The following sections provide an overview of the configuration models for features that display search results in the reference implementation.

The Results List cartridge displays search and navigation results in a list view.

The response model for this cartridge is ResultsList, which contains a list of Record objects and SortOptionLabel objects that enable the end user to select from a set of pre-defined sort orders.

The Results List configuration model allows you to configure the number and sorting of records returned by a search or navigation query. Additionally, it includes whyMatchEnabled and whyRankEnabled properties that can be used for debugging the set of records returned for a query.

The configuration model for this cartridge is ResultsListConfig. It includes the following properties:

Property name



An integer that controls the number of results to display per page. This value can be set using Nrpp URL parameter.


A String that specifies the field that stores the record's logical name.


An enumerated list of sort options on the results list available to the site visitor. Each item in this list is a SortOptionConfig with the following properties:

You can set this value via the Ns URL parameter.


A String that specifies the selected Sort.


A Boolean that specifies whether to return precomputed sorts. Defaults to false. If you do not set this to true, any calls to the getPrecomputedSorts() method return an empty list.


(Optional) The Relevance Ranking Strategy. If you specify a Relevance Ranking Strategy without setting relRankTerms, relRankKey, or relRankMatchMode, your Relevance Ranking strategy will apply to the results from the current search filter. This setting is ignored if an end user explicitly selects a sort.


(Optional) The Relevance Ranking key to use with the selected Relevance Ranking strategy. This can be a search interface, dimension, or property set in the MDEX Engine. You must set a relRankStrategy and relRankTerms if you specify a value for this property.


(Optional) Relevance Ranking terms, delimited by a + sign. These can be different from the terms in the search filter. You must set a relRankStrategy and relRankKey if you specify a value for this property.


(Optional) The match mode that determines the subset of results to apply Relevance Ranking to. You must set a relRankStrategy if you specify a value for this property.


An ordered list of CollectionFilters that enable items to be boosted to the top of the results list. This setting is ignored if an end user explicitly selects a sort.


An ordered list of CollectionFilters that enable items to be buried at the bottom of the results list. This setting is ignored if an end user explicitly selects a sort.


The number of sub-records to return for any aggregated records in the results list. This property should have one of the following values:

The default value is ONE. For best performance, Oracle recommends that you use ZERO or ONE.


An integer record offset for the result list. This property defaults to 0 and is used for paging. This value can be set using No URL parameter.


For aggregated records, returns all derived properties to the end user. Defaults to true.


For aggregated records, returns all snippeted properties to the end user. Defaults to true.


For aggregated records, returns all geodistance properties to the end user. Defaults to true. Geocode properties are not calculated by default by MDEX . You must specify one or more geo location filters(Nf) or geo distance sorts(Ns) for these properties to be calculated. For information about geocode properties, see the MDEX Engine Developer's Guide.


A list of record fields to pass through from each record to the Record output model of the ResultsListHandler.


For aggregated records, a list of sub-record fields to pass through from each sub-record to the Record output model of the ResultsListHandler.


If query debugging features are enabled, this property enables debugging information about why each record matched the search and navigation state. For additional information, see "About query debugging results in the reference application."


If query debugging features are enabled, this property enables debugging information about why each record was ranked in the given order. For additional information, see "About query debugging results in the reference application."

End user configuration is passed to the configuration model as URL parameters. This allows application end users to specify how records should be displayed and sorted in order to customize their navigation experience.

For most of the properties on the configuration model, the cartridge renderer in the reference implementation respects the values set at the cartridge handler or template level. The offset value is used to control paging display.

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