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Updated: Wednesday, July 27, 2022

gnome-std-options (7)


gnome-std-options - tions


Please see following description for synopsis


Headers, Tables, and Macros                               gnome-std-options(7)

       gnome-std-options  - standard options available for most GNOME applica-

       GNOME standard options which are available for most GNOME based  appli-
       cations.  Some of these options are only available if the program makes
       use of various GNOME interfaces such as GTK+, libgnome, or  GNOME  ses-
       sion.   Use  the  --help option to see which arguments are supported by
       any given program.

       The following options are supported:

       -?, --help
           Display detailed usage message.

           Display all help options.

           Display a brief usage message.

       The following GTK+ options are supported:

           Display GTK+ help options.

           Set the class of a GTK+ program, for use by the window manager.

           Set the name of a GTK+ program, for use by the window manager.

           Specify an X Display to use, where display is in the following for-


           Make all GTK+ warnings fatal. This will cause the application to be
           killed when a warning is issued, rather than reporting this warning

           Specify  a  list  of  GDK  debug flags to set, in addition to those
           specified in the GDK_DEBUG environment  variable.  This  option  is
           only  available  if  GTK+  has  been  configured with the --enable-
           debug=yes option.  Valid flags values are as follows:

             o  all

             o  dnd

             o  events

             o  misc

             o  xim

           For more information, please refer to the GTK+ source code.

           Specify a list of GDK debug flags to unset.  This  option  is  only
           available  if  GTK+ has been configured with the --enable-debug=yes
           option.  Valid flags values are the same  as  for  the  --gdk-debug
           option. For more information, please refer to the GTK+ source code.

           Specify  a list of GTK+ options to set, in addition to those speci-
           fied in the GTK_DEBUG environment variable.  This  option  is  only
           available  if  GTK+ has been configured with the --enable-debug=yes
           option.  Valid flags values are as follows:

             o  all

             o  geometry

             o  icontheme

             o  keybindings

             o  misc

             o  modules

             o  multihead

             o  plugsocket

             o  printing

             o  text

             o  tree

             o  updates

           For more information, please refer to the GTK+ source code.

           Specify a list of GTK+ options to unset. This option is only avail-
           able  if  GTK+  has been configured with --enable-debug=yes option.
           Valid flags values are the same as for the --gtk-debug option.  For
           more information, please refer to the GTK+ source code.

           Specify a list of GTK+ modules to load, in addition to those speci-
           fied in the GTK_MODULES environment variable.

           Specify an X Screen to use. This is only useful if  more  than  one
           physical  monitor is available. The default screen is 0.  screen is
           an integer value in the range 0 to {NumberOfScreens - 1}.

           Specify that requests to the X Server should be sent synchronously.
           By  default,  such requests are sent asynchronously. This option is
           generally used when debugging an application,  and  should  not  be
           used in normal execution.

       The following GNOME options are supported:

           Display GNOME options.

           Print  the version information for the command. You can also use -v
           to specify this option.

       The following GNOME session options are supported.

           Display session management help options.

           Specify a session management ID.

           Specify the prefix of a saved configuration.

           Disable the connection to the session manager.

       Common application options that are supported.

           Specify the X geometry location for the application being launched,
           where geometry is in the following format:


       Example 1: Getting gnome-calculator usage

       example% gnome-calculator -usage

       Example 2: Launching ghex2 on host "Labrynth" with display 0 and screen

       example% ghex2 --display=Labrynth:0.0

       See environ(7) for descriptions of the following environment variables:

       DISPLAY                 X Display on which the application should  dis-

       G_DEBUG                 This  variable  can  be  set to a list of debug
                               options.  Set to fatal_warnings  to  make  pro-
                               grams abort at the first call to g_warning() or
                               g_critical().  Set to fatal_criticals to  abort
                               at  the first call to g_critical().  Set to gc-
                               friendly to cause newly allocated  memory  that
                               isn't  directly  initialized, as well as memory
                               being freed to be reset to 0.  Set to resident-
                               modules  to cause all modules loaded by GModule
                               to be made resident.  Set  to  bind-now-modules
                               to  cause all modules loaded by GModule to bind
                               their symbols at load time, even  if  the  code
                               uses %G_MODULE_BIND_LAZY.

       GDK_DEBUG               If  GTK+ has been configured with the --enable-
                               debug=yes option, this variable can be set to a
                               list  of  debug  options that should be set for
                               GDK.  Refer to the --gdk-option option for more

       GTK_DEBUG               If  GTK+ has been configured with the --enable-
                               debug=yes option, this variable can be set to a
                               list  of  debug  options that should be set for
                               GTK.  Refer to the --gtk-debug option  for  for
                               more information.

       GTK_MODULES             A list of GTK+ modules to load.

       GTK_PATH                A  list  of  directories to search when GTK+ is
                               looking for dynamically loaded objects such  as
                               the  modules  specified  by  GTK_MODULES, theme
                               engines,  input  method  modules,  file  system
                               backends, and print backends.

       See attributes(7) for descriptions of the following attributes:

       |Availability   | library/desktop/gtk3  |
       |Stability      | Pass-through volatile |

       broadwayd(1),   gtk-launch(1),   gnome-session(1),   libglib-2.0(3lib),
       libgtk-3(3lib), attributes(7), environ(7), gnome-interfaces(7), X(7)

       GTK+ source code

       Latest version of the GNOME Desktop User Guide for your platform.

       Written by Matt Keenan, Sun Microsystems Inc., 2003, 2006, 2007.

       Source code for open source software components in Oracle  Solaris  can
       be found at https://www.oracle.com/downloads/opensource/solaris-source-

       This    software    was    built    from    source     available     at
       https://github.com/oracle/solaris-userland.    The  original  community
       source        was        downloaded         from          https://down-

       Further information about this software can be found on the open source
       community website at https://www.gtk.org/.

Solaris 11.4                      7 Apr 2017              gnome-std-options(7)