This section provides an overview of the Assembler. It describes the Assembler processing model and core interfaces as well as how to implement a cartridge handler.

A cartridge handler takes a content item representing the cartridge instance configuration as input and is responsible for returning the response as a content item.

The CartridgeHandler interface defines three methods: initialize(), preprocess(), and process().

The initialize() method provides an opportunity for the cartridge handler to augment the cartridge instance configuration specified in Experience Manager with configuration from other sources. This can be used to define default behavior for a cartridge in the case where there is no Experience Manager configuration, or to override the Experience Manager configuration for the current query. The initialize() method should return a content item containing the complete configuration for the cartridge from all possible configuration sources. This augmented configuration item can either be the mutated input content item or a new instance of ContentItem, and is used as input to both the preprocess() and process() methods.

Because the preprocess() method is called on all cartridges before process() is called on any cartridges, it provides an opportunity to coordinate processing between cartridges. Many of the core cartridges make use of this mechanism in order to consoldiate queries to an MDEX Engine among several cartridges during the course of a single assembly cycle.

The process() method is responsible for returning a ContentItem that represents the cartridge response.

A cartridge handler need not define any behavior for initialize() or preprocess(). The AbstractCartridgeHandler class exists to simplify the task of implementing the CartridgeHandler interface. It provides empty implementations for initialize() and preprocess(). Subclasses of AbstractCartridgeHandler need only implement the process() method to return the response object. They can optionally override the initialize() and preprocess() methods.

The initialize() phase in the cartridge processing life cycle enables the cartridge handler to synthesize the complete configuration for the cartridge from several sources.

The configuration content item that is passed in to the assembly process is the cartridge instance configuration from Experience Manager, however, any given cartridge may also have other configuration sources.

In a typical scenario, a cartridge has some default behavior that can be specified as a property value in a Spring context file. A business user can specify a value for a specific instance of a cartridge using Experience Manager. The site visitor may also have the ability to override either the default or the cartridge instance setting from the client application. For example, in the Results List cartridge, the default value for records per page is 10. The business user can set this value to 25 in Experience Manager, and the site visitor can choose to display 50 records by selecting the appropriate option on the site.

The Assembler API includes the ConfigInitializer utility class with the method initialize(). The default implementation of initialize() layers the cartridge configuration in the following order (from lowest to highest):

The ConfigInitializer class also provides methods for additional layering of configuration. Subclasses can override ConfigInitializer to define custom layering behavior, for example, to incorporate configuration saved in the session state.

You add a cartridge handler by writing a Java class that implements the CartridgeHandler interface and configuring the Assembler to use the new handler in the Spring context file.

In this example, we update our "Hello, World" cartridge to do some simple string manipulation on the message that was specified in Experience Manager. Because this cartridge does not use any configuration other than the cartridge instance configuration from Experience Manager and does not need to do any preprocessing, we can extend AbstractCartridgeHandler.

To add a cartridge handler to the example cartridge:

  1. Create a new Java class in the package com.endeca.sample.cartridges and type or copy the following:

     package com.endeca.sample.cartridges;
     import com.endeca.infront.assembler.AbstractCartridgeHandler;
     import com.endeca.infront.assembler.CartridgeHandlerException;
     import com.endeca.infront.assembler.ContentItem;
     public class UppercaseCartridgeHandler extends AbstractCartridgeHandler
       // The cartridge handler 'process' method
       public ContentItem process(ContentItem pContentItem) throws CartridgeHandlerException
         // Get the message property off of the content item.
         final String message = (String) pContentItem.get("message");
         // If the message is non-null, uppercase it.
         if (null != message) {
            pContentItem.put("message", message.toUpperCase());
         return pContentItem;
  2. Compile the cartridge handler and add the compiled class to your application, for example, by saving it in %ENDECA_TOOLS_ROOT%\reference\discover-electronics-authoring\WEB-INF\classes.

  3. Configure the Assembler to use the UppercaseCartridgeHandler for the Hello cartridge.

  4. Restart the Tools Service.

  5. Refresh the authoring instance of the application.

The message now appears in all-uppercase letters.

You should write a cartridge handler in cases where you need to perform some processing on the cartridge instance configuration before sending the response to the client application.

It is always possible to do processing in the client application, but encapsulating the business logic in an extension to the Assembler provides several advantages:

Depending on what the cartridge handler needs to accomplish, your implementation approach may vary. Cartridge handlers must always implement the process() method to return the response model.


Implementation approach

Example cartridge

Update properties from the cartridge instance configuration in place (data cleansing or manipulation scenario)

Extend AbstractCartridgeHandler and override process() to update the property values in the input content item

"Hello, World" with UppercaseCartridgeHandler

Use information from the cartridge instance configuration to query an external resource for the information to display

Extend AbstractCartridgeHandler and override process() to query the resource and insert the results in the output content item

RSS Feed cartridge

Query an external resource, consolidating queries between cartridges within a single assembly cycle for improved performance

Take advantage of the two-pass assembly model with preprocess() and process() and implement a resource broker that can consolidate queries and manage their execution


Augment the results from a core cartridge with additional information from a non-MDEX resource

Extend the core cartridge and override process() to query the resource and add additional properties to the MDEX query results before returning the response

Custom Record Details with availability information

Customize a core cartridge to modify the MDEX Engine query parameters

Extend the core cartridge and override either initialize() or preprocess() to modify the query before it is executed

Custom Results List with recommendations

Combine multiple sources of cartridge configuration before processing results

Extend AbstractCartridgeHandler or implement the CartridgeHandler interface and override initialize(), making use of the ConfigInitializer and RequestParamMarshaller helper classes to generate the complete configuration model

"Hello, World" with layered color configuration

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