Templates define the content structure of a content item as well as the editing interface that content administrators can use to configure instances of content items in Experience Manager.

In general, you create one or more templates that define the high-level structure of the pages in your application. These templates define sections that can be populated with other content items, or cartridges. Cartridge templates specify the properties required to display the content for that component. This may include values that the client application uses directly to render the information, or inputs into the Assembler for processing (such as query parameters to the MDEX Engine).

While cartridges and template properties typically determine aspects of the visual appearance of the page, keep in mind that they can also represent page elements that are not visible in the application. For example, a property can contain meta keywords used for search engine optimization, or a cartridge can include embedded code that does not render in the page but enables functionality such as Web analytics beaconing.

The Discover Electronics reference application provides sample page templates for some standard page types, as well as templates that enable configuration of the core set of cartridges in Experience Manager. These cartridges cover basic functionality, and are provided as a starting point for your application. You can customize them to suit your needs.

This section concentrates on the basic template elements that enable you to create top-level page templates appropriate to your application. Details about the template configuration for core cartridges are covered in the "Feature Configuration" section. Reference information about the full range of properties and editors that can be used in templates is provided in the appendix to this guide.

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