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Oracle® SuperCluster T5-8 Owner's Guide

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Updated: May 2016

Display the Current Domain Configuration (osc-setcoremem)

This procedure describes how to display a compute node domain configuration using the osc-setcoremem command.

Note - Alternatively, you can use ldm commands to get similar information See Display the Current Domain Configuration (ldm).
  1. Log in as superuser on the compute node's control domain.
  2. Use the osc-setcoremem command to view domains and resources.

    Note - If you don't want to continue to use the osc-setcoremem command to change resource allocations, enter CTL-C at the first prompt.


    # /opt/oracle.supercluster/bin/osc-setcoremem
                        v1.0  built on Oct 29 2014 10:21:05
     Current Configuration: Full-Rack T5-8 SuperCluster
     +-------------------------+-------+--------+-----------+--- MINIMUM ----+
     | DOMAIN                  | CORES | MEM_GB |   TYPE    | CORES | MEM_GB |
     | primary                 |    32 |    512 | Dedicated |     9 |     64 |
     | ssccn2-dom1             |    16 |    256 | Dedicated |     4 |     32 |
     | ssccn2-dom2             |    16 |    256 | Dedicated |     4 |     32 |
     | ssccn2-dom3             |    16 |    256 | Dedicated |     4 |     32 |
     | ssccn2-dom4             |    16 |    256 | Dedicated |     4 |     32 |
     | ssccn2-dom5             |     4 |     64 |   Root    |     4 |     64 |
     | unallocated or parked   |    28 |    448 |    --     |    -- |   --   |
     [Note] Following domains will be skipped in this session.
     Root Domains
     CPU allocation preference:
            1. Socket level
            2. Core level
     In case of Socket level granularity, proportional memory capacity is
      automatically selected for you.
     Choose Socket or Core level [S or C] <CTL-C>

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