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Oracle® Server X5-4 Installation Guide

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Updated: July 2017

Configure the Preinstalled Oracle VM Server

This procedure provides instructions for configuring a preinstalled Oracle VM Server software.

These instructions describe only how to configure preinstalled Oracle VM Server on your server. Oracle VM also has other components, such as Oracle VM Manager, which must be installed and running to support the virtual machine environment.

  1. Log in to the Oracle ILOM web interface or CLI.

    See Connecting to Oracle ILOM.

  2. Power on the server using one of the following methods:
    • From the Oracle ILOM web interface:
      1. Select the System Information > Summary screen from the navigation tree.
      2. In the Actions section of the Summary screen, click the Turn On button next to Power State.
    • From the Oracle ILOM CLI, type the following command from the prompt:

      start /System

      When prompted, type y to confirm:

      Are you sure you want to start /System (y/n)? y

      Starting /System

    The server begins the boot process.

  3. From Oracle ILOM, start the host console using one of the following methods:
    • From the Oracle ILOM web interface, click Remote Control > Launch Remote Console.
    • From the Oracle ILOM CLI, type:

      start /HOST/console

      When prompted, type y to confirm:

      Are you sure you want to start /HOST/console (y/n)? y
      Serial console started.

    Note -  When the GRUB menu appears, you have five seconds to make a selection.

    After the server boots, the GRUB menu appears (the menu for your preinstalled version might look different than the example below):

        GNU GRUB  version 0.97  (612K lower / 2082932K upper memory)
       Oracle VM Server-ovs (xen-4.1.3 2.6.39-300.32.6.el5uek) 
       Oracle VM Server-ovs serial console (xen-4.1.3 2.6.39-300.32.6.el5uek)
          Use the ^ and v keys to select which entry is highlighted.
          Press enter to boot the selected OS, 'e' to edit the
          commands before booting, 'a' to modify the kernel arguments
          before booting, or 'c' for a command-line.
          The highlighted entry will be booted automatically in 5 seconds.
  4. From the GRUB menu, do one of the following:
    • If you are using Oracle ILOM Remote Console Plus (or a direct video port connection), use the up/down arrow keys to select the option that does not specify "serial console" and press Enter.
    • If you are using the Oracle ILOM CLI, use the up/down arrow keys to select the serial console option and press Enter.

    Note -  If you do not make a selection, the serial console option is selected by default, and the system directs its output to the serial port and not to the video port.

    Note -  If needed, at the GRUB menu you can type e to edit commands before booting, or type c for a command line.
  5. When prompted, enter the root password and the Oracle VM Agent password.

    For example:

    Starting OVM console server:           [ OK ]
    Starting OVM ovmwatch services:        [ OK ]
    Starting ovs-agent:                    [ OK ]
    Starting ovs-agent services:           [ OK ]
    Configuring Oracle VM...               [ OK ]
    Enter new root password:
    Confirm password:
    Enter new Oracle VM Agent password:
    Confirm password:
    Configuring network.

    Note -  The prompts for the root and the Oracle VM Agent passwords are only displayed the first time you boot the Oracle VM Server.
  6. Follow the prompts to select the onboard network interface controller (NIC) to configure and enter other required configuration information related to the network.
    This tool is used to select the NIC used by the OVM Manager.
    You can exit at any time by pressing CTRL-C.
    Here's the list of current available network interfaces.
      eth0   eth1   eth2   eth3
    Please select interface(s) to be used for OVM management.
    These interfaces will be configured for redundancy.
  7. If all of the configuration settings are correct, type Y when prompted and press Enter to save the settings.

    When all settings have been entered and saved, the system loads an Oracle VM Server Console session. For example:

    |Oracle VM Server 3.2.X Console [Alt-F2 for login console]     |
    |Local hostname         : lynxp-ovm.us.oracle.com              |
    |Manager UUID           : 0004fb0000010000a060c639d1075957     |
    |Hostname               : None                                 |
    |Server IP              : None                                 |
    |Server Pool            : None                                 |
    |Clustered              : No                                   |
    |Server Pool Virtual IP : None                                 |
    |Cluster state          : Offline                              |
    |Master Server          : No                                   |
    |Cluster type           : None                                 |
    |Cluster storage        : None                                 |
    |                                                              |
    |                                                              |
    |OVS Agent      : Running                                      |
    |VMs running    : 0                                            |
    |System memory  : 4087                                         |
    |Free memory    : 2439                                         |
    |Uptime         : 0 days, 4 hours, 33 minutes                  |

    This completes the configuration of preinstalled Oracle VM Server.

See Also

For information about using Oracle VM, including updating and registration, see Oracle VM Documentation.