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man pages section 5: File Formats

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Updated: Wednesday, July 27, 2022



fsexam - fsexam dry run result file


fsexam dry run result file is an UTF-8 encoded file that stores the dry run result which is produced by invocation of fsexamc(1) with –n option.

You can edit this file directly using any of your favorite editors as long as it supports UTF-8. After editing it, you can re-run fsexamc(1) utility with this file as its input, using –d option. fsexamc(1) will perform conversions based on the supplied file by choosing the first candidates to perform conversions. Refer to fsexamc(1) for more detail.

Note the only recommended edit operations are either deleting wrong candidate lines or adding the correct ones as the first candidates.

This file has the following format. Each items are delimitered by using one or more of white space characters including tab (0x9) and space (0x20) characters:



encoding1 string_converted_from_this_encoding encoding2 string_converted_from_this_encoding encoding3 string_converted_from_this_encoding


encoding1 string_converted_from_this_encoding encoding2 string_converted_from_this_encoding



The descriptions on the above like the following:


The first line is the conversion type; it is either "name" for name conversion or "content" for content conversion.

Any leading or trailing white space characters including tab (0x9) and space (0x20) are ignored.


The full path name of a file for conversion.

If the path itself is a valid UTF-8 byte sequence the path is treated as the actual path name and fsexamc does no further processing on it. If the path is not a valid UTF-8 sequence fsexamc converts the path to an URI and shows the URI. Refer to RFC2396 for more information on the URI.

The path is quoted with '"'. Any double-quote character in path is escaped as '\"', and any '\' in path is escaped as '\\'.

encoding1, encoding2, ...

Encoding names. fsexamc converts file name or content from this encoding to UTF-8.

The allowed encodings can be listed with "fsexamc -l" as described in fsexamc(1).


If this is file name conversion, it is a file name in UTF-8 converted from the encoding shown; if this is file content conversion, it is a single sample line of the file in UTF-8 converted from the encoding which contain at least one or more multibyte characters.

Note that some lines may contain meaningless characters that you might want to pay no attention and just delete leaving only the right one as the only or the first candidate.

If none of the encodings available yield any correct conversion, that means the real encoding of the file name or content is not in the list of the available encodings. In this case, the following sole line appears in the dry run result file:


If you do not know anything about the encoding of the file name or content, use –a option of fsexamc to detect encodings automatically. Note that auto-detected encodings may still be wrong in some circumstances.


See attributes(7) for descriptions of the following attributes:

Interface Stability

See Also
