If you have purchased Oracle Commerce Guided Search (without Oracle Commerce Experience Manager), you must retrieve Assembler results via the packaged services.

These services are also available for Experience Manager implementations. In an Experience Manager implementation, the services must be located in the /pages/<Default Site>/services/ directory. The packaged services include the following:

You query the services by passing a ContentInclude item to the Assembler with the relevant service URI or making an Assembler servlet request specifying the service URI. The services are configured to return results for a specific cartridge or set of cartridges.

The cartridges that are returned by the services cannot be configured on a per-instance basis in Experience Manager, but application-wide default configuration for the cartridges can be specified based on your configuration framework (such as Spring). The exception is the dynamic content that can be configured in content folders and that is returned by the Guided Search Service, which can be configured in Experience Manager.

The services are populated in the Endeca Configuration Repository (for use by the authoring instance) when you run initialize_services after deploying an application. They are promoted to the live content source when you promote the site configuration for the live instance.

The Dimension Search Service returns dimension search results for a keyword search.

The service returns a single DimensionSearchResults object in a dimensionSearchResults property, representing the list of dimensions that match the search term.

The default behavior of this cartridge is configured as part of the CartridgeHandler_DimensionSearchResults bean in the Spring context file for the Assembler. For information about the configuration options for the Dimension Search Results cartridge, refer to the Assembler API Reference (Javadoc) for the DimensionSearchResultsConfig class.

This service exists for cases where you want to retrieve dimension search results only (such as in the case of an auto-suggest dimension search feature). Dimension search results are also returned as part of the response from the Guided Search Service.

The Record Details Service returns record detail information for a given record.

The service returns a single RecordDetails object in a recordDetails property, representing the details for a single record or an aggregate record.

The default behavior of this cartridge is configured as part of the CartridgeHandler_RecordDetails bean in the Spring context file for the Assembler. For information about the configuration options for the Record Details cartridge, refer to the Assembler API Reference (Javadoc) for the RecordDetailsConfig class.

The Guided Search Service returns search and navigation results including core features such as Guided Navigation, along with dynamic content returned for content slots.

The properties returned as part of the response model, as well as their associated configuration, are listed below:

For each dynamic slot that you wish to populate as part of the response from the Guided Search Service, you must configure a ContentSlotConfig object. Each of these objects is set as a property of the default input content item for the ContentSlotHandler.

Specify the following properties for each instance of ContentSlotConfig:

Example 3. Example

In the example below, the input content item to the ContentSlotHandler is a ContentSlotListConfig object. It is instantiated as "contentSlotList," and contains a ContentSlotConfig object for each dynamic slot in the application. The contentSlotList is passed in to the ConfigInitializer that instantiates it as the input content item for the cartridge handler.

The contentSlotList for the Discover Electronics reference application is configured in the CartridgeHandler_ContentSlotList bean in the Spring context file, assembler-context.xml. For each content folder that is enabled for the Guided Search Service, a ContentSlotConfig bean appears in the contentSlotList as in the example below:

<bean id="CartridgeHandler_ContentSlotList" class="com.endeca.infront.content.ContentSlotListHandler"
    <property name="contentItemInitializer">
        <bean class="com.endeca.infront.cartridge.ConfigInitializer" scope="request">
            <property name="defaults">
                <bean class="com.endeca.infront.content.ContentSlotListConfig" scope="singleton">
                    <property name="contentSlotList">
                        <bean class="com.endeca.infront.content.ContentSlotConfig" scope="singleton">
                                <property name="contentPaths">
                                    <value>/content/Right Column Spotlights</value>
                                <property name="templateTypes">
                                <property name="templateIds">
                                <property name="ruleLimit" value="3"/>

For detailed information about the ContentSlotConfig configuration model and its included properties, see the Assembler API Reference (Javadoc).

The Assembler returns the matching content items for each configured ContentSlotConfig, so the response consists of a list of lists of content items:

Note that the Guided Search Service response is not view-friendly. You must parse it in your application logic to determine if any of the content items returned in the tree correspond to page sections you wish to populate for the end user's current location in the application.

Below is a sample JSON response from the Guided Search Service in the Discover Electronics reference application when the user selects the "Cameras" category:

"zones": {
    "@type": "ContentSlotList",
    "contentSlotList": [
            "@type": "ContentSlot",
            "templateTypes": [
            "contents": [
                    "@type": "RecordSpotlight",
                    "title": "Most Popular Cameras",
                    "name": "Spotlight Records",
                    "records": [
                        { … },
                        { … },
                        { … },
                        { … }
                    "@type": "RecordSpotlight",
                    "title": "Top Rated Products",
                    "name": "Spotlight Records",
                    "records": [
                        { … },
                        { … },
                        { … }
            "contentPaths": [
                "/content/Right Column Spotlights"
            "ruleLimit": 3,
            "templateIds": [ ]

It populates two sidebar Record Spotlight cartridges, the first with four records, and the second with three.

This topic outlines the logic required for retrieving properties from the Assembler response model for the included Guided Search Service.

The example below includes processing logic within a renderer JSP file. Oracle recommends including most of your logic for handling Assembler responses in your cartridge handlers, as this minimizes the amount of duplicate code required across multiple renderers.

Recall the serialized Assembler response for the URI http://localhost:8006/assembler-authoring/json/services/guidedsearch?Ntt=pink+camera:

    "@type": "GuidedSearchService",
    "name": "Guided Search Service",
    "navigation": {
        "@type": "GuidedNavigation"
    "breadcrumbs": {
        "@type": "Breadcrumbs",
        "removeAllAction": "/services/guidedsearch",
        "refinementCrumbs": [ ],
        "searchCrumbs": [ … ],
        "rangeFilterCrumbs": [ ]
    "resultsList": {
        "@type": "ResultsList",
        "totalNumRecs": 213,
        "sortOptions": [ … ],
        "firstRecNum": 1,
        "lastRecNum": 10,
        "pagingActionTemplate": "/services/guidedsearch?No=%7Boffset%7D&Nrpp=%7BrecordsPerPage%7D&Ntt=pink+camera",
        "recsPerPage": 10,
        "records": [ … ]
    "searchAdjustments": {
        "@type": "SearchAdjustments",
        "originalTerms": [
            "pink camera"
    "zones": {
        "@type": "ContentSlotList"
    "endeca:contentPath": "/services/guidedsearch",
    "previewModuleUrl": "http://localhost:8006/preview"

To create a sample JSP file that invokes the Assembler:

  1. Import the required packages and create the necessary objects for supporting the Assembler:

    <%@page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" %>
    <%@page import="com.endeca.infront.assembler.Assembler"%>
    <%@page import="com.endeca.infront.assembler.AssemblerFactory"%>
    <%-- additional imports removed from this example --%>
    <%@page import="org.springframework.web.context.WebApplicationContext"%>
    <%@taglib prefix="discover" tagdir="/WEB-INF/tags/discover" %>
        // Create the Web Application Context object
        WebApplicationContext webappCtx = WebApplicationContextUtils.getRequiredWebApplicationContext(application);
        // Get the AssemblerFactory from the Spring context file
        AssemblerFactory assemblerFactory = (AssemblerFactory)webappCtx.getBean("assemblerFactory");
  2. Recall that the packaged services invoke the Assembler with a ContentInclude item. Create the assembler object and the ContentInclude item, and pass it into the Assembler as the configuration model:

        // Create an Assembler object
        Assembler assembler = assemblerFactory.createAssembler();
        // Construct a content include item for the Guided Search service
        ContentItem contentItem = new ContentInclude("/services/guidedsearch");
        // Assemble the content
        ContentItem responseContentItem = assembler.assemble(contentItem);

    The Assembler returns a com.endeca.infront.assembler.ContentItem interface as the response model; this extends the Java Map interface. Assign this response to a responseContentItem object.

  3. get the resultsList object from the responseContentItem:

        ContentItem resultsListItem = (ContentItem) responseContentItem.get("resultsList");

    This retrieves the top-level resultsList object, which is itself an extension of BasicContentItem, from the Assembler response.

  4. You can now retrieve and use the individual values stored on the resultsList object, for example, the total number of records:

        String totalNumRecs = resultsListItem.get("totalNumRecs");

    This assigns a value of "213" to the totalNumRecs variable (based on the sample response presented at the start of this topic). Similarly, you could retrieve any other value from the key/value pairs that comprise resultsList, including other objects that extend the Map interface and are themselves made up of key/value pairs.

Refer to the Assembler API documentation for additional information about available Assembler interfaces, implementations, and methods. Following the pattern described in Steps 3-4, you can continue to retrieve values from the Assembler response by calling the get method on the response model object to traverse the nested values.

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