This section summarizes features and limitations of using Experience Manager preview and Business Control Center preview with Commerce Reference Store.

Project Context

When you are working in a project in the Business Control Center, you must deploy your changes (typically to a staging environment) in order for Experience Manager preview to reflect them. Experience Manager does not have access to content in a project that has not been deployed.

New Categories and Products

When you create a new category in the Business Control Center, the category name appears in the preview menu bar. You can navigate to the category page for the new category, even if the change has not been deployed and the MDEX has not been updated.

When previewing in the Business Control Center, you can add new products to an existing category page and preview the existing category with the new products. However, they do not affect facet values or counts until the MDEX is updated.

To access new products in Experience Manager, you must first deploy your project changes in the Business Control Center and update the MDEX.

When you add a value to a non-hierarchical dimension (for example, Brand or Color) either on a new product or by modifying an existing product, you must deploy your changes and update the MDEX before the new dimension value will be available.

New Site

When creating a new site in the Business Control Center, you must deploy your project and perform a baseline update of the MDEX before you are able to preview the new site. In addition, to be able to view the site in Experience Manager, you must create a segment in Experience Manager with the same name as the new site.

User Segments

To be able to associate rules in Experience Manager with an ATG user segment, you must manually add a segment of the same name in Experience Manager.

When previewing from Experience Manager, the list of user segments you select (including segments representing sites) is passed to the Assembler. The behavior of Experience Manager triggering rules reflects the segment selections.

When previewing from Experience Manager, the segment selections from Experience Manager are not used to trigger ATG personalization features such as targeters. Rather, the segments associated with the current ATG user profile (either an anonymous profile or a registered user) trigger ATG personalization behavior.

When previewing from the Business Control Center, the segments associated with the ATG user profile (either an anonymous profile or a registered user) trigger both ATG personalization behavior and Experience Manager rules.

Site Context

To set the site context in Experience Manager preview, select the segment representing the site. If you do not select a site when launching preview from Experience Manager, the ATG Store site is used by default.

If you change the site segment selected in Experience Manager, preview responds by displaying the newly selected site.

Date and Time

When previewing in Experience Manager, you can select a date and time, and preview will display a view reflecting that date and time.

When previewing in the Business Control Center, you can select a date and time, and preview will display a view reflecting that date and time.

Visual Merchandising

When previewing from the Business Control Center, you can right click on the category menu to activate the Visual Merchandising context menu for the selected category asset. You can also right click on categories listed in guide navigation area (left column) of category and search results pages to activate the Visual Merchandising context menu.

When previewing from the Business Control Center, you can right click on the following product displays to activate the Visual Merchandising context menu for the selected product assets:

See the Tags for Visual Merchandising section of the Pages and Navigation chapter for information about Commerce Reference Store JSPs that are tagged for use with Visual Merchandising.

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