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Updated: Wednesday, July 27, 2022

npm-shrinkwrap-json (5)


npm-shrinkwrap-json - A publishable lockfile Description npm-shrinkwrap.json is a file created by npm help npm shrinkwrap. It is identical to package-lock.json, with one major caveat: Unlike pack- age-lock.json, npm-shrinkwrap.json may be included when publishing a package. The recommended use-case for npm-shrinkwrap.json is applications deployed through the publishing process on the registry: for example, daemons and command-line tools intended as global installs or devDepen- dencies. It's strongly discouraged for library authors to publish this file, since that would prevent end users from having control over tran- sitive dependency updates. If both package-lock.json and npm-shrinkwrap.json are present in a package root, npm-shrinkwrap.json will be preferred over the pack- age-lock.json file. For full details and description of the npm-shrinkwrap.json file for- mat, refer to the manual page for npm help package-lock.json. See also o npm help shrinkwrap o npm help package-lock.json o npm help package.json o npm help install


Please see following description for synopsis


NPM-SHRINKWRAP.JSON(5)                                  NPM-SHRINKWRAP.JSON(5)

       npm-shrinkwrap.json - A publishable lockfile

       npm-shrinkwrap.json is a file created by npm help npm shrinkwrap. It is
       identical to package-lock.json, with one  major  caveat:  Unlike  pack-
       age-lock.json,  npm-shrinkwrap.json  may  be included when publishing a

       The  recommended  use-case  for  npm-shrinkwrap.json  is   applications
       deployed  through  the publishing process on the registry: for example,
       daemons and command-line tools intended as global installs or devDepen-
       dencies.  It's strongly discouraged for library authors to publish this
       file, since that would prevent end users from having control over tran-
       sitive dependency updates.

       If  both  package-lock.json  and  npm-shrinkwrap.json  are present in a
       package root, npm-shrinkwrap.json will  be  preferred  over  the  pack-
       age-lock.json file.

       For  full  details and description of the npm-shrinkwrap.json file for-
       mat, refer to the manual page for npm help package-lock.json.

   See also
       o npm help shrinkwrap

       o npm help package-lock.json

       o npm help package.json

       o npm help install

       See attributes(7) for descriptions of the following attributes:

       |Availability   | runtime/nodejs/nodejs-18 |
       |Stability      | Pass-thru volatile       |

       Source code for open source software components in Oracle  Solaris  can
       be found at https://www.oracle.com/downloads/opensource/solaris-source-

       This    software    was    built    from    source     available     at
       https://github.com/oracle/solaris-userland.    The  original  community
       source   was   downloaded   from     https://github.com/nodejs/node/ar-

       Further information about this software can be found on the open source
       community website at https://github.com/nodejs/node.

                                  April 2022            NPM-SHRINKWRAP.JSON(5)