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Updated: Wednesday, July 27, 2022

isc-dhcp (5)


isc-dhcp - ISC Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Software


Please see following description for synopsis


isc-dhcp(5)                   File Formats Manual                  isc-dhcp(5)

       isc-dhcp - ISC Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Software

       The  Internet  Systems  Consortium (ISC) DHCP Server (dhcpd) implements
       the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCPv4 and  DHCPv6),  and  the
       Internet Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP). DHCP allows hosts on a TCP/IP net-
       work to request and be assigned IP  addresses,  and  also  to  discover
       information  about  the network to which they are attached.  BOOTP pro-
       vides similar functionality, with certain restrictions.

       ISC Relay Agent (dhcrelay) provides a means for relaying DHCP and BOOTP
       requests from a subnet to which no DHCP server is directly connected to
       one or more DHCP servers on other subnets.

       The services above (dhcpd and dhcrelay) are managed using  the  Service
       Management Facility (SMF) on Solaris, and should be administered by the
       svcadm(8) command using the following fault management resource identi-
       fiers (FMRIs):


       After  making  property  changes  to the above FMRIs it is necessary to
       refresh the service and restart as appropriate for the changes to  take

       The following dhcpd service configuration properties can be viewed with
       svcprop(1) and modified via svccfg(8):

       debug = boolean: false

           Send log messages from the DHCP daemon  to   the   standard   error
           descriptor.   Setting this property to true ensures the -d command-
           line option is used when starting dhcpd. This property  is  set  to
           false by default.

       config_file = astring: path

           Path to alternate configuration file. The value of this property is
           passed as an argument to the -cf command-line option of dhcpd.  The
           default  is  set to /etc/inet/dhcpd6.conf and /etc/inet/dhcpd4.conf
           for DHCP v6 and v4 servers respectively.

       lease_file = astring: path

           Path to alternate lease file. The value of this property is  passed
           as an argument to the -lf command-line option of dhcpd. The default
           value  is  set  to  /var/db/isc-dhcp/v4.leases   for   DHCPv4   and
           /var/db/isc-dhcp/v6.leases for DHCPv6.

       listen_ifnames = astring: ()

           An  optional  property to specify one or more network interfaces on
           which dhcpd should serve DHCP requests.  The  property  values  are
           appended  to  the dhcpd command-line.  Care must be taken when set-
           ting this property to multiple  interfaces  as  it  is  a  list-of-
           string-values, and not a single comma separated string.

           See Example 4.

       omapi_conn_limit = integer: 200

           Value  used to limit the number of failover and control connections
           accepted by the server - the default is 200. Only positive  integer
           values are permissible; a value of 0 means there is no limit.

           See Example 5.

           NOTE:  This  property  will be removed in the event ISC removes the
           underlying functionality. The ISC recommends that customers  imple-
           ment  one  or more of the workarounds documented in ISC's Knowledge
           Base article AA-01354 (https://kb.isc.org/article/AA-01354).

       The following dhcrelay options are available as  service  configuration
       properties  and  can  be  viewed  with svcprop(1) and modified via svc-

       append_agent_option = boolean: false (v4 only)

           Setting this option to true ensures the DHCP relay appends an agent
           option  field  to each request before forwarding the request to the
           DHCP server. When this property is set to true, the -a command-line
           option  is  used when launching dhcrelay. The default value of this
           property is false. This option is only applicable to the  svc:/net-
           work/dhcp/relay:ipv4 service.

       listen_ifnames = astring: () (v4 only)

           This  property  is  used to specify one or more interfaces on which
           the DHCP relay should listen for DHCPv4/BOOTP queries.   The  prop-
           erty  value is passed as the argument for, one or more, -i command-
           line option(s) of the dhcrelay program.  Care must  be  taken  when
           setting  this  property  to multiple interfaces as it is a list-of-
           string-values, and not  a  single  comma  separated  string.   This
           option  is only applicable to the svc:/network/dhcp/relay:ipv4 ser-

           See Examples section for how to set list-of-string-values.

       servers = astring: () (v4 only)

           This property must be set to  the  IP  addresses  of  one  or  more
           servers    before    enabling    the   relay   service   (svc:/net-
           work/dhcp/relay:ipv4).  Care must be taken when setting this  prop-
           erty to multiple values as it is a list-of-string-values, and not a
           single comma separated string.  This option is only  applicable  to
           the svc:/network/dhcp/relay:ipv4 service.

       receive_query_links = astring: () (v6 only)

           This  property  must  be  set  to specify the interface(s) on which
           queries will be received from clients or from  other  relay  agents
           before  enabling  the relay service (svc:/network/dhcp/relay:ipv6).
           The property value is passed as the argument for, one or  more,  -l
           command-line option(s) to the dhcrelay program.  Care must be taken
           when setting this property to multiple interfaces as it is a  list-
           of-string-values,  and  not  a  single comma separated string. This
           option is only applicable to the svc:/network/dhcp/relay:ipv6  ser-

           See Example 3.

       forward_query_links = astring: () (v6 only)

           This  property  must  be  set  to specify the interface(s) on which
           queries from clients and other relay  agents  should  be  forwarded
           before  enabling  the relay service (svc:/network/dhcp/relay:ipv6).
           The property value is passed as the argument for, one or  more,  -u
           command-line  option(s) to the dhcrelay program. Care must be taken
           when setting this property to multiple interfaces as it is a  list-
           of-string-values,  and  not  a  single comma separated string. This
           option is only applicable to the svc:/network/dhcp/relay:ipv6  ser-

       Since  dhcpd  and  dhcrelay are managed using SMF no pid files are cre-

       In the following examples, property changes have been made on the  com-
       mand-line where often it is necessary to use the shell escape character
       (\) to pass-in values correctly.  An alternative option is to use  svc-
       cfg's  editprop feature to edit the values in an editor, where escaping
       is  then  not  necessary.  For  example,  the  shell-escaped  value  of
       \(\"\"\"bge0\"\"iprb#1\"\)    can   be   entered   as
       ("" "bge0" "iprb#1").  Refer to svccfg(8) for further

       Example 1 Enabling DHCPv4 Server.

       ISC DHCPv4 server service is disabled by default. The following command
       enables the ISC DHCPv4 service:

         example# svcadm enable svc:/network/dhcp/server:ipv4

       Example 2 Displaying the configurable properties of DHCPv6 Relay  Agent

       The  following  command  displays all configurable properties of DHCPv6
       Relay Agent Service:

         example# svccfg -s dhcp/relay:ipv6 listprop config
         config                      application
         config/forward_query_links  astring
         config/listen_ifnames       astring
         config/receive_query_links  astring
         config/value_authorization  astring  solaris.smf.value.dhcp

       Example 3 Setting the  receive_query_links  property  value  of  DHCPv6
       Relay Agent service.

       The following commands will set the receive_query_links property value,
       for which the service will append  to  the  dhcrelay  command-line  "-l -l bge0 -l iprb#1".

         example# svccfg -s dhcp/relay:ipv6 setprop \
             config/receive_query_links= \
         example# svccfg -s dhcp/relay:ipv6 refresh

         NOTE: spaces are not allowed in the string within quotes in the
               setprop command.

         To verify that the property values are set execute either
         the svccfg command or the svcprop command as given below:

         example# svccfg -s dhcp/relay:ipv6 listprop config/receive_query_links
         config/receive_query_links  astring  "" "bge0" "iprb#1"
         example# svcprop -p config/receive_query_links dhcp/relay:ipv6 bge0 iprb#1

       Example 4  Setting  the  listen_ifnames  property value for dhcpd.  The
       following commands will set the listen_ifnames  property  to  bge0  and
       bge1 and then display the updated values.

         example# svccfg -s dhcp/server:ipv4 setprop \
             config/listen_ifnames = \(\"bge0\"\"bge1\"\)
         example# svccfg -s dhcp/server:ipv4 refresh

         NOTE: spaces are not allowed in the string within quotes in the
               setprop command.

         To verify that the property values are set type:

         example# svccfg -s dhcp/server:ipv4 listprop config/listen_ifnames
         config/listen_ifnames  astring  "bge0" "bge1"

       Example 5  Limiting  the  number of failover and control connections in
       dhcpd to 1000 and restarting the service so that the modified  property
       comes into effect.

         example# svccfg -s dhcp/server:ipv4 setprop config/omapi_conn_limit = 1000
         example# svccfg -s dhcp/server:ipv4 refresh
         example# svcadm restart dhcp/server:ipv4

       See attributes(7) for descriptions of the following attributes:

       |ATTRIBUTE TYPE |       ATTRIBUTE VALUE         |
       |Availability   | service/network/dhcp/isc-dhcp |
       |Stability      | Uncommitted                   |

       svccfg(8), svcprop(1), svcadm(8), dhcpd(8), dhcrelay(8)

       Source  code  for open source software components in Oracle Solaris can
       be found at https://www.oracle.com/downloads/opensource/solaris-source-

       This     software     was    built    from    source    available    at
       https://github.com/oracle/solaris-userland.   The  original   community
       source                was                downloaded                from

       Further information about this software can be found on the open source
       community website at http://www.isc.org/software/dhcp/.

Oracle Solaris 11.4               28 Feb 2018                      isc-dhcp(5)