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Oracle® SuperCluster T5-8 Owner's Guide

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Updated: May 2016

Revert to a Previous CPU/Memory Configuration

Use this procedure to revert a compute node to a previous CPU/Memory configuration. You must perform this procedure on each member in a cluster. The tool does not automatically propagate changes to every cluster member.

Note - To find out if you can perform this procedure, see Supported Domain Configurations.
  1. Log in as superuser on the compute node's control domain.
  2. List previous configurations.

    Note - You can also view previous configurations in the log files. See Access osc-setcoremem Log Files.
    # ldm list-config
    CM_1S512G_1S512G_4S2T_082120140321 [next poweron]

    For details about SP configuration files see View the SP Configuration.

  3. Revert to a previous configuration.
    # ldm set-config CM_2S1T_1S512G_3S1536G_082020141354
  4. Halt all domains, then halt the primary domain.
  5. Restart the system from the service processor.
    # #.
    -> cd /SP
    -> stop /SYS
    Are you sure you want to stop /SYS (y/n) ? y
    Stopping /SYS
    -> start /SYS
    Are you sure you want to start /SYS (y/n) ? y
    Starting /SYS
  6. Boot all domains and zones.

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