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Updated: Wednesday, July 27, 2022

XStandards (7)


XStandards - X Window System Standards and Specifications


Please see following description for synopsis


Miscellaneous Information Manual                                 XSTANDARDS(7)

       XStandards - X Window System Standards and Specifications

       The  major  goal  of the X Consortium was to promote cooperation within
       the computer industry in the creation of standard  software  interfaces
       at  all  layers  in  the X Window System environment.  The X Consortium
       produced standards - documents which defined  network  protocols,  pro-
       gramming  interfaces,  and  other  aspects of the X environment.  These
       standards continue to exist in  the  X.Org  Foundation  releases.   The
       X.Org  Foundation  also  produces specifications.  Like X Window System
       Standards, these are documents which define network protocols, program-
       ming  interfaces,  and  other  aspects of the X environment.  Under the
       aegis of The Open Group, X Window System  standards,  X.Org  Foundation
       specifications,  and other specifications are the basis for portions of
       The Open Group's various CAE specifications.

       The status of various standards, specifications, and  the  software  in
       the X11R7.0 distribution, is explained below.

       The following documents are X Window System standards:

       X Window System Protocol
       X Version 11, Release 7.0
       Robert W. Scheifler

       Xlib - C Language X Interface
       X Version 11, Release 7.0
       James Gettys, Robert W. Scheifler, Ron Newman

       X Toolkit Intrinsics - C Language Interface
       X Version 11, Release 7.0
       Joel McCormack, Paul Asente, Ralph R. Swick, Donna Converse

       Bitmap Distribution Format
       Version 2.1
       X Version 11, Release 7.0

       Inter-Client Communication Conventions Manual
       Version 2.0
       X Version 11, Release 7.0
       David Rosenthal, Stuart W. Marks

       Compound Text Encoding
       Version 1.1
       X Version 11, Release 7.0
       Robert W. Scheifler

       X Logical Font Description Conventions
       Version 1.5
       X Version 11, Release 7.0
       Jim Flowers, Stephen Gildea

       X Display Manager Control Protocol
       Version 1.1
       X Version 11, Release 7.0
       Keith Packard

       X11 Nonrectangular Window Shape Extension
       Version 1.0.1
       X Version 11, Release 7.0
       Keith Packard

       X11 Input Extension Protocol Specification
       Version 1.0
       X Version 11, Release 7.0
       George Sachs, Mark Patrick

       X11 Input Extension Library Specification
       X Version 11, Release 7.0
       Mark Patrick, George Sachs

       The X Font Service Protocol
       Version 2.0
       X Version 11, Release 7.0
       Jim Fulton

       Inter-Client Exchange (ICE) Protocol
       Version 1.0
       X Version 11, Release 7.0
       Robert Scheifler, Jordan Brown

       Inter-Client Exchange (ICE) Library
       Version 1.0
       X Version 11, Release 7.0
       Ralph Mor

       X Session Management Protocol
       Version 1.0
       X Version 11, Release 7.0
       Mike Wexler

       X Session Management Library
       Version 1.0
       X Version 11, Release 7.0
       Ralph Mor

       The Input Method Protocol
       Version 1.0
       X Version 11, Release 7.0
       Masahiko Narita, Hideki Hiura

       X Synchronization Extension
       Version 3.0
       X Version 11, Release 7.0
       Tim Glauert, Dave Carver, Jim Gettys, David P. Wiggins

       XTEST Extension
       Version 2.2
       Kieron Drake

       Big Requests Extension
       Version 2.0
       X Version 11, Release 7.0
       Bob Scheifler

       XC-MISC Extension
       Version 1.1
       X Version 11, Release 7.0
       Bob Scheifler, Dave Wiggins

       Double Buffer Extension
       Version 1.0
       Ian Elliott, David P. Wiggins

       Record Extension Protocol
       Version 1.13
       Martha Zimet, Stephen Gildea

       Record Extension Library
       Version 1.13
       Martha Zimet, Stephen Gildea

       X Keyboard Extension Protocol
       X Version 11, Release 7.0
       Erik Fortune

       X Keyboard Extension Library
       X Version 11, Release 7.0
       Amber J. Benson, Gary Aitken, Erik Fortune, Donna Converse,
       George Sachs, and Will Walker

       X Print Extension Protocol
       X Version 11, Release 7.0

       X Print Extension Library
       X Version 11, Release 7.0

       X Application Group Extension Protocol and Library
       Version 1.0
       X Version 11, Release 7.0
       Kaleb Keithley

       X Security Extension Protocol and Library
       Version 4.0
       X Version 11, Release 7.0
       Dave Wiggins

       X Proxy Manager Protocol
       X Version 11, Release 7.0
       Ralph Swick

       LBX Extension Protocol and Library
       X Version 11, Release 7.0
       Keith Packard, Dave Lemke, Donna Converse, Ralph Mor, Ray Tice

       Remote Execution MIME Type
       Version 1.0
       X Version 11, Release 7.0
       Arnaud Le Hors

       The following documents are X Project Team specifications:

       Colormap Utilization Policy and Extension
       Version 1.0
       Kaleb Keithley

       Extended Visual Information Extension
       Version 1.0
       Peter Daifuku

       X Display Power Management (DPMS) Extension Protocol and Library
       Version 1.0
       Rob Lembree

       The following include files are part of the Xlib standard.


       The  following include files are part of the X Toolkit Intrinsics stan-


       The following include file is part of the Nonrectangular  Window  Shape
       Extension standard.


       The following include files are part of the X Input Extension standard.


       The following include files are part of the ICElib standard.


       The following include files are part of the SMlib standard.


       The following include file is part of the Synchronization standard.


       The following include file is part of the XTEST standard.


       The following include file is part of the Double Buffer Extension stan-


       The following include file is part of the Record Library standard.


       The following include files  are  part  of  the  X  Keyboard  Extension
       Library standard.


       The  following  include files are part of the X Print Extension Library


       The following include files are part of the X Application Group  Exten-
       sion Library standard.


       The  following  include  files  are  part  of  the X Security Extension
       Library standard.


       The following include files are part of the LBX Extension library stan-


       The following include files are part of the Colormap Utilization Policy
       and Extension specification.


       The following include files are part of the Extended Visual Information


       The  following  include files are part of the X Display Management Sig-
       naling Extension specification.


       The X11R7.0 distribution contains sample implementations, not reference
       implementations.   Although much of the code is believed to be correct,
       the code should be assumed to be in error wherever  it  conflicts  with
       the specification.

       The only X Window System standards are the ones listed above.  No other
       documents, include files, or software in X11R7.0 carry  special  status
       within  the  X  Window  System.  For example, none of the following are
       standards: internal interfaces of the sample server; the MIT-SHM exten-
       sion;  the Athena Widget Set; the Xmu library; the Xau library; the RGB
       database; the X Locale database; the fonts  distributed  with  X11R7.0;
       the  applications distributed with X11R7.0; the include files <X11/XWD-
       File.h>,    <X11/Xfuncproto.h>,    <X11/Xfuncs.h>,     <X11/Xosdefs.h>,
       <X11/Xos.h>, <X11/Xos_r.h>, <X11/Xwinsock.h>, and <X11/Xthreads.h>; the
       bitmap files in <X11/bitmaps>.

       The Multi-Buffering extension was a draft standard of the X  Consortium
       but has been superseded by DBE as a standard.

       The  X.Org  Foundation maintains a registry of certain X-related items,
       to aid in avoiding conflicts and to aid in sharing of such items.

       The registry is published as part  of  the  X  Window  System  software
       release.  The latest version may also be found at
       The X Registry and the names in it are not X Window System standards.

       See attributes(7) for descriptions of the following attributes:

       |ATTRIBUTE TYPE |      ATTRIBUTE VALUE        |
       |Availability   | x11/documentation/xorg-docs |
       |Stability      | Uncommitted                 |

       Source  code  for open source software components in Oracle Solaris can
       be found at https://www.oracle.com/downloads/opensource/solaris-source-

       This     software     was    built    from    source    available    at
       https://github.com/oracle/solaris-userland.   The  original   community
       source   was   downloaded  from   ['https://www.x.org/releases/individ-
       ual/doc/xorg-docs-1.7.1.tar.bz2',  'https://www.x.org/releases/individ-

       Further information about this software can be found on the open source
       community website at https://www.x.org.

X Version 11                    xorg-docs 1.7.1                  XSTANDARDS(7)