A cartridge is a functional component that a content administrator can choose to display on a page.

The basic aspects of a cartridge are the following:

The configuration model for a cartridge is defined by a cartridge template, which describes the properties that can be configured as well as the interface through which the content administrator can specify their values in Experience Manager. Cartridges typically have configuration options specific to the cartridge's function, such as the number of refinements to display (and the order in which to display them) for a Dimension Navigation cartridge; the records to promote for a Spotlight cartridge; or the sort options and records per page for a Results List cartridge.

As a best practice, the application should contain several modular renderers, each intended to handle the output model for a particular cartridge or cartridge type. The Discover Electronics application includes reference JSP pages to render each cartridge. These renderers are intended to be updated for styling or otherwise customized for your application.

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