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Updated: Wednesday, July 27, 2022

hgrc-58 (5)


hgrc-58 - configuration files for Mercurial


Please see following description for synopsis


HGRC(5)                        Mercurial Manual                        HGRC(5)

       hgrc - configuration files for Mercurial

       The  Mercurial  system  uses  a  set  of configuration files to control
       aspects of its behavior.

       If you're having problems with your configuration,  hg  config  --debug
       can  help  you understand what is introducing a setting into your envi-

       See hg help config.syntax and  hg  help  config.files  for  information
       about how and where to override things.

       The  configuration  files use a simple ini-file format. A configuration
       file consists of sections, led by a [section] header  and  followed  by
       name = value entries:

       username = Firstname Lastname <firstname.lastname@example.net>
       verbose = True

       The  above  entries  will be referred to as ui.username and ui.verbose,
       respectively. See hg help config.syntax.

       Mercurial reads configuration data from several files, if  they  exist.
       These  files  do  not  exist by default and you will have to create the
       appropriate configuration files yourself:

       Local configuration is  put  into  the  per-repository  <repo>/.hg/hgrc

       Global configuration like the username setting is typically put into:

       o $HOME/.hgrc (on Unix, Plan9)

       The  names  of  these  files depend on the system on which Mercurial is
       installed. *.rc files from a single directory are read in  alphabetical
       order,  later  ones  overriding  earlier ones. Where multiple paths are
       given below, settings from earlier paths override later ones.

       The following files are consulted:

       o <repo>/.hg/hgrc-not-shared (per-repository)

       o <repo>/.hg/hgrc (per-repository)

       o $HOME/.hgrc (per-user)

       o ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/hg/hgrc (per-user)

       o <install-root>/etc/mercurial/hgrc (per-installation)

       o <install-root>/etc/mercurial/hgrc.d/*.rc (per-installation)

       o /etc/mercurial/hgrc (per-system)

       o /etc/mercurial/hgrc.d/*.rc (per-system)

       o <internal>/*.rc (defaults)

       Per-repository configuration options only apply in a particular reposi-
       tory. This file is not version-controlled, and will not get transferred
       during a "clone" operation. Options in this file  override  options  in
       all other configuration files.

       On  Unix,  most  of this file will be ignored if it doesn't belong to a
       trusted user or to a trusted group. See hg help config.trusted for more

       Per-user  configuration  file(s)  are  for  the user running Mercurial.
       Options in these files apply to all Mercurial commands executed by this
       user  in  any directory. Options in these files override per-system and
       per-installation options.

       Per-installation configuration files are searched for in the  directory
       where Mercurial is installed. <install-root> is the parent directory of
       the hg executable (or symlink) being run.

       For example, if installed in /shared/tools/bin/hg, Mercurial will  look
       in  /shared/tools/etc/mercurial/hgrc.  Options  in these files apply to
       all Mercurial commands executed by any user in any directory.

       Per-installation configuration files are for the system on which Mercu-
       rial is running. Options in these files apply to all Mercurial commands
       executed by any user in any directory.  Mercurial checks each of  these
       locations  in the specified order until one or more configuration files
       are detected.

       Per-system configuration files are for the system on which Mercurial is
       running.  Options  in  these files apply to all Mercurial commands exe-
       cuted by any user in any directory. Options  in  these  files  override
       per-installation options.

       Mercurial comes with some default configuration. The default configura-
       tion files are installed with Mercurial  and  will  be  overwritten  on
       upgrades.  Default  configuration files should never be edited by users
       or administrators but can be overridden in other  configuration  files.
       So  far  the directory only contains merge tool configuration but pack-
       agers can also put other default configuration there.

       On versions 5.7 and later,  if  share-safe  functionality  is  enabled,
       shares    will    read    config    file    of    share   source   too.
       <share-source/.hg/hgrc> is read before reading <repo/.hg/hgrc>.

       For configs which  should  not  be  shared,  <repo/.hg/hgrc-not-shared>
       should be used.

       A  configuration  file  consists of sections, led by a [section] header
       and followed by name = value entries  (sometimes  called  configuration


       Each  line  contains  one entry. If the lines that follow are indented,
       they are treated as continuations of that entry. Leading whitespace  is
       removed from values. Empty lines are skipped. Lines beginning with # or
       ; are ignored and may be used to provide comments.

       Configuration keys can be set multiple times, in which  case  Mercurial
       will use the value that was configured last. As an example:


       This would set the configuration key named eggs to small.

       It  is  also possible to define a section multiple times. A section can
       be redefined on the same and/or on different configuration  files.  For




       This  would  set the eggs, ham, and bread configuration keys of the foo
       section to medium, prosciutto, and toasted, respectively.  As  you  can
       see  there  only  thing that matters is the last value that was set for
       each of the configuration keys.

       If a configuration key is set multiple times in different configuration
       files  the  final value will depend on the order in which the different
       configuration files are read, with settings from earlier paths overrid-
       ing later ones as described on the Files section above.

       A  line  of  the  form %include file will include file into the current
       configuration file.  The  inclusion  is  recursive,  which  means  that
       included  files  can include other files. Filenames are relative to the
       configuration file in which the %include directive is found.   Environ-
       ment variables and ~user constructs are expanded in file. This lets you
       do something like:

       %include ~/.hgrc.d/$HOST.rc

       to include a different configuration file on each computer you use.

       A line with %unset name will remove name from the current  section,  if
       it has been set previously.

       The values are either free-form text strings, lists of text strings, or
       Boolean values. Boolean values can be set to true  using  any  of  "1",
       "yes",  "true", or "on" and to false using "0", "no", "false", or "off"
       (all case insensitive).

       List values are separated by whitespace or comma,  except  when  values
       are placed in double quotation marks:

       allow_read = "John Doe, PhD", brian, betty

       Quotation marks can be escaped by prefixing them with a backslash. Only
       quotation marks at the beginning of a word is counted  as  a  quotation
       (e.g., foo"bar baz is the list of foo"bar and baz).

       This section describes the different sections that may appear in a Mer-
       curial configuration file, the purpose of each  section,  its  possible
       keys, and their possible values.

       Defines command aliases.

       Aliases  allow  you  to define your own commands in terms of other com-
       mands (or aliases), optionally including  arguments.  Positional  argu-
       ments  in the form of $1, $2, etc. in the alias definition are expanded
       by Mercurial before execution. Positional arguments not already used by
       $N in the definition are put at the end of the command to be executed.

       Alias definitions consist of lines of the form:

       <alias> = <command> [<argument>]...

       For example, this definition:

       latest = log --limit 5

       creates  a  new  command  latest  that  shows only the five most recent
       changesets. You can define subsequent aliases using earlier ones:

       stable5 = latest -b stable

       Note   It is possible to create aliases with the same names as existing
              commands,  which  will  then  override the original definitions.
              This is almost always a bad idea!

       An alias can start with an exclamation point (!) to  make  it  a  shell
       alias.  A  shell  alias is executed with the shell and will let you run
       arbitrary commands. As an example,

       echo = !echo $@

       will let you do hg echo foo to have foo printed  in  your  terminal.  A
       better example might be:

       purge = !$HG status --no-status --unknown -0 re: | xargs -0 rm -f

       which  will make hg purge delete all unknown files in the repository in
       the same manner as the purge extension.

       Positional arguments like $1, $2, etc. in the alias  definition  expand
       to  the  command arguments. Unmatched arguments are removed. $0 expands
       to the alias name and $@ expands to all arguments separated by a space.
       "$@"  (with  quotes)  expands  to all arguments quoted individually and
       separated by a space. These expansions happen  before  the  command  is
       passed to the shell.

       Shell  aliases  are executed in an environment where $HG expands to the
       path of the Mercurial that was used to execute the alias. This is  use-
       ful  when you want to call further Mercurial commands in a shell alias,
       as was done above for the purge alias. In addition, $HG_ARGS expands to
       the  arguments  given  to  Mercurial.  In  the  hg echo foo call above,
       $HG_ARGS would expand to echo foo.

       Note   Some global configuration  options  such  as  -R  are  processed
              before shell aliases and will thus not be passed to aliases.

       Settings used when displaying file annotations. All values are Booleans
       and default to False. See hg help config.diff for related  options  for
       the diff command.


              Ignore white space when comparing lines.


              Ignore white space at the end of a line when comparing lines.


              Ignore changes in the amount of white space.


              Ignore changes whose lines are all blank.

       Authentication  credentials and other authentication-like configuration
       for HTTP connections. This section allows you to  store  usernames  and
       passwords  for  use  when  logging  into HTTP servers. See hg help con-
       fig.web if you want to configure who can login to your HTTP server.

       The following options apply to all hosts.


              Path to a file containing HTTP cookie lines. Cookies matching  a
              host will be sent automatically.

              The  file  format  uses  the  Mozilla  cookies.txt format, which
              defines cookies on their own lines. Each line contains 7  fields
              delimited  by the tab character (domain, is_domain_cookie, path,
              is_secure, expires, name, value). For more info, do an  Internet
              search for "Netscape cookies.txt format."

              Note:  the  cookies  parser  does  not  handle  port  numbers on
              domains. You will need to remove ports from the domain  for  the
              cookie  to  be  recognized.  This could result in a cookie being
              disclosed to an unwanted server.

              The cookies file is read-only.

       Other options in this section are grouped by name and have the  follow-
       ing format:

       <name>.<argument> = <value>

       where  <name>  is  used to group arguments into authentication entries.

       foo.prefix = hg.intevation.de/mercurial
       foo.username = foo
       foo.password = bar
       foo.schemes = http https

       bar.prefix = secure.example.org
       bar.key = path/to/file.key
       bar.cert = path/to/file.cert
       bar.schemes = https

       Supported arguments:


              Either * or a URI prefix with or without the scheme  part.   The
              authentication  entry  with  the longest matching prefix is used
              (where * matches everything and counts as a match of length  1).
              If  the  prefix doesn't include a scheme, the match is performed
              against the URI with  its  scheme  stripped  as  well,  and  the
              schemes argument, q.v., is then subsequently consulted.


              Optional.  Username  to authenticate with. If not given, and the
              remote site requires basic or digest  authentication,  the  user
              will  be  prompted for it. Environment variables are expanded in
              the username letting you do foo.username =  $USER.  If  the  URI
              includes  a  username, only [auth] entries with a matching user-
              name or without a username will be considered.


              Optional. Password to authenticate with. If not given,  and  the
              remote  site  requires  basic or digest authentication, the user
              will be prompted for it.


              Optional. PEM encoded client certificate key  file.  Environment
              variables are expanded in the filename.


              Optional. PEM encoded client certificate chain file. Environment
              variables are expanded in the filename.


              Optional. Space separated  list  of  URI  schemes  to  use  this
              authentication  entry  with.  Only  used  if  the prefix doesn't
              include a scheme. Supported schemes are  http  and  https.  They
              will  match  static-http and static-https respectively, as well.
              (default: https)

       If no suitable authentication entry is found, the user is prompted  for
       credentials as usual if required by the remote.

       Controls command server settings. (ADVANCED)


              List  of encodings for the m (message) channel. The first encod-
              ing supported by the server will be selected and  advertised  in
              the hello message. This is useful only when ui.message-output is
              set to channel. Supported encodings are cbor.


              If set to false, the server's main loop  will  continue  running
              after  SIGINT  received. runcommand requests can still be inter-
              rupted by SIGINT. Close the write end of the pipe to  shut  down
              the server process gracefully.  (default: True)

       Configure  the  Mercurial  color  mode. For details about how to define
       your custom effect and style see hg help color.


              String: control the method used to output color.  One  of  auto,
              ansi, win32, terminfo or debug. In auto mode, Mercurial will use
              ANSI mode by default (or win32 mode prior to Windows 10)  if  it
              detects a terminal. Any invalid value will disable color.


              String: optional override of color.mode used with pager.

              On  some  systems,  terminfo  mode may cause problems when using
              color with less -R as a pager program. less with the  -R  option
              will  only  display  ECMA-48  color codes, and terminfo mode may
              sometimes emit codes that less doesn't understand. You can  work
              around  this  by  either  using  ansi mode (or auto mode), or by
              using less -r (which will  pass  through  all  terminal  control
              codes, not just color control codes).

              On some systems (such as MSYS in Windows), the terminal may sup-
              port a different color mode than the pager program.


              Show status of files in the working directory  after  successful
              commit.  (default: False)


              Require  that  the  revision to merge the current commit with be
              specified on the command line. If this is enabled and a revision
              is not specified, the command aborts.  (default: False)


              Require  revisions to push be specified using one or more mecha-
              nisms such as specifying them positionally on the command  line,
              using   -r,  -b,  and/or  -B  on  the  command  line,  or  using
              paths.<path>:pushrev in the configuration. If  this  is  enabled
              and  revisions are not specified, the command aborts.  (default:


              Confirm before performing  action  if  no  filename  is  passed.
              (default: False)


              Require  uses  of  hg  resolve to specify which action it should
              perform, instead of  re-merging  files  by  default.   (default:


              Determines what level of checking hg resolve --mark will perform
              before marking  files  as  resolved.  Valid  values  are  none`,
              ``warn,  and  abort.  warn  will  output  a  warning listing the
              file(s) that still have conflict markers in them, but will still
              mark  everything  resolved.   abort will output the same warning
              but will not mark things as resolved.  If --all  is  passed  and
              this  is  set  to  abort, only a warning will be shown (an error
              will not be raised).  (default: none)


              Make paths in hg status output relative to  the  current  direc-
              tory.  (default: False)


              Default  value for the --terse flag, which condenses status out-
              put.  (default: empty)


              Determines what level of checking hg update will perform  before
              moving  to a destination revision. Valid values are abort, none,
              linear, and noconflict. abort always fails if the working direc-
              tory has uncommitted changes. none performs no checking, and may
              result in a merge with uncommitted changes.  linear  allows  any
              update  as  long  as  it follows a straight line in the revision
              history, and may  trigger  a  merge  with  uncommitted  changes.
              noconflict will allow any update which would not trigger a merge
              with uncommitted changes, if any are present.  (default: linear)


              Require that the user pass a destination when running hg update.
              For  example,  hg  update  .::  will  be allowed, but a plain hg
              update will be disallowed.  (default: False)


              String: configuration in this section is used as the template to
              customize the text shown in the editor when committing.

       In  addition  to pre-defined template keywords, commit log specific one
       below can be used for customization:


              String: Extra message (typically 'Leave message empty  to  abort
              commit.'). This may be changed by some commands or extensions.

       For example, the template configuration below shows as same text as one
       shown by default:

       changeset = {desc}\n\n
           HG: Enter commit message.  Lines beginning with 'HG:' are removed.
           HG: {extramsg}
           HG: --
           HG: user: {author}\n{ifeq(p2rev, "-1", "",
          "HG: branch merge\n")
          }HG: branch '{branch}'\n{if(activebookmark,
          "HG: bookmark '{activebookmark}'\n")   }{subrepos %
          "HG: subrepo {subrepo}\n"              }{file_adds %
          "HG: added {file}\n"                   }{file_mods %
          "HG: changed {file}\n"                 }{file_dels %
          "HG: removed {file}\n"                 }{if(files, "",
          "HG: no files changed\n")}


              String: show the diff (see hg help templates for detail)

       Sometimes it is helpful to show the diff of the changeset in the editor
       without having to prefix 'HG: ' to each line so that highlighting works
       correctly. For this, Mercurial provides a  special  string  which  will
       ignore everything below it:

       HG: ------------------------ >8 ------------------------

       For  example, the template configuration below will show the diff below
       the extra message:

       changeset = {desc}\n\n
           HG: Enter commit message.  Lines beginning with 'HG:' are removed.
           HG: {extramsg}
           HG: ------------------------ >8 ------------------------
           HG: Do not touch the line above.
           HG: Everything below will be removed.

       Note   For some  problematic  encodings  (see  hg  help  win32mbcs  for
              detail),  this  customization should be configured carefully, to
              avoid showing broken characters.

              For example, if a  multibyte  character  ending  with  backslash
              (0x5c)  is followed by the ASCII character 'n' in the customized
              template, the sequence  of  backslash  and  'n'  is  treated  as
              line-feed  unexpectedly  (and the multibyte character is broken,

       Customized  template  is  used  for  commands  below  (--edit  may   be

       o hg backout

       o hg commit

       o hg fetch (for merge commit only)

       o hg graft

       o hg histedit

       o hg import

       o hg qfold, hg qnew and hg qrefresh

       o hg rebase

       o hg shelve

       o hg sign

       o hg tag

       o hg transplant

       Configuring  items below instead of changeset allows showing customized
       message only for specific actions, or showing  different  messages  for
       each action.

       o changeset.backout for hg backout

       o changeset.commit.amend.merge for hg commit --amend on merges

       o changeset.commit.amend.normal for hg commit --amend on other

       o changeset.commit.normal.merge for hg commit on merges

       o changeset.commit.normal.normal for hg commit on other

       o changeset.fetch for hg fetch (impling merge commit)

       o changeset.gpg.sign for hg sign

       o changeset.graft for hg graft

       o changeset.histedit.edit for edit of hg histedit

       o changeset.histedit.fold for fold of hg histedit

       o changeset.histedit.mess for mess of hg histedit

       o changeset.histedit.pick for pick of hg histedit

       o changeset.import.bypass for hg import --bypass

       o changeset.import.normal.merge for hg import on merges

       o changeset.import.normal.normal for hg import on other

       o changeset.mq.qnew for hg qnew

       o changeset.mq.qfold for hg qfold

       o changeset.mq.qrefresh for hg qrefresh

       o changeset.rebase.collapse for hg rebase --collapse

       o changeset.rebase.merge for hg rebase on merges

       o changeset.rebase.normal for hg rebase on other

       o changeset.shelve.shelve for hg shelve

       o changeset.tag.add for hg tag without --remove

       o changeset.tag.remove for hg tag --remove

       o changeset.transplant.merge for hg transplant on merges

       o changeset.transplant.normal for hg transplant on other

       These  dot-separated  lists  of names are treated as hierarchical ones.
       For example, changeset.tag.remove customizes the  commit  message  only
       for  hg  tag  --remove, but changeset.tag customizes the commit message
       for hg tag regardless of --remove option.

       When the external editor is invoked for  a  commit,  the  corresponding
       dot-separated  list  of  names without the changeset. prefix (e.g. com-
       mit.normal.normal) is in the HGEDITFORM environment variable.

       In this section, items other than changeset can be referred  from  oth-
       ers.  For  example,  the configuration to list committed files up below
       can be referred as {listupfiles}:

       listupfiles = {file_adds %
          "HG: added {file}\n"     }{file_mods %
          "HG: changed {file}\n"   }{file_dels %
          "HG: removed {file}\n"   }{if(files, "",
          "HG: no files changed\n")}

       Filters for transforming files on checkout/checkin.  This  would  typi-
       cally  be  used for newline processing or other localization/canonical-
       ization of files.

       Filters consist of a filter pattern followed by a filter command.  Fil-
       ter  patterns are globs by default, rooted at the repository root.  For
       example, to match any file ending in .txt in the root  directory  only,
       use  the  pattern *.txt. To match any file ending in .c anywhere in the
       repository, use the pattern **.c.  For each file only the first  match-
       ing filter applies.

       The  filter  command  can start with a specifier, either pipe: or temp-
       file:. If no specifier is given, pipe: is used by default.

       A pipe: command must accept data on stdin and  return  the  transformed
       data on stdout.

       Pipe example:

       # uncompress gzip files on checkin to improve delta compression
       # note: not necessarily a good idea, just an example
       *.gz = pipe: gunzip

       # recompress gzip files when writing them to the working dir (we
       # can safely omit "pipe:", because it's the default)
       *.gz = gzip

       A  tempfile:  command is a template. The string INFILE is replaced with
       the name of a temporary file that contains the data to be  filtered  by
       the  command.  The string OUTFILE is replaced with the name of an empty
       temporary file, where the filtered data must be written by the command.

       This filter mechanism is used internally by the eol extension to trans-
       late  line  ending characters between Windows (CRLF) and Unix (LF) for-
       mat. We suggest you use the eol extension for convenience.

       (defaults are deprecated. Don't use them. Use aliases instead.)

       Use the [defaults] section to define command defaults, i.e. the default
       options/arguments to pass to the specified commands.

       The  following  example makes hg log run in verbose mode, and hg status
       show only the modified files, by default:

       log = -v
       status = -m

       The actual commands, instead of their aliases, must be used when defin-
       ing  command defaults. The command defaults will also be applied to the
       aliases of the commands defined.

       Settings used when displaying diffs. Everything except for unified is a
       Boolean  and defaults to False. See hg help config.annotate for related
       options for the annotate command.


              Use git extended diff format.


              Omit git binary patches.


              Don't include dates in diff headers.


              Omit 'a/' and 'b/' prefixes from  filenames.  Ignored  in  plain


              Show which function each change is in.


              Ignore white space when comparing lines.


              Ignore changes in the amount of white space.


              Ignore changes whose lines are all blank.


              Number of lines of context to show.


              Highlight changed words.

       Settings for extensions that send email messages.


              Optional.  Email  address to use in "From" header and SMTP enve-
              lope of outgoing messages.


              Optional. Comma-separated list of recipients' email addresses.


              Optional. Comma-separated list of carbon copy recipients'  email


              Optional.  Comma-separated list of blind carbon copy recipients'
              email addresses.


              Optional. Method to use to send email messages. If value is smtp
              (default),  use SMTP (see the [smtp] section for configuration).
              Otherwise, use as name of program to run that acts like sendmail
              (takes -f option for sender, list of recipients on command line,
              message  on  stdin).  Normally,  setting  this  to  sendmail  or
              /usr/sbin/sendmail is enough to use sendmail to send messages.


              Optional. Comma-separated list of character sets considered con-
              venient for recipients. Addresses, headers, and parts  not  con-
              taining  patches  of  outgoing  messages  will be encoded in the
              first character set to  which  conversion  from  local  encoding
              ($HGENCODING,  ui.fallbackencoding) succeeds. If correct conver-
              sion fails, the text in question is sent as is.  (default: '')

              Order of outgoing email character sets:

              1. us-ascii: always first, regardless of settings

              2. email.charsets: in order given by user

              3. ui.fallbackencoding: if not in email.charsets

              4. $HGENCODING: if not in email.charsets

              5. utf-8: always last, regardless of settings

       Email example:

       from = Joseph User <joe.user@example.com>
       method = /usr/sbin/sendmail
       # charsets for western Europeans
       # us-ascii, utf-8 omitted, as they are tried first and last
       charsets = iso-8859-1, iso-8859-15, windows-1252

       Mercurial has an extension mechanism for adding new features. To enable
       an extension, create an entry for it in this section.

       If  you know that the extension is already in Python's search path, you
       can give the name of the module, followed by =, with nothing after  the

       Otherwise,  give a name that you choose, followed by =, followed by the
       path to the .py file (including the file name extension)  that  defines
       the extension.

       To  explicitly  disable  an  extension  that  is  enabled in an hgrc of
       broader scope, prepend its path with !, as in foo = !/ext/path or foo =
       ! when path is not supplied.

       Example for ~/.hgrc:

       # (the churn extension will get loaded from Mercurial's path)
       churn =
       # (this extension will get loaded from the file specified)
       myfeature = ~/.hgext/myfeature.py

       Configuration that controls the repository format. Newer format options
       are more powerful, but incompatible with some older versions of  Mercu-
       rial.  Format options are considered at repository initialization only.
       You need to make a new clone  for  config  changes  to  be  taken  into

       For more details about repository format and version compatibility, see


              Enable or disable the  "generaldelta"  repository  format  which
              improves  repository  compression  by allowing "revlog" to store
              deltas against arbitrary revisions  instead  of  the  previously
              stored  one. This provides significant improvement for reposito-
              ries with branches.

              Repositories with this on-disk format require Mercurial  version

              Enabled by default.


              Enable  or  disable  the  "dotencode"  repository  format  which
              enhances the  "fncache"  repository  format  (which  has  to  be
              enabled  to use dotencode) to avoid issues with filenames start-
              ing with "._" on Mac OS X and spaces on Windows.

              Repositories with this on-disk format require Mercurial  version

              Enabled by default.


              Enable or disable the "fncache" repository format which enhances
              the "store" repository format (which has to be  enabled  to  use
              fncache)  to  allow  longer  filenames  and avoids using Windows
              reserved names, e.g. "nul".

              Repositories with this on-disk format require Mercurial  version

              Enabled by default.


              Enable   or   disable  the  "persistent-nodemap"  feature  which
              improves performance if the rust extensions are available.

              The "persistence-nodemap" persist the  "node  ->  rev"  on  disk
              removing  the  need  to  dynamically build that mapping for each
              Mercurial invocation. This significantly reduce the startup cost
              of  various  local  and server-side operation for larger reposi-

              The performance improving version of this feature  is  currently
              only  implemented in Rust, so people not using a version of Mer-
              curial compiled with the Rust part  might actually  suffer  some
              slowdown.  For  this reason, Such version will by default refuse
              to access such repositories. That behavior can be controlled  by
              configuration.   Check   hg  help  config.storage.revlog.persis-
              tent-nodemap.slowpath for details.

              Repository with this on-disk format  require  Mercurial  version
              5.4 or above.

              By  default  this format variant is disabled if fast implementa-
              tion is not available and enabled by default if the fast  imple-
              mentation is available.


              Enforce  "safe"  behaviors  for  all  "shares"  that access this

              With this feature, "shares" using this repository  as  a  source

              o read      the      source      repository's      configuration

              o read and use the source  repository's  "requirements"  (except
                the working copy specific one).

       Without this feature, "shares" using this repository as a source will:

              o keep tracking the repository "requirements" in the share only,
                ignoring the source "requirements",  possibly  diverging  from

              o ignore  source  repository  config.  This can create problems,
                like silently ignoring important hooks.

       Beware that existing shares will not  be  upgraded/downgraded,  and  by
       default, Mercurial will refuse to interact with them until the mismatch
       is resolved. See hg help config share.safe-mismatch.source-safe and  hg
       help config share.safe-mismatch.source-not-safe for details.

       Introduced in Mercurial 5.7.

       Disabled by default.


              Enable  or  disable the "store" repository format which improves
              compatibility with systems that fold case  or  otherwise  mangle
              filenames.  Disabling this option will allow you to store longer
              filenames in some situations at the expense of compatibility.

              Repositories with this on-disk format require Mercurial  version

              Enabled by default.


              Enable  or disable the sparse-revlog delta strategy. This format
              improves delta re-use inside revlog. For very branchy  reposito-
              ries,  it results in a smaller store. For repositories with many
              revisions, it also helps performance (by using  shortened  delta

              Repositories  with this on-disk format require Mercurial version

              Enabled by default.


              Compression algorithm used by revlog. Supported values are  zlib
              and  zstd.  The  zlib engine is the historical default of Mercu-
              rial. zstd is a newer format that is  usually  a  net  win  over
              zlib,  operating faster at better compression rates. Use zstd to
              reduce CPU usage. Multiple values can be  specified,  the  first
              available one will be used.

              On  some  systems, the Mercurial installation may lack zstd sup-

              Default is zstd if available, zlib otherwise.


              Store bookmarks in .hg/store/. This  means  that  bookmarks  are
              shared when using hg share regardless of the -B option.

              Repositories  with this on-disk format require Mercurial version

              Disabled by default.

       Web graph view configuration. This section let you  change  graph  ele-
       ments  display properties by branches, for instance to make the default
       branch stand out.

       Each line has the following format:

       <branch>.<argument> = <value>

       where <branch> is the name of the branch being customized. Example:

       # 2px width
       default.width = 2
       # red color
       default.color = FF0000

       Supported arguments:


              Set branch edges width in pixels.


              Set branch edges color in hexadecimal RGB notation.

       Commands or Python functions that get automatically executed by various
       actions  such  as starting or finishing a commit. Multiple hooks can be
       run for the same action by appending a suffix to the action. Overriding
       a  site-wide hook can be done by changing its value or setting it to an
       empty string.  Hooks can be prioritized by adding a prefix of priority.
       to  the  hook  name on a new line and setting the priority. The default
       priority is 0.

       Example .hg/hgrc:

       # update working directory after adding changesets
       changegroup.update = hg update
       # do not use the site-wide hook
       incoming =
       incoming.email = /my/email/hook
       incoming.autobuild = /my/build/hook
       # force autobuild hook to run before other incoming hooks
       priority.incoming.autobuild = 1
       ###  control HGPLAIN setting when running autobuild hook
       # HGPLAIN always set (default from Mercurial 5.7)
       incoming.autobuild:run-with-plain = yes
       # HGPLAIN never set
       incoming.autobuild:run-with-plain = no
       # HGPLAIN inherited from environment (default before Mercurial 5.7)
       incoming.autobuild:run-with-plain = auto

       Most hooks are run with environment  variables  set  that  give  useful
       additional  information. For each hook below, the environment variables
       it is passed are listed with names in the form $HG_foo.  The  $HG_HOOK-
       TYPE  and  $HG_HOOKNAME  variables are set for all hooks.  They contain
       the type of hook which triggered the run and the full name of the  hook
       in  the  config,  respectively.  In  the  example  above,  this will be
       $HG_HOOKTYPE=incoming and $HG_HOOKNAME=incoming.email.


              Run after a changegroup has been added via push, pull or  unbun-
              dle.   The ID of the first new changeset is in $HG_NODE and last
              is in $HG_NODE_LAST.  The URL from  which  changes  came  is  in


              Run  after a changeset has been created in the local repository.
              The ID of the newly created changeset  is  in  $HG_NODE.  Parent
              changeset IDs are in $HG_PARENT1 and $HG_PARENT2.


              Run after a changeset has been pulled, pushed, or unbundled into
              the local repository. The ID of the newly arrived  changeset  is
              in  $HG_NODE.  The  URL  that  was  source  of the changes is in


              Run after sending changes from the local repository to  another.
              The  ID  of  first  changeset sent is in $HG_NODE. The source of
              operation is in $HG_SOURCE. Also see hg  help  config.hooks.pre-


              Run  after successful invocations of the associated command. The
              contents of the command line are  passed  as  $HG_ARGS  and  the
              result  code  in  $HG_RESULT.  Parsed command line arguments are
              passed as $HG_PATS and $HG_OPTS. These contain string  represen-
              tations  of  the  python  data  internally  passed to <command>.
              $HG_OPTS is a dictionary of options  (with  unspecified  options
              set  to  their defaults).  $HG_PATS is a list of arguments. Hook
              failure is ignored.


              Run after a failed invocation of an associated command. The con-
              tents of the command line are passed as $HG_ARGS. Parsed command
              line arguments are passed as $HG_PATS and $HG_OPTS.  These  con-
              tain string representations of the python data internally passed
              to <command>. $HG_OPTS is a dictionary of options (with unspeci-
              fied options set to their defaults). $HG_PATS is a list of argu-
              ments.  Hook failure is ignored.


              Run before executing the associated command. The contents of the
              command  line  are passed as $HG_ARGS. Parsed command line argu-
              ments are passed as $HG_PATS and $HG_OPTS. These contain  string
              representations  of  the  data  internally  passed to <command>.
              $HG_OPTS is a dictionary of options  (with  unspecified  options
              set  to their defaults). $HG_PATS is a list of arguments. If the
              hook returns failure, the command doesn't execute and  Mercurial
              returns the failure code.


              Run  before  a  changegroup is added via push, pull or unbundle.
              Exit status 0 allows the changegroup to proceed. A non-zero sta-
              tus  will cause the push, pull or unbundle to fail. The URL from
              which changes will come is in $HG_URL.


              Run before starting a local commit. Exit  status  0  allows  the
              commit  to  proceed.  A non-zero status will cause the commit to
              fail.  Parent changeset IDs are in $HG_PARENT1 and $HG_PARENT2.


              Run before listing pushkeys (like bookmarks) in the  repository.
              A  non-zero  status  will cause failure. The key namespace is in


              Run before collecting changes to send from the local  repository
              to  another. A non-zero status will cause failure. This lets you
              prevent pull over HTTP or SSH. It can also  prevent  propagating
              commits  (via  local  pull, push (outbound) or bundle commands),
              but not completely, since you can just copy files  instead.  The
              source  of operation is in $HG_SOURCE. If "serve", the operation
              is happening on behalf of a remote SSH or  HTTP  repository.  If
              "push", "pull" or "bundle", the operation is happening on behalf
              of a repository on same system.


              Run before a pushkey (like a bookmark) is added to  the  reposi-
              tory.  A  non-zero status will cause the key to be rejected. The
              key namespace is in $HG_NAMESPACE, the key is  in  $HG_KEY,  the
              old  value  (if  any)  is  in  $HG_OLD,  and the new value is in


              Run before creating a tag. Exit status 0 allows the  tag  to  be
              created. A non-zero status will cause the tag to fail. The ID of
              the changeset to tag is in $HG_NODE.  The  name  of  tag  is  in
              $HG_TAG.  The  tag is local if $HG_LOCAL=1, or in the repository
              if $HG_LOCAL=0.


              Run before any new repository transaction is  open.  The  reason
              for the transaction will be in $HG_TXNNAME, and a unique identi-
              fier for the transaction will be in $HG_TXNID. A non-zero status
              will prevent the transaction from being opened.


              Run  right  before  the  transaction  is actually finalized. Any
              repository change will be visible to the hook program. This lets
              you validate the transaction content or change it. Exit status 0
              allows the commit to proceed. A non-zero status will  cause  the
              transaction  to  be  rolled back. The reason for the transaction
              opening will be in $HG_TXNNAME, and a unique identifier for  the
              transaction will be in $HG_TXNID. The rest of the available data
              will vary according the transaction type.  Changes unbundled  to
              the  repository will add $HG_URL and $HG_SOURCE.  New changesets
              will add  $HG_NODE  (the  ID  of  the  first  added  changeset),
              $HG_NODE_LAST  (the  ID  of the last added changeset).  Bookmark
              and   phase   changes   will    set    $HG_BOOKMARK_MOVED    and
              $HG_PHASES_MOVED  to 1 respectively.  The number of new obsmark-
              ers, if any, will be in $HG_NEW_OBSMARKERS, etc.


              Run right before a bookmark change is  actually  finalized.  Any
              repository change will be visible to the hook program. This lets
              you validate the transaction content or change it. Exit status 0
              allows  the  commit to proceed. A non-zero status will cause the
              transaction to be rolled back.  The name of the bookmark will be
              available  in  $HG_BOOKMARK,  the  new bookmark location will be
              available in $HG_NODE while the previous location will be avail-
              able  in $HG_OLDNODE. In case of a bookmark creation $HG_OLDNODE
              will be empty. In case of deletion $HG_NODE will be  empty.   In
              addition,  the  reason  for  the  transaction opening will be in
              $HG_TXNNAME, and a unique identifier for the transaction will be
              in $HG_TXNID.


              Run  right  before  a  phase  change  is actually finalized. Any
              repository change will be visible to the hook program. This lets
              you validate the transaction content or change it. Exit status 0
              allows the commit to proceed.  A non-zero status will cause  the
              transaction  to  be  rolled  back.  The  hook is called multiple
              times, once for each revision affected by a phase  change.   The
              affected  node  is available in $HG_NODE, the phase in $HG_PHASE
              while the previous $HG_OLDPHASE. In case of new  node,  $HG_OLD-
              PHASE  will  be empty.  In addition, the reason for the transac-
              tion opening will be in $HG_TXNNAME, and a unique identifier for
              the  transaction  will be in $HG_TXNID. The hook is also run for
              newly added revisions. In this case the $HG_OLDPHASE entry  will
              be empty.


              Run after any repository transaction has been committed. At this
              point, the transaction can no longer be rolled  back.  The  hook
              will   run  after  the  lock  is  released.  See  hg  help  con-
              fig.hooks.pretxnclose for details about available variables.


              Run after any bookmark change has been committed. At this point,
              the  transaction can no longer be rolled back. The hook will run
              after the lock is released.  See  hg  help  config.hooks.pretxn-
              close-bookmark for details about available variables.


              Run  after  any  phase change has been committed. At this point,
              the transaction can no longer be rolled back. The hook will  run
              after  the  lock  is  released. See hg help config.hooks.pretxn-
              close-phase for details about available variables.


              Run  when  a  transaction  is  aborted.   See   hg   help   con-
              fig.hooks.pretxnclose for details about available variables.


              Run  after a changegroup has been added via push, pull or unbun-
              dle, but before the transaction has been committed. The  change-
              group  is visible to the hook program. This allows validation of
              incoming changes before accepting them.  The ID of the first new
              changeset is in $HG_NODE and last is in $HG_NODE_LAST. Exit sta-
              tus 0 allows the transaction to commit. A non-zero  status  will
              cause  the  transaction to be rolled back, and the push, pull or
              unbundle will fail. The URL that was the source of changes is in


              Run  after a changeset has been created, but before the transac-
              tion is committed. The changeset is visible to the hook program.
              This  allows  validation of the commit message and changes. Exit
              status 0 allows the commit to proceed. A  non-zero  status  will
              cause  the  transaction  to  be  rolled  back. The ID of the new
              changeset is in  $HG_NODE.  The  parent  changeset  IDs  are  in
              $HG_PARENT1 and $HG_PARENT2.


              Run  before updating the working directory. Exit status 0 allows
              the update to  proceed.  A  non-zero  status  will  prevent  the
              update.  The changeset ID of first new parent is in $HG_PARENT1.
              If updating to a merge, the  ID  of  second  new  parent  is  in


              Run  after  listing pushkeys (like bookmarks) in the repository.
              The key namespace is in $HG_NAMESPACE. $HG_VALUES is  a  dictio-
              nary containing the keys and values.


              Run  after  a  pushkey (like a bookmark) is added to the reposi-
              tory. The key namespace is  in  $HG_NAMESPACE,  the  key  is  in
              $HG_KEY, the old value (if any) is in $HG_OLD, and the new value
              is in $HG_NEW.


              Run after a tag is created. The ID of the tagged changeset is in
              $HG_NODE.   The  name  of tag is in $HG_TAG. The tag is local if
              $HG_LOCAL=1, or in the repository if $HG_LOCAL=0.


              Run after updating the working directory. The  changeset  ID  of
              first  new parent is in $HG_PARENT1. If updating to a merge, the
              ID of second new parent is in $HG_PARENT2. If  the  update  suc-
              ceeded,  $HG_ERROR=0.  If  the  update failed (e.g. because con-
              flicts were not resolved), $HG_ERROR=1.

       Note   It is generally better to use standard  hooks  rather  than  the
              generic  pre- and post- command hooks, as they are guaranteed to
              be called in the appropriate contexts for  influencing  transac-
              tions.  Also, hooks like "commit" will be called in all contexts
              that generate a commit (e.g. tag) and not just the  commit  com-

       The syntax for Python hooks is as follows:

       hookname = python:modulename.submodule.callable
       hookname = python:/path/to/python/module.py:callable

       Python  hooks are run within the Mercurial process. Each hook is called
       with at least three keyword arguments: a  ui  object  (keyword  ui),  a
       repository  object  (keyword  repo),  and a hooktype keyword that tells
       what kind of hook is used. Arguments listed  as  environment  variables
       above are passed as keyword arguments, with no HG_ prefix, and names in
       lower case.

       If a Python hook returns a "true" value or raises an exception, this is
       treated as a failure.

       (Deprecated. Use [hostsecurity]'s fingerprints options instead.)

       Fingerprints of the certificates of known HTTPS servers.

       A  HTTPS connection to a server with a fingerprint configured here will
       only succeed if the servers certificate matches the fingerprint.   This
       is very similar to how ssh known hosts works.

       The fingerprint is the SHA-1 hash value of the DER encoded certificate.
       Multiple values can be specified (separated by spaces or commas).  This
       can  be used to define both old and new fingerprints while a host tran-
       sitions to a new certificate.

       The CA chain and web.cacerts is not used for  servers  with  a  finger-

       For example:

       hg.intevation.de = fc:e2:8d:d9:51:cd:cb:c1:4d:18:6b:b7:44:8d:49:72:57:e6:cd:33
       hg.intevation.org = fc:e2:8d:d9:51:cd:cb:c1:4d:18:6b:b7:44:8d:49:72:57:e6:cd:33

       Used to specify global and per-host security settings for connecting to
       other machines.

       The following options control default behavior for all hosts.


              Defines the cryptographic ciphers to use for connections.

              Value must be a valid OpenSSL Cipher List Format  as  documented
              at                          https://www.openssl.org/docs/manmas-

              This setting is for advanced users only.  Setting  to  incorrect
              values  can  significantly lower connection security or decrease
              performance.  You have been warned.

              This option requires Python 2.7.


              Defines the minimum channel encryption protocol to use.

              By default, the highest version of TLS supported by both  client
              and server is used.

              Allowed values are: tls1.0, tls1.1, tls1.2.

              When  running  on  an old Python version, only tls1.0 is allowed
              since old versions of Python only support up to TLS 1.0.

              When running a Python that supports  modern  TLS  versions,  the
              default  is  tls1.1.  tls1.0 can still be used to allow TLS 1.0.
              However, this weakens security and should only be used as a fea-
              ture of last resort if a server does not support TLS 1.1+.

       Options  in  the [hostsecurity] section can have the form hostname:set-
       ting. This allows multiple settings to be defined on a per-host basis.

       The following per-host settings can be defined.


              This behaves like ciphers as  described  above  except  it  only
              applies to the host on which it is defined.


              A  list  of  hashes  of the DER encoded peer/remote certificate.
              Values    have    the    form    algorithm:fingerprint.     e.g.
              In addition, colons (:) can appear in the fingerprint part.

              The following algorithms/prefixes are supported:  sha1,  sha256,

              Use of sha256 or sha512 is preferred.

              If a fingerprint is specified, the CA chain is not validated for
              this host and Mercurial will require the remote  certificate  to
              match  one  of  the  fingerprints  specified.  This means if the
              server updates its certificate, Mercurial will abort until a new
              fingerprint is defined.  This can provide stronger security than
              traditional CA-based validation at the expense of convenience.

              This option takes precedence over verifycertsfile.


              This behaves like minimumprotocol as described above  except  it
              only applies to the host on which it is defined.


              Path  to  file  a  containing a list of PEM encoded certificates
              used to verify the server certificate. Environment variables and
              ~user constructs are expanded in the filename.

              The  server certificate or the certificate's certificate author-
              ity (CA) must match a certificate from this file or  certificate
              verification  will  fail  and  connections to the server will be

              If defined, only certificates provided  by  this  file  will  be
              used:  web.cacerts  and any system/default certificates will not
              be used.

              This option has no effect if the per-host fingerprints option is

              The format of the file is as follows:

              -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
              ... (certificate in base64 PEM encoding) ...
              -----END CERTIFICATE-----
              -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
              ... (certificate in base64 PEM encoding) ...
              -----END CERTIFICATE-----

       For example:

       hg.example.com:fingerprints = sha256:c3ab8ff13720e8ad9047dd39466b3c8974e592c2fa383d4a3960714caef0c4f2
       hg2.example.com:fingerprints = sha1:914f1aff87249c09b6859b88b1906d30756491ca, sha1:fc:e2:8d:d9:51:cd:cb:c1:4d:18:6b:b7:44:8d:49:72:57:e6:cd:33
       hg3.example.com:fingerprints = sha256:9a:b0:dc:e2:75:ad:8a:b7:84:58:e5:1f:07:32:f1:87:e6:bd:24:22:af:b7:ce:8e:9c:b4:10:cf:b9:f4:0e:d2
       foo.example.com:verifycertsfile = /etc/ssl/trusted-ca-certs.pem

       To  change the default minimum protocol version to TLS 1.2 but to allow
       TLS 1.1 when connecting to hg.example.com:

       minimumprotocol = tls1.2
       hg.example.com:minimumprotocol = tls1.1

       Used to access web-based Mercurial repositories through a HTTP proxy.


              Host name and (optional) port of the proxy server,  for  example


              Optional.  Comma-separated list of host names that should bypass
              the proxy.


              Optional. Password to authenticate with at the proxy server.


              Optional. User name to authenticate with at the proxy server.


              Optional. Always use the  proxy,  even  for  localhost  and  any
              entries in http_proxy.no. (default: False)

       Used to configure access to Mercurial repositories via HTTP.


              If  set,  blocking  operations will timeout after that many sec-
              onds.  (default: None)

       This section specifies behavior during merges and updates.


              Controls behavior when an ignored file on disk has the same name
              as  a  tracked file in the changeset being merged or updated to,
              and has different contents. Options are abort, warn and  ignore.
              With  abort,  abort on such files. With warn, warn on such files
              and back them up as .orig. With ignore, don't  print  a  warning
              and back them up as .orig. (default: abort)


              Controls  behavior  when  an unknown file that isn't ignored has
              the same name as a tracked file in the changeset being merged or
              updated  to, and has different contents. Similar to merge.check-
              ignored, except for files that are not ignored. (default: abort)


              When set to continue (the default), the merge  process  attempts
              to  merge  all  unresolved  files  using  the merge chosen tool,
              regardless of whether previous file merge  attempts  during  the
              process  succeeded  or  not.  Setting this to prompt will prompt
              after any merge failure continue or halt the merge process. Set-
              ting  this  to halt will automatically halt the merge process on
              any merge tool failure. The merge process can  be  restarted  by
              using  the  resolve command. When a merge is halted, the reposi-
              tory is left in a normal unresolved merge state.  (default: con-


              Whether   capabilities  of  internal  merge  tools  are  checked
              strictly or not, while examining rules to decide merge  tool  to
              be used.  (default: False)

       This  section  specifies  merge tools to associate with particular file
       patterns. Tools matched here will  take  precedence  over  the  default
       merge  tool.  Patterns  are  globs by default, rooted at the repository


       **.c = kdiff3
       **.jpg = myimgmerge

       This section configures external merge  tools  to  use  for  file-level
       merges.  This  section  has  likely been preconfigured at install time.
       Use hg config merge-tools to check the  existing  configuration.   Also
       see hg help merge-tools for more details.

       Example ~/.hgrc:

       # Override stock tool location
       kdiff3.executable = ~/bin/kdiff3
       # Specify command line
       kdiff3.args = $base $local $other -o $output
       # Give higher priority
       kdiff3.priority = 1

       # Changing the priority of preconfigured tool
       meld.priority = 0

       # Disable a preconfigured tool
       vimdiff.disabled = yes

       # Define new tool
       myHtmlTool.args = -m $local $other $base $output
       myHtmlTool.priority = 1

       Supported arguments:


              The priority in which to evaluate this tool.  (default: 0)


              Either just the name of the executable or its pathname.

              (default: the tool name)


              The  arguments  to pass to the tool executable. You can refer to
              the files being merged as well as the output file through  these
              variables: $base, $local, $other, $output.

              The  meaning  of  $local  and $other can vary depending on which
              action is being performed. During an  update  or  merge,  $local
              represents  the  original state of the file, while $other repre-
              sents the commit you are updating to or the commit you are merg-
              ing  with. During a rebase, $local represents the destination of
              the rebase, and $other represents the commit being rebased.

              Some operations define custom labels to assist with  identifying
              the  revisions,  accessible  via  $labellocal,  $labelother, and
              $labelbase. If custom labels are not available,  these  will  be
              local,  other,  and  base, respectively.  (default: $local $base


              Attempt to run internal non-interactive 3-way merge tool  before
              launching   external  tool.   Options  are  true,  false,  keep,
              keep-merge3, or keep-mergediff (experimental). The  keep  option
              will  leave  markers  in  the  file  if  the premerge fails. The
              keep-merge3 will do the same but include information  about  the
              base of the merge in the marker (see internal :merge3 in hg help
              merge-tools). The keep-mergediff option is similar  but  uses  a
              different   marker  style  (see  internal  :merge3  in  hg  help
              merge-tools). (default: True)


              This tool can merge binary files. (default: False,  unless  tool
              was selected by file pattern match)


              This tool can merge symlinks. (default: False)


              A list of merge success-checking options:


                     Ask  whether  merge  was  successful when the merged file
                     shows no changes.


                     Check whether there are conflicts even  though  the  tool
                     reported success.


                     Always  prompt  for  merge success, regardless of success
                     reported by tool.


              Attempt to  fix  up  EOL  changes  caused  by  the  merge  tool.
              (default: False)


              This  tool  requires  a  graphical  interface  to run. (default:


              Controls whether the labels passed via $labellocal, $labelother,
              and  $labelbase are detailed (respecting mergemarkertemplate) or
              basic. If premerge is keep or keep-merge3, the conflict  markers
              generated during premerge will be detailed if either this option
              or the corresponding option in the  [ui]  section  is  detailed.
              (default: basic)


              This  setting can be used to override mergemarker from the [com-
              mand-templates] section on a per-tool basis; this applies to the
              $label-prefixed  variables  and to the conflict markers that are
              generated if premerge is keep` or ``keep-merge3. See the  corre-
              sponding variable in [ui] for more information.

       Setting  used  to control when to paginate and with what external tool.
       See hg help pager for details.


              Define the external tool used as pager.

              If no pager is set,  Mercurial  uses  the  environment  variable
              $PAGER.   If  neither  pager.pager, nor $PAGER is set, a default
              pager will be used, typically less on Unix and more on  Windows.

              pager = less -FRX


              List of commands to disable the pager for. Example:

              ignore = version, help, update

       Settings  used when applying patches, for instance through the 'import'
       command or with Mercurial Queues extension.


              When set to 'strict' patch content  and  patched  files  end  of
              lines  are  preserved. When set to lf or crlf, both files end of
              lines are ignored when patching and the result line endings  are
              normalized  to  either  LF (Unix) or CRLF (Windows). When set to
              auto, end of lines are again ignored  while  patching  but  line
              endings  in  patched files are normalized to their original set-
              ting on a per-file basis. If target file does not exist  or  has
              no  end  of  line,  patch line endings are preserved.  (default:


              The number of lines of 'fuzz' to allow  when  applying  patches.
              This  controls how much context the patcher is allowed to ignore
              when trying to apply a patch.  (default: 2)

       Assigns symbolic names and behavior to repositories.

       Options are symbolic names defining the URL or directory  that  is  the
       location of the repository. Example:

       my_server = https://example.com/my_repo
       local_path = /home/me/repo

       These  symbolic  names  can be used from the command line. To pull from
       my_server:  hg  pull  my_server.  To  push  to  local_path:   hg   push
       local_path. You can check hg help urls for details about valid URLs.

       Options  containing  colons  (:)  denote sub-options that can influence
       behavior for that specific path. Example:

       my_server = https://example.com/my_path
       my_server:pushurl = ssh://example.com/my_path

       Paths using the path://otherpath scheme will  inherit  the  sub-options
       value from the path they point to.

       The following sub-options can be defined:


              The URL to use for push operations. If not defined, the location
              defined by the path's main entry is used.


              A revset defining which revisions to push by default.

              When hg push is executed  without  a  -r  argument,  the  revset
              defined  by  this  sub-option  is evaluated to determine what to

              For example, a value of .  will  push  the  working  directory's
              revision by default.

              Revsets  specifying  bookmarks  will  not result in the bookmark
              being pushed.

       The following special named paths exist:


              The URL or directory to use when no source or remote  is  speci-

              hg clone will automatically define this path to the location the
              repository was cloned from.


              (deprecated) The URL or directory for the default hg push  loca-
              tion.  default:pushurl should be used instead.

       Specifies  default  handling  of  phases.  See  hg help phases for more
       information about working with phases.


              Controls draft phase behavior when working  as  a  server.  When
              true,  pushed  changesets  are  set to public in both client and
              server and pulled or cloned changesets are set to public in  the
              client.  (default: True)


              Phase of newly-created commits.  (default: draft)


              Check  the  phase of the current revision of each subrepository.
              Allowed values are "ignore", "follow" and "abort". For  settings
              other  than  "ignore", the phase of the current revision of each
              subrepository is checked before committing  the  parent  reposi-
              tory.  If  any  of those phases is greater than the phase of the
              parent repository (e.g. if a subrepo  is  in  a  "secret"  phase
              while the parent repo is in "draft" phase), the commit is either
              aborted (if checksubrepos is set to "abort") or the higher phase
              is  used  for the parent repository commit (if set to "follow").
              (default: follow)

       Specifies profiling type, format, and file output.  Two  profilers  are
       supported:  an  instrumenting  profiler (named ls), and a sampling pro-
       filer (named stat).

       In this section description, 'profiling data' stands for the  raw  data
       collected  during profiling, while 'profiling report' stands for a sta-
       tistical text report generated from the profiling data.


              Enable the profiler.  (default: false)

              This is equivalent to passing --profile on the command line.


              The type of profiler to use.  (default: stat)


                     Use Python's built-in instrumenting profiler.  This  pro-
                     filer  works  on  all  platforms, but each line number it
                     reports is the first line of a function. This restriction
                     makes  it  difficult to identify the expensive parts of a
                     non-trivial function.


                     Use a statistical profiler, statprof.  This  profiler  is
                     most  useful  for  profiling commands that run for longer
                     than about 0.1 seconds.


              Profiling format.  Specific to the  ls  instrumenting  profiler.
              (default: text)


                     Generate  a  profiling  report. When saving to a file, it
                     should be noted that only the report is  saved,  and  the
                     profiling data is not kept.


                     Format profiling data for kcachegrind use: when saving to
                     a file, the generated file can directly  be  loaded  into


              Profiling format for the stat profiler.  (default: hotpath)


                     Show a tree-based display containing the hot path of exe-
                     cution (where most time was spent).


                     Show a table of methods ordered by  how  frequently  they
                     are active.


                     Show  a table of lines in files ordered by how frequently
                     they are active.


                     Render profiling data as JSON.


              Sampling frequency.  Specific to  the  stat  sampling  profiler.
              (default: 1000)


              File path where profiling data or report should be saved. If the
              file exists, it is replaced. (default: None, data is printed  on


              Sort  field.  Specific to the ls instrumenting profiler.  One of
              callcount, reccallcount, totaltime  and  inlinetime.   (default:


              Control  if the stat profiler track cpu or real time.  (default:
              cpu on Windows, otherwise real)


              Number of lines to show. Specific to the ls  instrumenting  pro-
              filer.  (default: 30)


              Show  at most this number of lines of drill-down info after each
              main entry.  This can help explain the difference between  Total
              and   Inline.    Specific  to  the  ls  instrumenting  profiler.
              (default: 0)


              Minimum fraction of samples an entry must have for it to be dis-
              played.   Can be specified as a float between 0.0 and 1.0 or can
              have a % afterwards to allow values up to 100. e.g. 5%.

              Only used by the stat profiler.

              For the hotpath format, default is 0.05.  For the chrome format,
              default is 0.005.

              The option is unused on other formats.


              Maximum  fraction  of  samples  an  entry  can have before it is
              ignored in display. Values format is the same as showmin.

              Only used by the stat profiler.

              For the chrome format, default is 0.999.

              The option is unused on other formats.


              Show time taken as absolute durations, in addition  to  percent-
              ages.  Only used by the hotpath format.  (default: true)

       Mercurial  commands  can  draw progress bars that are as informative as
       possible. Some progress  bars  only  offer  indeterminate  information,
       while others have a definite end point.


              Whether  to  print  debug  info  when updating the progress bar.
              (default: False)


              Number of seconds  (float)  before  showing  the  progress  bar.
              (default: 3)


              Minimum  delay before showing a new topic. When set to less than
              3 * refresh, that value will be used instead. (default: 1)


              Maximum sampling interval in seconds  for  speed  and  estimated
              time calculation. (default: 60)


              Time in seconds between refreshes of the progress bar. (default:


              Format of the progress bar.

              Valid entries for the format field are topic, bar, number, unit,
              estimate,  speed, and item. item defaults to the last 20 charac-
              ters of the item, but this  can  be  changed  by  adding  either
              -<num>  which  would take the last num characters, or +<num> for
              the first num characters.

              (default: topic bar number estimate)


              If set, the maximum width of the progress information (that  is,
              min(width, term width) will be used).


              Clear the progress bar after it's done. (default: True)


              If true, don't show a progress bar.


              If true, ALWAYS show a progress bar, unless disable is given.


              Default  to False, when True allow creating divergence when per-
              forming rebase of obsolete changesets.

       Alias definitions for revsets. See hg help revsets for details.


              Whether to save stripped changesets to a bundle file.  (default:


              If  true, updates the date and time of the changeset to current.
              It is only applicable for hg amend, hg  commit  --amend  and  hg
              uncommit in the current version.


          Control  what  happens  with empty successors that are the result of
          rewrite operations. If set to skip, the successor is not created. If
          set to keep, the empty successor is created and kept.

          Currently, only the rebase and absorb commands consider this config-
          uration.  (EXPERIMENTAL)


          Controls what happens when the shared repository does  not  use  the
          share-safe mechanism but its source repository does.

          Possible  values  are  abort  (default),  allow,  upgrade-abort  and

          abort Disallows running any command and aborts  allow  Respects  the
          feature  presence in the share source upgrade-abort tries to upgrade
          the share to use share-safe; if it fails, aborts upgrade-allow tries
          to  upgrade the share; if it fails, continue by respecting the share
          source setting

          Check hg help config format.use-share-safe  for  details  about  the
          share-safe feature.


              Shows  a warning on operations if the shared repository does not
              use share-safe, but the source repository does.  (default: True)


          Controls what happens when the shared repository uses the share-safe
          mechanism but its source does not.

          Possible  values  are  abort  (default),  allow, downgrade-abort and

          abort Disallows running any command and aborts  allow  Respects  the
          feature  presence in the share source downgrade-abort tries to down-
          grade the share to not use share-safe; if  it  fails,  aborts  down-
          grade-allow  tries  to downgrade the share to not use share-safe; if
          it fails, continue by respecting the shared source setting

          Check hg help config format.use-share-safe  for  details  about  the
          share-safe feature.


              Shows  a  warning  on  operations  if the shared repository uses
              share-safe, but the source repository does not.  (default: True)

       Control the  strategy  Mercurial  uses  internally  to  store  history.
       Options in this category impact performance and repository size.


              When storing a merge revision, both parents will be equally con-
              sidered as a possible delta base. This results in  better  delta
              selection  and  improved  revlog  compression.  This  option  is
              enabled by default.

              Turning this option off can result in large increase of  reposi-
              tory size for repository with many merges.


              Whether  to  use  the  Operating System "memory mapping" feature
              (when possible) to access  the  persistent  nodemap  data.  This
              improve performance and reduce memory pressure.

              Default to True.

              For  details  on  the "persistent-nodemap" feature, see: hg help
              config format.use-persistent-nodemap.


              Control the behavior of Merucrial when using a  repository  with
              "persistent" nodemap with an installation of Mercurial without a
              fast implementation for the feature:

              allow: Silently use the  slower  implementation  to  access  the
              repository.   warn:  Warn,  but use the slower implementation to
              access the repository.  abort: Prevent access to such  reposito-
              ries. (This is the default)

              For  details  on  the "persistent-nodemap" feature, see: hg help
              config format.use-persistent-nodemap.


              Control the order in which delta  parents  are  considered  when
              adding new revisions from an external source.  (typically: apply
              bundle from hg pull or hg push).

              New revisions are usually provided  as  a  delta  against  other
              revisions.  By  default,  Mercurial will try to reuse this delta
              first, therefore using the same "delta parent"  as  the  source.
              Directly  using  delta's  from  the source reduces CPU usage and
              usually speeds up operation. However, in some case,  the  source
              might  have  sub-optimal delta bases and forcing their reevalua-
              tion is useful. For example, pushes from  an  old  client  could
              have  sub-optimal  delta's  parent that the server want to opti-
              mize. (lack of general  delta,  bad  parents,  choice,  lack  of
              sparse-revlog, etc).

              This  option  is  enabled by default. Turning it off will ensure
              bad delta parent choices from older client do not  propagate  to
              this repository, at the cost of a small increase in CPU consump-

              Note: this option only control the order in which delta  parents
              are considered.  Even when disabled, the existing delta from the
              source will be reused if the same delta parent is selected.


              Control the reuse of delta from  external  source.   (typically:
              apply bundle from hg pull or hg push).

              New  revisions  are  usually provided as a delta against another
              revision. By default, Mercurial  will  not  recompute  the  same
              delta  again,  trusting  externally  provided deltas. There have
              been rare cases of small adjustment to the diffing algorithm  in
              the  past.  So  in some rare case, recomputing delta provided by
              ancient clients can  provides  better  results.  Disabling  this
              option  means  going  through a full delta recomputation for all
              incoming revisions. It means a large increase in CPU  usage  and
              will slow operations down.

              This  option  is enabled by default. When disabled, it also dis-
              ables  the  related   storage.revlog.reuse-external-delta-parent


              Zlib  compression  level used when storing data into the reposi-
              tory. Accepted Value range from  1  (lowest  compression)  to  9
              (highest compression). Zlib default value is 6.


              zstd  compression  level used when storing data into the reposi-
              tory. Accepted Value range from 1  (lowest  compression)  to  22
              (highest compression).  (default 3)

       Controls generic server settings.


              Trigger  pushkey  hook  when being pushed bookmark updates. This
              config exist for compatibility purpose (default to True)

              If you use pushkey and pre-pushkey  hooks  to  control  bookmark
              movement  we recommend you migrate them to txnclose-bookmark and


              List of compression  engines  and  their  relative  priority  to
              advertise to clients.

              The  order of compression engines determines their priority, the
              first having the highest priority. If a  compression  engine  is
              not listed here, it won't be advertised to clients.

              If  not  set  (the  default), built-in defaults are used. Run hg
              debuginstall to list available  compression  engines  and  their
              default wire protocol priority.

              Older  Mercurial  clients only support zlib compression and this
              setting has no effect for legacy clients.


              Whether to allow clients to clone a repository using the  uncom-
              pressed  streaming  protocol. This transfers about 40% more data
              than a regular clone, but uses  less  memory  and  CPU  on  both
              server  and  client.  Over  a LAN (100 Mbps or better) or a very
              fast WAN, an uncompressed streaming clone is a lot faster (~10x)
              than a regular clone. Over most WAN connections (anything slower
              than about 6 Mbps), uncompressed streaming is slower, because of
              the  extra data transfer overhead. This mode will also temporar-
              ily hold the write lock while determining what data to transfer.
              (default: True)


              Whether  to  allow  stream  clones  when the repository contains
              secret changesets. (default: False)


              When set, clients will try to  use  the  uncompressed  streaming
              protocol. (default: False)


              When  set, servers will refuse attempts to do pull-based clones.
              If this option is set, preferuncompressed and/or  clone  bundles
              are  highly  recommended.  Partial clones will still be allowed.
              (default: False)


              When set, servers will apply data sent from the client directly,
              otherwise  it  will  be  written to a temporary file first. This
              option effectively prevents concurrent pushes.


              When set, the server will check pullbundle.manifest for  bundles
              covering  the requested heads and common nodes. The first match-
              ing entry will be streamed to the client.

              For HTTP transport, the stream will still use  zlib  compression
              for older clients.


              Level of allowed race condition between two pushing clients.

              o 'strict':  push is abort if another client touched the reposi-
                tory while the push was preparing.

              o 'check-related': push is only aborted if it affects head  that
                got also affected while the push was preparing. (default since

       'check-related' only takes effect for compatible clients  (version  4.3
       and later). Older clients will use 'strict'.


              Whether  to  validate  the  completeness of pushed changesets by
              checking that all new file revisions specified in manifests  are
              present. (default: False)


              Instruct  HTTP  clients  not to send request headers longer than
              this many bytes. (default: 1024)


              Whether to allow clients to push and pull using the legacy  bun-
              dle1 exchange format. (default: True)


              Like bundle1 but only used if the repository is using the gener-
              aldelta storage format. (default: True)


              Whether to allow  clients  to  push  using  the  legacy  bundle1
              exchange format. (default: True)


              Like  bundle1.push  but only used if the repository is using the
              generaldelta storage format. (default: True)


              Whether to allow  clients  to  pull  using  the  legacy  bundle1
              exchange format. (default: True)


              Like  bundle1.pull  but only used if the repository is using the
              generaldelta storage format. (default: True)

              Large repositories using the generaldelta storage format  should
              consider  setting  this  option  because converting generaldelta
              repositories to the exchange format required by the bundle1 data
              format can consume a lot of CPU.


              Whether  to  allow  clients  to pull using the bundle2 streaming
              protocol.  (default: True)


              Integer between -1 and 9  that  controls  the  zlib  compression
              level  for wire protocol commands that send zlib compressed out-
              put (notably the commands that send repository history data).

              The default (-1) uses the default zlib compression level,  which
              is likely equivalent to 6. 0 means no compression. 9 means maxi-
              mum compression.

              Setting this option allows server operators to  make  trade-offs
              between  bandwidth and CPU used. Lowering the compression lowers
              CPU utilization but sends more bytes to clients.

              This option only impacts the HTTP server.


              Integer between 1 and 22  that  controls  the  zstd  compression
              level  for  wire  protocol  commands. 1 is the minimal amount of
              compression and 22 is the highest amount of compression.

              The default (3) should be significantly faster than  zlib  while
              likely delivering better compression ratios.

              This option only impacts the HTTP server.

              See also server.zliblevel.


              Repository filter used when exchanging revisions with the peer.

              The default view (served) excludes secret and hidden changesets.
              Another useful value is immutable (no draft,  secret  or  hidden
              changesets). (EXPERIMENTAL)

       Configuration for extensions that need to send email messages.


              Host name of mail server, e.g. "mail.example.com".


              Optional.  Port  to  connect to on mail server. (default: 465 if
              tls is smtps; 25 otherwise)


              Optional. Method to enable TLS when connecting to  mail  server:
              starttls, smtps or none. (default: none)


              Optional.  User  name  for  authenticating with the SMTP server.
              (default: None)


              Optional. Password for authenticating with the SMTP  server.  If
              not  specified,  interactive sessions will prompt the user for a
              password; non-interactive sessions will fail. (default: None)


              Optional. The hostname that  the  sender  can  use  to  identify
              itself to the MTA.

       Subrepository  source URLs can go stale if a remote server changes name
       or becomes temporarily unavailable. This section lets  you  define  re-
       write rules of the form:

       <pattern> = <replacement>

       where  pattern  is a regular expression matching a subrepository source
       URL and replacement is the  replacement  string  used  to  rewrite  it.
       Groups  can  be  matched in pattern and referenced in replacements. For

       http://server/(.*)-hg/ = http://hg.server/\1/

       rewrites http://server/foo-hg/ into http://hg.server/foo/.

       Relative subrepository paths are first made absolute, and  the  rewrite
       rules  are then applied on the full (absolute) path. If pattern doesn't
       match the full path, an attempt is made to apply  it  on  the  relative
       path alone. The rules are applied in definition order.

       This  section  contains  options  that control the behavior of the sub-
       repositories feature. See also hg help subrepos.

       Security note: auditing in Mercurial is known  to  be  insufficient  to
       prevent clone-time code execution with carefully constructed Git subre-
       pos. It is unknown if a similar detect is present in Subversion  subre-
       pos.  Both  Git  and Subversion subrepos are disabled by default out of
       security concerns. These subrepo types can be enabled using the respec-
       tive options below.


              Whether subrepositories are allowed in the working directory.

              When  false, commands involving subrepositories (like hg update)
              will fail for all subrepository types.  (default: true)


              Whether Mercurial subrepositories are  allowed  in  the  working
              directory. This option only has an effect if subrepos.allowed is
              true.  (default: true)


              Whether Git subrepositories are allowed in  the  working  direc-
              tory.   This  option  only  has an effect if subrepos.allowed is

              See the  security  note  above  before  enabling  Git  subrepos.
              (default: false)


              Whether  Subversion  subrepositories  are allowed in the working
              directory. This option only has an effect if subrepos.allowed is

              See the security note above before enabling Subversion subrepos.
              (default: false)

       Alias definitions for templates. See hg help templates for details.

       Use the [templates] section to define template strings.   See  hg  help
       templates for details.

       Mercurial will not use the settings in the .hg/hgrc file from a reposi-
       tory if it doesn't belong to a trusted user or to a trusted  group,  as
       various hgrc features allow arbitrary commands to be run. This issue is
       often encountered when  configuring  hooks  or  extensions  for  shared
       repositories  or servers. However, the web interface will use some safe
       settings from the [web] section.

       This section specifies what users and groups are trusted.  The  current
       user is always trusted. To trust everybody, list a user or a group with
       name *. These settings must be placed in  an  already-trusted  file  to
       take  effect, such as $HOME/.hgrc of the user or service running Mercu-


              Comma-separated list of trusted users.


              Comma-separated list of trusted groups.

       User interface controls.


              Whether to include the  .hg_archival.txt  file  containing  meta
              data  (hashes  for  the repository base and for tip) in archives
              created by the hg  archive  command  or  downloaded  via  hgweb.
              (default: True)


              Whether  to  prompt for a username when committing. If True, and
              neither $HGUSER nor $EMAIL has been  specified,  then  the  user
              will be prompted to enter a username. If no username is entered,
              the default USER@HOST is used instead.  (default: False)


              Whether the "clone bundles" feature is enabled.

              When enabled, hg clone may download and  apply  a  server-adver-
              tised  bundle  file  from  a  URL  instead  of  using the normal
              exchange mechanism.

              This can likely result in faster and more reliable clones.

              (default: True)


              Whether failure to apply an advertised  "clone  bundle"  from  a
              server should result in fallback to a regular clone.

              This  is  disabled by default because servers advertising "clone
              bundles" often do so to reduce server load. If  advertised  bun-
              dles start mass failing and clients automatically fall back to a
              regular clone, this would add significant and unexpected load to
              the  server since the server is expecting clone operations to be
              offloaded to pre-generated bundles. Failing  fast  (the  default
              behavior) ensures clients don't overwhelm the server when "clone
              bundle" application fails.

              (default: False)


              Defines preferences for which "clone bundles" to use.

              Servers  advertising  "clone  bundles"  may  advertise  multiple
              available  bundles.  Each  bundle may have different attributes,
              such as the bundle type and compression format. This  option  is
              used to prefer a particular bundle over another.

              The following keys are defined by Mercurial:

                     A  bundle  type specifier. These are strings passed to hg
                     bundle -t.  e.g. gzip-v2 or bzip2-v1.

                     The compression format  of  the  bundle.  e.g.  gzip  and

       Server operators may define custom keys.

       Example   values:   COMPRESSION=bzip2,   BUNDLESPEC=gzip-v2,   COMPRES-

       By default, the first bundle advertised by the server is used.


              When to colorize output. Possible value are  Boolean  ("yes"  or
              "no"), or "debug", or "always". (default: "yes"). "yes" will use
              color whenever it seems possible. See hg help color for details.


              Whether to commit modified subrepositories when  committing  the
              parent  repository. If False and one subrepository has uncommit-
              ted changes, abort the commit.  (default: False)


              Print debugging information. (default: False)


              The editor to use during a commit. (default: $EDITOR or vi)


              Encoding to try if it's not possible  to  decode  the  changelog
              using UTF-8. (default: ISO-8859-1)


              (DEPRECATED) Use command-templates.graphnode instead.


              A  file  to read per-user ignore patterns from. This file should
              be in the same format as a repository-wide .hgignore file. File-
              names  are relative to the repository root. This option supports
              hook syntax, so if you want to specify  multiple  ignore  files,
              you  can do so by setting something like ignore.other = ~/.hgig-
              nore2. For details of the ignore  file  format,  see  the  hgig-
              nore(5) man page.


              Allow to prompt the user. (default: True)


              Select  the default interface for interactive features (default:
              text).  Possible values are 'text' and 'curses'.


              Select the interface for change recording (e.g. hg  commit  -i).
              Possible  values are 'text' and 'curses'.  This config overrides
              the interface specified by ui.interface.


              Largest file size that gives no memory  use  warning.   Possible
              values  are  integers  or  0  to  disable  the check.  (default:


              (DEPRECATED) Use command-templates.log instead.


              The conflict resolution program to use during  a  manual  merge.
              For  more  information  on  merge tools see hg help merge-tools.
              For configuring merge tools see the [merge-tools] section.


              Sets the merge conflict marker label styling. The detailed style
              uses  the  command-templates.mergemarker  setting  to  style the
              labels.  The basic style just uses 'local' and  'other'  as  the
              marker label.  One of basic or detailed.  (default: basic)


              (DEPRECATED) Use command-templates.mergemarker instead.


              Where to write status and error messages. (default: stdio)


                     Use   separate   channel  for  structured  output.  (Com-
                     mand-server only)


                     Everything to stderr.


                     Status to stdout, and error to stderr.


              The path to a directory used to store generated .orig files.  If
              the path is not a directory, one will be created.  If set, files
              stored in this directory have the same name as the original file
              and do not have a .orig suffix.


              Control the pagination of command output (default: True). See hg
              help pager for details.


              An optional external tool that hg  import  and  some  extensions
              will  use  for  applying  patches.  By default Mercurial uses an
              internal patch utility. The external tool must work as the  com-
              mon Unix patch program. In particular, it must accept a -p argu-
              ment to strip patch headers, a -d argument to specify  the  cur-
              rent  directory,  a file name to patch, and a patch file to take
              from stdin.

              It is possible to specify a patch tool together with extra argu-
              ments.  For  example,  setting this option to patch --merge will
              use the patch program with its 2-way merge option.


              Check for portable filenames. Can  be  warn,  ignore  or  abort.
              (default: warn)


                     Print  a  warning  message  on POSIX platforms, if a file
                     with a non-portable filename is added (e.g. a file with a
                     name that can't be created on Windows because it contains
                     reserved parts like AUX, reserved characters like  :,  or
                     would cause a case collision with an existing file).


                     Don't print a warning.


                     The command is aborted.


                     Alias for warn.


                     Alias for ignore.


              (DEPRECATED) Use command-template.pre-merge-tool-output instead.


              Reduce the amount of output printed.  (default: False)


              Prefer relative paths in the UI.


              Remote command to use for clone/push/pull operations.  (default:


              Warn if a .hg/hgrc file is ignored due to not being owned  by  a
              trusted user or group.  (default: True)


              (Deprecated. Use slashpath template filter instead.)

              Display paths using a slash (/) as the path separator. This only
              makes a difference on systems where the default  path  separator
              is  not  the  slash  character  (e.g. Windows uses the backslash
              character (\)).  (default: False)


              Display copies in the status command.


              Command to use for SSH connections. (default: ssh)


              A hint shown to the user in the case of SSH error (e.g.   Please
              see http://company/internalwiki/ssh.html)


              Require  exact  command  names,  instead of allowing unambiguous
              abbreviations. (default: False)


              Name of style to use for command output.


              A URL where users should report a Mercurial traceback. Use  this
              if  you  are a large organisation with its own Mercurial deploy-
              ment process and crash  reports  should  be  addressed  to  your
              internal support.


              Maximum  width  of help text. A longer line generated by hg help
              or hg subcommand --help will be broken after white space to  get
              this  width  or  the  terminal  width, whichever comes first.  A
              non-positive value will disable this and the terminal width will
              be used. (default: 78)


              The  timeout  used  when a lock is held (in seconds), a negative
              value means no timeout. (default: 600)


              Time (in seconds) before a warning is printed about held lock. A
              negative value means no warning. (default: 0)


              Mercurial  always  prints  a traceback when an unknown exception
              occurs. Setting this to True will make Mercurial print a  trace-
              back on all exceptions, even those recognized by Mercurial (such
              as IOError or MemoryError). (default: False)


          By default Mercurial's behavior changes very little from release  to
          release, but over time the recommended config settings shift. Enable
          this config to opt in to get automatic tweaks to Mercurial's  behav-
          ior over time. This config setting will have no effect if HGPLAIN is
          set or HGPLAINEXCEPT is set  and  does  not  include  tweakdefaults.
          (default: False)

          It currently means:

          # The rollback command is dangerous. As a rule, don't use it.
          rollback = False
          # Make `hg status` report copy information
          statuscopies = yes
          # Prefer curses UIs when available. Revert to plain-text with `text`.
          interface = curses
          # Make compatible commands emit cwd-relative paths by default.
          relative-paths = yes

          # Grep working directory by default.
          grep.all-files = True
          # Refuse to perform an `hg update` that would cause a file content merge
          update.check = noconflict
          # Show conflicts information in `hg status`
          status.verbose = True
          # Make `hg resolve` with no action (like `-m`) fail instead of re-merging.
          resolve.explicit-re-merge = True

          git = 1
          showfunc = 1
          word-diff = 1


              The  committer  of  a  changeset  created when running "commit".
              Typically a person's name and email address,  e.g.  Fred  Widget
              <fred@example.com>.  Environment  variables  in the username are

              (default: $EMAIL or username@hostname. If the username  in  hgrc
              is  empty, e.g. if the system admin set username = in the system
              hgrc, it has to be specified manually or  in  a  different  hgrc


              Increase the amount of output printed. (default: False)

       Templates used for customizing the output of commands.


              The  template used to print changeset nodes in an ASCII revision
              graph.  (default: {graphnode})


              Template string for commands that print changesets.


              The template used to print the commit description next  to  each
              conflict  marker  during  merge conflicts. See hg help templates
              for the template format.

              Defaults to showing the hash, tags, branches, bookmarks, author,
              and the first line of the commit description.

              If  you  use  non-ASCII  characters in names for tags, branches,
              bookmarks, authors, and/or commit  descriptions,  you  must  pay
              attention  to encodings of managed files. At template expansion,
              non-ASCII characters use the encoding specified by the  --encod-
              ing  global  option,  HGENCODING  or other environment variables
              that govern your locale. If the encoding of the merge markers is
              different  from  the encoding of the merged files, serious prob-
              lems may occur.

              Can be overridden per-merge-tool, see the [merge-tools] section.


              A template used by hg rebase and other commands  for  showing  a
              one-line summary of a commit. If the template configured here is
              longer than one line, then only the first line is used.

              The template can be overridden per command by  defining  a  tem-
              plate  in oneline-summary.<command>, where <command> can be e.g.


              A template that is printed before executing  an  external  merge
              tool.  This  can  be  used  to print out additional context that
              might be useful to have during the conflict resolution, such  as
              the  description  of  the  various  commits  involved  or  book-

              Additional information is available in the local`,  ``base,  and
              other   dicts.   For  example:  {local.label},  {base.name},  or

       Web interface configuration. The settings in this section apply to both
       the  builtin  webserver  (started  by  hg serve) and the script you run
       through a webserver (hgweb.cgi and  the  derivatives  for  FastCGI  and

       The  Mercurial webserver does no authentication (it does not prompt for
       usernames and passwords to validate who users  are),  but  it  does  do
       authorization (it grants or denies access for authenticated users based
       on settings in this section). You must either configure your  webserver
       to do authentication for you, or disable the authorization checks.

       For  a quick setup in a trusted environment, e.g., a private LAN, where
       you want it to accept pushes from anybody, you can  use  the  following
       command line:

       $ hg --config web.allow-push=* --config web.push_ssl=False serve

       Note  that  this  will allow anybody to push anything to the server and
       that this should not be used for public servers.

       The full set of options is:


              Where to output the access log. (default: stdout)


              Interface address to bind to. (default: all)


              List of archive format (bz2, gz, zip) allowed  for  downloading.
              (default: empty)


              (DEPRECATED) Whether to allow .tar.bz2 downloading of repository
              revisions.  (default: False)


              (DEPRECATED) Whether to allow .tar.gz downloading of  repository
              revisions.  (default: False)


              Whether to allow pulling from the repository. (default: True)


              Whether to allow pushing to the repository. If empty or not set,
              pushing is not allowed. If the special value *, any remote  user
              can push, including unauthenticated users. Otherwise, the remote
              user must have been authenticated, and  the  authenticated  user
              name  must  be  present  in  this  list.  The  contents  of  the
              allow-push list are examined after the deny_push list.


              If the user has not already been denied repository access due to
              the contents of deny_read, this list determines whether to grant
              repository access to the user. If this list is  not  empty,  and
              the  user  is  unauthenticated  or not present in the list, then
              access is denied for the user. If the list is empty or not  set,
              then  access  is  permitted  to  all  users  by default. Setting
              allow_read to the special value * is equivalent to it not  being
              set (i.e. access is permitted to all users). The contents of the
              allow_read list are examined after the deny_read list.


              (DEPRECATED) Whether to allow  .zip  downloading  of  repository
              revisions.  This  feature  creates  temporary  files.  (default:


              Whether  to  recurse  into   subrepositories   when   archiving.
              (default: False)


              Base  URL  to  use  when  publishing URLs in other locations, so
              third-party tools like email notification  hooks  can  construct
              URLs. Example: http://hgserver/repos/.


              Path  to  file  containing  a  list  of  PEM encoded certificate
              authority certificates. Environment  variables  and  ~user  con-
              structs  are  expanded  in  the  filename.  If  specified on the
              client, then it will verify the identity of remote HTTPS servers
              with these certificates.

              To disable SSL verification temporarily, specify --insecure from
              command line.

              You can use OpenSSL's CA certificate file if your  platform  has
              one.  On  most Linux systems this will be /etc/ssl/certs/ca-cer-
              tificates.crt. Otherwise you will have  to  generate  this  file
              manually. The form must be as follows:

              -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
              ... (certificate in base64 PEM encoding) ...
              -----END CERTIFICATE-----
              -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
              ... (certificate in base64 PEM encoding) ...
              -----END CERTIFICATE-----


              Whether to support caching in hgweb. (default: True)


              Certificate to use when running hg serve.


              With  descend  enabled, repositories in subdirectories are shown
              at a single level alongside repositories in  the  current  path.
              With  collapse  also  enabled, repositories residing at a deeper
              level than the current path are grouped behind navigable  direc-
              tory  entries  that lead to the locations of these repositories.
              In effect, this setting collapses each collection  of  reposito-
              ries  found  within  a subdirectory into a single entry for that
              subdirectory. (default: False)


              Number of lines of context to show in side-by-side file compari-
              son.  If  negative  or  the  value  full, whole files are shown.
              (default: 5)

              This setting can be overridden by a context request parameter to
              the comparison command, taking the same values.


              Name or email address of the person in charge of the repository.
              (default: ui.username or $EMAIL or "unknown" if unset or empty)


              Send a Content-Security-Policy HTTP header with this value.

              The value may contain a special string %nonce%,  which  will  be
              replaced  by  a  randomly-generated  one-time  use value. If the
              value contains %nonce%, web.cache will be disabled,  as  caching
              undermines  the  one-time property of the nonce. This nonce will
              also  be  inserted  into  <script>  elements  containing  inline

              Note:  lots  of  HTML content sent by the server is derived from
              repository data. Please consider  the  potential  for  malicious
              repository  data  to "inject" itself into generated HTML content
              as part of your security threat model.


              Whether to deny pushing to the repository. If empty or not  set,
              push is not denied. If the special value *, all remote users are
              denied push. Otherwise, unauthenticated users  are  all  denied,
              and  any  authenticated  user  name present in this list is also
              denied. The contents of the deny_push list are  examined  before
              the allow-push list.


              Whether  to deny reading/viewing of the repository. If this list
              is not empty, unauthenticated users  are  all  denied,  and  any
              authenticated  user  name  present  in  this list is also denied
              access to the repository. If set to the  special  value  *,  all
              remote  users  are denied access (rarely needed ;). If deny_read
              is empty or not set,  the  determination  of  repository  access
              depends  on the presence and content of the allow_read list (see
              description). If both deny_read and allow_read are empty or  not
              set,  then  access  is permitted to all users by default. If the
              repository is being served via hgwebdir, denied users  will  not
              be  able  to see it in the list of repositories. The contents of
              the deny_read list have priority over (are examined before)  the
              contents of the allow_read list.


              hgwebdir  indexes  will  not  descend  into subdirectories. Only
              repositories directly in the current path will be  shown  (other
              repositories are still available from the index corresponding to
              their containing path).


              Textual description of the  repository's  purpose  or  contents.
              (default: "unknown")


              Character  encoding  name. (default: the current locale charset)
              Example: "UTF-8".


              Where to output the error log. (default: stderr)


              Control MIME types for raw download of  file  content.   Set  to
              True  to  let  hgweb guess the content type from the file exten-
              sion. This will serve HTML files as text/html  and  might  allow
              cross-site  scripting  attacks  when serving untrusted reposito-
              ries. (default: False)


              Whether to hide the repository in the hgwebdir index.  (default:


              Whether to use IPv6. (default: False)


              List of string labels associated with the repository.

              Labels are exposed as a template keyword and can be used to cus-
              tomize output. e.g. the  index  template  can  group  or  filter
              repositories  by  labels  and  the  summary template can display
              additional content if a specific label is present.


              File name of the logo image that some templates display on  each
              page.  The file name is relative to staticurl. That is, the full
              path to the logo image is "staticurl/logoimg".  If  unset,  hgl-
              ogo.png will be used.


              Base  URL to use for logos. If unset, https://mercurial-scm.org/
              will be used.


              Maximum number of changes to list on  the  changelog.  (default:


              Maximum number of files to list per changeset. (default: 10)


              Maximum  number  of  changes  to  list on the shortlog, graph or
              filelog pages. (default: 60)


              Repository name to use in the web interface.  (default:  current
              working directory)


              Port to listen on. (default: 8000)


              Prefix path to serve from. (default: '' (server root))


              Whether  to  require that inbound pushes be transported over SSL
              to prevent password sniffing. (default: True)


              How frequently directory listings re-scan the filesystem for new
              repositories,  in  seconds.  This is relevant when wildcards are
              used to define paths. Depending on how much filesystem traversal
              is required, refreshing may negatively impact performance.

              Values less than or equal to 0 always refresh.  (default: 20)


              Value for HTTP Server response header.


              Directory where static files are served from.


              Base  URL  to use for static files. If unset, static files (e.g.
              the hgicon.png favicon) will be served by the CGI script itself.
              Use  this  setting  to serve them directly with the HTTP server.
              Example: http://hgserver/static/.


              How many lines a "zebra stripe" should span in  multi-line  out-
              put.  Set to 0 to disable. (default: 1)


              Which  template  map style to use. The available options are the
              names of subdirectories in the HTML  templates  path.  (default:
              paper) Example: monoblue.


              Where  to  find the HTML templates. The default path to the HTML
              templates can be obtained from hg debuginstall.

       Web substitution filter definition. You can use this section to  define
       a  set  of regular expression substitution patterns which let you auto-
       matically modify the hgweb server output.

       The default hgweb templates only apply these substitution  patterns  on
       the  revision  description fields. You can apply them anywhere you want
       when you create your own templates by adding calls to the "websub" fil-
       ter (usually after calling the "escape" filter).

       This  can be used, for example, to convert issue references to links to
       your issue tracker, or to convert "markdown-like" syntax into HTML (see
       the examples below).

       Each  entry  in this section names a substitution filter.  The value of
       each entry defines the  substitution  expression  itself.   The  websub
       expressions follow the old interhg extension syntax, which in turn imi-
       tates the Unix sed replacement syntax:

       patternname = s/SEARCH_REGEX/REPLACE_EXPRESSION/[i]

       You can use any separator other than "/". The final "i" is optional and
       indicates that the search must be case insensitive.


       issues = s|issue(\d+)|<a href="http://bts.example.org/issue\1">issue\1</a>|i
       italic = s/\b_(\S+)_\b/<i>\1<\/i>/
       bold = s/\*\b(\S+)\b\*/<b>\1<\/b>/

       Parallel  master/worker  configuration.  We  currently  perform working
       directory updates in parallel on Unix-like systems, which greatly helps


              Whether to enable workers code to be used.  (default: true)


              Number  of  CPUs to use for parallel operations. A zero or nega-
              tive value is treated as use the default.  (default:  4  or  the
              number of CPUs on the system, whichever is larger)


              Whether  to  enable  closing  file handles on background threads
              during certain operations. Some platforms aren't very  efficient
              at  closing  file handles that have been written or appended to.
              By performing file closing on  background  threads,  file  write
              rate  can  increase  substantially.   (default: true on Windows,
              false elsewhere)


              Minimum number of files  required  to  trigger  background  file
              closing.   Operations  not  writing  this many files won't start
              background close threads.  (default: 2048)


              The maximum number of opened file handles waiting to  be  closed
              in the background. This option only has an effect if background-
              close is enabled.  (default: 384)


              Number of threads to process background file closes. Only  rele-
              vant if backgroundclose is enabled.  (default: 4)

       Bryan O'Sullivan <bos@serpentine.com>.

       Mercurial was written by Olivia Mackall <olivia@selenic.com>.

       See attributes(7) for descriptions of the following attributes:

       |ATTRIBUTE TYPE |         ATTRIBUTE VALUE          |
       |Availability   | developer/versioning/mercurial58 |
       |Stability      | Committed                        |

       hg(1), hgignore(5)

       This  manual  page  is  copyright  2005 Bryan O'Sullivan.  Mercurial is
       copyright 2005-2021 Olivia Mackall.   Free  use  of  this  software  is
       granted  under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or
       any later version.

       Bryan O'Sullivan <bos@serpentine.com>

       Organization: Mercurial

       Source code for open source software components in Oracle  Solaris  can
       be found at https://www.oracle.com/downloads/opensource/solaris-source-

       This    software    was    built    from    source     available     at
       https://github.com/oracle/solaris-userland.    The  original  community
       source was downloaded from   https://www.mercurial-scm.org/release/mer-

       Further information about this software can be found on the open source
       community website at http://mercurial-scm.org/.
