The ProductSpotlight-ATGCategoryRecommendations cartridge renders products returned by Oracle Recommendations on Demand for the current category on category pages.

Note: This cartridge should only be used on category pages. If you place it on a browse page, it will not render any content. See Category Pages versus Browse Pages for more details on the differences between the two page types.

Note: The ProductSpotlight-ATGCategoryRecommendations cartridge provides the rendering mechanism for the products returned by Oracle Recommendations. The Oracle Recommendations integration also includes functionality for page instrumentation and making calls to the Oracle Recommendations engine. This functionality is described in the Oracle Recommendations On Demand Integration chapter. This section assumes you are familiar with the information in that section.


The XML template for the ProductSpotlight-ATGCategoryRecommendations cartridge, located in <ATG10dir>/CommerceReferenceStore/Store/Storefront/deploy/cartridge_templates/MainContent-ProductSpotlight-ATGCategoryRecommendations.xml, sets the cartridge’s content type to MainContent and its ID to ProductSpotlight-ATGCategoryRecommendations. The XML template defines one editable property, numberOfRecords, that defines the number of recommendations to show for the current category. By default, numberOfRecords is set to 4.

Content Item and Handler

The class represents the content item that the ProductSpotlight-ATGCategoryRecommendations cartridge returns to the renderer. The CategoryRecommendationsContentItem class has two properties:

The /atg/endeca/assembler/cartridge/handler/CategoryRecommendations component, which is of class, is responsible for creating and populating the CategoryRecommendationsContentItem object. The CategoryRecommendationsHandler class is an extension of the com.endeca.infront.cartridge.NavigationCartridgeHandler class.

The CategoryRecommendations component uses the methods provided by the StoreCartridgeTools component to get the ID for the current category. The CategoryRecommendations component then stores this ID, along with the value specified in Experience Manager for the number of records to display, in the CategoryRecommendationsContentItem object. It is the renderer’s responsibility to take this information stored in the content item, make an appropriate request to the Oracle Recommendations engine, and render the results. The CategoryRecommendations component has one configurable property, storeCartridgeTools, which references the StoreCartridgeTools component that CategoryRecommendations should use. Out of the box, this property is set to /atg/endeca/assembler/cartridge/StoreCartridgeTools.

JSP Renderer

The store.war/cartridges/ProductSpotlight-ATGCategoryRecommendations/ProductSpotlight-ATGCategoryRecommendations.jsp page is the renderer for the ProductSpotlight-ATGCategoryRecommendations cartridge. This page is responsible for inserting a container <div> element with content that specifies information about the recommendations to be displayed, including the number of products to show and any products to be excluded from the list of recommendations.

The ProductSpotlight-ATGCategoryRecommendations.jsp page checks for the existence of the /atg/store/recommendations/StoreRecommendationsConfiguration component, which is part of the Store.Recommendations module. If this component is present, it indicates Oracle Recommendations is running, and the ProductSpotlight-ATGCategoryRecommendations.jsp page should render the <div> element.

Calculating the Products to Exclude

When creating the <div> element, the ProductSpotlight-ATGCategoryRecommendations.jsp page starts with the data stored in the CategoryRecommendationsContentItem object that indicates the number of products to display and the current category ID. The page must also calculate the list of products to exclude. This functionality is required to avoid showing products in the Recommended Items area that are already displayed elsewhere on the page. There are several other cartridges on a category page that can potentially show products, specifically ProductSpotlight-ATGCategoryRelatedProducts, HorizontalRecordSpotlight, and ProductList-ATGCategoryChildren.

To determine the products to exclude, the ProductSpotlight-ATGCategoryRecommendations.jsp page invokes the /atg/endeca/assembler/cartridge/CrossCartridgeItemsLookupDroplet servlet bean. This servlet bean retrieves the root content item object from the current request’s rootContentItem attribute and passes it to the /atg/endeca/assembler/cartridge/CrossCartridgeItemsLookup component’s traverse() method. The traverse() method returns a list of products that are already being displayed on the page by other cartridges. The renderer then inserts that list into the <div> element.

The CrossCartridgeItemsLookupDroplet servlet bean is a request-scoped component of class It has one property, contentItemTreeIterator, that specifies the component that should be used to traverse the content item tree to find already-displayed products. This property is set to /atg/endeca/assembler/cartridge/CrossCartridgeItemsLookup.

The CrossCartridgeItemsLookup component is of class, which is an implementation of the abstract class. The ContentItemTreeIterator abstract class implements a traverse() method that takes a content item as an input parameter and then traverses that content item, looking for descendent content items. For each content item detected, ContentItemTreeIterator calls its process() method. The ContentItemTreeIterator class is able to detect and handle circular references, terminating content item traversal and throwing an exception when a circular reference occurs.

The CrossCartridgeItemsLookup class inherits the traversing logic from the ContentItemTreeIterator abstract class and implements a process() method that checks whether a content item is of a specified type and, if so, it processes the content item accordingly. The CrossCartridgeItemsLookup class has two properties that define the content item types to look for:

If a cartridge’s type is specified in the typeToPropertyNameMap mapping, the process() method tries to retrieve the products displayed by the cartridge. Displayed products are retrieved from the property configured in the typeToPropertyNameMap mapping. It is expected that products are represented either by a product ID, a com.endeca.infront.cartridge.model.Record object or an atg.repository.RepositoryItem object. Once all the displayed products are retrieved from the content item hierarchy, their IDs are stored in a single shared displayedItems property that forms the basis of the items to exclude list.

If a cartridge’s type is specified in the contentItemsToCache list, the process() method caches the associated content item into a contentItemCache map. This caching is required for cartridges whose content items do not directly contain displayed products or product IDs. For example, the content item for the ProductList-ATGCategoryChildren cartridge contains information about the products to be displayed, such as the ID of the parent category and the number of products to display, but it does not contain any actual product data. In this case, the content item data is cached so that the ProductSpotlight-ATGCategoryRecommendations cartridge renderer can use it to calculate which product IDs are already being displayed by the ProductList-ATGCategoryChildren cartridge.

The CrossCartridgeItemsLookup component is configured as follows:

# Mapping between cartridge type and property name containing products

# List of IDs for cartridges that do not directly contain product data but instead
# contain data that allow the product IDs to be calculated. This information is
# cached so that the renderer can use it to calculate which product IDs are
# already being displayed.

Rendering the Returned Products

Part of the page instrumentation that occurs for Oracle Recommendations is the insertion in the <head> element of a call to the Oracle Recommendations JavaScript library:

<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>

After the HTML page loads, the atgsvcs.js script executes and sends the information from the container <div> about the product recommendations to be returned by the Oracle Recommendations engine (the container <div> information is sent along with Oracle Recommendations clickstream code; see the Oracle Recommendations On Demand Integration chapter for more details on clickstream code). Oracle Recommendations returns a response containing data about the products to display, and executes JavaScript renderer code that manipulates the DOM of the page to alter the HTML to display the recommendations.

Modifying the Recommended Items Label

The “Recommended Items” label that appears above the product spotlight row in the main content area, along with its translated versions, is stored in the StoreText repository in the product_spotlight_categoryRelatedProductsTitle item and may be edited in the Business Control Center.

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