Commerce Reference Store supports two payment options: store credits and a single credit card. (Commerce Reference Store does not support using multiple credit cards to pay for an individual order.)

If a customer is logged in and has one or more store credits, the value of the credits is automatically applied toward the price of the order. If the credits are less than the total price of the order, the customer must use a credit card to pay for the remainder of the order. If the credits are more than the total price of the order, no further payment is required, and the difference between the order price and the credits is retained for use on future orders.

A customer who is not logged in can use a credit card entered during checkout for payment. A customer who is logged in also has the option of choosing a saved credit card.

The billing page, store.war/checkout/billing.jsp, includes the store.war/checkout/gadget/billingForm.jsp gadget, which contains the form used for specifying payment options. This gadget uses the /atg/store/order/purchase/BillingFormHandler to create the form and apply the payment options the customer specifies. The BillingFormHandler is of class, which extends the atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler abstract class.

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