The following sections provide an overview of the configuration models for features that enable content spotlighting in the reference implementation.

The Record Spotlight cartridge can promote either specific featured records or a set of dynamic records based on a navigation state.

The response model for this cartridge is RecordSpotlight, which includes a list of Record objects and an optional action to show all records (in the case of a dynamic record spotlight).

The Record Spotlight configuration model allows you to configure the selected records and "See All" link within a record spotlight, as well as the record fields to pass through to the cartridge response model.

The configuration model for this cartridge is RecordSpotlightConfig. It includes the following properties:

Property name



A string representing the maximum number of records that this spotlight can contain. If the content administrator designates specific records in the Experience Manager, the number of records cannot exceed the value of maxNumRecords. If the content administrator specifies a query, the Assembler returns no more than this number of records.


A RecordSpotlightSelection object that represents the records selected for spotlighting. This includes the specified filter state, sort options, and result limit.


A Boolean that determines whether to display the "See All" link. The link requires a value for seeAllLinkText in order to display.


A string representing the display text for a link that represents the navigation state of a dynamic record spotlight. If this string is not configured, no link is generated for the client application.


For aggregated records, returns all derived properties to the end user. Defaults to true.


For aggregated records, returns all snippeted properties to the end user. Defaults to true.


For aggregated records, returns all geodistance properties to the end user. Defaults to true. Geocode properties are not calculated by default by MDEX . You must specify one or more geo location filters(Nf) or geo distance sorts(Ns) for these properties to be calculated. For information about geocode properties, see the MDEX Engine Developer's Guide.


A list of record fields to pass through from the record to the Record output model of the RecordSpotlightHandler.


For aggregated records, a list of sub-record fields to pass through from each sub-record to the Record output model of the RecordSpotlightHandler.

The Media Banner cartridge displays video or images to the site user and can be configured to link to a static page, a single record, or a specified navigation state.

The response model for this cartridge is MediaBanner, which includes a MediaObject and an ActionLabel that contains a destination link.

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