The Select Records dialog is used in several editors in the core cartridges to enable a content administrator to specify a set of records.

The Select Records dialog is a lightweight search and Guided Navigation application that enables a content administrator to browse to a particular location in the data set (which may include search terms, dimension refinements, or a combination of both). The content administrator can then do one of two things:

An instance of a Select Records dialog is usually bound to a <List> property in a cartridge template, which contains <Item> properties that represent either dimension refinements or record IDs. The dialog communicates with the MDEX Engine to retrieve search and navigation results.

The following editors launch the Select Records dialog:

The Select Records dialog in Experience Manager communicates with the MDEX Engine through a configurable data service. By default, the service is configured to provide relevant record properties for the Discover Electronics reference application.

The service endecaBrowserService in configured in the file, <app dir>\config\import\configuration\tools\xmgr\_.json, as shown below:

    "name" : "endecaBrowserService"
    "host": "",
    "port": "15002",
    "recDisplayNameProp" : "",
    "recSpecProp": "",
    "recAggregationKey": "product.code",
    "recFilter": "",
    "recImgUrlProp" : "product.img_url_thumbnail",
    "recDisplayProps": [ "", "product.price", "product.short_desc" ],
    "textSearchKey": "All",
    "textSearchMatchMode" : "ALLPARTIAL"

It specifies the following:

You can modify these values as necessary for your own application. Running <app dir>\control\set_editors_config pushes changes to the Discover Electronics reference application.

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