An Assembler application consists of a combination of static pages and dynamic pages that contain content related to an end user's navigation state. Your planned sitemap helps determine what pages and content folders you should create for your application.

Consider a site with the following structure:

In this case, each of the pages maps directly to a set of content. To separate most of the content out from the site structure and support dynamic triggering, the organization of an Assembler application is divided into the pages within an application, and the content that populates them:

In the example above, the promotional Christmas and Mother's Day pages no longer exist as explicit pages. Instead, the content associated with those promotions is stored as available "browse" page configurations that each trigger during a specified date range.

You can refer to the Discover Electronics reference application for a further example of how content and pages can be separated. When planning your own application, you should consider which locations in your site are best represented as pages, and which locations consist of triggered content on an existing page.

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