A typical application has several types of pages that are displayed under different circumstances or contain different content.

For example, a site may have the following three basic page types:

These pages may differ in the following ways:

The Discover Electronics reference application includes servlets for results pages and record details pages.

An Experience Manager template defines the logical structure of a page and the types of content that the page can contain.

Every template defines a content item that can be processed by the Assembler. A content item describes the logic of how to promote content for display to application users. Content items have several parts: the records in a data set, the conditions that must be met for those records to display, and the templates that determine how those records are rendered in the application.

A page template defines a container content item with sections that can be populated with other content items, such as the following:

Typically, a section represents a physical area on the page, but it can also represent a functional grouping, including content that may not be visible to an end user. Each section has an associated content type that determines what kind of content items can be inserted in that section. An application may have multiple cartridges of each type, providing greater flexibility for the content administrator to configure the content for a specific page.

You can create templates for different page types within your application and define which content types are valid for each type of page. You can create templates for high-level page structures and different layouts for a single page type. Each of the content items that can be inserted into a template is itself defined by a template, and may be either another container content item or (more commonly) a leaf content item associated with a front end feature.

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