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Oracle® SuperCluster T5-8 Owner's Guide

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Updated: May 2016

osc-setcoremem Overview

SuperCluster compute server CPU and memory resources are initially allocated during installation as defined by your configuration. CPU sockets are assigned to domains in the same proportion as IB HCAs. Memory is assigned in the same proportions.

The osc-setcoremem tool enables you to migrate CPU cores and memory resources between dedicated domains, and from dedicated domains to CPU and memory repositories for the use of IO domains.

These points provide important information related to the use of osc-setcoremem:

  • The final CPU and memory layout for a dedicated domain is optimized for locality to minimize accesses to non-local resources.

  • The granularity of CPU and memory migration is 1 core and 16GB.

  • Empty dedicated domains (domains with zero cores and zero memory) are not supported.

  • The tool tracks resource allocation and ensures that the selections you make are valid. See Minimum and Maximum Resources (Dedicated Domains).

  • Affected dedicated domains must be rebooted after any change.

The tool enables you to change the CPU and memory allocations in one of two levels of granularity:

If you configure the CPU and memory resources so that some resources are not allocated to any domain, those unallocated resources are parked. Parked resources are placed in a logical CPU and memory repository and are available for I/O Domains. See Park Cores and Memory.

You can park resources from dedicated domains anytime, but you cannot move parked resources to dedicated domains once I/O Domains are created.

Also see Supported Domain Configurations.

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