Features in a front-end application can provide one or more links to other locations within a site. The information required for constructing these links is provided on the cartridge response model as an Action object that includes the components of a destination URL.

For example, a dimension refinement in a Refinement Menu cartridge has an associated action to select the refinement and add it to the end user's navigation state. A record in a Results List cartridge has an action to view the corresponding record detail page.

The Assembler API includes an ActionPathProvider interface that returns components of an application URL. For the Discover Electronics reference application, an implementation of this interface is configured in the NavigationCartridgeHandler.

Cartridge handlers in the reference application use this implementation to create NavigationAction paths to a certain navigation state (like the modified navigation state created when a user selects a dimension refinement), or RecordAction paths to specified records (such as a record select from the results list).

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