The following example displays the addition of a new myNewTab tab definition. It renders a new panel stack called MyNewPS, which renders the three additional panels added above: myNewPanel1, myNewPanel2, and myNewPanel3 (see Step 3 in Adding a New Panel to Commerce Service Center).

In this example, the following properties will be changed for the tab definition:

Additional information regarding the following properties is available in the ATG Service Installation and Configuration Guide

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE gsa-template SYSTEM

   The new myNewTab tab definition
  <add-item item-descriptor="TabDefinition" id="WsMyNewTabDefinition">
    <set-property name="appId" value="workspace"/>
    <set-property name="tabId" value="myNewTab"/>
    <set-property name="titleKey" value="myNewTab.resource"/>
    <set-property name="resourceBundle"
    <set-property name="accessRight" value="GlobalPanel"/>
     Note: both cmcHelpfulPanels and helpfulPanels must be defined in
     case the user goes to Utilities | Preferences while on the Commerce
     tab. Preferences needs the next steps menu in the helpfulPanels panel
    <set-property name="panelStackAssignments"
        helpfulPanels=sidebarColumn cmcHelpfulPanels=sidebarColumn
    <set-property name="currentPanelStacks"
    <set-property name="panelStackOrder"
    <set-property name="templateIds"
    <set-property name="contentIds" value="actionJavaScript=myTabAction"/>

   The panel stack that gets rendered initially when the tab is loaded.
   This is done by setting the currentPanelStacks property of the tab
  <add-item item-descriptor="PanelStackDefinition" id="MyNewPS">
    <set-property name="appId" value="workspace"/>
    <set-property name="panelStackId" value="MyNewPS"/>
    <set-property name="errorPanelId" value="errorPanel"/>
    <set-property name="header" value="contentHeader"/>
    <set-property name="titleKey" value="MyNewPS"/>
    <set-property name="resourceBundle"
    <set-property name="panelIds"

    Update the existing framework to be aware of the new tab.
  <update-item item-descriptor="FrameworkDefinition"
     <set-property name="tabIds" value="myNewTab" remove="true"/>

  <update-item item-descriptor="FrameworkDefinition"
    <set-property name="tabIds" value="myNewTab" add="true"/>

  1. Once the new tab and panel stacks are defined, add the ContentDefinition item for the new tab action. This defines the JavaScript action that will be attached to the TabDefinition item for the new tab (via the contentIds map, see below) and will be executed when the tab is selected. For example:

    <add-item item-descriptor="ContentDefinition" id="WsMyNewTabAction">
      <set-property name="appId" value="workspace"/>
      <set-property name="contentId" value="myNewTabAction"/>
      <set-property name="mimeType" value="text/javascript"/>
      <set-property name="body"><![CDATA[atgChangeTab(atg.service.framework.

  2. The list of valid framework components is managed by the FrameworkComponents service in the /atg/svc/configuration/ file. Add the new tab to the end of the list of your customer application configuration layer with the flag set to true, for example:


    Note: The same componentIds list is used for both panels and tabs.

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