If your ATG installation has been configured to support more than one Web site, the segment editor includes a Default Rule heading and an Add Override Rule button, as shown in the image below:

Any segment rules you add under the Default Rule heading apply to all the Web sites supported by your system. However, there may be situations where you want the definition of a segment to differ depending on the site. For example, a company that supports two Web sites, one selling luxury items and another selling regularly priced items, might want to define a segment called “high income” and send e-mail promotions to customers who qualify. However, the definition of “high income” would need to be different for each site -- more than $100,000 for the luxury brand and more than $50,000 for the regular brand, for example.

To achieve this result, ATG Outreach allows you to create a site override rule that overrides the default rule for one or more specific sites. The image below shows an example:

In this example, you could create a default rule that defined “high income” as “greater than $50,000” and add an override for the luxury site that changed the income criteria to $100,000. All customer profiles are stored in the same profile repository regardless of the number of registered sites your ATG instance is running. A profile whose income property was $75,000, for example, would be included in the “high income” segment for the regular brand but would not be included in that segment for the luxury brand. You could then create an e-mail campaign that applied to the luxury site only and included the “high income” segment. In this case the campaign e-mails would be sent only to customers whose income profile property was greater than $100,000. Alternatively you could create a Publish Web Content campaign that applied to all sites and displayed a promotion on each site to the “high income” segment. Customers whose income property was greater than $100,000 would see the promotion if they visited either site. Customers whose income was greater than $50,000 but less than $100,000 would see the promotion only on the site for the regular brand.

To create a segment rule that applies to one or more specific sites only, click Add Override Rule and create the new rule. You can add as many override rules as you need. However, a site can appear in only one override rule. Note that you must have at least one default rule per segment.

For more information on override rules for segments, refer to the ATG Business Control Center User's Guide. For additional information on using ATG Outreach with multiple Web sites, refer to Using ATG Outreach in a Multisite Environment in this guide.