You register new editors with your Experience Manager application by adding your custom editor to the editor registry of the application. The registry is located in the <app dir>/config/import/editors directory.

When you complete your custom editor, you must place it in the <app dir>/config/import/editors directory in a folder with the custom editor's name. For example, if you want to register a custom editor named TextAreaEditor, then you must create a folder named <app dir>/config/import/editors/TextAreaEditor. Place a JSON file the with the ecr:type of editor in this folder. If a custom editor needs any configuration, that can be specified in the JSON file, too. The folder must also contain the following files:

If the custom editor has the same name as an existing editor in your application, you can create a unique namespace for your custom editor, see Overriding an existing editor with a custom editor.

To register a custom editor:

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