time to submit for an approval.

    The Send Price Items for Approval button is activated.
  4. Click the Send Price Items for Approval button.
    A message appears confirming the price item is sent for an approval.
  5. Click OK
    The price item is sent for an approval and the status of the price item is changed to Assigned to Price Item Manager.

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