The following configuration changes are made on the agent server.

Search Property File Configuration

The file searchEngine and deployShare properties are installed on the CSC agent server.

The file is set to enable=true to identify the management server as a server that will perform queuing of index changes.

The /atg/userprofiling/search/ProfileOutputConfig.incrementalUpdateSeconds and the /atg/commerce/search/OrderOutputConfig.incrementalUpdateSeconds properties, which determine the frequency for live indexing requests, are set to 5 seconds.

Note: If the server on which this is being configured is not the indexing server, set the incrementalUpdateSeconds to -1. It is best to configure a non-DRP server as your indexing server.

ClickToConnect Property File Configuration

The /atg/clicktoconnect/ file is configured with the following information:

# Your eStara account ID

# The eStara ClickToConnect username

# The eStara ClickToConnect password

The following key information is required by CSC to automatically authenticate an agent using a salted hash passed through from eStara Wincare. The salt for the hash must be configured for CSC separately and must match. For information on setting up the secret key in Wincare, refer to the Configuring eStara Click to Call section.

Note: You must contact an eStara agent to set the corresponding secret key on the eStara side that matches your agent server configuration. The CIM installation will neither obtain nor configure the eStara-side variables.

This information is stored in the /atg/svc/clicktoconnect/ file:

# key that is included when calculating the hash value
# for comparison to eStara computed value on the request
Custom Catalogs Add On Configuration

The following information is configured if installing Custom Catalogs. The following information is stored in the /atg/userprofiling/internalUserProfile.xml file:

  <item-descriptor name="agent">
    <property name="catalog" property-type="atg.repository.nucleus.
     NucleusReferencePropertyDescriptor" data-type=
      <attribute name="component" value="/atg/commerce/custsvc/
      <attribute name="property" value="currentCatalog"/>
      <attribute name="scope" value="global"/>
      <attribute name="repositoryName" value="/atg/commerce/
      <attribute name="itemTypeName" value="catalog"/>
      <attribute name="typeName" value="string"/>

The following information is configured in the /atg/commerce/custsvc/util/CSRConfigurator.

Price Lists Add On Configuration

The following information is configured if installing Price Lists. The following information is stored in the /atg/commerce/custsvc/util/ file:

Scheduled Orders Add On Configuration

The following information is configured if installing Scheduled Orders. The following information is stored in the /atg/commerce/custsvc/util/ file:

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