Business users can configure a keyword redirect in Workbench to direct end users to a specified location in an application when they enter a specified search term or terms. This lets you display a relevant promotional page or product category page instead of a typical list of search results.

A keyword redirect triggers on one or more search terms; the target of a keyword redirect is a URL to a page in your application. This target page in your application is typically a search results page.

Keyword redirects are organized into groups. One is a default group. You can enhance your redirect experience by categorizing your keyword redirects into multiple keyword redirect groups. One search result page can be a target for one redirect group, while another search result page can be a target for another redirect group. Keyword redirect groups are not associated with the pages that have the search box on them; the groups are associated with the target search results page that the search box uses.

Organize your results pages into redirect groups to meet the needs of your application. Redirect groups are especially useful if you are creating an application with multiple sites. In a multiple site application, you can create a keyword redirect group exclusively for pages in each site. If you implement keyword redirect groups for sites, then the search results page that the end user is sent to can be site-specific and might not be appropriate for other sites in the application.

For example, an application has two sites: site A and site B. Site A and site B might each have their own contact information pages. A user shopping at site A that enters "contacts" in the search bar is redirected to a contact page that is unique to site A rather than a global contact page for the whole application.

To enable multiple keyword redirect groups in an application, include a redirect group property, redirectGroup when you create page templates. If you do not add this property, a default redirect group is used. In the future, however, if you want to configure search pages to use a specific redirect group, you must add this property to the template and all content that is based on that template. At a minimum, Oracle recommends adding this property to your search results page templates and their corresponding content, but you can add this to any or all page templates as you see fit. If the property is added to a template, it must be added to any content based on the template, or business users see Updated Template warnings in Experience Manager.

The following examples show a redirectGroup property in the typeInfo and defaultConentItem sections of the template.

"typeInfo": {
     "redirectGroup": {"@propertyType": "String"}

"defaultContentItem": {
     "redirectGroup": ""

This property lets you associate redirect groups with any search results pages created from this template. You must also edit the page content JSON file to associate a redirect group with pages in the application. If you do not add any redirect groups to the content JSON file then the page is automatically associated with the default redirect group. The following section lists the steps to follow to associate a redirect group with a search results page.

Follow these instructions to associate keyword redirect groups with pages in your application.

Before you begin, verify that the template from which the pages were created has a redirect group property.

  1. Export the application to which you want to add a keyword group.

  2. In the destination directory, navigate to \config\import\redirects\ and copy the Default folder.

  3. Paste the copied folder into \config\import\redirects\

    For example, \config\import\redirects\Default-Copy.

  4. Rename the copied folder with the name of your new redirect group.

    For example, \config\import\redirects\DiscoverWest

  5. In the new redirect group folder, change the name of the _Default.json to _.json.

  6. Use a text editor to update the keyword redirects group JSON with unique information appropriate for your group. At a minimum, enter a displayName value and verify that the enableStemming value is appropriate for the keyword redirect group. You do not need to enter redirects values since business users can use the Workbench interface for that activity. See the Oracle Commerce Administrator's Guide for more information on properties in the redirect-group JSON file.

    Be sure that the displayName property that you enter is meaningful to the business users that add keyword redirects manage permissions in Workbench.

    In the following example, the redirect group has been updated with a unique display name.

        "ecr:type": "redirect-group",
        "displayName": "Discover West",
        "enableStemming": true,
        "redirects": [
            { "matchmode": "MATCHEXACT",
              "url": "/browse/west/_/N-1z141ya",
              "searchTerms": "west"
  7. Navigate to the JSON file for the relevant search results page. For example: \import\pages\DiscoverElectronics\browse\_.json.

  8. Use a text editor to update the JSON file with the appropriate keyword redirect group. The group name must match the folder name where the redirects JSON is stored.

    For example, for the DiscoverWest redirects group, the redirects group string has the following value:

    "contentItem": {
            "ruleLimit": "1",
            "@name": "Desktop Browse Page",
            "templateTypes": ["Page"],
            "@type": "PageSlot",
            "contentPaths": ["/content/Web"],
            "redirectGroup": "/redirects/DiscoverWest"

    Note that /redirects/DiscoverWest matches the folder name where the redirects JSON file is stored.

  9. Repeat the previous two steps for every page that you plan on using as a target for search results.

  10. Import the content with the new keyword group updates.

If you fail to update either the template or content for the search results page, then business users editing content in the Experience Manager might see the following warning:

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