The Order Summary panel, which is available to the agent when using the Commerce tab, displays order status information. It also presents links based on the state of the order and where the agent is in the order process. The Order Summary display is triggered when the agent performs a specific action or navigates to a specific page.

Note: Page navigation changes take precedence over action changes.

The following actions trigger an update of the Order Summary display:

The following processes trigger an update of the Order Summary display:

To customize the Order Summary panel, override the Nucleus configuration files located in the config/atg/commerce/custsvc/ordersummary directory. Then copy and modify the JSP files in DCS-CSR.war/panels/ordersummary.

Adding a New Order Summary Step
  1. If the new step fits into one of the pre-existing paths, such as modify order or returns, add a new properties file to the configuration. If necessary, create a new JSP file. Pre-existing paths are indicated by the use of a task-based name, such as exchange, modify, return, template, complete and submitted.

    The properties files have the following entries:

  2. Edit the properties files of the other steps in the path to provide information on the new step. For example, add the ID of the new step to the visibleWhenInSteps= list of the steps before this new step in the path when the agent is in the new step.

  3. Ensure that one of the panels in the new panel stack calls the JavaScript function atg.progress.update('someIdStringHere'), passing the ID of the panel stack. This lets the progress bar know it needs to update itself, and indicates where the agent is in the process.

  4. To add the JSP into your web applications, modify the Nucleus configuration properties files to identify which web-app contains the JSP file. For example:


Editing an Existing Order Summary Step
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