You invoke the Assembler by passing in a content item object for assembly.

If a cartridge handler exists for the input content item, the Assembler invokes that handler to process it. If not, the content item is passed through as output. Upon invoking the cartridge handler, the Assembler might in turn invoke additional cartridge handlers to process child content items. The end result of the processing cycle is an output content item representing the Assembler response.

The examples in this topic are specific to a Spring implementation of the Assembler.

To invoke the Assembler in Java:

After invoking the Assembler, you may wish to serialize the response:

// Serialize the results to JSON
 JsonSerializer serializer = new JsonSerializer(response.getWriter());

The Assembler implementation included with Tools and Frameworks comes with two classes for this purpose, JsonSerializer and XmlSerializer. See the Assembler API Reference (Javadoc) for details.

A ContentInclude object specifies the URI from which to retrieve a content item.

In an authoring instance the content configuration is stored in the Endeca Configuration Repository. In a live instance, the Assembler retrieves content configuration from the live content source, specified in the configuration for the ContentIncludeHandler.

The ContentIncludeHandler retrieves the content that matches the deepest path in the URI. For example, if the request URL is, the URI passed to the Assembler is /browse/electronics/Cameras. Suppose that the sitemap for this site looks like the following:

The cartridge handler first tries to retrieve the content at the exact URI. There is no content at that location, so it attempts to find the deepest matching path, which in this case is the content configuration at /browse/electronics. The Assembler then processes the content item at that location and returns the response for rendering.

A ContentSlotConfig object specifies one or more paths to a content folder in Experience Manager. The Assembler dynamically retrieves content items from the folder based on the trigger criteria and priorities set by the content administrator. It returns a number of content items equal to the evaluation limit configured for the specified content folder.

The Endeca Configuration Repository stores all Workbench content configuration for a given application within a content node. For example, the path to a Web Spotlights content folder in the Discover Electronics reference application would be content/Web/Spotlights.

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