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Updated: Wednesday, July 27, 2022

cmake-qt (7)


cmake-qt - CMake Qt Features Reference


Please see following description for synopsis


CMAKE-QT(7)                          CMake                         CMAKE-QT(7)

       cmake-qt - CMake Qt Features Reference

       CMake can find and use Qt 4 and Qt 5 libraries.  The Qt 4 libraries are
       found by the FindQt4 find-module shipped with CMake, whereas the  Qt  5
       libraries are found using "Config-file Packages" shipped with Qt 5. See
       cmake-packages(7) for more information about CMake  packages,  and  see
       the Qt cmake manual for your Qt version.

       Qt 4 and Qt 5 may be used together in the same CMake buildsystem:

          cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.8.0 FATAL_ERROR)


          set(CMAKE_AUTOMOC ON)

          find_package(Qt5 COMPONENTS Widgets DBus REQUIRED)
          add_executable(publisher publisher.cpp)
          target_link_libraries(publisher Qt5::Widgets Qt5::DBus)

          find_package(Qt4 REQUIRED)
          add_executable(subscriber subscriber.cpp)
          target_link_libraries(subscriber Qt4::QtGui Qt4::QtDBus)

       A  CMake  target  may  not link to both Qt 4 and Qt 5.  A diagnostic is
       issued if this is attempted or results from  transitive  target  depen-
       dency evaluation.

       Qt  relies  on  some bundled tools for code generation, such as moc for
       meta-object code generation, uic for widget layout and population,  and
       rcc  for  virtual  file  system content generation.  These tools may be
       automatically invoked by cmake(1) if  the  appropriate  conditions  are
       met.   The  automatic tool invocation may be used with both Qt 4 and Qt

       The AUTOMOC target property controls whether cmake(1) inspects the  C++
       files  in the target to determine if they require moc to be run, and to
       create rules to execute moc at the appropriate time.

       If a macro from AUTOMOC_MACRO_NAMES is found in a header file, moc will
       be run on the file.  The result will be put into a file named according
       to moc_<basename>.cpp.  If the macro is found in a  C++  implementation
       file,  the moc output will be put into a file named according to <base-
       name>.moc, following the Qt conventions.  The  <basename>.moc  must  be
       included by the user in the C++ implementation file with a preprocessor

       Included moc_*.cpp and *.moc files will  be  generated  in  the  <AUTO-
       GEN_BUILD_DIR>/include  directory  which  is automatically added to the
       target's INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES.

       o This differs from CMake 3.7 and below; see  their  documentation  for

       o For  multi  configuration generators, the include directory is <AUTO-


       Not included moc_<basename>.cpp files will be generated in custom fold-
       ers  to  avoid name collisions and included in a separate file which is
       compiled into the target, named either  <AUTOGEN_BUILD_DIR>/mocs_compi-
       lation.cpp or <AUTOGEN_BUILD_DIR>/mocs_compilation_$<CONFIG>.cpp.


       The   moc   command  line  will  consume  the  COMPILE_DEFINITIONS  and
       INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES target properties  from  the  target  it  is  being
       invoked for, and for the appropriate build configuration.

       The AUTOMOC target property may be pre-set for all following targets by
       setting the CMAKE_AUTOMOC  variable.   The  AUTOMOC_MOC_OPTIONS  target
       property  may  be  populated  to  set  options  to  pass  to  moc.  The
       CMAKE_AUTOMOC_MOC_OPTIONS variable may  be  populated  to  pre-set  the
       options for all following targets.

       Additional   macro   names   to  search  for  can  be  added  to  AUTO-

       Additional moc dependency file names can be extracted from source  code

       Source  C++  files  can be excluded from AUTOMOC processing by enabling
       SKIP_AUTOMOC or the broader SKIP_AUTOGEN.

       The AUTOUIC target property controls whether cmake(1) inspects the  C++
       files  in the target to determine if they require uic to be run, and to
       create rules to execute uic at the appropriate time.

       If  a  preprocessor  #include  directive   is   found   which   matches
       <path>ui_<basename>.h,  and  a <basename>.ui file exists, then uic will
       be executed to generate the appropriate file.  The  <basename>.ui  file
       is searched for in the following places

       1. <source_dir>/<basename>.ui

       2. <source_dir>/<path><basename>.ui

       3. <AUTOUIC_SEARCH_PATHS>/<basename>.ui

       4. <AUTOUIC_SEARCH_PATHS>/<path><basename>.ui

       where   <source_dir>   is   the   directory   of   the   C++  file  and
       AUTOUIC_SEARCH_PATHS is a list of additional search paths.

       The  generated  generated  ui_*.h  files  are  placed  in  the   <AUTO-
       GEN_BUILD_DIR>/include  directory  which  is automatically added to the
       target's INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES.

       o This differs from CMake 3.7 and below; see  their  documentation  for

       o For  multi  configuration generators, the include directory is <AUTO-


       The AUTOUIC target property may be pre-set for all following targets by
       setting  the  CMAKE_AUTOUIC variable.  The AUTOUIC_OPTIONS target prop-
       erty  may  be  populated  to  set  options  to  pass   to   uic.    The
       CMAKE_AUTOUIC_OPTIONS  variable may be populated to pre-set the options
       for all following targets.  The AUTOUIC_OPTIONS  source  file  property
       may  be set on the <basename>.ui file to set particular options for the
       file.  This overrides options from the AUTOUIC_OPTIONS target property.

       A target may populate  the  INTERFACE_AUTOUIC_OPTIONS  target  property
       with  options that should be used when invoking uic.  This must be con-
       sistent with the AUTOUIC_OPTIONS target property content of the  depen-
       der  target.  The CMAKE_DEBUG_TARGET_PROPERTIES variable may be used to
       track the origin target of such INTERFACE_AUTOUIC_OPTIONS.  This  means
       that  a library which provides an alternative translation system for Qt
       may specify options which should be used when running uic:

          add_library(KI18n klocalizedstring.cpp)
          target_link_libraries(KI18n Qt5::Core)

          # KI18n uses the tr2i18n() function instead of tr().  That function is
          # declared in the klocalizedstring.h header.
            -tr tr2i18n
            -include klocalizedstring.h

          set_property(TARGET KI18n APPEND PROPERTY
            INTERFACE_AUTOUIC_OPTIONS ${autouic_options}

       A consuming project linking to the target exported from upstream  auto-
       matically  uses  appropriate  options  when uic is run by AUTOUIC, as a
       result of linking with the IMPORTED target:

          set(CMAKE_AUTOUIC ON)
          # Uses a libwidget.ui file:
          add_library(LibWidget libwidget.cpp)

       Source files can  be  excluded  from  AUTOUIC  processing  by  enabling
       SKIP_AUTOUIC or the broader SKIP_AUTOGEN.

       The  AUTORCC target property controls whether cmake(1) creates rules to
       execute rcc at the appropriate time on source files which have the suf-
       fix .qrc.

          add_executable(myexe main.cpp resource_file.qrc)

       The AUTORCC target property may be pre-set for all following targets by
       setting the CMAKE_AUTORCC variable.  The AUTORCC_OPTIONS  target  prop-
       erty   may   be   populated  to  set  options  to  pass  to  rcc.   The
       CMAKE_AUTORCC_OPTIONS variable may be populated to pre-set the  options
       for  all  following  targets.  The AUTORCC_OPTIONS source file property
       may be set on the <name>.qrc file to set  particular  options  for  the
       file.  This overrides options from the AUTORCC_OPTIONS target property.

       Source  files  can  be  excluded  from  AUTORCC  processing by enabling
       SKIP_AUTORCC or the broader SKIP_AUTOGEN.

       The moc and uic tools are executed  as  part  of  a  synthesized  <ORI-
       GIN>_autogen  custom  target generated by CMake.  By default that <ORI-
       GIN>_autogen target inherits the dependencies of  the  <ORIGIN>  target
       (see  AUTOGEN_ORIGIN_DEPENDS).  Target dependencies may be added to the
       <ORIGIN>_autogen target by adding them  to  the  AUTOGEN_TARGET_DEPENDS
       target property.

       When  using  the  Visual Studio generators, CMake generates a PRE_BUILD
       custom command instead of the <ORIGIN>_autogen custom target (for AUTO-
       MOC  and  AUTOUIC).   This  isn't  always  possible though and an <ORI-
       GIN>_autogen custom target is used, when either

       o the <ORIGIN> target depends on GENERATED files which aren't  excluded
         or CMP0071

       o AUTOGEN_TARGET_DEPENDS lists a source file


       The Qt 4 and 5 IMPORTED targets for the QtGui  libraries  specify  that
       the  qtmain.lib  static  library  shipped with Qt will be linked by all
       dependent executables which have the WIN32_EXECUTABLE enabled.

       To disable this behavior, enable the Qt5_NO_LINK_QTMAIN target property
       for  Qt  5 based targets or QT4_NO_LINK_QTMAIN target property for Qt 4
       based targets.

          add_executable(myexe WIN32 main.cpp)
          target_link_libraries(myexe Qt4::QtGui)

          add_executable(myexe_no_qtmain WIN32 main_no_qtmain.cpp)
          set_property(TARGET main_no_qtmain PROPERTY QT4_NO_LINK_QTMAIN ON)
          target_link_libraries(main_no_qtmain Qt4::QtGui)

       2000-2021 Kitware, Inc. and Contributors

       See attributes(7) for descriptions of the following attributes:

       |Availability   | developer/build/cmake |
       |Stability      | Uncommitted           |

       Source code for open source software components in Oracle  Solaris  can
       be found at https://www.oracle.com/downloads/opensource/solaris-source-

       This    software    was    built    from    source     available     at
       https://github.com/oracle/solaris-userland.    The  original  community
       source                was                downloaded                from

       Further information about this software can be found on the open source
       community website at http://www.cmake.org/.

3.21.0                           Jun 27, 2022                      CMAKE-QT(7)