New panels must be added to the Service Repository. To do this, perform an XML combine with the existing svc_framework.xml file as outlined in the following example:

  1. Update the Service Repository with definitions of the new CSC panels. ATG Service stores panels, panel stacks and all other framework type objects in a repository, as defined in the install/data/svc_framework.xml file.

    Note: The panel definitions below point to the shopping cart. The following properties must be changed: contentUrl, titleKey and resourceBundle.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
    <!DOCTYPE gsa-template SYSTEM

    <add-item item-descriptor="PanelDefinition" id="myNewPanel1">
      <set-property name="appId" value="workspace"/>
      <set-property name="panelId" value="myNewPanel1"/>
      <set-property name="accessRight" value="NewPanel1"/>
      <set-property name="titleKey" value="cmcShoppingCartP"/>
      <set-property name="resourceBundle"
      <set-property name="contentUrl" value="/panels/order/cart.jsp"/>
      <set-property name="otherContext" value="DCS-CSR"/>
      <set-property name="templateIds" value="panelTemplate=panelTemplate"/>
      <set-property name="tabHolderYn" value="true"/>
      <set-property name="allowContentToggleYn" value="true"/>
      <set-property name="allowTabbingYn" value="true"/>

    <add-item item-descriptor="PanelDefinition" id="myNewPanel2">
      <set-property name="appId" value="workspace"/>
      <set-property name="panelId" value="myNewPanel2"/>
      <set-property name="accessRight" value="NewPanel2"/>
      <set-property name="titleKey" value="cmcShoppingCartP"/>
      <set-property name="resourceBundle"
      <set-property name="contentUrl" value="/panels/order/cart.jsp"/>
      <set-property name="otherContext" value="DCS-CSR"/>
      <set-property name="templateIds" value="panelTemplate=panelTemplate"/>
      <set-property name="tabHolderYn" value="true"/>
      <set-property name="allowContentToggleYn" value="true"/>
      <set-property name="allowTabbingYn" value="true"/>

    <add-item item-descriptor="PanelDefinition" id="myNewPanel3">
      <set-property name="appId" value="workspace"/>
      <set-property name="panelId" value="myNewPanel3"/>
      <set-property name="accessRight" value="NewPanel3"/>
      <set-property name="titleKey" value="cmcShoppingCartP"/>
      <set-property name="resourceBundle"
      <set-property name="contentUrl" value="/panels/order/cart.jsp"/>
      <set-property name="otherContext" value="DCS-CSR"/>
      <set-property name="templateIds" value="panelTemplate=panelTemplate"/>
      <set-property name="tabHolderYn" value="true"/>
      <set-property name="allowContentToggleYn" value="true"/>
      <set-property name="allowTabbingYn" value="true"/>


    The new panels can be added to any existing panel stack by updating the panelIds property. Similarly, the panels may be added to a new panel stack.

    Note: It is recommended that the JSPs for new panels should be housed in a custom web-app. If the JSPs are housed in a custom web-app, the otherContext property of the PanelDefinition should be set to the value of the context root of the containing web-app.

  2. The list of valid framework components is managed by the FrameworkComponents service in the /atg/svc/configuration/ file. Add the new panel to the end of the list in the appropriate configuration layer with the flag set to true, for example:


    Note: The componentIds list is used for both panels and tabs.

Once the repository definition has been extended and the panels have been added to the required panel stack, the Service database should be reloaded. The panels will then be visible.

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