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Updated: Wednesday, July 27, 2022

audit_class (5)


audit_class - audit class definitions




The audit_class file provides the class definitions used for configuring the audit system. Audit events in audit_event(5) are mapped to one or more of the defined audit classes. audit_event(5) can be updated in conjunction with changes to audit_class. See auditconfig(8) and user_attr(5) for information about changing the preselection of audit classes in the audit system.

The system defined audit classes are delivered in the readonly file /etc/security/audit_class.system. The /etc/security/audit_class file is provided for administrator customisation. The administrator can add new audit class or can customise existing metaclasses.

The audit system looks for audit class definitions in the files in the following order:

  1. /etc/security/audit_class

  2. /etc/security/audit_class.system

The fields for each class entry are separated by colons. Each class entry is a bitmap and is separated from each other by a NEWLINE .

Each entry in the audit_class file has the form:


The fields are defined as follows:


class mask


class name


class description

Each class is represented as a bit in the 64 bit class mask. There are 64 different classes available. Meta-classes can also be defined. Meta-classes are supersets composed of multiple base classes, and have more than 1 bit in mask. See EXAMPLES.

Two special meta-classes are pre-defined: all and no.


Represents a conjunction of all allowed classes, and is provided as a shorthand method of specifying all classes.


Is the invalid class, and any event mapped solely to this class are not audited. Turning auditing on to the all meta-class does not cause events mapped solely to the no class to be written to the audit trail. This class is also used to map obsolete events which are no longer generated. Obsolete events are retained to process old audit trails files.

Redefining the no class to have non-zero value can have undesirable side effects

The mask positions 0xff00000000000000 are reserved for local site use.


Example 1 Using an audit_class File

The following is an example of an audit_class file:

0x0100000000000000:pf:profile command

To refresh the audit service to update the runtime mappings:

# svcadm refresh svc:/system/auditset:default





See attributes(7) for descriptions of the following attributes:

Interface Stability
See below.

The file format stability is Committed. The file content is Uncommitted.

See Also

audit_event(5), user_attr(5), audit_flags(7), attributes(7), auditconfig(8), auditrecord(8)

Managing Auditing in Oracle Solaris 11.4