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Updated: Wednesday, July 27, 2022

ntp.conf (5)


ntp.conf - Configuration file for the NTP Daemon.


Please see following description for synopsis


ntp.conf(5)                      File Formats                      ntp.conf(5)

       ntp.conf - Configuration file for the NTP Daemon.

       The ntp.conf file contains the directives used by the ntpd to configure

   Configuration Commands
       server address [options ...]
       peer address [options ...]
       broadcast address [options ...]
       manycastclient address [options ...]
       pool address [options ...]
       unpeer [address | associd ]
           These commands specify the time server name or address to  be  used
           and  the  mode in which to operate. The address can be either a DNS
           name or a IPv4 or IPv6 address in standard  notation.  In  general,
           multiple commands of each type can be used for different server and
           peer addresses or multicast groups.

           server For type s and r addresses (only), this command mobilizes a
                  persistent client mode association with the specified remote
                  server or local reference clock. If the preempt flag is
                  specified, a preemptible client mode association is mobi-
                  lized instead.

           peer   For type s addresses (only), this command mobilizes a per-
                  sistent symmetric-active mode association with the specified
                  remote peer.

                  For type b and m ddresses (only), this command mobilizes a
                  persistent broadcast or multicast server mode association.
                  Note that type b messages go only to the interface speci-
                  fied, but type m messages go to all interfaces.

                  For type m addresses (only), this command mobilizes a many-
                  cast client mode association for the multicast group address
                  specified. In this mode the address must match the address
                  specified on the manycastserver command of one or more des-
                  ignated manycast servers.

           pool   For type s messages (only) this command mobilizes a client
                  mode association for servers implementing the pool automatic
                  server discovery scheme described on the Association Manage-
                  ment page at file:///usr/share/doc/ntp/assoc.html. The
                  address is a DNS name in the form area.pool.ntp.org, where
                  area is a qualifier designating the server geographic area
                  such as us or europe.

           unpeer This command removes a previously configured association. An
                  address or association ID can be used to identify the asso-
                  ciation. Either an IP address or DNS name can be used. This
                  command is most useful when supplied via ntpq runtime con-
                  figuration commands :config and config-from-file.

   Command Options
       Each of the above configuration commands takes zero or more options
       from the list below:
           Send and  receive  packets  authenticated  by  the  autokey  scheme
           described     in     the    Authentication    Options    page    at
           file:///usr/share/doc/ntp/authopt.html. This option is  valid  only
           with server and peer commands and type s addresses. It is incompat-
           ible with the key option.
           When the server is reachable, send a burst of six  packets  instead
           of  the usual one. The packet spacing is normally 2 s; however, the
           spacing between the first and second packets can  be  changed  with
           the  fBcalldelay  command  to  allow additional time for a modem or
           ISDN call to complete. This option is  valid  only  with  only  the
           server  command  and  type s addressesa. It is a recommended option
           when the maxpoll option is greater than 10 (1024 s).
           When the server is unreachable,  send  a  burst  of  eight  packets
           instead  of the usual one. The packet spacing is normally 2 s; how-
           ever, the spacing between the  first  and  second  packets  can  be
           changed  with  the calldelay command to allow additional time for a
           modem or ISDN call to complete. This option is valid only with  the
           server  command  and  type  s addresses. It is a recommended option
           with this command.
       ident group
           Specify the group name for the association.
       key key
           Send and receive packets authenticated by the symmetric key  scheme
           described     in     the    Authentication    Options    page    at
           file:///usr/share/doc/ntp/authopt.html. This option is  valid  only
           with  server and peer commands and type s addresses. The key speci-
           fies the key identifier with values from  1  to  65535,  inclusive.
           This option is incompatible with the autokey option.
       minpoll minpoll
       maxpoll maxpoll
           These  options  specify  the minimum and maximum poll intervals for
           NTP messages, in seconds as a power of two. The maximum poll inter-
           val  defaults  to  10 (1024 s), but can be increased by the maxpoll
           option to an upper limit of 17 (36 h). The  minimum  poll  interval
           defaults to 6 (64 s), but can be decreased by the minpoll option to
           a lower limit of 4 (16 s). These option are  valid  only  with  the
           server and peer commands and type s addresses.
       mode option
           Pass  the  option  to  a reference clock driver, where option is an
           integer in the range from 0 to 255, inclusive. This option is valid
           only with the server command and type r addresses.
           Marks  the  server or peer to be ignored by the selection algorithm
           but visible to the monitoring program. This option is ignored  with
           the broadcast command.
           Specifies  the  association  as preemptible rather than the default
           persistent. This option is ignored with the  broadcast command  and
           is most useful with the manycastclient and pool commands.
           Mark  the  server  as preferred. All other things being equal, this
           host will be chosen for synchronization among a  set  of  correctly
           operating    hosts.    See    the    Mitigation   Rules   page   at
           file:///usr/share/doc/ntp/prefer.html for further information. This
           option is valid only with the server and peer commands.
           Mark  the  association to assume truechimer status; that is, always
           survive the selection and clustering algorithms. This option can be
           used  with any association, but is most useful for reference clocks
           with large jitter on the serial port and precision pulse-per-second
           (PPS) signals. Caution: this option defeats the algorithms designed
           to cast out falsetickers and can allow these  sources  to  set  the
           system  clock.  This  option is valid only with the server and peer
       ttl ttl
           This option specifies the time-to-live ttl for the  broadcast  com-
           mand  and the maximum ttl for the expanding ring search used by the
           manycastclient  command.  Selection  of  the  proper  value,  which
           defaults  to 127, is something of a black art and should be coordi-
           nated with the network administrator.
           Allowed in the server and pool modes, this flag causes  the  client
           to  put a random number nonce in the transmit timestamp of its out-
           going packet. Since the server  will  reply  copying  the  incoming
           transmit timestamp to the outgoing origin timestamp, this flag pro-
           vides extra security for the loopback test, at the expense  of  the
           server having no idea what time the client thinks it is.
       version version
           Specifies  the  version number to be used for outgoing NTP packets.
           Versions 1-4 are the choices, with version 4 the default.

   Auxiliary Commands
       broadcastclient [novolley]
           Enable reception of broadcast server messages to any  local  inter-
           face (type b address). Ordinarily, upon receiving a message for the
           first time, the broadcast client measures the nominal server propa-
           gation  delay  using a brief client/server exchange, after which it
           continues in listen-only mode. If the novolley keyword is  present,
           the  exchange is not used and the value specified in the broadcast-
           delay command is used or, if  the  broadcastdelay  command  is  not
           used,  the  default 4.0 ms. Note that, in order to avoid accidental
           or malicious disruption in this mode, both the  server  and  client
           should  operate using symmetric key or public key authentication as
           described    in    the    Authentication    Options     page     at
           file:///usr/share/doc/ntp/authopt.html. Note that the novolley key-
           word is incompatible with public key authentication.

       manycastserver address [...]
           Enable reception of manycast client messages (type m)to the  multi-
           cast  group address(es) (type m) specified. At least one address is
           required. Note that, in order to avoid accidental or malicious dis-
           ruption,  both the server and client should operate using symmetric
           key or public key authentication as described in the Authentication
           Options page at file:///usr/share/doc/ntp/authopt.html.

       multicastclient address [...]
           Enable  reception  of  multicast  server  messages to the multicast
           group address(es) (type m) specified. Upon receiving a message  for
           the  first  time,  the multicast client measures the nominal server
           propagation delay using a brief  client/server  exchange  with  the
           server, then enters the broadcast client mode, in which it synchro-
           nizes to succeeding multicast messages.  Note  that,  in  order  to
           avoid  accidental  or  malicious  disruption in this mode, both the
           server and client should operate using symmetric key or public  key
           authentication  as  described in the Authentication Options page at

       mdnstries number
           If we are participating in mDNS, after  we  have  synched  for  the
           first  time  we  attempt  to register with the mDNS system. If that
           registration attempt fails, we try again at  one  minute  intervals
           for  up  to  number  times.  After all, ntpd may be starting before
           mDNS. The default value for mdnstries is 5.

   Reference Clock Commands
       server 127.127.t.u [prefer] [mode int] [minpoll int] [maxpoll int]
           This command can be used to configure reference clocks  in  special
           ways. The options are interpreted as follows:

           prefer Marks the reference clock as preferred. All other things
                  being equal, this host will be chosen for synchronization
                  among a set of correctly operating hosts. See the Mitigation
                  Rules page at file:///usr/share/doc/ntp/prefer.html for fur-
                  ther information.

           mode int
                  Specifies a mode number which is interpreted in a device-
                  specific fashion. For instance, it selects a dialing proto-
                  col in the ACTS driver and a device subtype in the parse

           minpoll int

           maxpoll int
                  These options specify the minimum and maximum polling inter-
                  val for reference clock messages in seconds, interpreted as
                  dual logarithms (2 ^ x). For most directly connected refer-
                  ence clocks, both minpoll and maxpoll default to 6 (2^16 =
                  64 s). For modem reference clocks, minpoll defaults to 10
                  (2^10 = 1024 s = 17.1 m) and maxpoll defaults to 14 (2^14 =
                  16384 s = 4.25 h). The allowable range is 4 (16 s) to 17
                  (36.4 h) inclusive.

       fudge 127.127.t.u [time1 sec] [time2 sec] [stratum int] [refid string]
       [mode int] [flag1 0|1] [flag2 0|1] [flag3 0|1] [flag4 0|1] [minjitter
           This  command  can be used to configure reference clocks in special
           ways. It must immediately follow the server command  which  config-
           ures  the driver. Note that the same capability is possible at run-
           time using the ntpq program. The options are  interpreted  as  fol-

           time1 sec
                  Specifies a constant to be added to the time offset produced
                  by the driver, a fixed-point decimal number in seconds. This
                  is used as a calibration constant to adjust the nominal time
                  offset of a particular clock to agree with an external stan-
                  dard, such as a precision PPS signal. It also provides a way
                  to correct a systematic error or bias due to serial port or
                  operating system latencies, different cable lengths or
                  receiver internal delay. The specified offset is in addition
                  to the propagation delay provided by other means, such as
                  internal DIPswitches. Where a calibration for an individual
                  system and driver is available, an approximate correction is
                  noted in the driver documentation pages.

           Note: in order to facilitate calibration when more than one radio
           clock or PPS signal is supported, a special calibration feature is
           available. It takes the form of an argument to the enable command
           and operates as described in the Reference Clock Drivers page at

           time2 secs
                  Specifies a fixed-point decimal number in seconds, which is
                  interpreted in a driver-dependent way. See the descriptions
                  of specific drivers in the Reference Clock Drivers page at

           stratum int
                  Specifies the stratum number assigned to the driver, an
                  integer between 0 and 15. This number overrides the default
                  stratum number ordinarily assigned by the driver itself,
                  usually zero.

           refid string
                  Specifies an ASCII string of from one to four characters
                  which defines the reference identifier used by the driver.
                  This string overrides the default identifier ordinarily
                  assigned by the driver itself.

           mode int
                  Specifies a mode number which is interpreted in a device-
                  specific fashion. For instance, it selects a dialing proto-
                  col in the ACTS driver and a device subtype in the parse

           flag1 flag2 flag3 flag4
                  These four flags are used for customizing the clock driver.
                  The interpretation of these values, and whether they are
                  used at all, is a function of the particular clock driver.
                  However, by convention flag4 is used to enable recording
                  monitoring data to the clockstats file configured with the
                  filegen command.

           minjitter secs
                  If the source has a jitter that cannot be sensibly esti-
                  mated, because it is not statistic jitter, the source will
                  be detected as falseticker sooner or later.  This has been
                  observed e.g. with the serial data of certain GPS receivers.
                  Enforcing a minimal jitter value avoids a too low estima-
                  tion, keeping the clock in the zoo while still detecting
                  higher jitter.

                  Note: this changes the refclock samples and ends up in the
                  clock dispersion, not the clock jitter, despite being called
                  jitter. To see the modified values, check the NTP clock
                  variable "filtdisp", not "jitter".

                  The falseticker problem can also be avoided by increasing
                  tos mindist, which extends the intersection interval, but
                  that affects the root dispersion and is intended for the
                  case of multiple reference clocks with reliable jitter that
                  do not intersect otherwise.

   Authentication Commands
       automax [logsec]
           Specifies the interval between regenerations  of  the  session  key
           list  used with the Autokey protocol. Note that the size of the key
           list for each association depends on this interval and the  current
           poll interval. The default value is 12 (4096 s or about 1.1 hours).
           For poll intervals above the specified interval, a session key list
           with a single entry will be regenerated for every message sent.

       controlkey key
           Specifies  the  key  identifier to use with the ntpq utility, which
           uses the standard protocol defined in RFC-1305. The key argument is
           the key identifier for a trusted key, where the value can be in the
           range 1 to 65,535, inclusive.

       crypto [randfile file] [host name] [ident name] [pw password]
           This command requires the OpenSSL library. It activates public  key
           cryptography  and  loads the required public/private encryption and
           sign kyes and public certificate. If one or  more  files  are  left
           unspecified,  the default names are used as described below. Unless
           the complete path and name of the file are specified, the  location
           of  a file is relative to the keys directory specified in the keys-
           dir command or default /etc/inet. Following are the subcommands.

       host name
           Specifies the host name used in the host key link ntpkey_host_name,
           sign   key   link   ntpkey_sign_name   and  certificate  link  ntp-
           key_cert_name. The ntp-keygen program automatically installs  these
           links to the most recently generated files.

       ident name
           Specifies  the  group  name  used  in  the  identity  key link ntp-
           key_key_name, where key identifies the key type  described  on  the
           ntp-keygen  page.  The  ntp-keygen  program  automatically installs
           these links to the most recently generated files.

       pw password
           Specifies the password to decrypt files previously encrypted by the
           ntp-keygen program.

       randfile file
           Specifies  the location of the random seed file used by the OpenSSL
           library. The defaults are described on the ntp-keygen(8) man page.

       keys keyfile
           Specifies the complete path to the MD5 key file containing the keys
           and  key identifiers used by ntpd and ntpq when operating with sym-
           metric key cryptography. This is the same operation as the -k  com-
           mand line option.

       keysdir path
           This command specifies the default directory path for cryptographic
           keys, parameters and certificates. The default is /etc/inet/.

       requestkey key
           Specifies the key identifier to use with the ntpdc utility program,
           which  uses  a proprietary protocol specific to this implementation
           of ntpd. The key argument is a key identifier for the trusted  key,
           where  the  value  can  be in the range 1 to 65,535, inclusive. The
           ntpdc program is not delivered in Solaris but may be  used  from  a
           remote system.

       revoke [logsec]
           Specifies  the interval between re-randomization of certain crypto-
           graphic values used by the Autokey scheme, as a power of 2 in  sec-
           onds.  These  values  need  to  be  updated  frequently in order to
           deflect brute-force attacks on the  algorithms;  however,  updating
           some values is a relatively expensive operation. The default inter-
           val is 16 (65,536 s or about 18 hours). For  poll  intervals  above
           the  specified  interval, the values will be updated for every mes-
           sage sent.

       trustedkey key [...]
           Specifies the key identifiers which are trusted for the purposes of
           authenticating  peers  with  symmetric key cryptography, as well as
           keys used by the ntpq and ntpdc programs. The authentication proce-
           dures require that both the local and remote servers share the same
           key and key identifier for this purpose,  although  different  keys
           can  be  used  with different servers. The key arguments are 32-bit
           unsigned integers with values from 1 to 65,535.

   Access Control Commands
       discard [ average avg ][ minimum min ] [ monitor prob ]
           Set the parameters of  the  limited  facility  which  protects  the
           server from client abuse. The average subcommand specifies the min-
           imum average packet spacing, while the minimum subcommand specifies
           the  minimum  packet spacing. Packets that violate these minima are
           discarded and a  kiss-o'-death  packet  returned  if  enabled.  The
           default  minimum average and minimum are 5 and 2, respectively. The
           monitor subcommand specifies the probability of discard for packets
           that overflow the rate-control window.

       restrict address [mask mask] [flag][...]
           The  address  argument expressed in dotted-quad form is the address
           of a host or network. Alternatively, the address argument can be  a
           valid  host  DNS name.  The mask argument expressed in dotted-
           quad form defaults to, meaning that the address  is
           treated  as  the  address  of  an  individual host. A default entry
           (address, mask is always included  and  is  always
           the first entry in the list. Note that text string default, with no
           mask option, may be used to indicate the default entry.

           In the current implementation, flag always restricts access,  i.e.,
           an  entry with no flags indicates that free access to the server is
           to be given. The flags are not orthogonal, in that more restrictive
           flags  will  often  make less restrictive ones redundant. The flags
           can generally be classed into two categories, those which  restrict
           time  service  and  those  which restrict informational queries and
           attempts to do runtime reconfiguration of the server. One  or  more
           of the following flags may be specified:

           ignore Deny packets of all kinds, including ntpq and ntpdc queries.

           kod    If this flag is set when an access violation occurs, a kiss-
                  o'-death (KoD) packet is sent. KoD packets are rate  limited
                  to no more than one per second. If another KoD packet occurs
                  within one second after the last one, the packet is dropped

                  Deny service if the packet spacing violates the lower limits
                  specified  in  the  discard command. A history of clients is
                  kept using the monitoring capability of ntpd. Thus, monitor-
                  ing is always active as long as there is a restriction entry
                  with the limited flag.

                  Declare traps set by matching hosts to be low priority.  The
                  number  of  traps a server can maintain is limited (the cur-
                  rent limit is 3). Traps are  usually  assigned  on  a  first
                  come,  first  served basis, with later trap requestors being
                  denied service. This flag modifies the assignment  algorithm
                  by  allowing  low  priority  traps to be overridden by later
                  requests for normal priority traps.

                  Deny ntpq and ntpdc queries  which  attempt  to  modify  the
                  state of the server (i.e., runtime reconfiguration). Queries
                  which return information are permitted.

                  Deny ntpq and ntpdc queries. Time service is not affected.

           nopeer Deny packets which would result in mobilizing a new associa-
                  tion.   This  includes  broadcast, symmetric-active and
                  manycast client packets when a configured  association  does
                  not exist.

                  Deny all packets except ntpq and ntpdc queries.

           notrap Decline  to  provide  mode 6 control message trap service to
                  matching hosts. The trap service is a subsystem of the ntpdq
                  control message protocol which is intended for use by remote
                  event logging programs.

                  Deny packets unless the packet is cryptographically  authen-

                  This  is  actually a match algorithm modifier, rather than a
                  restriction flag. Its presence causes the restriction  entry
                  to  be  matched only if the source port in the packet is the
                  standard NTP UDP port (123). Both  ntpport  and  non-ntpport
                  may  be  specified.  The ntpport is considered more specific
                  and is sorted later in the list.

                  Deny packets that do not match the current NTP version.

   Monitoring Commands
       statistics name [...]
           Enables writing of statistics  records.  Currently,  six  kinds  of
           namestatistics are supported.

                  Enables  recording  of  clock driver statistics information.
                  Each update received from a clock driver appends a  line  of
                  the  following  form to the file generation set named clock-

           49213 525.624 93 226 00:08:29.606 D

           The first two fields show the date (Modified Julian Day)  and  time
           (seconds  and fraction past UTC midnight). The next field shows the
           clock address in dotted-quad notation, The final  field  shows  the
           last  timecode  received  from  the  clock in decoded ASCII format,
           where meaningful. In some clock drivers a good deal  of  additional
           information  can be gathered and displayed as well. See information
           specific to each clock for further details.

                  This option  requires  the  OpenSSL  cryptographic  software
                  library.  It  enables  recording of cryptographic public key
                  protocol information. Each message received by the  protocol
                  module appends a line of the following form to the file gen-
                  eration set named cryptostats:

           49213 525.624 message

           The first two fields show the date (Modified Julian Day)  and  time
           (seconds  and fraction past UTC midnight). The next field shows the
           peer address in  dotted-quad  notation,  The  final  message  field
           includes  the  message  type and certain ancillary information. See
           the         Authentication         Options         page          at
           file:///usr/share/doc/ntp/authopt.html for further information.

                  Enables  recording  of  loop  filter statistics information.
                  Each update of the local clock outputs a line of the follow-
                  ing form to the file generation set named loopstats:

           50935 75440.031 0.000006019 13.778190 0.000351733 0.0133806 6

           The  first  two fields show the date (Modified Julian Day) and time
           (seconds and fraction past UTC midnight). The next five fields show
           time  offset (seconds), frequency offset (parts per million - PPM),
           RMS jitter (seconds), Allan deviation (PPM)  and  clock  discipline
           time constant.

                  Enables  recording  of  peer  statistics  information.  This
                  includes statistics records of all peers of a NTP server and
                  of special signals, where present and configured. Each valid
                  update appends a line of the following form to  the  current
                  element of a file generation set named peerstats:

           48773   10847.650   9714   -0.001605376   0.000000000
           0.001424877 0.000958674

           The first two fields show the date (Modified Julian Day)  and  time
           (seconds  and fraction past UTC midnight). The next two fields show
           the peer address in dotted-quad notation and status,  respectively.
           The  status  field is encoded in hex in the format described in Ap-
           pendix B of the NTP specification RFC 1305. The final  four  fields
           show the offset, delay, dispersion and RMS jitter, all in seconds.

                  Enables  recording  of raw-timestamp statistics information.
                  This includes statistics records  of  all  peers  of  a  NTP
                  server and of special signals, where present and configured.
                  Each NTP message  received  from  a  peer  or  clock  driver
                  appends  a line of the following form to the file generation
                  set named rawstats:

           50928   2132.2543    3102453281.2584327000
           3102453281.258622800031 02453332.2540806000 3102453332.2541458000

           The  first  two fields show the date (Modified Julian Day) and time
           (seconds and fraction past UTC midnight). The next two fields  show
           the  remote  peer or clock address followed by the local address in
           dotted-quad notation, The final four  fields  show  the  originate,
           receive,  transmit and final NTP timestamps in order. The timestamp
           values are as received and before processing by  the  various  data
           smoothing and mitigation algorithms.

                  Enables  recording of ntpd statistics counters on a periodic
                  basis. Each hour a line of the following form is appended to
                  the file generation set named sysstats:

           50928 2132.2543 36000 81965 0 9546 56 71793 512 540 10 147

           The  first  two fields show the date (Modified Julian Day) and time
           (seconds and fraction past UTC midnight). The remaining ten  fields
           show  the statistics counter values accumulated since the last gen-
           erated line.

                 Time since restart 36000:
                        Time in hours since the system was last rebooted.

                 Packets received 81965:
                        Total number of packets received.

                 Packets processed 0:
                        Number of packets received  in  response  to  previous
                        packets sent

                 Current version 9546:
                        Number of packets matching the current NTP version.

                 Previous version 56:
                        Number of packets matching the previous NTP version.

                 Bad version 71793:
                        Number of packets matching neither NTP version.

                 Access denied 512:
                        Number of packets denied access for any reason.

                 Bad length or format 540:
                        Number  of packets with invalid length, format or port

                 Bad authentication 10:
                        Number of packets not verified as authentic.

                 Rate exceeded 147:
                        Number of packets discarded due to rate limitation.

       statsdir directory_path
           Indicates the full path  of  a  directory  where  statistics  files
           should  be  created (see below). This keyword allows the (otherwise
           constant) filegen filename prefix to be modified for  file  genera-
           tion  sets,  which  is  useful  for  handling statistics logs. This
           directory must be writable by the user "daemon" and all files in it
           must be writable by that user.

       filegen name [file filename] [type typename] [link | nolink] [enable |
           Configures setting of generation file  set  name.  Generation  file
           sets provide a means for handling files that are continuously grow-
           ing during the lifetime of a server. Server statistics are a  typi-
           cal  example for such files. Generation file sets provide access to
           a set of files used to store the actual data. At any time  at  most
           one  element  of the set is being written to. The type given speci-
           fies when and how data will be directed to a  new  element  of  the
           set.  This  way,  information stored in elements of a file set that
           are currently unused are available for administrational  operations
           without  the risk of disturbing the operation of ntpd. (Most impor-
           tant: they can be removed to free space for new data produced.)
           Note that this command can be sent from the ntpdc  program  running
           at a remote location.

           name   This is the type of the statistics records, as shown in the
                  statistics command.

           file filename
                  This is the file name for the statistics records. Filenames
                  of set members are built from three concatenated elements
                  prefix, filename and suffix:

           prefix This is a constant filename path. It is not subject to modi-
                  fications via the filegen option. It is defined by the
                  server, usually specified as a compile-time constant. It
                  may, however, be configurable for individual file generation
                  sets via other commands. For example, the prefix used with
                  loopstats and peerstats generation can be configured using
                  the statsdir option explained above.

                  This string is directly concatenated to the prefix mentioned
                  above (no intervening / (slash)). This can be modified using
                  the file argument to the filegen statement. No .. elements
                  are allowed in this component to prevent filenames referring
                  to parts outside the filesystem hierarchy denoted by prefix.

           suffix This part is reflects individual elements of a file set. It
                  is generated according to the type of a file set.

           type typename
                  A file generation set is characterized by its type. The fol-
                  lowing types are supported:

                 none   The file set is actually a single plain file.

                 pid    One element of file set is used per incarnation of a
                        ntpd server. This type does not perform any changes to
                        file set members during runtime, however it provides
                        an easy way of separating files belonging to different
                        ntpd server incarnations. The set member filename is
                        built by appending a . (dot) to concatenated prefix
                        and filename strings, and appending the decimal repre-
                        sentation of the process ID of the ntpd server

                 day    One file generation set element is created per day. A
                        day is defined as the period between 00:00 and 24:00
                        UTC. The file set member suffix consists of a . (dot)
                        and a day specification in the form YYYYMMdd. YYYY is
                        a 4-digit year number (e.g., 1992). MM is a two digit
                        month number. dd is a two digit day number. Thus, all
                        information written at 10 December 1992 would end up
                        in a file named prefix filename.19921210.

                 week   Any file set member contains data related to a certain
                        week of a year. The term week is defined by computing
                        day-of-year modulo 7. Elements of such a file genera-
                        tion set are distinguished by appending the following
                        suffix to the file set filename base: A dot, a 4-digit
                        year number, the letter W, and a 2-digit week number.
                        For example, information from January, 10th 1992 would
                        end up in a file with suffix .1992W1.

                 month  One generation file set element is generated per
                        month. The file name suffix consists of a dot, a
                        4-digit year number, and a 2-digit month.

                 year   One generation file element is generated per year. The
                        filename suffix consists of a dot and a 4 digit year

                 age    This type of file generation sets changes to a new
                        element of the file set every 24 hours of server oper-
                        ation. The filename suffix consists of a dot, the let-
                        ter a, and an 8-digit number. This number is taken to
                        be the number of seconds the server is running at the
                        start of the corresponding 24-hour period. Information
                        is only written to a file generation by specifying
                        enable; output is prevented by specifying disable.

           link | nolink
                  It is convenient to be able to access the current element of
                  a file generation set by a fixed name. This feature is
                  enabled by specifying link and disabled using nolink. If
                  link is specified, a hard link from the current file set
                  element to a file without suffix is created. When there is
                  already a file with this name and the number of links of
                  this file is one, it is renamed appending a dot, the letter
                  C, and the pid of the ntpd server process. When the number
                  of links is greater than one, the file is unlinked. This
                  allows the current file to be accessed by a constant name.

           enable | disable
                  Enables or disables the recording function.

       broadcastdelay seconds
           The broadcast and multicast modes require a special calibration  to
           determine  the  network delay between the local and remote servers.
           Ordinarily, this is done  automatically  by  the  initial  protocol
           exchanges  between  the client and server. In some cases, the cali-
           bration procedure may fail due to network  or  server  access  con-
           trols,  for example. This command specifies the default delay to be
           used under these circumstances. Typically (for Ethernet), a  number
           between  0.003  and  0.007 seconds is appropriate. The default when
           this command is not used is 0.004 seconds.

       calldelay delay
           This option controls the delay in seconds  between  the  first  and
           second  packets  sent  in  burst or iburst mode to allow additional
           time for a modem or ISDN call to complete.

       driftfile driftfile { tolerance ]
           This command specifies the complete path and name of the file  used
           to  record the frequency of the local clock oscillator. This is the
           same operation as the -f command linke option. If the file  exists,
           it  is  read  at  startup in order to set the initial frequency and
           then updated once per hour with the current frequency  computed  by
           the daemon. If the file name is specified, but the file itself does
           not exist, the starts with an initial frequency of zero and creates
           the file when writing it for the first time. If this command is not
           given, the daemon will always start with an  initial  frequency  of
           zero.  This  file must be in a directory writable by the user "dae-

           The file format consists of  a  single  line  containing  a  single
           floating  point number, which records the frequency offset measured
           in parts-per-million (PPM). The file is updated  by  first  writing
           the  current  drift  value  into a temporary file and then renaming
           this file to replace the old version. This implies that  ntpd  must
           have  write  permission for the directory the drift file is located
           in, and that file system links, symbolic or  otherwise,  should  be

           The parameter tolerance is the wander threshold to skip writing the
           new value. If the value of wander computed  from  recent  frequency
           changes  is  greater  than  this threshold the file will be updated
           once per hour. If below the threshold, the file will not  be  writ-

       enable | disable [ auth | bclient | calibrate | kernel | mode7 | moni-
       tor | ntp | stats | | unpeer_crypto_early | unpeer_crypto_nak_early |
       unpeer_digest_early ]

             Provides a way to enable or disable various system options. Flags
             not mentioned are unaffected. Note that all of these flags can be
             controlled remotely using the ntpq utility program.

             auth   Enables  the server to synchronize with unconfigured peers
                    only if the peer has been  correctly  authenticated  using
                    either public key or private key cryptography. The default
                    for this flag is enable.

                    Enables the server to listen for a message from  a  broad-
                    cast  or  multicast server, as in the multicastclient com-
                    mand with default address. The default for  this  flag  is


             Enables  the  calibrate feature for reference clocks. The default
             for this flag is disable.

             kernel Enables the kernel  time  discipline,  if  available.  The
                    default  for  this flag is enable if support is available,
                    otherwise disable.

             mode7  Enables processing mode 7 private request packets from the
                    ntpdc  utility program. The ntpdc program is not delivered
                    with Solaris but may still be  used  remotely  from  other
                    systems. The default is to not accept these packets.

                    Enables  the monitoring facility. See the ntpq program and
                    the mrulist command or further  information.  The  default
                    for this flag is enable.

             ntp    Enables  time  and  frequency  discipline. In effect, this
                    switch opens and closes the feedback loop, which is useful
                    for testing. The default for this flag is enable.

             stats  Enables the statistics facility. The default for this flag
                    is disable

                    Enables the early resetting of an association in case of a
                    crypto failure. This is generally a feature, but it can be
                    used in a DoS attack. If these packets being used as a DoS
                    attack  then  disable this flag. The default for this flag
                    is enabled. This flag is excluded from runtime  configura-
                    tion using ntpq.

                    Enables the early resetting of an association in case of a
                    crypto_NAK message. This is generally a  feature,  but  it
                    can  be  used in a DoS attack. If these packets being used
                    as a DoS attack then disable this flag.  The  default  for
                    this  flag  is enabled. This flag is excluded from runtime
                    configuration using ntpq.

                    Enables the early resetting of an association in case of a
                    autokey  disgest failure. This is generally a feature, but
                    it can be used in a DoS attack.  If  these  packets  being
                    used  as  a DoS attack then disable this flag. The default
                    for this flag is enabled. This flag is excluded from  run-
                    time configuration using ntpq.

       includefile includefile
           This   command  allows  additional  configuration  commands  to  be
           included from a separate file. Include files may  be  nested  to  a
           depth  of  five; upon reaching the end of any include file, command
           processing resumes in the previous configuration file. This  option
           is  useful for sites that run ntpd on multiple hosts, with (mostly)
           common options (e.g., a restriction list). The include file must be
           in a file readable by the user "daemon".

       interface [listen | ignore | drop] [all | ipv4 | ipv6 | wildcard | name
       | address[/prefixlen]]
           This command controls  which  network  addresses  ntpd  opens,  and
           whether  input  is  dropped without processing. The first parameter
           determines the action for addresses which match the second  parame-
           ter.  That  parameter specifies a class of addresses, or a specific
           interface name, or an  address.  In  the  address  case,  prefixlen
           determines  how many bits must match for this rule to apply. ignore
           prevents opening matching addresses, drop causes ntpd to  open  the
           address and drop all received packets without examination. Multiple
           interface commands can be used. The last rule which matches a  par-
           ticular  address  determines  the action for it. interface commands
           are disabled if any -I, --interface, -L, or --novirtualips command-
           line  options  are  used.  If none of those options are used and no
           interface actions are specified  in  the  configuration  file,  all
           available network addresses are opened.

       leapfile leapfile [checkhash | ignorehash]
           This  command  loads  the IERS leapseconds file and initializes the
           leapsecond values for the next leapsecond time, expiration time and
           TAI  offset.  The  file  can  be obtained directly from the IERS at
           https://hpiers.obspm.fr/iers/bul/bulc/ntp/leap-seconds.list      or
           ftp://hpiers.obspm.fr/iers/bul/bulc/ntp/leap-seconds.list.      The
           ignorehash keyword instructs ntpd to ignore the hash  signature  on
           the  file,  checkhash  (which  is the default when omitted) needs a
           hash line in the file to be valid. Files without any hash signature
           are loaded in both cases.

           The  leapfile is scanned when ntpd processes the leapfile directive
           or when ntpd detects that leapfile has changed. ntpd checks once  a
           day to see if the leapfile has changed.  (R)

       logconfig configkeyword
           This  command controls the amount and type of output written to the
           system syslog facility or the alternate logfile log file. All  con-
           figkeyword  keywords  can be prefixed with =, + and -, where = sets
           the syslogmask, + adds and - removes messages. syslog messages  can
           be  controlled  in four classes (clock, peer, sys and sync). Within
           these classes four types of messages can  be  controlled:  informa-
           tional  messages  (info),  event messages (events), statistics mes-
           sages (statistics) and status messages (status).

           Configuration keywords are  formed  by  concatenating  the  message
           class with the event class. The all prefix can be used instead of a
           message class. A message class may also be followed by the all key-
           word  to  enable/disable  all  messages  of  the respective message
           class. By default, logconfig output is set to allsync.

           Thus, a minimal log configuration could look like this:

           logconfig =syncstatus +sysevents

           This would just list the synchronizations state  of  ntpd  and  the
           major  system  events. For a simple reference server, the following
           minimum message configuration could be useful:

           logconfig =allsync +allclock

           This configuration will list all clock information and synchroniza-
           tion information. All other events and messages about peers, system
           events and so on is suppressed.

       logfile logfile

           This command specifies the location of an alternate log file to  be
           used  instead  of  the  default system syslog facility. This is the
           same operation as the -l command line option.  This  file  must  be
           writable  by  the  user  "daemon" and be in a directory writable by
           that user.

       mru [ maxdepth count | maxmem kilobytes | mindepth count | maxage sec-
       onds | initalloc count | initmem kilobytes | inalloc count | incmem

           Controls size limits of the monitoring facility Most Recently  Used
           (MRU) list of client addresses, which is also used by the rate con-
           trol facility.

           maxdepth count, maxmem kilobytes
                  Equivalent upper limits on the size  of  the  MRU  list,  in
                  terms  of  entries or kilobytes. The actual limit will be up
                  to incalloc entries or incmem kilobytes larger. As with  all
                  of the mru options offered in units of entries or kilobytes,
                  if both maxdepth and maxmem are used, the last one used con-
                  trols. The default is 1024 kilobytes.

           mindepth count
                  Lower  limit  on  the  MRU  list size. When the MRU list has
                  fewer than mindepth  entries,  existing  entries  are  never
                  removed  to  make  room  for newer ones, regardless of their
                  age. The default is 600 entries.

           maxage seconds
                  Once the MRU list has mindepth  entries  and  an  additional
                  client  address  is  to  be added to the list, if the oldest
                  entry was updated more than maxage seconds ago,  that  entry
                  is  removed  and its storage reused. If the oldest entry was
                  updated more recently, the MRU list  is  grown,  subject  to
                  maxdepth/maxmem. The default is 64 seconds.

           initalloc count, initmem kilobytes
                  Initial  memory allocation at the time the monitoring facil-
                  ity is first enabled, in terms of entries or kilobytes.  The
                  default is 4 kilobytes.

           incalloc count, incmem kilobytes
                  Size  of  additional memory allocations when growing the MRU
                  list, in entries or kilobytes. The default is 4 kilobytes.

       nonvolatile threshold
              Specify the threshold in seconds to write the frequency file,
              with default of 1e-7 (0.1 PPM). The frequency file is inspected
              each hour. If the difference between the current frequency and
              the last value written exceeds the threshold, the file is writ-
              ten and the thresholdfR becomes the new threshold value. If the
              threshold is not exceeded, it is reduced by half. This is
              intended to reduce the frequency of unnecessary file writes for
              embedded systems with nonvolatile memory.

       phone dial1 dial2 ...
           This  command  is  used  in  conjunction with the ACTS modem driver
           (type 18). The arguments consist of a maximum of 10 telephone  num-
           bers  used  to dial USNO, NIST or European time services. The Hayes
           command ATDT is normally prepended to the  number,  which  can
           contain other modem control codes as well.

       pollskewlist [poll early| delay ] ... [ default early | delay]
           Enable  skewing of our poll requests to our servers. poll is a num-
           ber between 3 and 17 inclusive, identifying a specific poll  inter-
           val. A poll interval is 2^n seconds in duration, so a poll value of
           3 corresponds to 8 seconds and a poll interval of 17 corresponds to
           131,072  seconds,  or  about a day and a half. The next two numbers
           must be between 0 and one-half of  the  poll  interval,  inclusive.
           early  specifies  how  early the poll may start, while delayow late
           the poll may be delayed. With no  arguments,  internally  specified
           default  values  are chosen. Note that earlyand delay are separated
           by the literal "|".

       reset [allpeers] [auth] [ctl] [io] [mem] [sys] [timer]
           Reset one or more groups of counters maintained by ntpd and exposed
           by ntpq and ntpdc

       rlimit [memlock Nmegabytes | stacksize N4kPages | filenum Nfiledescrip-
           This command alters certain process storage allocation limits,  and
           is  only  available  on some operating systems. Options are as fol-
               memlock Nmegabytes - Specify the number of megabytes of  memory
           that should be allocated and locked. The default is 32 megabytes. 0
           means "lock whatever memory the process wants into memory".

               stacksize N4kPages - Specifies the maximum size of the  process
           stack  on  systems  with the mlockall() function. Defaults to 50 4k

               filenum Nfiledescriptors
                   Specifies the maximum number of file  descriptors  ntp  may
           have open at the same time. Defaults to system default.

       saveconfigdir directorypath
           Specify  the  directory  in  which to write configuration snapshots
           requested with ntpq's saveconfig command. If saveconfigdir does not
           appear  in the configuration file, saveconfig requests are rejected
           by ntpd.

       setvar variable [default]
           This command adds an additional system  variable.  These  variables
           can be used to distribute additional information such as the access
           policy. If the variable of the form name = value is followed by the
           default keyword, the variable will be listed as part of the default
           system variables (ntpq  rv  command).  These  additional  variables
           serve informational purposes only. They are not related to the pro-
           tocol other that they can be listed. The known  protocol  variables
           will  always  override  any variables defined via the setvar mecha-
           nism. There are three special variables that contain the  names  of
           all variable of the same group. The sys_var_list holds the names of
           all system variables. The peer_var_list holds the names of all peer
           variables  and  the clock_var_list holds the names of the reference
           clock variables.

       tinker [ allan allan | dispersion dispersion | freq freq | huffpuff
       huffpuff | panic panic | step step | stepout stepout ]
           This  command can be used to alter several system variables in very
           exceptional circumstances. It should  occur  in  the  configuration
           file  before any other configuration options. The default values of
           these variables have been carefully optimized for a wide  range  of
           network  speeds  and  reliability  expectations.  In  general, they
           interact in intricate ways that are hard to predict and some combi-
           nations  can  result in some very nasty behavior. Very rarely is it
           necessary to change the  default  values;  but,  some  folks  can't
           resist  twisting  the  knobs  anyway  and this command is for them.
           Emphasis added: twisters are on their own and can  expect  no  help
           from the support group.

           The variables operate as follows:
           allan allan
                 The  argument  becomes the new value for the Allan intercept,
                 which is a parameter of the PLL/FLL  clock  discipline  algo-
                 rithm. The value is in  seconds with default 1500 s, which is
                 appropriate for most computer clocks.
           dispersion dispersion
                 The  argument  becomes  the  new  value  for  the  dispersion
                 increase rate, normally .000015 s/s.
           freq freq
                 The  argument becomes the initial value of the frequency off-
                 set in parts-per-million. This overrides  the  value  in  the
                 frequency  file,  if present, and avoids the initial training
                 state if it is not.
           huffpuff huffpuff
                 The argument becomes the new value for the experimental huff-
                 n'-puff  filter span, which determines the most recent inter-
                 val the algorithm will search for a minimum delay. The  lower
                 limit is 900 s (15 m), but a more reasonable value is 7200 (2
                 hours). There is no default, since the filter is not  enabled
                 unless this command is given.
           panic panic
                 The  argument  is  the panic threshold, by default 1000 s. If
                 set to zero, the panic sanity check is disabled and  a  clock
                 offset of any value will be accepted.
           step step
                 The  argument  is  the step threshold, by default 0.128 s. It
                 can be set to any positive number in seconds. If set to zero,
                 step adjustments will never occur. Note: The kernel time
                 discipline is disabled if the step threshold is set  to  zero
                 or greater than the default.
           stepout stepout
                 The argument is the stepout timeout, by default 900 s. It can
                 be set to any positive number in seconds. If set to zero, the
                 stepout pulses will not be suppressed.

       tos [ basedate basedate |  bcpollstep poll-gate | beacon beacon | ceil-
       ing ceiling | cohort {0 | 1} | floor floor | maxclock maxclock |
       maxdist maxdist | minclock minclock | minsdist mindist | minsane min-
       sane | orphan stratum | orphanwait delay ]
           This command affects the clock selection and clustering algorithms.
           It  can be used to select the quality and quantity of peers used to
           synchronize the system clock and is most useful in  manycast  mode.
           The variables operate as follows:
           basedate basedate
                 Set  NTP  and  GPS  era  anchor. basedate is either a date in
                 ISO8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD) or an  integer  giving  the  days
                 since 1900-01-01, the start of the NTP epoch. ntpd will clamp
                 the system time to an era starting with  the  start  of  this
                 this  day  (00:00:00Z),  covering  a  range of 232 seconds or
                 roughly 136 years. The lowest accepted value  is  effectively
                 1970-01-02.   The  GPS era base is the next Sunday on or fol-
                 lowing the base date, but obviously  not  before  1980-01-06.
                 GPS  time stamps are mapped into the 1024 weeks following the
                 GPS base.  The default value is derived from  the  repository
                 or  build time stamp, minus 11 days. 1970-01-02 was chosen as
                 lower   bound   so   the   local   time   is   always   after
                 1970-01-01,00:00.  Some  systems  get into trouble if this is
                 not the case.

                 Note: If the system clock is before the effective (implied or
                 specific)  basedate, the system clock will be set to the base
                 date once and immediately when ntpd starts. This  helps  sys-
                 tems  that  have  lost time completely to recover. Though not
                 noticeable under normal conditions, it can happen. Check  the
                 logs if starting ntpd causes sudden clock moves.
           bepollstep poll-gate
                 This  option will cause the client to delay applying backward
                 time steps from  a  broadcast  server  for  bcpollbstep  poll
                 intervals. NTP Broadcast networks are expected to be trusted,
                 and if the server's time gets  stepped  backwards  then  it's
                 desireable  that  the  clients  follow this change as soon as
                 possible.  However, in spite of various protections  built-in
                 to  the  broadcast  protocol, it is possible that an attacker
                 could perform a carefully-constructed replay attack and cause
                 clients  to  erroneously  step  their clocks backward. If the
                 risk of a successful broadcast replay attack is greater  than
                 the  risk  of the clients being out of sync in the event that
                 there is a backward step on the broadcast time servers,  this
                 option  may  be used to cause the clients to delay beliveving
                 backward time steps until poll-gate  consecutive  polls  have
                 been  received. The default is 0, which means the client will
                 accept these steps upon receipt. Any value from 0 to 4 can be
           beacon beacon
                 The  manycast  server  sends  packets at intervals of 64 s if
                 less than  maxclock  servers  are  available.  Otherwise,  it
                 sends  packets at the beacon interval in seconds. The default
                 is 3600 s.
           ceiling ceiling
                 Servers with stratum at or above ceiling will be discarded if
                 there  are  at  least  minclock  peers  remaining. This value
                 defaults to 15, but can be changed to any number  from  1  to
           cohort { 0 | 1 }
                 This is a binary flag which enables (0) or disables (1) many-
                 cast server replies to manycast clients with the same stratum
                 level.  This  is useful to reduce implosions where large num-
                 bers of clients with the same stratum level are present.  The
                 default is to enable these replies.
           floor floor
                 Peers  with strata below floor will be discarded if there are
                 at least minclock peers remaining. This value defaults to  1,
                 but can be changed to any number from 1 to 15.
           maxclock maxclock
                 Specify  the maximum number of servers retained by the server
                 discovery schemes. The default is 10.
           maxdist maxdist
                 The selection  algorithm  accumulates  a  number  of  packets
                 before setting the clock in order to use the best data avail-
                 able. The number is determined by  the  synchronization  dis-
                 tance  for  each  association and a limit called the distance
                 threshold. The synchronization distance starts  at  16,  then
                 drops  by  a  factor of about two as each packet is received.
                 The default distance threshold is 1.0, which usually  results
                 in  four packets. Setting maxdistance to some value between 1
                 and 16 can be used to change the number of packets  required.
                 For  instance,  setting  it  to  16 will set the clock on the
                 first packet received; however,  setting  it  to  this  value
                 essentially disables the mitigation and grooming algorithms.
           mindist mindist
                 The  selection  algorithm  normally  pads each intersection a
                 minimum of one millisecond to avoid needless  classification.
                 In  some cases, such as reference clocks with high jitter and
                 a PPS signal, it is useful to increase the padding. This com-
                 mand can be used for that purpose. As a general rule, set the
                 mindistance to the maximum expected offset plus  the  maximum
                 expected jitter, in seconds.
           minclock minclock
                 The clustering algorithm repeatedly casts out outlyer associ-
                 ations until no more than minclock associations remain.  This
                 value  defaults to 3, but can be changed to any number from 1
                 to the number of configured sources.
           minsane minsane
                 This is the minimum number of  candidates  available  to  the
                 clock  selection  algorithm  in  order to produce one or more
                 truechimers for the clustering algorithm. If fewer than  this
                 number  are available, the clock is undisciplined and allowed
                 to run free. The default is 1 for legacy  purposes.  However,
                 according  to  principles  of  Byzantine  agreement,  minsane
                 should be at least 4 in order to detect and discard a  single

           orphan stratum
                 If stratum is set at some value less than 16 a special orphan
                 mode is enterred when no outside source of synchronization is
                 available.  To  use  orphan mode a number of participants are
                 identically configured both as broadcast client and as broad-
                 cast  server.  One or more participants are configured to use
                 an outside source, either a reference clock or another Inter-
                 net server. When the source or sources fail, the system stra-
                 tum is set at stratum and a leader is elected to serve as the
                 reference  source.  When an outside source of synchronization
                 is again available, the orphan mode is disabled.
           orphanwait delay
                 Specify the delay in seconds from the time  all  sources  are
                 lost  until  orphan parent mode is enabled with default 300 s
                 (five minutes). During this period, the  local  clock  driver
                 and  the  modem driver are not selectable, unless marked with
                 the prefer keyword. This allows time for one or more  primary
                 sources  to  become  reachable  and  selectable  before using
                 backup sources,  and  avoids  transient  use  of  the  backup
                 sources at startup.

       trap host_address [port port_number] [interface interface_address]
           This  command  configures a trap receiver at the given host address
           and port number for  sending  messages  with  the  specified  local
           interface  address.  If  the port number is unspecified, a value of
           18447 is used. If the interface address is not specified, the  mes-
           sage  is sent with a source address of the local interface the mes-
           sage is sent through. Note that on a multihomed host the  interface
           used may vary from time to time with routing changes.

           The  trap  receiver  will  generally  log  event messages and other
           information from the server in a log file. While such monitor  pro-
           grams  may  also  request their own trap dynamically, configuring a
           trap receiver will ensure that no messages are lost when the server
           is started.
       ttl hop ...
           This command specifies a list of TTL values in increasing order. Up
           to 8 values can be specified. In manycast  mode  these  values  are
           used in turn in an expanding-ring search. The default is eight mul-
           tiples of 32 starting at 31.


       See attributes(7) for descriptions of the following attributes:

       |Availability   | service/network/ntp |
       |Stability      | Uncommitted         |

       The documentation available at /usr/share/doc/ntp  is  provided  as  is
       from  the  NTP  distribution  and  may  contain information that is not
       applicable to the software as provided in this partIcular distribution.

       Source code for open source software components in Oracle  Solaris  can
       be found at https://www.oracle.com/downloads/opensource/solaris-source-

       This    software    was    built    from    source     available     at
       https://github.com/oracle/solaris-userland.    The  original  community
       source         was         downloaded         from           http://ar-

       Further information about this software can be found on the open source
       community website at http://www.ntp.org/.

