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Updated: Wednesday, July 27, 2022

cmake-variables (7)


cmake-variables - CMake Variables Reference This page documents variables that are provided by CMake or have mean- ing to CMake when set by project code. For general information on variables, see the Variables section in the cmake-language manual. NOTE: CMake reserves identifiers that: o begin with CMAKE_ (upper-, lower-, or mixed-case), or o begin with _CMAKE_ (upper-, lower-, or mixed-case), or o begin with _ followed by the name of any CMake Command.


Please see following description for synopsis


CMAKE-VARIABLES(7)                   CMake                  CMAKE-VARIABLES(7)

       cmake-variables - CMake Variables Reference

       This  page documents variables that are provided by CMake or have mean-
       ing to CMake when set by project code.

       For general information on variables, see the Variables section in  the
       cmake-language manual.

          CMake reserves identifiers that:

          o begin with CMAKE_ (upper-, lower-, or mixed-case), or

          o begin with _CMAKE_ (upper-, lower-, or mixed-case), or

          o begin with _ followed by the name of any CMake Command.

       Name of archiving tool for static libraries.

       This  specifies  the name of the program that creates archive or static

       Number of command line arguments passed to CMake in script mode.

       When run in -P script mode, CMake sets this variable to the  number  of
       command line arguments.  See also CMAKE_ARGV0, 1, 2 ...

       Command line argument passed to CMake in script mode.

       When  run in -P script mode, CMake sets this variable to the first com-
       mand line argument.  It then also sets  CMAKE_ARGV1,  CMAKE_ARGV2,  ...
       and  so on, up to the number of command line arguments given.  See also

       The path to the top level of the build tree.

       This is the full path to the top level of the current CMake build tree.
       For an in-source build, this would be the same as CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR.

       When  run in -P script mode, CMake sets the variables CMAKE_BINARY_DIR,
       to the current working directory.

       This variable exists only for backwards compatibility.  It contains the
       same value as CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM.  Use that variable instead.

       Major version of CMake used to create the CMakeCache.txt file

       This stores the major version of CMake used  to  write  a  CMake  cache
       file.  It is only different when a different version of CMake is run on
       a previously created cache file.

       Minor version of CMake used to create the CMakeCache.txt file

       This stores the minor version of CMake used  to  write  a  CMake  cache
       file.  It is only different when a different version of CMake is run on
       a previously created cache file.

       Patch version of CMake used to create the CMakeCache.txt file

       This stores the patch version of CMake used  to  write  a  CMake  cache
       file.  It is only different when a different version of CMake is run on
       a previously created cache file.

       The directory with the CMakeCache.txt file.

       This is the full path to the directory that has the CMakeCache.txt file
       in it.  This is the same as CMAKE_BINARY_DIR.

       Deprecated  since version 3.21: This variable has poor support on Ninja
       Multi-Config, and predates the existence  of  the  $<CONFIG>  generator
       expression. Use $<CONFIG> instead.

       Build-time reference to per-configuration output subdirectory.

       For  native  build  systems  supporting  multiple configurations in the
       build tree (such as Visual Studio Generators and Xcode), the value is a
       reference  to a build-time variable specifying the name of the per-con-
       figuration output subdirectory.  On Makefile Generators this  evaluates
       to  . because there is only one configuration in a build tree.  Example

          $(ConfigurationName) = Visual Studio 9
          $(Configuration)     = Visual Studio 10
          $(CONFIGURATION)     = Xcode
          .                    = Make-based tools
          .                    = Ninja
          ${CONFIGURATION}     = Ninja Multi-Config

       Since these values are evaluated by the native build system, this vari-
       able  is  suitable only for use in command lines that will be evaluated
       at build time.  Example of intended usage:

          add_executable(mytool mytool.c)
            OUTPUT out.txt
                    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/in.txt out.txt
            DEPENDS mytool in.txt
          add_custom_target(drive ALL DEPENDS out.txt)

       Note that CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR is no longer necessary for this purpose  but
       has  been  left  for  compatibility  with  existing  projects.  Instead
       add_custom_command() recognizes executable target names in its  COMMAND
       option,  so  ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR}/mytool can
       be replaced by just mytool.

       This variable is read-only.  Setting  it  is  undefined  behavior.   In
       multi-configuration  build systems the value of this variable is passed
       as the value of preprocessor symbol CMAKE_INTDIR to the compilation  of
       all source files.

       The full path to the cmake(1) executable.

       This  is the full path to the CMake executable cmake(1) which is useful
       from custom commands that want to use the cmake -E option for  portable
       system commands.  (e.g.  /usr/local/bin/cmake)

       New in version 3.13.

       Full path to cpack(1) command installed with CMake.

       This  is the full path to the CPack executable cpack(1) which is useful
       from custom commands that want to use the cmake(1) -E option for porta-
       ble system commands.

       Intended to indicate whether CMake is cross compiling, but note limita-
       tions discussed below.

       This variable will be set to true by  CMake  if  the  CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME
       variable  has been set manually (i.e. in a toolchain file or as a cache
       entry from the cmake command line). In  most  cases,  manually  setting
       CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME will only be done when cross compiling, since it will
       otherwise be given the same value as CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM_NAME if not man-
       ually  set,  which  is correct for the non-cross-compiling case. In the
       event that CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME is manually  set  to  the  same  value  as
       CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM_NAME,  then CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING will still be set to

       Another case to be aware of is that builds  targeting  Apple  platforms
       other  than macOS are handled differently to other cross compiling sce-
       narios. Rather than relying on CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME to select  the  target
       platform,  Apple  device  builds  use  CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT  to select the
       appropriate SDK, which indirectly determines the target platform.  Fur-
       thermore, when using the Xcode generator, developers can switch between
       device and simulator builds at build time rather than having  a  single
       choice  at configure time, so the concept of whether the build is cross
       compiling or not is more complex. Therefore, the use of CMAKE_CROSSCOM-
       PILING is not recommended for projects targeting Apple devices.

       New in version 3.3.

       This  variable  is only used when CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING is on. It should
       point to a command on the host system that can run executable built for
       the target system.

       If  this  variable  contains a semicolon-separated list, then the first
       value is the command and remaining values are its arguments.

       The command will be used to run try_run() generated executables,  which
       avoids manual population of the TryRunResults.cmake file.

       It  is  also  used as the default value for the CROSSCOMPILING_EMULATOR
       target property of executables.

       Full path to ctest(1) command installed with CMake.

       This is the full path to the CTest executable ctest(1) which is  useful
       from custom commands that want to use the cmake(1) -E option for porta-
       ble system commands.

       The path to the binary directory currently being processed.

       This the full path to the build directory that is currently being  pro-
       cessed  by cmake.  Each directory added by add_subdirectory() will cre-
       ate a binary directory in the build tree, and as it is being  processed
       this  variable  will  be set.  For in-source builds this is the current
       source directory being processed.

       When run in -P script mode, CMake sets the variables  CMAKE_BINARY_DIR,
       to the current working directory.

       New in version 3.17.

       When executing code inside a function(),  this  variable  contains  the
       name of the current function.  It can be useful for diagnostic or debug


       New in version 3.17.

       When  executing  code  inside  a function(), this variable contains the
       full directory of the listfile that defined the current function.

       It is quite common practice in CMake for modules to use some additional
       files, such as templates to be copied in after substituting CMake vari-
       ables.  In such cases, a function needs to know where to  locate  those
       files  in  a  way  that doesn't depend on where the function is called.
       Without CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION_LIST_DIR, the code to do that would typ-
       ically use the following pattern:



       Using CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION_LIST_DIR inside the function instead elim-
       inates the need for the extra variable which would otherwise be visible
       outside  the function's scope.  The above example can be written in the
       more concise and more robust form:



       New in version 3.17.

       When  executing  code  inside  a function(), this variable contains the
       full path to the listfile that defined the current function.


       New in version 3.17.

       When  executing  code  inside  a function(), this variable contains the
       line number in the listfile where the current function was defined.


       Full directory of the listfile currently being processed.

       As  CMake  processes  the  listfiles in your project this variable will
       always be set to the directory where the listfile  which  is  currently
       being  processed  (CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE)  is located.  The value has
       dynamic scope.  When CMake starts processing commands in a source  file
       it  sets  this  variable  to  the directory where this file is located.
       When CMake finishes processing commands from the file it  restores  the
       previous  value.  Therefore the value of the variable inside a macro or
       function is the directory of the file invoking the bottom-most entry on
       the  call  stack, not the directory of the file containing the macro or
       function definition.


       Full path to the listfile currently being processed.

       As CMake processes the listfiles in your  project  this  variable  will
       always  be  set  to  the  one currently being processed.  The value has
       dynamic scope.  When CMake starts processing commands in a source  file
       it sets this variable to the location of the file.  When CMake finishes
       processing commands from the  file  it  restores  the  previous  value.
       Therefore  the  value of the variable inside a macro or function is the
       file invoking the bottom-most entry on the call  stack,  not  the  file
       containing the macro or function definition.


       The line number of the current file being processed.

       This is the line number of the file currently being processed by cmake.

       If  CMake  is  currently  processing  deferred  calls  scheduled by the
       cmake_language(DEFER) command,  this  variable  evaluates  to  DEFERRED
       instead of a specific line number.

       The path to the source directory currently being processed.

       This the full path to the source directory that is currently being pro-
       cessed by cmake.

       When run in -P script mode, CMake sets the variables  CMAKE_BINARY_DIR,
       to the current working directory.

       Enables tracing output for target properties.

       This variable can be populated with a list of  properties  to  generate
       debug  output  for when evaluating target properties.  Currently it can
       only be used when evaluating:









       o SOURCES

       target properties and any other property  listed  in  COMPATIBLE_INTER-
       FACE_STRING  and other COMPATIBLE_INTERFACE_ properties.  It outputs an
       origin for each entry in the target property.  Default is unset.

       New in version 3.10.

       Specify labels for the current directory.

       This is used to initialize the LABELS directory property.

       Name of library containing dlopen and dlclose.

       The name of the library that has dlopen and dlclose in it, usually -ldl
       on most UNIX machines.

       New in version 3.17.

       Default value for DOTNET_TARGET_FRAMEWORK property  of targets.

       This  variable  is used to initialize the DOTNET_TARGET_FRAMEWORK prop-
       erty on all targets. See that target property for  additional  informa-

       Setting  CMAKE_DOTNET_TARGET_FRAMEWORK  may  be  necessary when working
       with C# and newer .NET framework versions to avoid  referencing  errors
       with the ALL_BUILD CMake target.

       This  variable  is  only evaluated for Visual Studio Generators VS 2010
       and above.

       New in version 3.12.

       Default value for DOTNET_TARGET_FRAMEWORK_VERSION property of targets.

       This variable is used to initialize the DOTNET_TARGET_FRAMEWORK_VERSION
       property on all targets. See that target property for additional infor-
       mation. When set, CMAKE_DOTNET_TARGET_FRAMEWORK takes  precednece  over
       this variable. See that variable or the associated target property DOT-
       NET_TARGET_FRAMEWORK for additional information.

       Setting CMAKE_DOTNET_TARGET_FRAMEWORK_VERSION  may  be  necessary  when
       working  with C# and newer .NET framework versions to avoid referencing
       errors with the ALL_BUILD CMake target.

       This variable is only evaluated for Visual Studio  Generators  VS  2010
       and above.

       Full path to cmake-gui(1) or ccmake(1).  Defined only for Makefile Gen-
       erators when not using an "extra" generator for an IDE.

       This is the full path to the CMake executable that can graphically edit
       the cache.  For example, cmake-gui(1) or ccmake(1).

       The suffix for executables on this platform.

       The suffix to use for the end of an executable filename if any, .exe on

       CMAKE_EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX_<LANG> overrides this for language <LANG>.

       The extra generator used  to  build  the  project.   See  cmake-genera-

       When  using  the Eclipse, CodeBlocks, CodeLite, Kate or Sublime genera-
       tors, CMake  generates  Makefiles  (CMAKE_GENERATOR)  and  additionally
       project  files for the respective IDE.  This IDE project file generator
       is stored in CMAKE_EXTRA_GENERATOR (e.g.  Eclipse CDT4).

       Additional suffixes for shared libraries.

       Extensions  for  shared  libraries  other  than   that   specified   by
       CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_SUFFIX,  if  any.   CMake  uses  this to recognize
       external shared library files during analysis of libraries linked by  a

       New in version 3.17.

       Print  extra  find call information for the following commands to stan-
       dard error:

       o find_program()

       o find_library()

       o find_file()

       o find_path()

       o find_package()

       Output is designed for human consumption and not for parsing.  Enabling
       this  variable is equivalent to using cmake --debug-find with the added
       ability to enable debugging for a subset of find calls.


       Default is unset.

       New in version 3.1.1.

       Defined by the find_package() command while loading a  find  module  to
       record  the  caller-specified  package name.  See command documentation
       for details.

       New in version 3.7.

       The sorting direction used by  CMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_SORT_ORDER.   It  can
       assume one of the following values:

       DEC    Default.   Ordering  is  done  in  descending mode.  The highest
              folder found will be tested first.

       ASC    Ordering is done in ascending mode.   The  lowest  folder  found
              will be tested first.

       If  CMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_SORT_ORDER  is  not  set  or is set to NONE this
       variable has no effect.

       New in version 3.7.

       The default order for sorting packages found using find_package().   It
       can assume one of the following values:

       NONE   Default.   No attempt is done to sort packages.  The first valid
              package found will be selected.

       NAME   Sort packages lexicographically before selecting one.

              Sort packages using natural order  (see  strverscmp(3)  manual),
              i.e. such that contiguous digits are compared as whole numbers.

       Natural sorting can be employed to return the highest version when mul-
       tiple versions of the same library are found  by  find_package().   For
       example suppose that the following libraries have been found:

       o libX-1.1.0

       o libX-1.2.9

       o libX-1.2.10

       By setting NATURAL order we can select the one with the highest version
       number libX-1.2.10.

          find_package(libX CONFIG)

       The  sort  direction  can  be  controlled  using  the  CMAKE_FIND_PACK-
       AGE_SORT_DIRECTION  variable (by default decrescent, e.g. lib-B will be
       tested before lib-A).

       The generator used to build the project.  See cmake-generators(7).

       The name of the generator that is being  used  to  generate  the  build
       files.  (e.g.  Unix Makefiles, Ninja, etc.)

       The value of this variable should never be modified by project code.  A
       generator may be selected via the cmake(1) -G option, interactively  in
       cmake-gui(1), or via the CMAKE_GENERATOR environment variable.

       New in version 3.11.

       Generator-specific instance specification provided by user.

       Some  CMake  generators  support selection of an instance of the native
       build system when multiple instances are available.  If the user speci-
       fies  an  instance  (e.g.  by  setting  this  cache  entry  or  via the
       CMAKE_GENERATOR_INSTANCE environment  variable),  or  after  a  default
       instance  is  chosen  when  a build tree is first configured, the value
       will be available in this variable.

       The value of this variable should never be modified by project code.  A
       toolchain  file specified by the CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE variable may ini-
       tialize CMAKE_GENERATOR_INSTANCE as a cache entry.  Once a given  build
       tree  has  been  initialized with a particular value for this variable,
       changing the value has undefined behavior.

       Instance specification is supported only on specific generators:

       o For the Visual Studio 15 2017 generator (and  above)  this  specifies
         the absolute path to the VS installation directory of the selected VS

       See native build system documentation for allowed instance values.

       New in version 3.1.

       Generator-specific target platform specification provided by user.

       Some CMake generators support a target platform name to be given to the
       native build system to choose a compiler toolchain.  If the user speci-
       fies a platform name (e.g. via  the  cmake(1)  -A  option  or  via  the
       CMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM environment variable) the value will be avail-
       able in this variable.

       The value of this variable should never be modified by project code.  A
       toolchain  file specified by the CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE variable may ini-
       tialize CMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM.  Once a given  build  tree  has  been
       initialized  with  a  particular  value for this variable, changing the
       value has undefined behavior.

       Platform specification is supported only on specific generators:

       o For Visual Studio Generators with VS 2005 and  above  this  specifies
         the target architecture.

       o For Green Hills MULTI this specifies the target architecture.

       See native build system documentation for allowed platform names.

   Visual Studio Platform Selection
       On  Visual  Studio Generators the selected platform name is provided in
       the CMAKE_VS_PLATFORM_NAME variable.

       Native build system toolset specification provided by user.

       Some CMake generators support  a  toolset  specification  to  tell  the
       native  build system how to choose a compiler.  If the user specifies a
       toolset (e.g. via the cmake(1)  -T  option  or  via  the  CMAKE_GENERA-
       TOR_TOOLSET  environment  variable) the value will be available in this

       The value of this variable should never be modified by project code.  A
       toolchain  file specified by the CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE variable may ini-
       tialize CMAKE_GENERATOR_TOOLSET.  Once a given build tree has been ini-
       tialized  with a particular value for this variable, changing the value
       has undefined behavior.

       Toolset specification is supported only on specific generators:

       o Visual Studio Generators for VS 2010 and above

       o The Xcode generator for Xcode 3.0 and above

       o The Green Hills MULTI generator

       See native build system documentation for allowed toolset names.

   Visual Studio Toolset Selection
       The Visual Studio Generators support toolset specification using one of
       these forms:

       o toolset

       o toolset[,key=value]*

       o key=value[,key=value]*

       The  toolset  specifies the toolset name.  The selected toolset name is
       provided in the CMAKE_VS_PLATFORM_TOOLSET variable.

       The key=value pairs form a comma-separated list of options  to  specify
       generator-specific  details  of the toolset selection.  Supported pairs

              Specify the CUDA toolkit version to use or the path to a  stand-
              alone  CUDA  toolkit directory.  Supported by VS 2010 and above.
              The version can only be used with the CUDA toolkit  VS  integra-
              tion globally installed.  See the CMAKE_VS_PLATFORM_TOOLSET_CUDA
              and CMAKE_VS_PLATFORM_TOOLSET_CUDA_CUSTOM_DIR variables.

              Specify the host tools architecture as x64 or x86.  Supported by
              VS     2013     and     above.      See    the    CMAKE_VS_PLAT-
              FORM_TOOLSET_HOST_ARCHITECTURE variable.

              Specify the toolset version to use.  Supported by  VS  2017  and
              above   with   the   specified   toolset   installed.   See  the

              Specify an alternative VCTargetsPath  value  for  Visual  Studio
              project files.  This allows use of VS platform extension config-
              uration files (.props and .targets) that are not installed  with

   Visual Studio Toolset Customization
       These  are unstable interfaces with no compatibility guarantees because
       they hook into  undocumented  internal  CMake  implementation  details.
       Institutions  may use these to internally maintain support for non-pub-
       lic Visual Studio platforms and toolsets, but must accept  responsibil-
       ity to make updates as changes are made to CMake.

       Additional key=value pairs are available:

              New in version 3.21.

              Specify the absolute path to a directory from which to load cus-
              tom flag tables stored as JSON documents with file names of  the
              form <platform>_<toolset>_<tool>.json or <platform>_<tool>.json,
              where <platform> is the CMAKE_VS_PLATFORM_NAME, <toolset> is the
              CMAKE_VS_PLATFORM_TOOLSET,  and <tool> is the tool for which the
              flag table is meant.  This naming pattern is an  internal  CMake
              implementation  detail.  The <tool> names are undocumented.  The
              format of the .json flag table files is undocumented.

       The prefix for import libraries that you link to.

       The prefix to use for the name of an import library  if  used  on  this

       CMAKE_IMPORT_LIBRARY_PREFIX_<LANG> overrides this for language <LANG>.

       The suffix for import libraries that you link to.

       The  suffix to use for the end of an import library filename if used on
       this platform.

       CMAKE_IMPORT_LIBRARY_SUFFIX_<LANG> overrides this for language <LANG>.

       This variable is used to initialize the  JOB_POOL_COMPILE  property  on
       all the targets. See JOB_POOL_COMPILE for additional information.

       This  variable  is used to initialize the JOB_POOL_LINK property on all
       the targets. See JOB_POOL_LINK for additional information.

       New in version 3.17.

       This variable is  used  to  initialize  the  JOB_POOL_PRECOMPILE_HEADER
       property  on  all the targets. See JOB_POOL_PRECOMPILE_HEADER for addi-
       tional information.

       New in version 3.11.

       If the JOB_POOLS global property is not set, the value of this variable
       is used in its place.  See JOB_POOLS for additional information.

       New in version 3.9.

       A wrapper around ar adding the appropriate --plugin option for the com-

       See also CMAKE_AR.

       New in version 3.9.

       A wrapper around ranlib adding the appropriate --plugin option for  the

       See also CMAKE_RANLIB.

       New in version 3.16.

       Language-specific suffix for libraries that you link to.

       The suffix to use for the end of a library filename, .lib on Windows.

       The suffix for libraries that you link to.

       The suffix to use for the end of a library filename, .lib on Windows.

       New in version 3.4.

       End a link line such that static system libraries are used.

       Some  linkers support switches such as -Bstatic and -Bdynamic to deter-
       mine whether to use static  or  shared  libraries  for  -lXXX  options.
       CMake  uses these options to set the link type for libraries whose full
       paths are not known or (in some cases) are in implicit link directories
       for  the  platform.   By default CMake adds an option at the end of the
       library list (if necessary) to set the linker search type back  to  its
       starting  type.  This property switches the final linker search type to
       -Bstatic regardless of how it started.

       This   variable   is   used   to   initialize   the   target   property
       LINK_SEARCH_END_STATIC  for all targets. If set, its value is also used
       by the try_compile() command.


       New in version 3.4.

       Assume the linker looks for static libraries by default.

       Some linkers support switches such as -Bstatic and -Bdynamic to  deter-
       mine  whether  to  use  static  or  shared libraries for -lXXX options.
       CMake uses these options to set the link type for libraries whose  full
       paths are not known or (in some cases) are in implicit link directories
       for the platform.  By default the linker search type is assumed  to  be
       -Bdynamic at the beginning of the library list.  This property switches
       the assumption to -Bstatic.  It is intended for  use  when  linking  an
       executable statically (e.g.  with the GNU -static option).

       This   variable   is   used   to   initialize   the   target   property
       LINK_SEARCH_START_STATIC for all targets.  If set, its  value  is  also
       used by the try_compile() command.


       First version number component of the CMAKE_VERSION variable.

       Tool  that  can  launch  the native build system.  The value may be the
       full path to an executable or just the tool name if it is  expected  to
       be in the PATH.

       The  tool selected depends on the CMAKE_GENERATOR used to configure the

       o The Makefile Generators set this to make, gmake, or a  generator-spe-
         cific tool (e.g. nmake for NMake Makefiles).

         These  generators store CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM in the CMake cache so that
         it may be edited by the user.

       o The Ninja generator sets this to ninja.

         This generator stores CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM in the CMake cache  so  that
         it may be edited by the user.

       o The Xcode generator sets this to xcodebuild.

         This  generator prefers to lookup the build tool at build time rather
         than to store CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM in the CMake cache  ahead  of  time.
         This is because xcodebuild is easy to find.

         For  compatibility  with versions of CMake prior to 3.2, if a user or
         project explicitly adds CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM to the  CMake  cache  then
         CMake will use the specified value.

       o The Visual Studio Generators set this to the full path to MSBuild.exe
         (VS >= 10), devenv.com (VS 7,8,9), or VCExpress.exe (VS Express 8,9).
         (See also variables CMAKE_VS_MSBUILD_COMMAND and CMAKE_VS_DEVENV_COM-

         These generators prefer to lookup the build tool at build time rather
         than  to  store  CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM in the CMake cache ahead of time.
         This is because the tools are version-specific  and  can  be  located
         using  the Windows Registry.  It is also necessary because the proper
         build tool may depend on the project content (e.g. the Intel  Fortran
         plugin  to  VS  10  and  11  requires devenv.com to build its .vfproj
         project files even though MSBuild.exe is normally preferred  to  sup-
         port the CMAKE_GENERATOR_TOOLSET).

         For  compatibility  with versions of CMake prior to 3.0, if a user or
         project explicitly adds CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM to the  CMake  cache  then
         CMake will use the specified value if possible.

       o The  Green  Hills  MULTI  generator  sets  this  to  the full path to
         gbuild.exe(Windows) or gbuild(Linux) based  upon  the  toolset  being

         Once  the generator has initialized a particular value for this vari-
         able, changing the value has undefined behavior.

       The CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM variable is set for use by  project  code.   The
       value   is   also   used   by   the   cmake(1)   --build  and  ctest(1)
       --build-and-test tools to launch the native build process.

       New in version 3.2.

       The number of matches with the last regular expression.

       When a regular expression match is used, CMake fills in CMAKE_MATCH_<n>
       variables  with  the  match  contents.   The CMAKE_MATCH_COUNT variable
       holds the number of match expressions when these are filled.

       New in version 3.9.

       Capture group <n> matched by the last regular expression, for groups  0
       through  9.   Group  0 is the entire match.  Groups 1 through 9 are the
       subexpressions captured by () syntax.

       When a regular expression match is used, CMake fills in CMAKE_MATCH_<n>
       variables  with  the  match  contents.   The CMAKE_MATCH_COUNT variable
       holds the number of match expressions when these are filled.

       The <min> version of CMake  given  to  the  most  recent  call  to  the
       cmake_minimum_required(VERSION)  command  in the current variable scope
       or any parent variable scope.

       Second version number component of the CMAKE_VERSION variable.

       New in version 3.11.

       This variable is used to initialize the NETRC option for file(DOWNLOAD)
       and  file(UPLOAD)  commands  and  the module ExternalProject. See those
       commands for additional information.

       The local option takes precedence over this variable.

       New in version 3.11.

       This  variable  is  used  to  initialize  the  NETRC_FILE  option   for
       file(DOWNLOAD)  and  file(UPLOAD)  commands and the module ExternalPro-
       ject. See those commands for additional information.

       The local option takes precedence over this variable.

       Full path to the CMake file that included the current one.

       While processing a CMake file loaded  by  include()  or  find_package()
       this variable contains the full path to the file including it.  The top
       of the include stack is  always  the  CMakeLists.txt  for  the  current
       directory.  See also CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE.

       Third version number component of the CMAKE_VERSION variable.

       New in version 3.9.

       The description of the top level project.

       This  variable holds the description of the project as specified in the
       top level CMakeLists.txt file by a project()  command.   In  the  event
       that  the  top  level CMakeLists.txt contains multiple project() calls,
       the most recently called one from that top  level  CMakeLists.txt  will
       determine the value that CMAKE_PROJECT_DESCRIPTION contains.  For exam-
       ple, consider the following top level CMakeLists.txt:

          cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0)
          project(First DESCRIPTION "I am First")
          project(Second DESCRIPTION "I am Second")
          project(Third DESCRIPTION "I am Third")

       And sub/CMakeLists.txt with the following contents:

          project(SubProj DESCRIPTION "I am SubProj")

       The most recently seen project() command  from  the  top  level  CMake-
       Lists.txt would be project(Second ...), so this will print:


       To obtain the description from the most recent call to project() in the
       current directory scope or above, see the PROJECT_DESCRIPTION variable.

       New in version 3.12.

       The homepage URL of the top level project.

       This variable holds the homepage URL of the project as specified in the
       top  level  CMakeLists.txt  file  by a project() command.  In the event
       that the top level CMakeLists.txt contains  multiple  project()  calls,
       the  most  recently  called one from that top level CMakeLists.txt will
       determine the  value  that  CMAKE_PROJECT_HOMEPAGE_URL  contains.   For
       example, consider the following top level CMakeLists.txt:

          cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0)
          project(First HOMEPAGE_URL "http://first.example.com")
          project(Second HOMEPAGE_URL "http://second.example.com")
          project(Third HOMEPAGE_URL "http://third.example.com")

       And sub/CMakeLists.txt with the following contents:

          project(SubProj HOMEPAGE_URL "http://subproj.example.com")

       The  most  recently  seen  project()  command from the top level CMake-
       Lists.txt would be project(Second ...), so this will print:

          CMAKE_PROJECT_HOMEPAGE_URL = http://second.example.com

       To obtain the homepage URL from the most recent call  to  project()  in
       the  current  directory  scope  or  above, see the PROJECT_HOMEPAGE_URL

       The name of the top level project.

       This variable holds the name of the project as  specified  in  the  top
       level  CMakeLists.txt  file  by a project() command.  In the event that
       the top level CMakeLists.txt contains  multiple  project()  calls,  the
       most recently called one from that top level CMakeLists.txt will deter-
       mine the name that CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME contains.  For example,  consider
       the following top level CMakeLists.txt:

          cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0)

       And sub/CMakeLists.txt with the following contents:


       The  most  recently  seen  project()  command from the top level CMake-
       Lists.txt would be project(Second), so this will print:

          CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME = Second

       To obtain the name from the most recent call to project() in  the  cur-
       rent directory scope or above, see the PROJECT_NAME variable.

       New in version 3.12.

       The version of the top level project.

       This  variable holds the version of the project as specified in the top
       level CMakeLists.txt file by a project() command.  In  the  event  that
       the  top  level  CMakeLists.txt  contains multiple project() calls, the
       most recently called one from that top level CMakeLists.txt will deter-
       mine  the value that CMAKE_PROJECT_VERSION contains.  For example, con-
       sider the following top level CMakeLists.txt:

          cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0)
          project(First VERSION 1.2.3)
          project(Second VERSION 3.4.5)
          project(Third VERSION 6.7.8)

       And sub/CMakeLists.txt with the following contents:

          project(SubProj VERSION 1)

       The most recently seen project() command  from  the  top  level  CMake-
       Lists.txt would be project(Second ...), so this will print:

          CMAKE_PROJECT_VERSION = 3.4.5

       To  obtain  the  version  from the most recent call to project() in the
       current directory scope or above, see the PROJECT_VERSION variable.

       New in version 3.12.

       The major version of the top level project.

       This variable holds the major version of the project  as  specified  in
       the  top  level  CMakeLists.txt file by a project() command. Please see
       CMAKE_PROJECT_VERSION documentation  for  the  behavior  when  multiple
       project() commands are used in the sources.

       New in version 3.12.

       The minor version of the top level project.

       This  variable  holds  the minor version of the project as specified in
       the top level CMakeLists.txt file by a project()  command.  Please  see
       CMAKE_PROJECT_VERSION  documentation  for  the  behavior  when multiple
       project() commands are used in the sources.

       New in version 3.12.

       The patch version of the top level project.

       This variable holds the patch version of the project  as  specified  in
       the  top  level  CMakeLists.txt file by a project() command. Please see
       CMAKE_PROJECT_VERSION documentation  for  the  behavior  when  multiple
       project() commands are used in the sources.

       New in version 3.12.

       The tweak version of the top level project.

       This  variable  holds  the tweak version of the project as specified in
       the top level CMakeLists.txt file by a project()  command.  Please  see
       CMAKE_PROJECT_VERSION  documentation  for  the  behavior  when multiple
       project() commands are used in the sources.

       Name of randomizing tool for static libraries.

       This specifies name of the program that randomizes libraries  on  UNIX,
       not used on Windows, but may be present.

       Install directory for running cmake.

       This  is  the install root for the running CMake and the Modules direc-
       tory can be  found  here.   This  is  commonly  used  in  this  format:

       New in version 3.13.

       Specify whether to report a message for each make rule.

       If set in the cache it is used to initialize the value of the RULE_MES-
       SAGES property.  Users may disable the option in their local build tree
       to  disable  granular messages and report only as each target completes
       in Makefile builds.

       Full path to the cmake(1) -P script file currently being processed.

       When run in cmake(1) -P script mode, CMake sets this  variable  to  the
       full  path  of the script file.  When run to configure a CMakeLists.txt
       file, this variable is not set.

       The prefix for shared libraries that you link to.

       The prefix to use for the name of a shared library, lib on UNIX.

       CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_PREFIX_<LANG> overrides this for language <LANG>.

       The suffix for shared libraries that you link to.

       The suffix to use for the end of a shared  library  filename,  .dll  on

       CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_SUFFIX_<LANG> overrides this for language <LANG>.

       The prefix for loadable modules that you link to.

       The prefix to use for the name of a loadable module on this platform.

       CMAKE_SHARED_MODULE_PREFIX_<LANG> overrides this for language <LANG>.

       The suffix for shared libraries that you link to.

       The  suffix  to  use  for the end of a loadable module filename on this

       CMAKE_SHARED_MODULE_SUFFIX_<LANG> overrides this for language <LANG>.

       Size of a void pointer.

       This is set to the size of a pointer on  the  target  machine,  and  is
       determined  by  a  try  compile.   If  a 64-bit size is found, then the
       library search path is modified to look for 64-bit libraries first.

       Whether to disable generation of installation rules.

       If TRUE, CMake will neither generate installation  rules  nor  will  it
       generate cmake_install.cmake files. This variable is FALSE by default.

       If true, do not add run time path information.

       If this is set to TRUE, then the rpath information is not added to com-
       piled executables.  The default is to  add  rpath  information  if  the
       platform  supports  it.   This  allows  for easy running from the build
       tree.  To omit RPATH in the install step, but not the build  step,  use

       The path to the top level of the source tree.

       This  is  the  full  path  to the top level of the current CMake source
       tree.   For  an  in-source  build,  this   would   be   the   same   as

       When  run in -P script mode, CMake sets the variables CMAKE_BINARY_DIR,
       to the current working directory.

       The prefix for static libraries that you link to.

       The prefix to use for the name of a static library, lib on UNIX.

       CMAKE_STATIC_LIBRARY_PREFIX_<LANG> overrides this for language <LANG>.

       The suffix for static libraries that you link to.

       The  suffix  to  use  for the end of a static library filename, .lib on

       CMAKE_STATIC_LIBRARY_SUFFIX_<LANG> overrides this for language <LANG>.

       New in version 3.15.

       Swift module output directory.

       This variable is used to initialize the Swift_MODULE_DIRECTORY property
       on  all  the  targets.  See the target property for additional informa-

       New in version 3.15.1.

       Number of threads for parallel compilation for Swift targets.

       This variable controls the number  of  parallel  jobs  that  the  swift
       driver creates for building targets.  If not specified, it will default
       to the number of logical CPUs on the host.

       Path to toolchain file supplied to cmake(1).

       This variable is specified on the  command  line  when  cross-compiling
       with  CMake.  It is the path to a file which is read early in the CMake
       run and which specifies locations for compilers  and  toolchain  utili-
       ties, and other target platform and compiler related information.

       Relative paths are allowed and are interpreted first as relative to the
       build directory, and if not found, relative to the source directory.

       This is initialized by the CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE environment variable if
       it is set when a new build tree is first created.

       Defined  to  0 for compatibility with code written for older CMake ver-
       sions that may have defined higher values.

          In CMake versions 2.8.2 through  2.8.12,  this  variable  holds  the
          fourth version number component of the CMAKE_VERSION variable.

       Enable verbose output from Makefile builds.

       This  variable is a cache entry initialized (to FALSE) by the project()
       command.  Users may enable the option in their local build tree to  get
       more  verbose output from Makefile builds and show each command line as
       it is launched.

       The CMake version string as three non-negative integer components sepa-
       rated by . and possibly followed by - and other information.  The first
       two components represent the feature level and the third component rep-
       resents either a bug-fix level or development date.

       Release  versions  and release candidate versions of CMake use the for-


       where the <patch> component is less than  20000000.   Development  ver-
       sions of CMake use the format:


       where  the  <date> component is of format CCYYMMDD and <id> may contain
       arbitrary text.  This represents development as of  a  particular  date
       following the <major>.<minor> feature release.

       Individual component values are also available in variables:





       SION_LESS_EQUAL, or VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL operators to compare  version
       string  values against CMAKE_VERSION using a component-wise test.  Ver-
       sion component values may be 10 or larger so do not attempt to  compare
       version strings as floating-point numbers.

          CMake  versions  2.8.2  through 2.8.12 used three components for the
          feature level.  Release versions represented the bug-fix level in  a
          fourth  component,  i.e.  <major>.<minor>.<patch>[.<tweak>][-rc<n>].
          Development versions represented the development date in the  fourth
          component, i.e. <major>.<minor>.<patch>.<date>[-<id>].

          CMake  versions prior to 2.8.2 used three components for the feature
          level and had  no  bug-fix  component.   Release  versions  used  an
          even-valued             second            component,            i.e.
          <major>.<even-minor>.<patch>[-rc<n>].  Development versions used  an
          odd-valued  second  component with the development date as the third
          component, i.e. <major>.<odd-minor>.<date>.

          The CMAKE_VERSION variable is defined by  CMake  2.6.3  and  higher.
          Earlier versions defined only the individual component variables.

       The  generators for Visual Studio 9 2008 and above set this variable to
       the devenv.com command installed with the corresponding  Visual  Studio
       version.  Note that this variable may be empty on Visual Studio Express
       editions because they do not provide this tool.

       This variable is not defined by other generators even if devenv.com  is
       installed on the computer.

       The CMAKE_VS_MSBUILD_COMMAND is also provided for Visual Studio 10 2010
       and above.  See also the CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM variable.

       The generators for Visual Studio 10 2010 and above set this variable to
       the  MSBuild.exe command installed with the corresponding Visual Studio

       This variable is not defined by other generators even if MSBuild.exe is
       installed on the computer.

       The  CMAKE_VS_DEVENV_COMMAND  is also provided for the non-Express edi-
       tions of Visual Studio.  See also the CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM variable.

       New in version 3.1.

       When using a Visual Studio generator with the  CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME  vari-
       able  set  to Android, this variable contains the version number of the
       installed NVIDIA Nsight Tegra Visual Studio Edition.

       New in version 3.1.

       Visual Studio target platform name used by the current generator.

       VS 8 and above allow project files to specify a target platform.  CMake
       provides  the  name  of  the chosen platform in this variable.  See the
       CMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM variable for details.

       See also the CMAKE_VS_PLATFORM_NAME_DEFAULT variable.

       New in version 3.14.3.

       Default for the Visual Studio target platform name for the current gen-
       erator  without  considering  the value of the CMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM
       variable.  For Visual Studio Generators for VS 2017 and below  this  is
       always  Win32.   For  VS 2019 and above this is based on the host plat-

       See also the CMAKE_VS_PLATFORM_NAME variable.

       Visual Studio Platform Toolset name.

       VS 10 and above use MSBuild under the hood and  support  multiple  com-
       piler toolchains.  CMake may specify a toolset explicitly, such as v110
       for VS 11 or Windows7.1SDK for 64-bit support in VS 10 Express.   CMake
       provides the name of the chosen toolset in this variable.

       See the CMAKE_GENERATOR_TOOLSET variable for details.

       New in version 3.9.

       NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit version whose Visual Studio toolset to use.

       The Visual Studio Generators for VS 2010 and above support using a CUDA
       toolset provided by a CUDA Toolkit.  The toolset version number may  be
       specified  by  a field in CMAKE_GENERATOR_TOOLSET of the form cuda=8.0.
       Or it is automatically detected if a path to a standalone  CUDA  direc-
       tory  is specified in the form cuda=C:\path\to\cuda.  If none is speci-
       fied CMake will choose a default version.  CMake provides the  selected
       CUDA  toolset  version  in this variable.  The value may be empty if no
       CUDA Toolkit with Visual Studio integration is installed.

       New in version 3.16.

       Path to standalone NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit (eg. extracted from installer).

       The Visual Studio Generators for VS 2010  and  above  support  using  a
       standalone (non-installed) NVIDIA CUDA toolkit.  The path may be speci-
       fied   by   a   field   in   CMAKE_GENERATOR_TOOLSET   of   the    form
       cuda=C:\path\to\cuda.   The  given  directory must at least contain the
       nvcc compiler in path .\bin and must provide Visual Studio  integration
       files  in  path .\extras\visual_studio_integration\ MSBuildExtensions\.
       One can create a standalone CUDA toolkit directory by either opening  a
       installer with 7zip or copying the files that are extracted by the run-
       ning installer. The value may be empty if no path to a standalone  CUDA
       Toolkit was specified.

       New in version 3.8.

       Visual Studio preferred tool architecture.

       The Visual Studio Generators for VS 2013 and above support using either
       the 32-bit or 64-bit  host  toolchains  by  specifying  a  host=x86  or
       host=x64  value  in the CMAKE_GENERATOR_TOOLSET option.  CMake provides
       the selected toolchain architecture preference in this  variable  (x86,
       x64, or empty).

       New in version 3.12.

       Visual Studio Platform Toolset version.

       The  Visual  Studio  Generators  for  VS 2017 and above allow to select
       minor versions of the same toolset. The toolset version number  may  be
       specified  by  a  field  in  CMAKE_GENERATOR_TOOLSET  of  the form ver-
       sion=14.11. If none is specified CMake will choose a  default  toolset.
       The value may be empty if no minor version was selected and the default
       is used.

       If the value is not empty, it is the version number that  MSBuild  uses
       in its Microsoft.VCToolsVersion.*.props file names.

       New  in  version  3.19.7:  VS  16.9's  toolset may also be specified as because VS 16.10 uses the  file  name  Microsoft.VCToolsVer-

   Three-Component MSVC Toolset Versions
       New in version 3.19.7.

       The  version= field may be given a three-component toolset version such
       as 14.28.29910, and CMake will convert it to the name used  by  MSBuild
       Microsoft.VCToolsVersion.*.props  files.  This is useful to distinguish
       between  VS  16.8's  14.28.29333  toolset  and  VS  16.9's  14.28.29910
       toolset.  It also matches vcvarsall's -vcvars_ver= behavior.

       New in version 3.4.

       Visual Studio Windows Target Platform Version.

       When  targeting  Windows 10 and above Visual Studio 2015 and above sup-
       port specification of a target Windows version to select a  correspond-
       ing  SDK.   The  CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION  variable may be set to specify a
       version.  Otherwise CMake computes a default version based on the  Win-
       dows  SDK versions available.  The chosen Windows target version number
       is provided in CMAKE_VS_WINDOWS_TARGET_PLATFORM_VERSION.  If no Windows
       10 SDK is available this value will be empty.

       One  may  set  a  CMAKE_WINDOWS_KITS_10_DIR  environment variable to an
       absolute path to tell CMake to look for Windows 10  SDKs  in  a  custom
       location.    The   specified   directory   is   expected   to   contain
       Include/10.0.* directories.


       New in version 3.19.

       Override the Windows 10 SDK Maximum Version for VS 2015 and beyond.

       set  to a false value (e.g. OFF, FALSE, or 0) or the SDK version to use
       as the maximum (e.g. 10.0.14393.0).  If unset, the default  depends  on
       which version of Visual Studio is targeted by the current generator.

       This  can be used in conjunction with CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION, which CMake

       New in version 3.19.

       Xcode build system selection.

       The Xcode generator defines this variable to indicate which variant  of
       the Xcode build system will be used.  The value is the version of Xcode
       in which the corresponding build system first became mature enough  for
       use by CMake.  The possible values are:

       1      The original Xcode build system.  This is the default when using
              Xcode 11.x or below.

       12     The Xcode "new build system" introduced by Xcode 10.  It  became
              mature enough for use by CMake in Xcode 12.  This is the default
              when using Xcode 12.x or above.

       The CMAKE_XCODE_BUILD_SYSTEM variable is informational and  should  not
       be modified by project code.  See the Xcode Build System Selection doc-
       umentation section to select the Xcode build system.

       Xcode compiler selection.

       Xcode supports selection of  a  compiler  from  one  of  the  installed
       toolsets.   CMake provides the name of the chosen toolset in this vari-
       able, if any is explicitly selected (e.g.  via the cmake(1) -T option).

       Top level binary directory for the named project.

       A variable is created with the name used in the project() command,  and
       is  the  binary  directory  for  the  project.  This can be useful when
       add_subdirectory() is used to connect several projects.

       New in version 3.12.

       Value given to the DESCRIPTION option of the most recent  call  to  the
       project() command with project name <PROJECT-NAME>, if any.

       New in version 3.12.

       Value  given  to the HOMEPAGE_URL option of the most recent call to the
       project() command with project name <PROJECT-NAME>, if any.

       New in version 3.21.

       A boolean variable indicating whether the named project was called in a
       top level CMakeLists.txt file.

       To  obtain the value from the most recent call to project() in the cur-
       rent directory scope or above, see the PROJECT_IS_TOP_LEVEL variable.

       The variable value will be true in:

       o the top-level directory of the project

       o the top-level directory of an external project added by  ExternalPro-

       The variable value will be false in:

       o a directory added by add_subdirectory()

       o a directory added by FetchContent

       Top level source directory for the named project.

       A  variable is created with the name used in the project() command, and
       is the source directory for the  project.   This  can  be  useful  when
       add_subdirectory() is used to connect several projects.

       Value  given  to  the  VERSION  option  of  the most recent call to the
       project() command with project name <PROJECT-NAME>, if any.

       See  also  the  component-wise  version  variables  <PROJECT-NAME>_VER-

       First version number component of the  <PROJECT-NAME>_VERSION  variable
       as set by the project() command.

       Second  version number component of the <PROJECT-NAME>_VERSION variable
       as set by the project() command.

       Third version number component of the  <PROJECT-NAME>_VERSION  variable
       as set by the project() command.

       Fourth  version number component of the <PROJECT-NAME>_VERSION variable
       as set by the project() command.

       Full path to build directory for project.

       This is the binary directory of the most recent project() command.

       New in version 3.9.

       Short project description given to the project command.

       This is the description given to the  most  recently  called  project()
       command  in  the  current  directory  scope  or  above.   To obtain the
       description of the top level project, see the CMAKE_PROJECT_DESCRIPTION

       New in version 3.12.

       The homepage URL of the project.

       This  is  the  homepage URL given to the most recently called project()
       command in the current directory scope or above.  To obtain  the  home-
       page  URL  of the top level project, see the CMAKE_PROJECT_HOMEPAGE_URL

       New in version 3.21.

       A boolean variable indicating whether project() was  called  in  a  top
       level CMakeLists.txt file.

       Some  modules  should  only be included as part of the top level CMake-
       Lists.txt file to not cause unintended side effects in the build  tree,
       and  this  variable can be used to conditionally execute such code. For
       example, consider the CTest module, which creates targets and options:


       The variable value will be true in:

       o the top-level directory of the project

       o the top-level directory of an external project added by  ExternalPro-

       The variable value will be false in:

       o a directory added by add_subdirectory()

       o a directory added by FetchContent

       Name of the project given to the project command.

       This is the name given to the most recently called project() command in
       the current directory scope or above.  To obtain the name  of  the  top
       level project, see the CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME variable.

       This  is the source directory of the last call to the project() command
       made in the current directory scope or one of its parents. Note, it  is
       not  affected by calls to project() made within a child directory scope
       (i.e. from within a call to add_subdirectory() from the current scope).

       Value given to the VERSION option  of  the  most  recent  call  to  the
       project() command, if any.

       See  also  the  component-wise version variables PROJECT_VERSION_MAJOR,

       First  version  number component of the PROJECT_VERSION variable as set
       by the project() command.

       Second version number component of the PROJECT_VERSION variable as  set
       by the project() command.

       Third  version  number component of the PROJECT_VERSION variable as set
       by the project() command.

       Fourth version number component of the PROJECT_VERSION variable as  set
       by the project() command.

       Global flag to cause add_library() to create shared libraries if on.

       If  present  and true, this will cause all libraries to be built shared
       unless the library was explicitly added  as  a  static  library.   This
       variable is often added to projects as an option() so that each user of
       a project can decide if they want to build the project using shared  or
       static libraries.

       List  of  files which have been installed using an ABSOLUTE DESTINATION

       This  variable  is  defined  by   CMake-generated   cmake_install.cmake
       scripts.  It can be used (read-only) by programs or scripts that source
       those install scripts.  This is used by  some  CPack  generators  (e.g.

       Semicolon-separated  list  of  directories specifying a search path for
       macOS application bundles used by the  find_program(),  and  find_pack-
       age() commands.

       Deprecated since version 3.15.

       Switch between strict and relaxed automoc mode.

       By  default,  AUTOMOC behaves exactly as described in the documentation
       of the AUTOMOC target property.  When set  to  TRUE,  it  accepts  more
       input  and tries to find the correct input file for moc even if it dif-
       fers from the documented behavior.  In this mode it e.g.   also  checks
       whether  a  header  file  is  intended  to  be  processed by moc when a
       "foo.moc" file has been included.

       Relaxed mode has to be enabled for KDE4 compatibility.

       Deprecated.  See CMake Policy CMP0001 documentation.

       Specifies the build type on single-configuration generators.

       This statically specifies what build type (configuration) will be built
       in  this  build  tree.  Possible values are empty, Debug, Release, Rel-
       WithDebInfo, MinSizeRel, ...  This variable is only meaningful to  sin-
       gle-configuration  generators  (such  as Makefile Generators and Ninja)
       i.e.  those which choose a single configuration when CMake runs to gen-
       erate  a  build tree as opposed to multi-configuration generators which
       offer selection of the build configuration within the  generated  build
       environment.   There are many per-config properties and variables (usu-
       ally following clean  SOME_VAR_<CONFIG>  order  conventions),  such  as
       CMAKE_C_FLAGS_<CONFIG>,         specified         as         uppercase:
       ple,  in a build tree configured to build type Debug, CMake will see to
       having CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG settings get added to the CMAKE_C_FLAGS set-
       tings.  See also CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES.

       Note  that configuration names are case-insensitive.  The value of this
       variable will be the same as it is specified when invoking CMake.   For
       instance, if -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=ReLeAsE is specified, then the value of
       CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE will be ReLeAsE.

       New in version 3.19.

       When cross compiling for windows with clang-cl, this variable can be an
       absolute  path pointing to a clang virtual file system yaml file, which
       will enable clang-cl to resolve windows header names on a  case  sensi-
       tive file system.

       New in version 3.11.

       Change the compiler id in the generated CodeBlocks project files.

       CodeBlocks   uses  its  own  compiler  id  string  which  differs  from
       CMAKE_<LANG>_COMPILER_ID.  If this variable is left empty, CMake  tries
       to  recognize  the CodeBlocks compiler id automatically.  Otherwise the
       specified string is used in the CodeBlocks project file.  See the Code-
       Blocks documentation for valid compiler id strings.

       Other  IDEs  like  QtCreator that also use the CodeBlocks generator may
       ignore this setting.

       New in version 3.10.

       Change the way the CodeBlocks generator creates project files.

       If this variable evaluates  to  ON  the  generator  excludes  from  the
       project file any files that are located outside the project root.

       New in version 3.7.

       Change the way the CodeLite generator creates projectfiles.

       If  this  variable  evaluates  to ON at the end of the top-level CMake-
       Lists.txt file, the generator creates  projectfiles  based  on  targets
       rather than projects.

       Enables color output when using the Makefile Generators.

       When  enabled,  the  generated  Makefiles  will produce colored output.
       Default is ON.

       Specifies the available build types on multi-config generators.

       This specifies what build types (configurations) will be available such
       as Debug, Release, RelWithDebInfo etc.  This has reasonable defaults on
       most platforms, but can be extended to provide other build types.

       See CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE for specifying the configuration with  single-con-
       fig generators.

       New in version 3.6.

       When set to TRUE in a directory, the build system produced by the Make-
       file Generators is set up to only consider dependencies on source files
       that appear either in the source or in the binary directories.  Changes
       to source files outside of these directories will not cause rebuilds.

       This should be used carefully in cases  where  some  source  files  are
       picked up through external headers during the build.

       Variable for disabling find_package() calls.

       Every  non-REQUIRED find_package() call in a project can be disabled by
       setting the variable CMAKE_DISABLE_FIND_PACKAGE_<PackageName> to  TRUE.
       This  can  be  used  to  build  a  project without an optional package,
       although that package is installed.

       This switch should be used during the initial CMake run.  Otherwise  if
       the  package  has already been found in a previous CMake run, the vari-
       ables which have been stored in the cache will still be there.  In that
       case  it  is recommended to remove the cache variables for this package
       from the cache using the cache editor or cmake(1) -U

       New in version 3.6.

       This cache variable is used by  the  Eclipse  project  generator.   See

       The Eclipse project generator generates so-called linked resources e.g.
       to the subproject root dirs in the source tree or to the  source  files
       of targets.  This can be disabled by setting this variable to FALSE.

       New in version 3.6.

       This  cache  variable  is  used  by the Eclipse project generator.  See

       If this variable is set to TRUE, the  Eclipse  project  generator  will
       generate an Eclipse project in CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR . This project can then
       be  used  in  Eclipse  e.g.  for  the  version  control  functionality.
       CMAKE_ECLIPSE_GENERATE_SOURCE_PROJECT  defaults to FALSE; so nothing is
       written into the source directory.

       New in version 3.6.

       This cache variable is used by  the  Eclipse  project  generator.   See

       This  variable  holds arguments which are used when Eclipse invokes the
       make tool. By default it is initialized to hold flags to enable  paral-
       lel builds (using -j typically).

       New in version 3.16.

       This cache variable tells the Eclipse CDT4 project generator to set the
       resource encoding to the given value in generated project files.  If no
       value is given, no encoding will be set.

       New in version 3.6.

       This  cache  variable  is  used  by the Eclipse project generator.  See

       When using the Eclipse project  generator,  CMake  tries  to  find  the
       Eclipse  executable and detect the version of it. Depending on the ver-
       sion it finds, some features are enabled or disabled. If CMake  doesn't
       find Eclipse, it assumes the oldest supported version, Eclipse Callisto

       Whether to issue errors for deprecated functionality.

       If TRUE, use of deprecated functionality will issue fatal  errors.   If
       this variable is not set, CMake behaves as if it were set to FALSE.

       Ask  cmake_install.cmake  script  to  error  out as soon as a file with
       absolute INSTALL DESTINATION is encountered.

       The fatal error is emitted before the  installation  of  the  offending
       file   takes   place.    This   variable  is  used  by  CMake-generated
       cmake_install.cmake scripts.  If one sets this  variable  to  ON  while
       running the script, it may get fatal error messages from the script.

       New in version 3.15.

       If this variable is set to STDERR, STDOUT or NONE then commands in exe-
       cute_process() calls will be printed to either stderr or stdout or  not
       at all.

       New in version 3.5.

       Enable/Disable output of compile commands during generation.

       If enabled, generates a compile_commands.json file containing the exact
       compiler  calls  for  all  translation  units   of   the   project   in
       machine-readable form.  The format of the JSON file looks like:

              "directory": "/home/user/development/project",
              "command": "/usr/bin/c++ ... -c ../foo/foo.cc",
              "file": "../foo/foo.cc"


              "directory": "/home/user/development/project",
              "command": "/usr/bin/c++ ... -c ../foo/bar.cc",
              "file": "../foo/bar.cc"

       This  is  initialized  by the CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS environment
       variable, and initializes the EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS  target  property
       for all targets.

          This  option  is  implemented  only  by  Makefile Generators and the
          Ninja.  It is ignored on other generators.

          This option currently does not work well  in  combination  with  the
          UNITY_BUILD target property or the CMAKE_UNITY_BUILD variable.

       New in version 3.15.

       Enables the export(PACKAGE) command when CMP0090 is set to NEW.

       The  export(PACKAGE) command does nothing by default.  In some cases it
       is  desirable  to  write  to  the  user  package   registry,   so   the
       CMAKE_EXPORT_PACKAGE_REGISTRY variable may be set to enable it.

       If  CMP0090  is  not  set  to  NEW  this variable does nothing, and the
       CMAKE_EXPORT_NO_PACKAGE_REGISTRY   variable   controls   the   behavior

       See also Disabling the Package Registry.

       New in version 3.1.

       Disable the export(PACKAGE) command when CMP0090 is not set to NEW.

       In  some cases, for example for packaging and for system wide installa-
       tions, it is not desirable to write the user package registry.  If  the
       CMAKE_EXPORT_NO_PACKAGE_REGISTRY  variable is enabled, the export(PACK-
       AGE) command will do nothing.

       If  CMP0090  is  set  to  NEW  this  variable  does  nothing,  and  the
       CMAKE_EXPORT_PACKAGE_REGISTRY variable controls the behavior instead.

       See also Disabling the Package Registry.

       New in version 3.4.

       This variable affects how find_* commands choose between macOS Applica-
       tion Bundles and unix-style package components.

       On  Darwin  or  systems  supporting  macOS  Application  Bundles,   the
       CMAKE_FIND_APPBUNDLE variable can be set to empty or one of the follow-

       FIRST  Try to find application bundles before standard programs.   This
              is the default on Darwin.

       LAST   Try to find application bundles after standard programs.

       ONLY   Only try to find application bundles.

       NEVER  Never try to find application bundles.

       New in version 3.4.

       This  variable  affects how find_* commands choose between macOS Frame-
       works and unix-style package components.

       On Darwin or systems supporting macOS Frameworks, the CMAKE_FIND_FRAME-
       WORK variable can be set to empty or one of the following:

       FIRST  Try  to  find  frameworks  before standard libraries or headers.
              This is the default on Darwin.

       LAST   Try to find frameworks after standard libraries or headers.

       ONLY   Only try to find frameworks.

       NEVER  Never try to find frameworks.

       New in version 3.9.

       Specify a <suffix> to tell the find_library() command to  search  in  a
       lib<suffix>  directory before each lib directory that would normally be

       This overrides the behavior of related global properties:




       Prefixes to prepend when looking for libraries.

       This  specifies  what  prefixes  to  add  to  library  names  when  the
       find_library()  command  looks  for libraries.  On UNIX systems this is
       typically lib, meaning that when trying to find the foo library it will
       look for libfoo.

       Suffixes to append when looking for libraries.

       This  specifies  what  suffixes  to  add  to  library  names  when  the
       find_library() command looks for libraries.  On Windows systems this is
       typically  .lib  and  .dll,  meaning  that  when trying to find the foo
       library it will look for foo.dll etc.

       Exclude the values of the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX and CMAKE_STAGING_PREFIX
       variables from CMAKE_SYSTEM_PREFIX_PATH.  CMake adds these project-des-
       tination prefixes to CMAKE_SYSTEM_PREFIX_PATH by default  in  order  to
       support  building  a  series  of dependent packages and installing them
       into a common prefix.  Set CMAKE_FIND_NO_INSTALL_PREFIX to TRUE to sup-
       press this behavior.

       The  CMAKE_SYSTEM_PREFIX_PATH  is  initialized  on  the first call to a
       project()  or  enable_language()  command.   Therefore  one  must   set
       CMAKE_FIND_NO_INSTALL_PREFIX  before  this  in order to take effect.  A
       user may set the variable as a cache  entry  on  the  command  line  to
       achieve this.

       Note  that the prefix(es) may still be searched for other reasons, such
       as being the same prefix as the CMake  installation,  or  for  being  a
       built-in system prefix.

       New in version 3.1.

       Deprecated  since version 3.16: Use the CMAKE_FIND_USE_PACKAGE_REGISTRY
       variable instead.

       By default this variable is not set.  If  neither  CMAKE_FIND_USE_PACK-
       find_package()  will  use  the  User  Package   Registry   unless   the
       NO_CMAKE_PACKAGE_REGISTRY option is provided.

       CMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_NO_PACKAGE_REGISTRY        is       ignored       if

       In some cases, for example to locate only system wide installations, it
       is  not  desirable  to use the User Package Registry when searching for
       packages. If  the  CMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_NO_PACKAGE_REGISTRY  variable  is
       TRUE,  all  the find_package() commands will skip the User Package Reg-
       istry as if they were called with the  NO_CMAKE_PACKAGE_REGISTRY  argu-

       See also Disabling the Package Registry.

       New in version 3.1.

       Deprecated  since  version  3.16:  Use  the CMAKE_FIND_USE_SYSTEM_PACK-
       AGE_REGISTRY variable instead.

       By default this variable is not  set.  If  neither  CMAKE_FIND_USE_SYS-
       is set, then find_package() will use the System Package Registry unless
       the NO_CMAKE_SYSTEM_PACKAGE_REGISTRY option is provided.

       CMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_NO_SYSTEM_PACKAGE_REGISTRY     is     ignored     if

       In some cases, it is not desirable to use the System  Package  Registry
       when         searching        for        packages.        If        the
       find_package()  commands  will  skip  the System Package Registry as if
       they were called with the NO_CMAKE_SYSTEM_PACKAGE_REGISTRY argument.

       See also Disabling the Package Registry.

       New in version 3.15.

       Tell find_package() to try "Config" mode before  "Module"  mode  if  no
       mode was specified.

       The  command  find_package() operates without an explicit mode when the
       reduced signature is used without the MODULE option. In this  case,  by
       default,   CMake   first   tries   Module   mode  by  searching  for  a
       Find<pkg>.cmake module.  If it fails, CMake then searches for the pack-
       age using Config mode.

       Set  CMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_PREFER_CONFIG to TRUE to tell find_package() to
       first search using Config mode before falling back to Module mode.

       This variable may be useful when a developer has compiled a custom ver-
       sion  of a common library and wishes to link it to a dependent project.
       If this variable is set to TRUE, it would prevent a dependent project's
       call  to  find_package()  from selecting the default library located by
       the system's Find<pkg>.cmake module before finding the developer's cus-
       tom built library.

       Once  this  variable  is  set, it is the responsibility of the exported
       <pkg>Config.cmake files to provide the same  result  variables  as  the
       Find<pkg>.cmake  modules so that dependent projects can use them inter-

       New in version 3.14.

       Set to TRUE to tell find_package() calls to resolve symbolic  links  in
       the value of <PackageName>_DIR.

       This  is helpful in use cases where the package search path points at a
       proxy directory in which symlinks to the real package locations appear.
       This  is not enabled by default because there are also common use cases
       in which the symlinks should be preserved.

       Tell find_package() to warn if called without an explicit mode.

       If find_package() is called without an explicit  mode  option  (MODULE,
       CONFIG,  or  NO_MODULE)  and no Find<pkg>.cmake module is in CMAKE_MOD-
       ULE_PATH then CMake implicitly  assumes  that  the  caller  intends  to
       search  for  a package configuration file.  If no package configuration
       file is found then the wording of the failure message must account  for
       both  the case that the package is really missing and the case that the
       project has a bug and failed to provide the intended Find  module.   If
       instead  the  caller specifies an explicit mode option then the failure
       message can be more specific.

       Set CMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_WARN_NO_MODULE to TRUE to tell find_package() to
       warn  when  it  implicitly  assumes Config mode.  This helps developers
       enforce use of an explicit mode in all calls to find_package() within a

       This  variable has no effect if CMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_PREFER_CONFIG is set
       to TRUE.

       Semicolon-separated list of root paths to search on the filesystem.

       This variable is most useful when cross-compiling. CMake uses the paths
       in  this  list  as  alternative  roots  to  find  filesystem items with
       find_package(), find_library() etc.

       This variable controls whether the CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH and  CMAKE_SYS-
       ROOT are used by find_file() and find_path().

       If  set  to  ONLY,  then only the roots in CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH will be
       searched. If set to NEVER, then the roots in CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH  will
       be  ignored and only the host system root will be used. If set to BOTH,
       then the host system paths and the paths in  CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH  will
       be searched.

       This  variable controls whether the CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH and CMAKE_SYS-
       ROOT are used by find_library().

       If set to ONLY, then only the roots  in  CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH  will  be
       searched.  If set to NEVER, then the roots in CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH will
       be ignored and only the host system root will be used. If set to  BOTH,
       then  the  host system paths and the paths in CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH will
       be searched.

       This variable controls whether the CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH and  CMAKE_SYS-
       ROOT are used by find_package().

       If  set  to  ONLY,  then only the roots in CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH will be
       searched. If set to NEVER, then the roots in CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH  will
       be  ignored and only the host system root will be used. If set to BOTH,
       then the host system paths and the paths in  CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH  will
       be searched.

       This  variable controls whether the CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH and CMAKE_SYS-
       ROOT are used by find_program().

       If set to ONLY, then only the roots  in  CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH  will  be
       searched.  If set to NEVER, then the roots in CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH will
       be ignored and only the host system root will be used. If set to  BOTH,
       then  the  host system paths and the paths in CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH will
       be searched.

       New in version 3.16.

       Controls the default behavior of the following commands for whether  or
       not to search paths provided by cmake-specific environment variables:

       o find_program()

       o find_library()

       o find_file()

       o find_path()

       o find_package()

       This is useful in cross-compiling environments.

       By default this variable is not set, which is equivalent to it having a
       value of TRUE.  Explicit options  given  to  the  above  commands  take
       precedence over this variable.


       New in version 3.16.

       Controls the default behavior of the following commands for whether  or
       not to search paths provided by cmake-specific cache variables:

       o find_program()

       o find_library()

       o find_file()

       o find_path()

       o find_package()

       This is useful in cross-compiling environments.

       By default this variable is not set, which is equivalent to it having a
       value of TRUE.  Explicit options  given  to  the  above  commands  take
       precedence over this variable.

       See        also        the       CMAKE_FIND_USE_CMAKE_ENVIRONMENT_PATH,

       New in version 3.16.

       Controls the default behavior of the following commands for whether  or
       not to search paths provided by platform-specific cmake variables:

       o find_program()

       o find_library()

       o find_file()

       o find_path()

       o find_package()

       This is useful in cross-compiling environments.

       By default this variable is not set, which is equivalent to it having a
       value of TRUE.  Explicit options  given  to  the  above  commands  take
       precedence over this variable.


       New in version 3.16.

       Controls the default behavior of the find_package() command for whether
       or not to search paths provided by the User Package Registry.

       By  default this variable is not set and the behavior will fall back to
       that determined by  the  deprecated  CMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_NO_PACKAGE_REG-
       ISTRY  variable.  If that is also not set, then find_package() will use
       the User Package Registry unless the  NO_CMAKE_PACKAGE_REGISTRY  option
       is provided.

       This  variable takes precedence over CMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_NO_PACKAGE_REG-
       ISTRY when both are set.

       In some cases, for example to locate only system wide installations, it
       is  not  desirable  to use the User Package Registry when searching for
       packages.  If the CMAKE_FIND_USE_PACKAGE_REGISTRY  variable  is  FALSE,
       all  the find_package() commands will skip the User Package Registry as
       if they were called with the NO_CMAKE_PACKAGE_REGISTRY argument.

       See    also    Disabling    the    Package     Registry     and     the

       New in version 3.16.

       Controls the default behavior of the following commands for whether  or
       not to search paths provided by <PackageName>_ROOT variables:

       o find_program()

       o find_library()

       o find_file()

       o find_path()

       o find_package()

       By default this variable is not set, which is equivalent to it having a
       value of TRUE.  Explicit options  given  to  the  above  commands  take
       precedence over this variable.


       New in version 3.16.

       Controls the default behavior of the following commands for whether  or
       not to search paths provided by standard system environment variables:

       o find_program()

       o find_library()

       o find_file()

       o find_path()

       o find_package()

       This is useful in cross-compiling environments.

       By default this variable is not set, which is equivalent to it having a
       value of TRUE.  Explicit options  given  to  the  above  commands  take
       precedence over this variable.

       TEM_PACKAGE_REGISTRY variables.

       New in version 3.16.

       Controls searching the System Package Registry  by  the  find_package()

       By  default this variable is not set and the behavior will fall back to
       that determined by  the  deprecated  CMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_NO_SYSTEM_PACK-
       AGE_REGISTRY  variable.   If  that is also not set, then find_package()
       will use the System Package Registry unless  the  NO_CMAKE_SYSTEM_PACK-
       AGE_REGISTRY option is provided.

       This  variable takes precedence over CMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_NO_SYSTEM_PACK-
       AGE_REGISTRY when both are set.

       In some cases, for example to locate only user specific  installations,
       it  is  not desirable to use the System Package Registry when searching
       for packages. If the CMAKE_FIND_USE_SYSTEM_PACKAGE_REGISTRY variable is
       FALSE,  all  the  find_package()  commands will skip the System Package
       Registry as if they were called with  the  NO_CMAKE_SYSTEM_PACKAGE_REG-
       ISTRY argument.

       See also Disabling the Package Registry.


       Semicolon-separated list of directories specifying a  search  path  for
       macOS   frameworks   used   by   the   find_library(),  find_package(),
       find_path(), and find_file() commands.

       Semicolon-separated list of directories to be ignored by the  find_pro-
       gram(), find_library(), find_file(), and find_path() commands.  This is
       useful in cross-compiling environments where  some  system  directories
       contain  incompatible but possibly linkable libraries.  For example, on
       cross-compiled cluster environments,  this  allows  a  user  to  ignore
       directories containing libraries meant for the front-end machine.

       By  default  this  is  empty;  it is intended to be set by the project.
       Note that CMAKE_IGNORE_PATH takes a list of directory names, not a list
       of prefixes.  To ignore paths under prefixes (bin, include, lib, etc.),
       specify them explicitly.

       and CMAKE_PROGRAM_PATH variables.

       Whether to append or prepend directories by default in include_directo-

       This variable affects the default behavior of the include_directories()
       command.  Setting this variable to ON is equivalent to using the BEFORE
       option in all uses of that command.

       Whether to force prepending of project include directories.

       This variable affects the order of  include  directories  generated  in
       compiler  command  lines.  If set to ON, it causes the CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR
       and the CMAKE_BINARY_DIR to appear first.

       Semicolon-separated list of directories specifying a  search  path  for
       the  find_file()  and find_path() commands.  By default it is empty, it
       is  intended  to  be  set  by  the  project.    See   also   CMAKE_SYS-

       Default component used in install() commands.

       If  an  install() command is used without the COMPONENT argument, these
       files will be grouped into a  default  component.   The  name  of  this
       default  install  component  will  be  taken  from  this  variable.  It
       defaults to Unspecified.

       New in version 3.11.

       Default permissions for directories created implicitly during installa-
       tion of files by install() and file(INSTALL).

       If  make install is invoked and directories are implicitly created they
       get  permissions  set  by   CMAKE_INSTALL_DEFAULT_DIRECTORY_PERMISSIONS
       variable  or  platform  specific default permissions if the variable is
       not set.

       Implicitly created directories are created if they are  not  explicitly
       installed  by  install()  command but are needed to install a file on a
       certain path. Example of such locations are directories created due  to
       the setting of CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX.

       variable is a list of permissions that can be used by install() command
       PERMISSIONS section.

       Example usage:


       New in version 3.1.

       Specify   verbosity  of  installation  script  code  generated  by  the
       install() command (using the file(INSTALL) command).   For  paths  that
       are newly installed or updated, installation may print lines like:

          -- Installing: /some/destination/path

       For  paths  that  are  already up to date, installation may print lines

          -- Up-to-date: /some/destination/path

       The CMAKE_INSTALL_MESSAGE variable may be set to control which messages
       are printed:

       ALWAYS Print both Installing and Up-to-date messages.

       LAZY   Print Installing but not Up-to-date messages.

       NEVER  Print neither Installing nor Up-to-date messages.

       Other values have undefined behavior and may not be diagnosed.

       If this variable is not set, the default behavior is ALWAYS.

       Install directory used by install().

       If  make  install  is  invoked  or  INSTALL is built, this directory is
       prepended onto all install  directories.   This  variable  defaults  to
       /usr/local  on  UNIX  and  c:/Program Files/${PROJECT_NAME} on Windows.
       See CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX_INITIALIZED_TO_DEFAULT for how a project might
       choose its own default.

       On  UNIX  one  can  use  the DESTDIR mechanism in order to relocate the
       whole installation. See DESTDIR for more information.

       The installation prefix is also added  to  CMAKE_SYSTEM_PREFIX_PATH  so
       that  find_package(),  find_program(), find_library(), find_path(), and
       find_file() will search the prefix for other software.

          Use the GNUInstallDirs module to provide GNU-style options  for  the
          layout of directories within the installation.

       New in version 3.7.1.

       CMake  sets this variable to a TRUE value when the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX
       has just been initialized to its default value, typically on the  first
       run of CMake within a new build tree.  This can be used by project code
       to change the default without overriding a user-provided value:

            set(CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX "/my/default" CACHE PATH "..." FORCE)

       Semicolon-separated list of directories specifying a  search  path  for
       the  find_library() command.  By default it is empty, it is intended to
       be  set  by  the  project.   See  also  CMAKE_SYSTEM_LIBRARY_PATH   and

       New in version 3.13.

       Whether  to  append  or prepend directories by default in link_directo-

       This variable affects the default behavior  of  the  link_directories()
       command.  Setting this variable to ON is equivalent to using the BEFORE
       option in all uses of that command.

       Use the MFC library for an executable or dll.

       Enables the use of the Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC).   It  should
       be  set  to  1  for  the  static  MFC library, and 2 for the shared MFC
       library.  This is used in Visual Studio project files.

       Usage example:

          set(CMAKE_MFC_FLAG 2)
          add_executable(CMakeSetup WIN32 ${SRCS})

       Contents of CMAKE_MFC_FLAG may use generator expressions.

       New in version 3.14.

       Maximum recursion depth for CMake scripts. It is intended to be set  on
       the  command  line  with -DCMAKE_MAXIMUM_RECURSION_DEPTH=<x>, or within
       CMakeLists.txt by  projects  that  require  a  large  recursion  depth.
       Projects  that  set this variable should provide the user with a way to
       override it. For example:

          # About to perform deeply recursive actions

       If it is not set, or is set to a non-integer value, a sensible  default
       limit is used. If the recursion limit is reached, the script terminates
       immediately with a fatal error.

       Calling any of the following commands increases the recursion depth:

       o include()

       o find_package()

       o add_subdirectory()

       o try_compile()

       o ctest_read_custom_files()

       o ctest_run_script() (unless NEW_PROCESS is specified)

       o User-defined function()'s and macro()'s  (note  that  function()  and
         macro() themselves don't increase recursion depth)

       o Reading  or  writing  variables  that  are  being  watched by a vari-

       New in version 3.17.

       When enabled by the cmake --log-context  command  line  option  or  the
       CMAKE_MESSAGE_CONTEXT_SHOW variable, the message() command converts the
       CMAKE_MESSAGE_CONTEXT list into a dot-separated  string  surrounded  by
       square brackets and prepends it to each line for messages of log levels
       NOTICE and below.

       For logging contexts to work  effectively,  projects  should  generally
       APPEND  and POP_BACK an item to the current value of CMAKE_MESSAGE_CON-
       TEXT rather than replace it.  Projects should not  assume  the  message
       context  at the top of the source tree is empty, as there are scenarios
       where the context  might  have  already  been  set  (e.g.  hierarchical

          Valid context names are restricted to anything that could be used as
          a CMake variable name.  All names that begin with an  underscore  or
          the  string cmake_ are also reserved for use by CMake and should not
          be used by projects.


            list(APPEND CMAKE_MESSAGE_CONTEXT "bar")
            message(VERBOSE "bar VERBOSE message")

            list(APPEND CMAKE_MESSAGE_CONTEXT "baz")
            message(DEBUG "baz DEBUG message")

            list(APPEND CMAKE_MESSAGE_CONTEXT "foo")
            message(TRACE "foo TRACE message")

          list(APPEND CMAKE_MESSAGE_CONTEXT "top")

          message(VERBOSE "Before `foo`")
          message(VERBOSE "After `foo`")


       Which results in the following output:

          -- [top] Before `foo`
          -- [top.foo.bar] bar VERBOSE message
          -- [top.foo] foo TRACE message
          -- [top.foo.baz] baz DEBUG message
          -- [top] After `foo`

       New in version 3.17.

       Setting this variable to true enables showing a context with each  line
       logged  by the message() command (see CMAKE_MESSAGE_CONTEXT for how the
       context itself is specified).

       This variable is an alternative to providing the  --log-context  option
       on  the cmake command line.  Whereas the command line option will apply
       only to that one CMake run, setting CMAKE_MESSAGE_CONTEXT_SHOW to  true
       as  a  cache  variable will ensure that subsequent CMake runs will con-
       tinue to show the message context.

       Projects should not set CMAKE_MESSAGE_CONTEXT_SHOW.  It is intended for
       users  so  that they may control whether or not to include context with

       New in version 3.16.

       The message() command joins the strings from this list and for log lev-
       els  of NOTICE and below, it prepends the resultant string to each line
       of the message.


          list(APPEND listVar one two three)

          message(VERBOSE [[Collected items in the "listVar":]])
          list(APPEND CMAKE_MESSAGE_INDENT "  ")

          foreach(item IN LISTS listVar)
            message(VERBOSE ${item})

          message(VERBOSE "No more indent")

       Which results in the following output:

          -- Collected items in the "listVar":
          --   one
          --   two
          --   three
          -- No more indent

       New in version 3.17.

       When set, this variable specifies the logging level used  by  the  mes-
       sage() command.  Valid values are the same as those for the --log-level
       command line option of the cmake(1) program.  If this variable  is  set
       and  the  --log-level  command  line  option is given, the command line
       option takes precedence.

       The main advantage to using this variable is to make a log  level  per-
       sist  between  CMake  runs.  Setting it as a cache variable will ensure
       that subsequent CMake runs will continue to use the chosen log level.

       Projects should not set this variable, it is intended for users so that
       they may control the log level according to their own needs.

       Semicolon-separated  list  of  directories specifying a search path for
       CMake modules to be loaded by the include() or find_package()  commands
       before  checking  the default modules that come with CMake.  By default
       it is empty, it is intended to be set by the project.

       Default for CMake Policy CMP<NNNN> when it is otherwise left unset.

       Commands cmake_minimum_required(VERSION) and  cmake_policy(VERSION)  by
       default  leave  policies introduced after the given version unset.  Set
       CMAKE_POLICY_DEFAULT_CMP<NNNN> to OLD or NEW to specify the default for
       policy CMP<NNNN>, where <NNNN> is the policy number.

       This  variable  should  not  be  set  by  a  project in CMake code; use
       cmake_policy(SET) instead.  Users running CMake may set  this  variable
       in the cache (e.g. -DCMAKE_POLICY_DEFAULT_CMP<NNNN>=<OLD|NEW>) to set a
       policy not otherwise set by the project.  Set to OLD to quiet a  policy
       warning  while using old behavior or to NEW to try building the project
       with new behavior.

       Explicitly enable or disable the warning when CMake Policy CMP<NNNN> is
       not set.  This is meaningful only for the few policies that do not warn
       by default:

       o CMAKE_POLICY_WARNING_CMP0025 controls the warning for policy CMP0025.

       o CMAKE_POLICY_WARNING_CMP0047 controls the warning for policy CMP0047.

       o CMAKE_POLICY_WARNING_CMP0056 controls the warning for policy CMP0056.

       o CMAKE_POLICY_WARNING_CMP0060 controls the warning for policy CMP0060.

       o CMAKE_POLICY_WARNING_CMP0065 controls the warning for policy CMP0065.

       o CMAKE_POLICY_WARNING_CMP0066 controls the warning for policy CMP0066.

       o CMAKE_POLICY_WARNING_CMP0067 controls the warning for policy CMP0067.

       o CMAKE_POLICY_WARNING_CMP0082 controls the warning for policy CMP0082.

       o CMAKE_POLICY_WARNING_CMP0089 controls the warning for policy CMP0089.

       o CMAKE_POLICY_WARNING_CMP0102 controls the warning for policy CMP0102.

       o CMAKE_POLICY_WARNING_CMP0112 controls the warning for policy CMP0112.

       o CMAKE_POLICY_WARNING_CMP0116 controls the warning for policy CMP0116.

       o CMAKE_POLICY_WARNING_CMP0126 controls the warning for policy CMP0126.

       This variable should not be set by a project in  CMake  code.   Project
       developers running CMake may set this variable in their cache to enable
       the warning (e.g. -DCMAKE_POLICY_WARNING_CMP<NNNN>=ON).  Alternatively,
       running  cmake(1)  with  the --debug-output, --trace, or --trace-expand
       option will also enable the warning.

       Semicolon-separated list of directories  specifying  installation  pre-
       fixes   to   be   searched   by   the  find_package(),  find_program(),
       find_library(), find_file(), and find_path()  commands.   Each  command
       will  add  appropriate  subdirectories  (like  bin, lib, or include) as
       specified in its own documentation.

       By default this is empty.  It is intended to be set by the project.

       See      also       CMAKE_SYSTEM_PREFIX_PATH,       CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH,

       Semicolon-separated  list  of  directories specifying a search path for
       the find_program() command.  By default it is empty, it is intended  to
       be   set  by  the  project.   See  also  CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROGRAM_PATH  and

       New in version 3.15.

       A CMake language file or module to be included as the last step of  all
       project()  command  calls.   This is intended for injecting custom code
       into project builds without modifying their source.

       See        also        the        CMAKE_PROJECT_<PROJECT-NAME>_INCLUDE,
       CMAKE_PROJECT_<PROJECT-NAME>_INCLUDE_BEFORE                         and

       New in version 3.15.

       A CMake language file or module to be included as the first step of all
       project()  command  calls.   This is intended for injecting custom code
       into project builds without modifying their source.

       See        also        the        CMAKE_PROJECT_<PROJECT-NAME>_INCLUDE,

       A CMake language file or module to be included as the last step of  any
       project()  command  calls  that  specify  <PROJECT-NAME> as the project
       name.  This is intended for injecting custom code into  project  builds
       without modifying their source.

       See      also      the     CMAKE_PROJECT_<PROJECT-NAME>_INCLUDE_BEFORE,

       New in version 3.17.

       A CMake language file or module to be included as the first step of any
       project()  command  calls  that  specify  <PROJECT-NAME> as the project
       name.  This is intended for injecting custom code into  project  builds
       without modifying their source.

       See        also        the        CMAKE_PROJECT_<PROJECT-NAME>_INCLUDE,

       Don't make the install target depend on the all target.

       By default, the install target depends on the all target.  This has the
       effect,  that  when  make install is invoked or INSTALL is built, first
       the  all  target  is  built,  then   the   installation   starts.    If
       CMAKE_SKIP_INSTALL_ALL_DEPENDENCY  is  set  to TRUE, this dependency is
       not created, so the installation process will start immediately,  inde-
       pendent from whether the project has been completely built or not.

       This  variable may be set to a path to install to when cross-compiling.
       This can be useful if the path in CMAKE_SYSROOT is read-only, or other-
       wise should remain pristine.

       The  CMAKE_STAGING_PREFIX  location  is also used as a search prefix by
       the  find_*  commands.  This  can  be   controlled   by   setting   the

       If   any  RPATH/RUNPATH  entries  passed  to  the  linker  contain  the
       CMAKE_STAGING_PREFIX, the matching path fragments are replaced with the

       New in version 3.8.

       This  variable contains a list of env vars as a list of tokens with the
       syntax var=value.



       In case of malformed variables CMake will fail:


       New in version 3.8.

       If this variable evaluates to ON at the end  of  the  top-level  CMake-
       Lists.txt  file,  the Sublime Text 2 extra generator excludes the build
       tree from the .sublime-project if it is inside the source tree.

       New in version 3.12.

       If CMAKE_SUPPRESS_REGENERATION is OFF, which  is  default,  then  CMake
       adds a special target on which all other targets depend that checks the
       build system and optionally re-runs CMake to regenerate the build  sys-
       tem when the target specification source changes.

       If  this  variable  evaluates  to ON at the end of the top-level CMake-
       Lists.txt file, CMake will not add the regeneration target to the build
       system or perform any build system checks.

       Path to pass to the compiler in the --sysroot flag.

       The  CMAKE_SYSROOT  content  is passed to the compiler in the --sysroot
       flag, if supported.  The path is also stripped from  the  RPATH/RUNPATH
       if necessary on installation.  The CMAKE_SYSROOT is also used to prefix
       paths searched by the find_* commands.

       This variable may only be set in a  toolchain  file  specified  by  the
       CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE variable.

       See also the CMAKE_SYSROOT_COMPILE and CMAKE_SYSROOT_LINK variables.

       New in version 3.9.

       Path  to  pass  to  the  compiler  in the --sysroot flag when compiling
       source files.  This is the same as CMAKE_SYSROOT but is used  only  for
       compiling sources and not linking.

       This  variable  may  only  be  set in a toolchain file specified by the
       CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE variable.

       New in version 3.9.

       Path to pass to the compiler in the --sysroot flag when linking.   This
       is  the same as CMAKE_SYSROOT but is used only for linking and not com-
       piling sources.

       This variable may only be set in a  toolchain  file  specified  by  the
       CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE variable.

       New in version 3.4.

       Search  path  for macOS application bundles used by the find_program(),
       and find_package() commands.   By  default  it  contains  the  standard
       directories  for the current system.  It is not intended to be modified
       by the project, use CMAKE_APPBUNDLE_PATH for this.

       New in version 3.4.

       Search path for macOS frameworks used by the find_library(), find_pack-
       age(),  find_path(),  and find_file() commands.  By default it contains
       the standard directories for the current system.  It is not intended to
       be modified by the project, use CMAKE_FRAMEWORK_PATH for this.

       Semicolon-separated  list of directories to be ignored by the find_pro-
       gram(), find_library(), find_file(), and find_path() commands.  This is
       useful  in  cross-compiling  environments where some system directories
       contain incompatible but possibly linkable libraries.  For example,  on
       cross-compiled  cluster  environments,  this  allows  a  user to ignore
       directories containing libraries meant for the front-end machine.

       By default this contains a list of directories containing  incompatible
       binaries  for the host system.  See the CMAKE_IGNORE_PATH variable that
       is intended to be set by the project.


       Semicolon-separated  list  of  directories specifying a search path for
       the find_file() and find_path() commands.  By default this contains the
       standard  directories for the current system.  It is not intended to be
       modified by the project; use CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH  for  this.   See  also

       Semicolon-separated  list  of  directories specifying a search path for
       the find_library() command.  By  default  this  contains  the  standard
       directories  for the current system.  It is not intended to be modified
       by the project; use CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH for this.  See  also  CMAKE_SYS-

       Semicolon-separated  list  of  directories specifying installation pre-
       fixes  to  be   searched   by   the   find_package(),   find_program(),
       find_library(),  find_file(),  and  find_path() commands.  Each command
       will add appropriate subdirectories (like  bin,  lib,  or  include)  as
       specified in its own documentation.

       By default this contains the system directories for the current system,
       the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX, and the CMAKE_STAGING_PREFIX.  The  installa-
       tion   and   staging   prefixes   may   be   excluded  by  setting  the

       The system directories that are contained  in  CMAKE_SYSTEM_PREFIX_PATH
       are  locations  that  typically  include installed software. An example
       being /usr/local for UNIX based  platforms.  In  addition  to  standard
       platform  locations,  CMake  will  also add values to CMAKE_SYSTEM_PRE-
       FIX_PATH based on environment variables. The environment variables  and
       search locations that CMake uses may evolve over time, as platforms and
       their conventions also evolve. The  following  provides  an  indicative
       list  of  environment  variables and locations that CMake searches, but
       they are subject to change:


              o ENV{SYSROOT_DIR}/

              o ENV{SYSROOT_DIR}/usr

              o ENV{SYSROOT_DIR}/usr/local


              o ENV{SDKROOT}/usr  When  CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT  is  not  explicitly


              o ENV{LOCALBASE}


              o ENV{CONDA_PREFIX} when using a conda compiler


              o ENV{ProgramW6432}

              o ENV{ProgramFiles}

              o ENV{ProgramFiles(x86)}

              o ENV{SystemDrive}/Program Files

              o ENV{SystemDrive}/Program Files (x86)

       CMAKE_SYSTEM_PREFIX_PATH is not intended to be modified by the project;
       use CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH for this.


       Semicolon-separated  list  of  directories specifying a search path for
       the find_program() command.  By  default  this  contains  the  standard
       directories  for the current system.  It is not intended to be modified
       by the project; use CMAKE_PROGRAM_PATH for this.  See  also  CMAKE_SYS-

       Specify  the default value for the file(DOWNLOAD) and file(UPLOAD) com-
       mands' TLS_VERIFY options.  If not set, the default is off.

       This setting is also used by the ExternalProject  module  for  internal
       calls to file(DOWNLOAD).

       TLS  verification can help provide confidence that one is connecting to
       the desired server.  When downloading known content,  one  should  also
       use file hashes to verify it.

          set(CMAKE_TLS_VERIFY TRUE)

       Specify a CMake file that overrides platform information.

       CMake loads the specified file while enabling support for each language
       from either the project() or enable_language() commands.  It is  loaded
       after  CMake's  builtin  compiler and platform information modules have
       been loaded but before the information is used.  The file may set plat-
       form information variables to override CMake's defaults.

       This  feature  is intended for use only in overriding information vari-
       ables that must be set before CMake builds its first  test  project  to
       check that the compiler for a language works.  It should not be used to
       load a file in cases that a normal include() will work.  Use it only as
       a  last resort for behavior that cannot be achieved any other way.  For
       example, one may set the  CMAKE_C_FLAGS_INIT  variable  to  change  the
       default  value  used to initialize the CMAKE_C_FLAGS variable before it
       is cached.  The override file should NOT be used to set  anything  that
       could  be  set  after  languages  are  enabled,  such as variables like
       CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY that affect the placement  of  binaries.
       Information  set  in  the  file  will  be  used  for  try_compile() and
       try_run() builds too.

       Whether to issue warnings for deprecated functionality.

       If not FALSE, use of deprecated functionality will issue warnings.   If
       this variable is not set, CMake behaves as if it were set to TRUE.

       When running cmake(1), this option can be enabled with the -Wdeprecated
       option, or disabled with the -Wno-deprecated option.

       Ask cmake_install.cmake script to warn each time a file  with  absolute
       INSTALL DESTINATION is encountered.

       This  variable  is used by CMake-generated cmake_install.cmake scripts.
       If one sets this variable to ON while running the script,  it  may  get
       warning messages from the script.

       New in version 3.9.

       If  enabled, the Xcode generator will generate schema files.  These are
       useful to invoke analyze, archive, build-for-testing and  test  actions
       from the command line.

       This  variable initializes the XCODE_GENERATE_SCHEME target property on
       all targets.

       New in version 3.11.

       If enabled, the Xcode generator  will  generate  only  a  single  Xcode
       project  file  for  the topmost project() command instead of generating
       one for every project() command.

       This could be useful to speed up the CMake generation  step  for  large
       projects and to work-around a bug in the ZERO_CHECK logic.

       New in version 3.19.

       This  variable  is  used  to initialize the XCODE_LINK_BUILD_PHASE_MODE
       property on targets.  It affects the methods that the  Xcode  generator
       uses to link different kinds of libraries.  Its default value is NONE.

       New in version 3.13.

       Whether  to  enable Address Sanitizer in the Diagnostics section of the
       generated Xcode scheme.

       This variable initializes the  XCODE_SCHEME_ADDRESS_SANITIZER  property
       on all targets.

       Please refer to the XCODE_GENERATE_SCHEME target property documentation
       to see all Xcode schema related properties.

       New in version 3.13.

       Whether to enable Detect use of stack after return in  the  Diagnostics
       section of the generated Xcode scheme.

       This     variable     initializes     the    XCODE_SCHEME_ADDRESS_SANI-
       TIZER_USE_AFTER_RETURN property on all targets.

       Please refer to the XCODE_GENERATE_SCHEME target property documentation
       to see all Xcode schema related properties.

       New in version 3.16.

       Whether  to enable Allow debugging when using document Versions Browser
       in the Options section of the generated Xcode scheme.

       This variable  initializes  the  XCODE_SCHEME_DEBUG_DOCUMENT_VERSIONING
       property on all targets.

       Please refer to the XCODE_GENERATE_SCHEME target property documentation
       to see all Xcode schema related properties.

       New in version 3.13.

       Whether to disable the Main Thread Checker in the  Diagnostics  section
       of the generated Xcode scheme.

       This  variable initializes the XCODE_SCHEME_DISABLE_MAIN_THREAD_CHECKER
       property on all targets.

       Please refer to the XCODE_GENERATE_SCHEME target property documentation
       to see all Xcode schema related properties.

       New in version 3.13.

       Whether  to  enable Dynamic Library Loads in the Diagnostics section of
       the generated Xcode scheme.

       This variable initializes the XCODE_SCHEME_DYNAMIC_LIBRARY_LOADS  prop-
       erty on all targets.

       Please refer to the XCODE_GENERATE_SCHEME target property documentation
       to see all Xcode schema related properties.

       New in version 3.13.

       Whether to enable Dynamic Linker API usage in the  Diagnostics  section
       of the generated Xcode scheme.

       This  variable  initializes  the  XCODE_SCHEME_DYNAMIC_LINKER_API_USAGE
       property on all targets.

       Please refer to the XCODE_GENERATE_SCHEME target property documentation
       to see all Xcode schema related properties.

       New in version 3.17.

       Specify  environment  variables  that  should be added to the Arguments
       section of the generated Xcode scheme.

       If set to a list of  environment  variables  and  values  of  the  form
       MYVAR=value those environment variables will be added to the scheme.

       This  variable initializes the XCODE_SCHEME_ENVIRONMENT property on all

       Please refer to the XCODE_GENERATE_SCHEME target property documentation
       to see all Xcode schema related properties.

       New in version 3.13.

       Whether to enable Guard Malloc in the Diagnostics section of the gener-
       ated Xcode scheme.

       This variable initializes the XCODE_SCHEME_GUARD_MALLOC property on all

       Please refer to the XCODE_GENERATE_SCHEME target property documentation
       to see all Xcode schema related properties.

       New in version 3.13.

       Whether to enable the Main Thread Checker option Pause on issues in the
       Diagnostics section of the generated Xcode scheme.

       This  variable  initializes  the  XCODE_SCHEME_MAIN_THREAD_CHECKER_STOP
       property on all targets.

       Please refer to the XCODE_GENERATE_SCHEME target property documentation
       to see all Xcode schema related properties.

       New in version 3.13.

       Whether  to enable Malloc Guard Edges in the Diagnostics section of the
       generated Xcode scheme.

       This variable initializes the XCODE_SCHEME_MALLOC_GUARD_EDGES  property
       on all targets.

       Please refer to the XCODE_GENERATE_SCHEME target property documentation
       to see all Xcode schema related properties.

       New in version 3.13.

       Whether to enable Malloc Scribble in the  Diagnostics  section  of  the
       generated Xcode scheme.

       This  variable initializes the XCODE_SCHEME_MALLOC_SCRIBBLE property on
       all targets.

       Please refer to the XCODE_GENERATE_SCHEME target property documentation
       to see all Xcode schema related properties.

       New in version 3.13.

       Whether to enable Malloc Stack in the Diagnostics section of the gener-
       ated Xcode scheme.

       This variable initializes the XCODE_SCHEME_MALLOC_STACK property on all

       Please refer to the XCODE_GENERATE_SCHEME target property documentation
       to see all Xcode schema related properties.

       New in version 3.13.

       Whether to enable Thread Sanitizer in the Diagnostics  section  of  the
       generated Xcode scheme.

       This variable initializes the XCODE_SCHEME_THREAD_SANITIZER property on
       all targets.

       Please refer to the XCODE_GENERATE_SCHEME target property documentation
       to see all Xcode schema related properties.

       New in version 3.13.

       Whether to enable Thread Sanitizer - Pause on issues in the Diagnostics
       section of the generated Xcode scheme.

       This variable initializes the XCODE_SCHEME_THREAD_SANITIZER_STOP  prop-
       erty on all targets.

       Please refer to the XCODE_GENERATE_SCHEME target property documentation
       to see all Xcode schema related properties.

       New in version 3.13.

       Whether to enable Undefined Behavior Sanitizer in the Diagnostics  sec-
       tion of the generated Xcode scheme.

       This  variable  initializes  the XCODE_SCHEME_UNDEFINED_BEHAVIOUR_SANI-
       TIZER property on all targets.

       Please refer to the XCODE_GENERATE_SCHEME target property documentation
       to see all Xcode schema related properties.

       New in version 3.13.

       Whether  to  enable Undefined Behavior Sanitizer option Pause on issues
       in the Diagnostics section of the generated Xcode scheme.

       This variable  initializes  the  XCODE_SCHEME_UNDEFINED_BEHAVIOUR_SANI-
       TIZER_STOP property on all targets.

       Please refer to the XCODE_GENERATE_SCHEME target property documentation
       to see all Xcode schema related properties.

       New in version 3.17.

       Specify the Working Directory of the Run and  Profile  actions  in  the
       generated Xcode scheme.

       This  variable  initializes the XCODE_SCHEME_WORKING_DIRECTORY property
       on all targets.

       Please refer to the XCODE_GENERATE_SCHEME target property documentation
       to see all Xcode schema related properties.

       New in version 3.13.

       Whether to enable Zombie Objects in the Diagnostics section of the gen-
       erated Xcode scheme.

       This variable initializes the XCODE_SCHEME_ZOMBIE_OBJECTS  property  on
       all targets.

       Please refer to the XCODE_GENERATE_SCHEME target property documentation
       to see all Xcode schema related properties.

       New in version 3.12.

       Calls to find_package(<PackageName>) will search in prefixes  specified
       by  the  <PackageName>_ROOT  CMake variable, where <PackageName> is the
       name given to the find_package() call and _ROOT is literal.  For  exam-
       ple,  find_package(Foo)  will search prefixes specified in the Foo_ROOT
       CMake variable (if set).  See policy CMP0074.

       This variable may hold a single prefix or a semicolon-separated list of
       multiple prefixes.

       See also the <PackageName>_ROOT environment variable.

       New in version 3.7.

       Set to 1 when the target system (CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME) is Android.

       Set  to  True  when the target system is an Apple platform (macOS, iOS,
       tvOS or watchOS).

       True if the Borland compiler is being used.

       This is set to true if the Borland compiler is being used.

       New in version 3.20.

       When Cross Compiling for Android with the NDK and using an Android  NDK
       version  11 or higher, this variable is provided by CMake to report the
       NDK version number.

       Discouraged.  Use CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P instead.

       Set to a true value when using a Microsoft Visual  Studio  cl  compiler
       that targets a 64-bit architecture.

       Using the Visual Studio 2005 compiler from Microsoft

       Set to true when using the Visual Studio 2005 compiler from Microsoft.

       True for Apple macOS operating systems.

       Set to true when the host system is Apple macOS.

       New in version 3.6.

       True for Oracle Solaris operating systems.

       Set to true when the host system is Oracle Solaris.

       Composite Name of OS CMake is being run on.

       This   variable   is   the   composite  of  CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM_NAME  and
       CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM_VERSION,           e.g.             ${CMAKE_HOST_SYS-
       is not set, then this variable is the same as CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM_NAME.

       Name of the OS CMake is running on.

       On systems that have the uname command, this variable  is  set  to  the
       output  of uname -s.  Linux, Windows, and Darwin for macOS are the val-
       ues found on the big three operating systems.

       The name of the CPU CMake is running on.

   Windows Platforms
       On Windows, this variable is set to the value of the environment  vari-

   Unix Platforms
       On systems that support uname, this variable is set to the output of:

       o uname -m on GNU, Linux, Cygwin, Android, or

       o arch on OpenBSD, or

       o on other systems,

         o uname -p if its exit code is nonzero, or

         o uname -m otherwise.

   macOS Platforms
       The value of uname -m is used by default.

       On  Apple  Silicon hosts, the architecture printed by uname -m may vary
       based on CMake's own architecture and  that  of  the  invoking  process

       New in version 3.19.2: On Apple Silicon hosts:

         CON_PROCESSOR environment variable may be set  to  specify  the  host
         architecture explicitly.

       o If  CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES  is not set, CMake adds explicit flags to
         tell the compiler to build for the host architecture so the toolchain
         does not have to guess based on the process tree's architecture.

       The OS version CMake is running on.

       A  numeric  version  string  for  the  system.  On systems that support
       uname, this variable is set to the output of uname -r. On other systems
       this is set to major-minor version numbers.

       True for UNIX and UNIX like operating systems.

       Set  to true when the host system is UNIX or UNIX like (i.e.  APPLE and

       True if the host system is running Windows,  including  Windows  64-bit
       and MSYS.

       Set to false on Cygwin.

       Target architecture library directory name, if detected.

       This  is the value of CMAKE_<LANG>_LIBRARY_ARCHITECTURE as detected for
       one of the enabled languages.

       Regex matching possible target architecture library directory names.

       This is  used  to  detect  CMAKE_<LANG>_LIBRARY_ARCHITECTURE  from  the
       implicit linker search path by matching the <arch> name.

       Maximum object file full-path length allowed by native build tools.

       CMake computes for every source file an object file name that is unique
       to the source file and deterministic with respect to the full  path  to
       the  source  file.   This  allows  multiple source files in a target to
       share the same name  if  they  lie  in  different  directories  without
       rebuilding  when one is added or removed.  However, it can produce long
       full paths in a few cases, so CMake shortens the path using  a  hashing
       scheme when the full path to an object file exceeds a limit.  CMake has
       a built-in limit for each platform that is sufficient for common tools,
       but some native tools may have a lower limit.  This variable may be set
       to specify the limit explicitly.  The value must be an integer no  less
       than 128.

       Composite name of operating system CMake is compiling for.

       This  variable  is  the  composite  of CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME and CMAKE_SYS-
       CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION  is  not  set,  then  this variable is the same as

       The name of the operating system for which CMake is to build.  See  the
       CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION variable for the OS version.

       Note that CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME is not set to anything by default when run-
       ning in script mode, since it's not building anything.

   System Name for Host Builds
       CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME  is  by  default  set  to  the  same  value  as   the
       CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM_NAME variable so that the build targets the host sys-

   System Name for Cross Compiling
       CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME may be set explicitly when first  configuring  a  new
       build  tree  in  order  to  enable  cross  compiling.  In this case the
       CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION variable must also be set explicitly.

       When not cross-compiling, this variable  has  the  same  value  as  the
       CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR  variable.  In many cases, this will corre-
       spond to the target architecture for the build, but this is not guaran-
       teed.   (E.g.  on Windows, the host may be AMD64 even when using a MSVC
       cl compiler with a 32-bit target.)

       When cross-compiling, a CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE should set the  CMAKE_SYS-
       TEM_PROCESSOR  variable  to match target architecture that it specifies

       The version of the operating system for which CMake is to  build.   See
       the CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME variable for the OS name.

   System Version for Host Builds
       When  the  CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME  variable  takes  its  default  value then
       CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION is by  default  set  to  the  same  value  as  the
       CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM_VERSION  variable  so that the build targets the host
       system version.

       In the case of a  host  build  then  CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION  may  be  set
       explicitly  when  first configuring a new build tree in order to enable
       targeting the build for a different version of the host operating  sys-
       tem than is actually running on the host.  This is allowed and not con-
       sidered cross compiling so long as the binaries built for the specified
       OS version can still run on the host.

   System Version for Cross Compiling
       When  the  CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME variable is set explicitly to enable cross
       compiling then the value  of  CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION  must  also  be  set
       explicitly to specify the target system version.

       True for Cygwin.

       Set to true when using Cygwin.

       New in version 3.3.

       True when using Green Hills MULTI generator.

       New in version 3.14.

       Set to 1 when the target system (CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME) is iOS.

       New in version 3.2.

       True when using MinGW

       Set to true when the compiler is some version of MinGW.

       Set  to  true when the compiler is some version of Microsoft Visual C++
       or another compiler simulating the Visual C++ cl command-line syntax.

       See also the MSVC_VERSION variable.

       Discouraged.  Use the MSVC_VERSION variable instead.

       True when using the Microsoft Visual Studio v100  toolset  (cl  version
       16) or another compiler that simulates it.

       Discouraged.  Use the MSVC_VERSION variable instead.

       True  when  using  the Microsoft Visual Studio v110 toolset (cl version
       17) or another compiler that simulates it.

       Discouraged.  Use the MSVC_VERSION variable instead.

       True when using the Microsoft Visual Studio v120  toolset  (cl  version
       18) or another compiler that simulates it.

       New in version 3.1.

       Discouraged.  Use the MSVC_VERSION variable instead.

       True  when  using  the Microsoft Visual Studio v140 or v141 toolset (cl
       version 19) or another compiler that simulates it.

       Discouraged.  Use the MSVC_VERSION variable instead.

       True when using Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0.

       Set to true when the compiler is version 6.0 of Microsoft Visual C++.

       Discouraged.  Use the MSVC_VERSION variable instead.

       True when using Microsoft Visual C++ 7.0.

       Set to true when the compiler is version 7.0 of Microsoft Visual C++.

       Discouraged.  Use the MSVC_VERSION variable instead.

       True when using Microsoft Visual C++ 7.1.

       Set to true when the compiler is version 7.1 of Microsoft Visual C++.

       Discouraged.  Use the MSVC_VERSION variable instead.

       True when using the Microsoft Visual Studio v80 toolset (cl version 14)
       or another compiler that simulates it.

       Discouraged.  Use the MSVC_VERSION variable instead.

       True when using the Microsoft Visual Studio v90 toolset (cl version 15)
       or another compiler that simulates it.

       True when using the Microsoft Visual C++ IDE.

       Set to true when the target platform is the Microsoft Visual  C++  IDE,
       as opposed to the command line compiler.

          This  variable  is  only available after compiler detection has been
          performed, so it is not available to toolchain files or  before  the
          first  project()  or  enable_language() call which uses an MSVC-like

       New in version 3.12.

       The toolset version of Microsoft Visual C/C++ being used  if  any.   If
       MSVC-like  is  being used, this variable is set based on the version of
       the compiler as given by the MSVC_VERSION variable.

       Known toolset version numbers are:

          80        = VS 2005 (8.0)
          90        = VS 2008 (9.0)
          100       = VS 2010 (10.0)
          110       = VS 2012 (11.0)
          120       = VS 2013 (12.0)
          140       = VS 2015 (14.0)
          141       = VS 2017 (15.0)
          142       = VS 2019 (16.0)

       Compiler versions newer than those known to CMake will be  reported  as
       the latest known toolset version.

       See also the MSVC_VERSION variable.

       The version of Microsoft Visual C/C++ being used if any.  If a compiler
       simulating Visual C++ is being  used,  this  variable  is  set  to  the
       toolset version simulated as given by the _MSC_VER preprocessor defini-

       Known version numbers are:

          1200      = VS  6.0
          1300      = VS  7.0
          1310      = VS  7.1
          1400      = VS  8.0 (v80 toolset)
          1500      = VS  9.0 (v90 toolset)
          1600      = VS 10.0 (v100 toolset)
          1700      = VS 11.0 (v110 toolset)
          1800      = VS 12.0 (v120 toolset)
          1900      = VS 14.0 (v140 toolset)
          1910-1919 = VS 15.0 (v141 toolset)
          1920-1929 = VS 16.0 (v142 toolset)


       New in version 3.14.

       True when using the MSYS Makefiles generator.

       Set to True when the target system is UNIX or UNIX-like (e.g. APPLE and
       CYGWIN).  The CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME variable should be queried  if  a  more
       specific understanding of the target system is required.

       Set to True when the target system is Windows, including Win64.

       New in version 3.1.

       True when the CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME variable is set to WindowsCE.

       New in version 3.1.

       True when the CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME variable is set to WindowsPhone.

       New in version 3.1.

       True when the CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME variable is set to WindowsStore.

       New in version 3.7.

       True when using Xcode generator.

       Version of Xcode (Xcode generator only).

       Under the Xcode generator, this is the version of Xcode as specified in
       Xcode.app/Contents/version.plist (such as 3.1.2).

       New in version 3.17.

       Default value for AIX_EXPORT_ALL_SYMBOLS target property.   This  vari-
       able  is  used  to initialize the property on each target as it is cre-

       New in version 3.4.

       Default value for the ANDROID_ANT_ADDITIONAL_OPTIONS  target  property.
       See that target property for additional information.

       New in version 3.1.

       When Cross Compiling for Android with NVIDIA Nsight Tegra Visual Studio
       Edition, this variable may be set to specify the default value for  the
       ANDROID_API  target  property.  See that target property for additional

       Otherwise, when Cross Compiling for Android, this variable provides the
       Android  API  version  number targeted.  This will be the same value as
       the CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION variable for Android platforms.

       New in version 3.2.

       Default value for the ANDROID_API_MIN target property.  See that target
       property for additional information.

       New in version 3.4.

       When Cross Compiling for Android with NVIDIA Nsight Tegra Visual Studio
       Edition, this variable may be set to specify the default value for  the
       ANDROID_ARCH  target property.  See that target property for additional

       Otherwise, when Cross Compiling for Android, this variable provides the
       name  of  the  Android  architecture  corresponding to the value of the
       CMAKE_ANDROID_ARCH_ABI variable.  The architecture name may be one of:

       o arm

       o arm64

       o mips

       o mips64

       o x86

       o x86_64

       New in version 3.7.

       When Cross Compiling for Android, this variable  specifies  the  target
       architecture and ABI to be used.  Valid values are:

       o arm64-v8a

       o armeabi-v7a

       o armeabi-v6

       o armeabi

       o mips

       o mips64

       o x86

       o x86_64

       See  also  the  CMAKE_ANDROID_ARM_MODE and CMAKE_ANDROID_ARM_NEON vari-

       New in version 3.7.

       When Cross Compiling for Android and CMAKE_ANDROID_ARCH_ABI is  set  to
       one  of  the armeabi architectures, set CMAKE_ANDROID_ARM_MODE to ON to
       target 32-bit ARM processors (-marm).  Otherwise,  the  default  is  to
       target the 16-bit Thumb processors (-mthumb).

       New in version 3.7.

       When  Cross  Compiling for Android and CMAKE_ANDROID_ARCH_ABI is set to
       armeabi-v7a  set  CMAKE_ANDROID_ARM_NEON  to  ON  to  target  ARM  NEON

       New in version 3.4.

       Default  value for the ANDROID_ASSETS_DIRECTORIES target property.  See
       that target property for additional information.

       New in version 3.20.

       When Cross Compiling for Android with the NDK, this variable may be set
       to specify whether exceptions are enabled.

       New in version 3.1.

       Default  value for the ANDROID_GUI target property of executables.  See
       that target property for additional information.

       New in version 3.4.

       Default value for the ANDROID_JAR_DEPENDENCIES  target  property.   See
       that target property for additional information.

       New in version 3.4.

       Default  value  for  the  ANDROID_JAR_DIRECTORIES target property.  See
       that target property for additional information.

       New in version 3.4.

       Default value for the  ANDROID_JAVA_SOURCE_DIR  target  property.   See
       that target property for additional information.

       New in version 3.4.

       Default  value for the ANDROID_NATIVE_LIB_DEPENDENCIES target property.
       See that target property for additional information.

       New in version 3.4.

       Default value for the ANDROID_NATIVE_LIB_DIRECTORIES  target  property.
       See that target property for additional information.

       New in version 3.7.

       When  Cross Compiling for Android with the NDK, this variable holds the
       absolute path to the root directory of the  NDK.   The  directory  must
       contain a platforms subdirectory holding the android-<api> directories.

       New in version 3.9.

       When Cross Compiling for Android with the NDK, this variable may be set
       to specify whether to use the deprecated per-api-level headers  instead
       of the unified headers.

       If not specified, the default will be false if using a NDK version that
       provides the unified headers and true otherwise.

       New in version 3.7.1.

       When Cross Compiling for Android with the NDK, this  variable  provides
       the  NDK's "host tag" used to construct the path to prebuilt toolchains
       that run on the host.

       New in version 3.7.

       When Cross Compiling for Android with the NDK, this variable may be set
       to specify the version of the toolchain to be used as the compiler.

       On NDK r19 or above, this variable must be unset or set to clang.

       On NDK r18 or below, this variable must be set to one of these forms:

       o <major>.<minor>: GCC of specified version

       o clang<major>.<minor>: Clang of specified version

       o clang: Clang of most recent available version

       A  toolchain of the requested version will be selected automatically to
       match the ABI named in the CMAKE_ANDROID_ARCH_ABI variable.

       If not specified, the default will be a value that selects  the  latest
       available GCC toolchain.

       New in version 3.4.

       Default  value  for  the ANDROID_PROCESS_MAX target property.  See that
       target property for additional information.

       New in version 3.4.

       Default value for the ANDROID_PROGUARD target property.  See that  tar-
       get property for additional information.

       New in version 3.4.

       Default  value  for  the  ANDROID_PROGUARD_CONFIG_PATH target property.
       See that target property for additional information.

       New in version 3.20.

       When Cross Compiling for Android with the NDK, this variable may be set
       to specify whether RTTI is enabled.

       New in version 3.4.

       Default  value  for the ANDROID_SECURE_PROPS_PATH target property.  See
       that target property for additional information.

       New in version 3.4.

       Default value for the ANDROID_SKIP_ANT_STEP target property.  See  that
       target property for additional information.

       New in version 3.7.

       When  Cross  Compiling  for  Android  with a Standalone Toolchain, this
       variable  holds  the  absolute  path  to  the  root  directory  of  the
       toolchain.   The  specified  directory must contain a sysroot subdirec-

       New in version 3.4.

       When Cross Compiling for Android with NVIDIA Nsight Tegra Visual Studio
       Edition,  this variable may be set to specify the default value for the
       ANDROID_STL_TYPE target property.  See that target property  for  addi-
       tional information.

       When Cross Compiling for Android with the NDK, this variable may be set
       to specify the STL variant to be used.  The value may be one of:

       none   No C++ Support

       system Minimal C++ without STL

              GAbi++ Static

              GAbi++ Shared

              GNU libstdc++ Static

              GNU libstdc++ Shared

              LLVM libc++ Static

              LLVM libc++ Shared

              STLport Static

              STLport Shared

       The default value is gnustl_static on NDK versions that provide it  and
       otherwise  c++_static.   Note that this default differs from the native
       NDK build system because CMake  may  be  used  to  build  projects  for
       Android  that are not natively implemented for it and use the C++ stan-
       dard library.

       New in version 3.19.2.

       On Apple Silicon hosts running macOS, set this variable to  tell  CMake
       what  architecture  to  use for CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR.  The value
       must be either arm64 or x86_64.

       The value of this variable should never be modified  by  project  code.
       It  is  meant to be set as a cache entry provided by the user, e.g. via

       See also the CMAKE_APPLE_SILICON_PROCESSOR environment variable.

       Where to put all the ARCHIVE target files when built.

       This variable is used to initialize the ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY  prop-
       erty  on  all  the  targets.   See  that target property for additional

       New in version 3.3.

       Where to put all the ARCHIVE target files when  built  for  a  specific

       This  variable is used to initialize the ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_<CON-
       FIG> property on all the targets.  See that target property  for  addi-
       tional information.

       New in version 3.14.

       Switch  for  forwarding origin target dependencies to the corresponding
       _autogen targets.

       This variable is used to initialize the AUTOGEN_ORIGIN_DEPENDS property
       on  all  the targets.  See that target property for additional informa-


       New in version 3.11.

       Number of parallel moc or uic processes to start when using AUTOMOC and

       This  variable  is  used to initialize the AUTOGEN_PARALLEL property on
       all the targets.  See that target property for additional information.

       By default CMAKE_AUTOGEN_PARALLEL is unset.

       New in version 3.13.

       Sets the verbosity of AUTOMOC, AUTOUIC and AUTORCC.  A positive integer
       value  or  a  true boolean value lets the AUTO* generators output addi-
       tional processing information.

       Setting CMAKE_AUTOGEN_VERBOSE has the same effect as setting  the  VER-
       BOSE  environment variable during generation (e.g. by calling make VER-
       BOSE=1).  The extra  verbosity  is  limited  to  the  AUTO*  generators

       By default CMAKE_AUTOGEN_VERBOSE is unset.

       Whether to handle moc automatically for Qt targets.

       This  variable  is  used  to initialize the AUTOMOC property on all the
       targets.  See that target property for additional information.

       New in version 3.10.

       This variable is used  to  initialize  the  AUTOMOC_COMPILER_PREDEFINES
       property  on  all  the targets. See that target property for additional

       By default it is ON.

       New in version 3.9.

       Filter definitions used by CMAKE_AUTOMOC to  extract  file  names  from
       source code as additional dependencies for the moc file.

       This variable is used to initialize the AUTOMOC_DEPEND_FILTERS property
       on all the targets. See that target property  for  additional  informa-

       By default it is empty.

       New in version 3.10.

       Semicolon-separated  list  list of macro names used by CMAKE_AUTOMOC to
       determine if a C++ file needs to be processed by moc.

       This variable is used to initialize the AUTOMOC_MACRO_NAMES property on
       all the targets. See that target property for additional information.


       Let  CMake know that source files that contain CUSTOM_MACRO must be moc
       processed as well:

          set(CMAKE_AUTOMOC ON)

       Additional options for moc when using CMAKE_AUTOMOC.

       This variable is used to initialize the AUTOMOC_MOC_OPTIONS property on
       all the targets.  See that target property for additional information.

       New in version 3.16.

       Whether  to  generate  the  -p  path  prefix  option for moc on AUTOMOC
       enabled Qt targets.

       This variable is used to initialize the AUTOMOC_PATH_PREFIX property on
       all the targets.  See that target property for additional information.

       The default value is OFF.

       Whether to handle rcc automatically for Qt targets.

       This  variable  is  used  to initialize the AUTORCC property on all the
       targets.  See that target property for additional information.

       Additional options for rcc when using CMAKE_AUTORCC.

       This variable is used to initialize the AUTORCC_OPTIONS property on all
       the targets.  See that target property for additional information.

          # ...
          set(CMAKE_AUTORCC_OPTIONS "--compress;9")
          # ...

       Whether to handle uic automatically for Qt targets.

       This  variable  is  used  to initialize the AUTOUIC property on all the
       targets.  See that target property for additional information.

       Additional options for uic when using CMAKE_AUTOUIC.

       This variable is used to initialize the AUTOUIC_OPTIONS property on all
       the targets.  See that target property for additional information.

          # ...
          set_property(CMAKE_AUTOUIC_OPTIONS "--no-protection")
          # ...

       New in version 3.9.

       Search path list used by CMAKE_AUTOUIC to find included .ui files.

       This  variable  is used to initialize the AUTOUIC_SEARCH_PATHS property
       on all the targets. See that target property  for  additional  informa-

       By default it is empty.

       New in version 3.8.

       Semicolon-separated list specifying runtime path (RPATH) entries to add
       to binaries linked in the build tree (for platforms that  support  it).
       The  entries  will  not  be used for binaries in the install tree.  See
       also the CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH variable.

       This is used to initialize the BUILD_RPATH target property for all tar-

       New in version 3.14.

       Whether to use relative paths for the build RPATH.

       This  is  used to initialize the BUILD_RPATH_USE_ORIGIN target property
       for all targets, see that property for more details.

       New in version 3.9.

       Whether to use INSTALL_NAME_DIR on targets in the build tree.

       This variable is used  to  initialize  the  BUILD_WITH_INSTALL_NAME_DIR
       property on all targets.

       Use the install path for the RPATH.

       Normally CMake uses the build tree for the RPATH when building executa-
       bles etc on systems that use RPATH.  When the software is installed the
       executables  etc  are  relinked by CMake to have the install RPATH.  If
       this variable is set to true then the software is always built with the
       install  path  for  the  RPATH  and  does  not need to be relinked when

       New in version 3.1.

       Output directory for MS debug symbol .pdb files generated by  the  com-
       piler while building source files.

       This  variable  is  used to initialize the COMPILE_PDB_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY
       property on all the targets.

       New in version 3.1.

       Per-configuration output directory for MS debug symbol .pdb files  gen-
       erated by the compiler while building source files.

       This  is a per-configuration version of CMAKE_COMPILE_PDB_OUTPUT_DIREC-
       TORY.   This  variable  is  used  to  initialize  the  COMPILE_PDB_OUT-
       PUT_DIRECTORY_<CONFIG> property on all the targets.

       Default filename postfix for libraries under configuration <CONFIG>.

       When  a  non-executable  target  is created its <CONFIG>_POSTFIX target
       property is initialized with the value of this variable if it is set.

       New in version 3.17.

       Specifies a semicolon-separated list of configurations  available  from
       all  build-<Config>.ninja  files  in  the Ninja Multi-Config generator.
       This variable activates cross-config mode.  Targets  from  each  config
       specified  in  this variable can be built from any build-<Config>.ninja
       file. Custom commands will use the configuration native to  build-<Con-
       fig>.ninja. If it is set to all, all configurations from CMAKE_CONFIGU-
       RATION_TYPES are cross-configs. If it is not specified, or empty,  each
       build-<Config>.ninja  file  will  only  contain build rules for its own

       The value of  this  variable  must  be  a  subset  of  CMAKE_CONFIGURA-

       New in version 3.17.

       Set  this  to  a  semicolon-separated list of command-line arguments to
       pass to ctest(1) when running tests through  the  test  (or  RUN_TESTS)
       target of the generated build system.

       New in version 3.16.

       Default  value  for  CUDA_RESOLVE_DEVICE_SYMBOLS  target property. This
       variable is used to initialize the property on each  target  as  it  is

       New in version 3.17.

       Select  the  CUDA  runtime  library  for use when compiling and linking
       CUDA.  This variable is used  to  initialize  the  CUDA_RUNTIME_LIBRARY
       property on all targets as they are created.

       The allowed case insensitive values are:

       None   Link with -cudart=none or equivalent flag(s) to use no CUDA run-
              time library.

       Shared Link with -cudart=shared or equivalent flag(s) to use a  dynami-
              cally-linked CUDA runtime library.

       Static Link  with  -cudart=static or equivalent flag(s) to use a stati-
              cally-linked CUDA runtime library.

       Contents of CMAKE_CUDA_RUNTIME_LIBRARY may use generator expressions.

       If this variable is not set then the CUDA_RUNTIME_LIBRARY target  prop-
       erty  will  not be set automatically.  If that property is not set then
       CMake uses an appropriate default value based on the compiler to select
       the CUDA runtime library.

          This  property has effect only when the CUDA language is enabled. To
          control the CUDA runtime linking when only using the CUDA  SDK  with
          the C or C++ language we recommend using the FindCUDAToolkit module.

       New in version 3.11.

       Default  value  for  CUDA_SEPARABLE_COMPILATION  target property.  This
       variable is used to initialize the property on each  target  as  it  is

       See variable CMAKE_<CONFIG>_POSTFIX.

       This  variable  is  a  special  case  of  the  more-general CMAKE_<CON-
       FIG>_POSTFIX variable for the DEBUG configuration.

       New in version 3.17.

       Specifies the configuration to use by default in a build.ninja file  in
       the  Ninja  Multi-Config  generator.  If  this  variable  is specified,
       build.ninja uses build rules from build-<Config>.ninja by default.  All
       custom  commands  are executed with this configuration. If the variable
       is not specified, the first item from CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES is used

       The value of this variable must be one of the items from CMAKE_CONFIGU-

       New in version 3.17.

       Specifies a semicolon-separated list of configurations to build  for  a
       target  in build.ninja if no :<Config> suffix is specified in the Ninja
       Multi-Config generator. If it is set to all,  all  configurations  from
       CMAKE_CROSS_CONFIGS  are  used.  If it is not specified, it defaults to

       For example, if you set CMAKE_DEFAULT_BUILD_TYPE to  Release,  but  set
       CMAKE_DEFAULT_CONFIGS   to  Debug  or  all,  all  <target>  aliases  in
       build.ninja will resolve to <target>:Debug or <target>:all, but  custom
       commands will still use the Release configuration.

       The  value  of this variable must be a subset of CMAKE_CROSS_CONFIGS or
       be the same as CMAKE_DEFAULT_BUILD_TYPE. It must not  be  specified  if

       New in version 3.16.

       Default value for DISABLE_PRECOMPILE_HEADERS of targets.


       New in version 3.20.

       For  the Makefile Generators, source dependencies are now, for a selec-
       tion of compilers, generated by the compiler itself. By  defining  this
       variable  with  value  FALSE, you can restore the legacy behavior (i.e.
       using CMake for dependencies discovery).

       New in version 3.4.

       Specify whether executables export symbols for loadable modules.

       This variable is used to initialize the ENABLE_EXPORTS target  property
       for  executable  targets when they are created by calls to the add_exe-
       cutable() command.  See the property documentation for details.

       Linker flags to be used to create executables.

       These flags will be used by the linker when creating an executable.

       Flags to be used when linking an executable.

       Same as CMAKE_C_FLAGS_* but used by the linker when  creating  executa-

       New in version 3.7.

       Value  used  to  initialize  the  CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_<CONFIG> cache
       entry the first time a build tree  is  configured.   This  variable  is
       meant  to be set by a toolchain file.  CMake may prepend or append con-
       tent to the value based on the environment and target platform.


       New in version 3.7.

       Value used to initialize the  CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS  cache  entry  the
       first  time  a  build tree is configured.  This variable is meant to be
       set by a toolchain file.  CMake may prepend or append  content  to  the
       value based on the environment and target platform.

       See        also        the        configuration-specific       variable

       New in version 3.12.

       Set the folder name. Use to organize targets in an IDE.

       This variable is used to initialize the FOLDER property on all the tar-
       gets.  See that target property for additional information.

       New in version 3.15.

       Default value for FRAMEWORK of targets.

       This  variable  is used to initialize the FRAMEWORK property on all the
       targets.  See that target property for additional information.

       New in version 3.18.

       Default framework filename postfix under  configuration  <CONFIG>  when
       using a multi-config generator.

       When  a  framework  target  is created its FRAMEWORK_MULTI_CONFIG_POST-
       FIX_<CONFIG> target property is initialized  with  the  value  of  this
       variable if it is set.

       Set to FIXED or FREE to indicate the Fortran source layout.

       This  variable is used to initialize the Fortran_FORMAT property on all
       the targets.  See that target property for additional information.

       Fortran module output directory.

       This variable is used to initialize the Fortran_MODULE_DIRECTORY  prop-
       erty  on  all  the  targets.   See  that target property for additional

       New in version 3.18.

       Default value for Fortran_PREPROCESS of targets.

       This variable is used to initialize the Fortran_PREPROCESS property  on
       all the targets.  See that target property for additional information.

       New in version 3.14.

       ON  / OFF boolean to control if the project file for a target should be
       one single file or multiple files.  Refer  to  GHS_NO_SOURCE_GROUP_FILE
       for further details.

       New in version 3.14.

       Switch to enable generation of a global autogen target.

       When CMAKE_GLOBAL_AUTOGEN_TARGET is enabled, a custom target autogen is
       generated.  This target depends on all AUTOMOC  and  AUTOUIC  generated
       <ORIGIN>_autogen  targets in the project.  By building the global auto-
       gen target, all AUTOMOC and AUTOUIC files in the project will be gener-

       The  name  of  the  global  autogen  target  can  be changed by setting

       By default CMAKE_GLOBAL_AUTOGEN_TARGET is unset.

       See the cmake-qt(7) manual for more information on using CMake with Qt.

       <ORIGIN>_autogen targets  by  default  inherit  their  origin  target's
       dependencies.  This might result in unintended dependency target builds
       when only <ORIGIN>_autogen targets are built.  A solution is to disable
       AUTOGEN_ORIGIN_DEPENDS on the respective origin targets.

       New in version 3.14.

       Change the name of the global autogen target.

       When  CMAKE_GLOBAL_AUTOGEN_TARGET  is  enabled,  a global custom target
       named autogen is created.  CMAKE_GLOBAL_AUTOGEN_TARGET_NAME  allows  to
       set a different name for that target.

       By default CMAKE_GLOBAL_AUTOGEN_TARGET_NAME is unset.

       See the cmake-qt(7) manual for more information on using CMake with Qt.

       New in version 3.14.

       Switch to enable generation of a global autorcc target.

       When CMAKE_GLOBAL_AUTORCC_TARGET is enabled, a custom target autorcc is
       generated.  This  target  depends  on  all  AUTORCC   generated   <ORI-
       GIN>_arcc_<QRC> targets in the project.  By building the global autorcc
       target, all AUTORCC files in the project will be generated.

       The name of the  global  autorcc  target  can  be  changed  by  setting

       By default CMAKE_GLOBAL_AUTORCC_TARGET is unset.

       See the cmake-qt(7) manual for more information on using CMake with Qt.

       New in version 3.14.

       Change the name of the global autorcc target.

       When  CMAKE_GLOBAL_AUTORCC_TARGET  is  enabled,  a global custom target
       named autorcc is created.  CMAKE_GLOBAL_AUTORCC_TARGET_NAME  allows  to
       set a different name for that target.

       By default CMAKE_GLOBAL_AUTOGEN_TARGET_NAME is unset.

       See the cmake-qt(7) manual for more information on using CMake with Qt.

       Convert GNU import libraries (.dll.a) to MS format (.lib).

       This  variable  is  used  to initialize the GNUtoMS property on targets
       when they are created.  See that target property for additional  infor-

       Automatically  add  the  current  source  and  build directories to the
       include path.

       If this  variable  is  enabled,  CMake  automatically  adds  CMAKE_CUR-
       RENT_SOURCE_DIR  and  CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR  to the include path for
       each directory.  These additional include directories do not  propagate
       down  to  subdirectories.   This  is  useful  mainly  for out-of-source
       builds, where files generated into the build tree are included by files
       located in the source tree.


       Automatically  add  the  current  source  and  build directories to the

       If this variable is enabled, CMake automatically adds for  each  shared
       library  target,  static  library  target, module target and executable
       INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES     target    property.     By    default

       Directory name for installed targets on Apple platforms.

       CMAKE_INSTALL_NAME_DIR is used to initialize the INSTALL_NAME_DIR prop-
       erty on all targets.  See that target property for more information.

       New in version 3.16.

       Sets the default for whether toolchain-defined rpaths should be removed
       during installation.

       CMAKE_INSTALL_REMOVE_ENVIRONMENT_RPATH is a boolean that  provides  the
       default  value for the INSTALL_REMOVE_ENVIRONMENT_RPATH property of all
       subsequently created targets.

       The rpath to use for installed targets.

       A semicolon-separated list specifying the rpath  to  use  in  installed
       targets  (for  platforms  that support it).  This is used to initialize
       the target property INSTALL_RPATH for all targets.

       Add paths to linker search and installed rpath.

       CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH_USE_LINK_PATH is a boolean that if set to True will
       append  to  the  runtime  search path (rpath) of installed binaries any
       directories outside the project that are in the linker search  path  or
       contain  linked  library files.  The directories are appended after the
       value of the INSTALL_RPATH target property.

       This   variable   is   used   to   initialize   the   target   property
       INSTALL_RPATH_USE_LINK_PATH for all targets.

       New in version 3.9.

       Default value for INTERPROCEDURAL_OPTIMIZATION of targets.

       This  variable  is  used to initialize the INTERPROCEDURAL_OPTIMIZATION
       property on all the targets.  See that target property  for  additional

       New in version 3.9.

       Default value for INTERPROCEDURAL_OPTIMIZATION_<CONFIG> of targets.

       This  variable  is  used  to  initialize  the INTERPROCEDURAL_OPTIMIZA-
       TION_<CONFIG> property on all the targets.  See  that  target  property
       for additional information.

       New in version 3.5.

       Default value for IOS_INSTALL_COMBINED of targets.

       This  variable  is used to initialize the IOS_INSTALL_COMBINED property
       on all the targets.  See that target property for  additional  informa-

       New in version 3.6.

       Default  value  for <LANG>_CLANG_TIDY target property when <LANG> is C,
       CXX, OBJC or OBJCXX.

       This variable is used to initialize the property on each target  as  it
       is created.  For example:

          set(CMAKE_CXX_CLANG_TIDY clang-tidy -checks=-*,readability-*)
          add_executable(foo foo.cxx)

       New in version 3.4.

       Default value for <LANG>_COMPILER_LAUNCHER target property.  This vari-
       able is used to initialize the property on each target as  it  is  cre-
       ated.   This  is  done  only when <LANG> is C, CXX, Fortran, HIP, ISPC,
       OBJC, OBJCXX, or CUDA.

       This variable  is  initialized  to  the  CMAKE_<LANG>_COMPILER_LAUNCHER
       environment variable if it is set.

       New in version 3.10.

       Default  value  for  <LANG>_CPPCHECK  target property. This variable is
       used to initialize the property on each target as it is created.   This
       is done only when <LANG> is C or CXX.

       New in version 3.8.

       Default value for <LANG>_CPPLINT target property. This variable is used
       to initialize the property on each target as it is  created.   This  is
       done only when <LANG> is C or CXX.

       New in version 3.3.

       Default  value  for  <LANG>_INCLUDE_WHAT_YOU_USE target property.  This
       variable is used to initialize the property on each  target  as  it  is
       created.  This is done only when <LANG> is C or CXX.

       New in version 3.21.

       Default value for <LANG>_LINKER_LAUNCHER target property. This variable
       is used to initialize the property on each target  as  it  is  created.
       This is done only when <LANG> is C, CXX, OBJC, or OBJCXX.

       This  variable is initialized to the CMAKE_<LANG>_LINKER_LAUNCHER envi-
       ronment variable if it is set.

       New in version 3.16.

       Language-specific flag to be used to link a library specified by a path
       to its file.

       The  flag  will  be  used  before  a  library file path is given to the
       linker.  This is needed only on very few platforms.

       New in version 3.16.

       Flag to be used to link a library into a shared library or executable.

       This flag will be used to specify a library to link to a shared library
       or  an executable for the specific language.  On most compilers this is

       Default value for the <LANG>_VISIBILITY_PRESET target property  when  a
       target is created.

       Where to put all the LIBRARY target files when built.

       This  variable is used to initialize the LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY prop-
       erty on all the targets.   See  that  target  property  for  additional

       New in version 3.3.

       Where  to  put  all  the LIBRARY target files when built for a specific

       This variable is used to initialize the  LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_<CON-
       FIG>  property  on all the targets.  See that target property for addi-
       tional information.

       The flag to be used to add a library search path to a compiler.

       The flag will be used to specify a library directory to  the  compiler.
       On most compilers this is -L.

       Linker flag to be used to specify a .def file for dll creation.

       The  flag  will  be used to add a .def file when creating a dll on Win-
       dows; this is only defined on Windows.

       Whether to skip link dependencies on shared library files.

       This variable initializes the LINK_DEPENDS_NO_SHARED property  on  tar-
       gets  when  they  are created.  See that target property for additional

       Default value for LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES of targets.

       This variable is used to initialize the LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES  prop-
       erty  on  all  the  targets.   See  that target property for additional

       Flag to be used to link a library specified by a path to its file.

       The flag will be used before a  library  file  path  is  given  to  the
       linker.  This is needed only on very few platforms.

       Flag to be used to link a library into an executable.

       The  flag  will  be used to specify a library to link to an executable.
       On most compilers this is -l.

       New in version 3.7.

       Default value for LINK_WHAT_YOU_USE target property.  This variable  is
       used to initialize the property on each target as it is created.

       Default value for MACOSX_BUNDLE of targets.

       This  variable  is used to initialize the MACOSX_BUNDLE property on all
       the targets.  See that target property for additional information.

       This variable is set to ON by default if  CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME  equals  to
       iOS, tvOS or watchOS.

       Whether to use rpaths on macOS and iOS.

       This  variable  is  used to initialize the MACOSX_RPATH property on all

       Default value for MAP_IMPORTED_CONFIG_<CONFIG> of targets.

       This variable is used to  initialize  the  MAP_IMPORTED_CONFIG_<CONFIG>
       property  on  all the targets.  See that target property for additional

       Linker flags to be used to create modules.

       These flags will be used by the linker when creating a module.

       Flags to be used when linking a module.

       Same as CMAKE_C_FLAGS_* but used by the linker when creating modules.

       New in version 3.7.

       Value used to initialize the  CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS_<CONFIG>  cache
       entry  the  first  time  a  build tree is configured.  This variable is
       meant to be set by a toolchain file.  CMake may prepend or append  con-
       tent to the value based on the environment and target platform.


       New in version 3.7.

       Value  used to initialize the CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS cache entry the
       first time a build tree is configured.  This variable is  meant  to  be
       set  by  a  toolchain file.  CMake may prepend or append content to the
       value based on the environment and target platform.

       See    also    the    configuration-specific    variable     CMAKE_MOD-

       New in version 3.10.

       Extra PATH locations that should be used when executing add_custom_com-
       mand() or add_custom_target() when using the Visual Studio 9  2008  (or
       above) generator. This allows for running commands and using dll's that
       the IDE environment is not aware of.

       If not set explicitly  the  value  is  initialized  by  the  CMAKE_MSV-
       CIDE_RUN_PATH environment variable, if set, and otherwise left empty.

       New in version 3.15.

       Select the MSVC runtime library for use by compilers targeting the MSVC
       ABI.  This variable is  used  to  initialize  the  MSVC_RUNTIME_LIBRARY
       property  on all targets as they are created.  It is also propagated by
       calls to the try_compile() command into the test project.

       The allowed values are:

              Compile with -MT or equivalent flag(s) to use  a  multi-threaded
              statically-linked runtime library.

              Compile  with  -MD or equivalent flag(s) to use a multi-threaded
              dynamically-linked runtime library.

              Compile with -MTd or equivalent flag(s) to use a  multi-threaded
              statically-linked runtime library.

              Compile  with -MDd or equivalent flag(s) to use a multi-threaded
              dynamically-linked runtime library.

       The value is ignored on non-MSVC compilers  but  an  unsupported  value
       will  be  rejected as an error when using a compiler targeting the MSVC

       The value may also be the empty string ("") in which  case  no  runtime
       library  selection  flag  will be added explicitly by CMake.  Note that
       with Visual Studio Generators the native build system may choose to add
       its own default runtime library selection flag.

       Use  generator  expressions to support per-configuration specification.
       For example, the code:

          set(CMAKE_MSVC_RUNTIME_LIBRARY "MultiThreaded$<$<CONFIG:Debug>:Debug>")

       selects for all following targets  a  multi-threaded  statically-linked
       runtime library with or without debug information depending on the con-

       If this variable is not set then the MSVC_RUNTIME_LIBRARY target  prop-
       erty  will  not be set automatically.  If that property is not set then
       CMake uses the default  value  MultiThreaded$<$<CONFIG:Debug>:Debug>DLL
       to select a MSVC runtime library.

          This  variable  has  effect  only  when policy CMP0091 is set to NEW
          prior to the  first  project()  or  enable_language()  command  that
          enables a language using a compiler targeting the MSVC ABI.

       New in version 3.6.

       Set output files path prefix for the Ninja generator.

       Every output files listed in the generated build.ninja will be prefixed
       by the contents of this variable (a trailing slash is appended if miss-
       ing).   This  is  useful  when  the generated ninja file is meant to be
       embedded as a subninja file into a super ninja project.  For example, a
       ninja build file generated with a command like:

          cd top-build-dir/sub &&
          cmake -G Ninja -DCMAKE_NINJA_OUTPUT_PATH_PREFIX=sub/ path/to/source

       can  be  embedded  in  top-build-dir/build.ninja  with a directive like

          subninja sub/build.ninja

       The auto-regeneration rule in top-build-dir/build.ninja  must  have  an
       order-only dependency on sub/build.ninja.

          When CMAKE_NINJA_OUTPUT_PATH_PREFIX is set, the project generated by
          CMake cannot be used as a standalone project.   No  default  targets
          are specified.

       Do  not  use  the  builtin  binary editor to fix runtime library search
       paths on installation.

       When an ELF or XCOFF binary needs to have a different  runtime  library
       search  path  after  installation than it does in the build tree, CMake
       uses a builtin  editor  to  change  the  runtime  search  path  in  the
       installed copy.  If this variable is set to true then CMake will relink
       the binary before installation instead of using its builtin editor.

       New in version 3.20: This variable also applies to XCOFF binaries' LIB-
       PATH.   Prior  to  the addition of the XCOFF editor in CMake 3.20, this
       variable applied only to ELF binaries' RPATH/RUNPATH.

       Default value for NO_SYSTEM_FROM_IMPORTED of targets.

       This variable is used to initialize the  NO_SYSTEM_FROM_IMPORTED  prop-
       erty  on  all  the  targets.   See  that target property for additional

       New in version 3.19.

       Initializes the OPTIMIZE_DEPENDENCIES target property.

       Target specific architectures for macOS and iOS.

       This variable is used to initialize the OSX_ARCHITECTURES  property  on
       each  target as it is created.  See that target property for additional

       The value of this variable should be set prior to the  first  project()
       or  enable_language()  command invocation because it may influence con-
       figuration of the toolchain and  flags.   It  is  intended  to  be  set
       locally by the user creating a build tree.  This variable should be set
       as a CACHE entry (or else CMake may  remove  it  while  initializing  a
       cache entry of the same name).

       Despite  the  OSX part in the variable name(s) they apply also to other
       SDKs than macOS like iOS, tvOS, or watchOS.

       This variable is ignored on platforms other than Apple.

       Specify the minimum version of the target platform (e.g. macOS or  iOS)
       on which the target binaries are to be deployed.  CMake uses this vari-
       able value for the -mmacosx-version-min flag or their respective target
       platform  equivalents.   For older Xcode versions that shipped multiple
       macOS SDKs  this  variable  also  helps  to  choose  the  SDK  in  case
       CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT is unset.

       If  not  set  explicitly the value is initialized by the MACOSX_DEPLOY-
       MENT_TARGET environment variable, if set, and otherwise computed  based
       on the host platform.

       The  value  of this variable should be set prior to the first project()
       or enable_language() command invocation because it may  influence  con-
       figuration  of  the  toolchain  and  flags.   It  is intended to be set
       locally by the user creating a build tree.  This variable should be set
       as  a  CACHE  entry  (or  else CMake may remove it while initializing a
       cache entry of the same name).

       Despite the OSX part in the variable name(s) they apply also  to  other
       SDKs than macOS like iOS, tvOS, or watchOS.

       This variable is ignored on platforms other than Apple.

       Specify  the  location  or  name  of the macOS platform SDK to be used.
       CMake uses this value to compute the value of  the  -isysroot  flag  or
       equivalent and to help the find_* commands locate files in the SDK.

       If  not set explicitly the value is initialized by the SDKROOT environ-
       ment  variable,  if  set,  and  otherwise   computed   based   on   the
       CMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET or the host platform.

       The  value  of this variable should be set prior to the first project()
       or enable_language() command invocation because it may  influence  con-
       figuration  of  the  toolchain  and  flags.   It  is intended to be set
       locally by the user creating a build tree.  This variable should be set
       as  a  CACHE  entry  (or  else CMake may remove it while initializing a
       cache entry of the same name).

       Despite the OSX part in the variable name(s) they apply also  to  other
       SDKs than macOS like iOS, tvOS, or watchOS.

       This variable is ignored on platforms other than Apple.

       New in version 3.18.

       This  variable  is  used to initialize the PCH_WARN_INVALID property of
       targets when they are created.

       New in version 3.19.

       This variable is used to initialize the PCH_INSTANTIATE_TEMPLATES prop-
       erty of targets when they are created.

       Output directory for MS debug symbol .pdb files generated by the linker
       for executable and shared library targets.

       This variable is used to initialize the  PDB_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY  property
       on  all  the targets.  See that target property for additional informa-

       Per-configuration output directory for MS debug symbol .pdb files  gen-
       erated by the linker for executable and shared library targets.

       This  is  a  per-configuration  version  of CMAKE_PDB_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY.
       This variable is used to initialize  the  PDB_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_<CONFIG>
       property  on  all the targets.  See that target property for additional

       Default value for POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE of targets.

       This variable is used to initialize the POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE prop-
       erty  on  all  the  targets.   See  that target property for additional
       information.  If set, its value is also used by the try_compile()  com-

       Where to put all the RUNTIME target files when built.

       This  variable is used to initialize the RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY prop-
       erty on all the targets.   See  that  target  property  for  additional

       New in version 3.3.

       Where  to  put  all  the RUNTIME target files when built for a specific

       This variable is used to initialize the  RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_<CON-
       FIG>  property  on all the targets.  See that target property for addi-
       tional information.

       Linker flags to be used to create shared libraries.

       These flags will be used by the linker when creating a shared library.

       Flags to be used when linking a shared library.

       Same as CMAKE_C_FLAGS_* but used by the  linker  when  creating  shared

       New in version 3.7.

       Value  used  to initialize the CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS_<CONFIG> cache
       entry the first time a build tree  is  configured.   This  variable  is
       meant  to be set by a toolchain file.  CMake may prepend or append con-
       tent to the value based on the environment and target platform.


       New in version 3.7.

       Value used to initialize the CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS cache entry  the
       first  time  a  build tree is configured.  This variable is meant to be
       set by a toolchain file.  CMake may prepend or append  content  to  the
       value based on the environment and target platform.

       See        also        the        configuration-specific       variable

       Do not include RPATHs in the build tree.

       Normally CMake uses the build tree for the RPATH when building executa-
       bles etc on systems that use RPATH.  When the software is installed the
       executables etc are relinked by CMake to have the  install  RPATH.   If
       this  variable is set to true then the software is always built with no

       Do not include RPATHs in the install tree.

       Normally CMake uses the build tree for the RPATH when building executa-
       bles etc on systems that use RPATH.  When the software is installed the
       executables etc are relinked by CMake to have the  install  RPATH.   If
       this  variable  is  set  to  true then the software is always installed
       without RPATH, even if RPATH is enabled when  building.   This  can  be
       useful for example to allow running tests from the build directory with
       RPATH enabled before the installation step.  To omit RPATH in both  the
       build and install steps, use CMAKE_SKIP_RPATH instead.

       Flags  to  be  used  to  create  static libraries.  These flags will be
       passed to the archiver when creating a static library.


          Static libraries do not actually link.   They  are  essentially  ar-
          chives of object files.  The use of the name "linker" in the name of
          this variable is kept for compatibility.

       Flags to be used to create  static  libraries.   These  flags  will  be
       passed  to  the archiver when creating a static library in the <CONFIG>


          Static libraries do not actually link.   They  are  essentially  ar-
          chives of object files.  The use of the name "linker" in the name of
          this variable is kept for compatibility.

       New in version 3.7.

       Value used to initialize the  CMAKE_STATIC_LINKER_FLAGS_<CONFIG>  cache
       entry  the  first  time  a  build tree is configured.  This variable is
       meant to be set by a toolchain file.  CMake may prepend or append  con-
       tent to the value based on the environment and target platform.


       New in version 3.7.

       Value  used to initialize the CMAKE_STATIC_LINKER_FLAGS cache entry the
       first time a build tree is configured.  This variable is  meant  to  be
       set  by  a  toolchain file.  CMake may prepend or append content to the
       value based on the environment and target platform.

       See       also        the        configuration-specific        variable

       Build configuration used for try_compile() and try_run() projects.

       Projects  built  by try_compile() and try_run() are built synchronously
       during the CMake configuration step.  Therefore a specific  build  con-
       figuration  must  be chosen even if the generated build system supports
       multiple configurations.

       New in version 3.6.

       List of variables that the try_compile() command source file  signature
       must  propagate into the test project in order to target the same plat-
       form as the host project.

       This variable should not be set by project code.  It is meant to be set
       by  CMake's  platform information modules for the current toolchain, or
       by a toolchain file when used with CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE.

       Variables meaningful to CMake, such as CMAKE_<LANG>_FLAGS,  are  propa-
       gated automatically.  The CMAKE_TRY_COMPILE_PLATFORM_VARIABLES variable
       may be set to pass custom variables meaningful  to  a  toolchain  file.
       For example, a toolchain file may contain:

          set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME ...)
          # ... use MY_CUSTOM_VARIABLE ...

       If a user passes -DMY_CUSTOM_VARIABLE=SomeValue to CMake then this set-
       ting will be made visible to the  toolchain  file  both  for  the  main
       project  and  for  test projects generated by the try_compile() command
       source file signature.

       New in version 3.6.

       Type of target generated for try_compile() calls using the source  file
       signature.  Valid values are:

              Use  add_executable()  to  name the source file in the generated
              project.  This is the default if no value is given.

              Use add_library() with the STATIC option to name the source file
              in the generated project.  This avoids running the linker and is
              intended for use with  cross-compiling  toolchains  that  cannot
              link without custom flags or linker scripts.

       New in version 3.16.

       This variable is used to initialize the UNITY_BUILD property of targets
       when they are created.  Setting it to true enables batch compilation of
       multiple  sources within each target.  This feature is known as a Unity
       or Jumbo build.

       Projects should not set this variable, it is intended  as  a  developer
       control  to  be  set  on  the cmake(1) command line or other equivalent
       methods.  The developer must have the  ability  to  enable  or  disable
       unity  builds  according  to  the capabilities of their own machine and

       By default, this variable is not set, which will result in unity builds
       being disabled.

          This  option  currently  does  not work well in combination with the

       New in version 3.16.

       This variable is used to initialize the UNITY_BUILD_BATCH_SIZE property
       of targets when they are created.  It specifies the default upper limit
       on the number of source files that may be combined  in  any  one  unity
       source file when unity builds are enabled for a target.

       New in version 3.20.

       This  variable is used to initialize the UNITY_BUILD_UNIQUE_ID property
       of targets when they are created.  It specifies the name of the  unique
       identifier generated per file in a unity build.

       This  variable  has no effect.  The partially implemented effect it had
       in previous releases was removed in CMake 3.4.

       Default value for the VISIBILITY_INLINES_HIDDEN target property when  a
       target is created.

       New in version 3.13.

       List  of  Key=Value  records  to be set per target as target properties
       VS_GLOBAL_<variable> with variable=Key and value Value.

       For example:


       will   set   properties   VS_GLOBAL_DefaultLanguage   to   en-US    and
       VS_GLOBAL_MinimumVisualStudioVersion  to  14.0  for all targets (except
       for INTERFACE libraries).

       This variable is meant to be set by a toolchain file.

       New in version 3.3.

       Include INSTALL target to default build.

       In Visual Studio solution, by default the INSTALL target  will  not  be
       part  of  the  default  build.  Setting  this  variable will enable the
       INSTALL target to be part of the default build.

       New in version 3.8.

       Include PACKAGE target to default build.

       In Visual Studio solution, by default the PACKAGE target  will  not  be
       part  of the default build. Setting this variable will enable the PACK-
       AGE target to be part of the default build.

       New in version 3.15.

       Enable Just My Code with Visual Studio debugger.

       This variable is used to initialize the VS_JUST_MY_CODE_DEBUGGING prop-
       erty  on  all  targets when they are created.  See that target property
       for additional information.

       New in version 3.12.

       This variable allows to override Visual Studio default Exclude Directo-

       New in version 3.12.

       This  variable  allows  to  override  Visual  Studio default Executable

       New in version 3.12.

       This variable allows to override Visual Studio default Include Directo-

       New in version 3.12.

       This variable allows to override Visual Studio default Library Directo-

       New in version 3.12.

       This variable allows to override Visual Studio  default  Library  WinRT

       New in version 3.12.

       This variable allows to override Visual Studio default Reference Direc-

       New in version 3.12.

       This variable allows to override Visual Studio default Source  Directo-

       New in version 3.13.

       Inform  Visual  Studio Generators for VS 2010 and above that the target
       platform enables WinRT compilation  by  default  and  it  needs  to  be
       explicitly disabled if /ZW or VS_WINRT_COMPONENT is omitted (as opposed
       to enabling it when either of those options is present)

       This makes cmake configuration consistent in terms of WinRT among plat-
       forms - if you did not enable the WinRT compilation explicitly, it will
       be disabled (by either not enabling it or explicitly disabling it)

       Note: WinRT compilation is always explicitly disabled  for  C  language
       source files, even if it is expliclty enabled for a project

       This  variable  is  meant  to be set by a toolchain file for such plat-

       Default value for WIN32_EXECUTABLE of targets.

       This variable is used to initialize the  WIN32_EXECUTABLE  property  on
       all the targets.  See that target property for additional information.

       New in version 3.4.

       Default  value  for  WINDOWS_EXPORT_ALL_SYMBOLS  target property.  This
       variable is used to initialize the property on each  target  as  it  is

       New in version 3.1.

       Set Xcode target attributes directly.

       Tell  the Xcode generator to set <an-attribute> to a given value in the
       generated Xcode project.  Ignored on other generators.

       This offers low-level control over the generated  Xcode  project  file.
       It  is  meant  as a last resort for specifying settings that CMake does
       not otherwise have a way to control.  Although this can override a set-
       ting  CMake  normally  produces  on  its own, doing so bypasses CMake's
       model of the project and can break things.

       See  the  XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_<an-attribute>   target   property   to   set
       attributes on a specific target.

       Contents  of  CMAKE_XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_<an-attribute>  may  use "generator
       expressions" with the syntax $<...>.  See  the  cmake-generator-expres-
       sions(7)  manual  for  available  expressions.  See the cmake-buildsys-
       tem(7) manual for more on defining buildsystem properties.

       Old executable location variable.

       The target property RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY supersedes  this  variable
       for  a target if it is set.  Executable targets are otherwise placed in
       this directory.

       Old library location variable.

       TORY, and RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY supersede this variable for a target
       if they are set.  Library targets are otherwise placed in  this  direc-

       New in version 3.7.

       True if the C compiler is GNU.  Use CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID instead.

       New in version 3.7.

       True  if  the  C++  (CXX)  compiler  is GNU.  Use CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID

       New in version 3.7.

       True if the Fortran compiler  is  GNU.   Use  CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER_ID

       New in version 3.18.

       Default value for CUDA_ARCHITECTURES property of targets.

       Initialized by the CUDAARCHS environment variable if set.  Otherwise as
       follows depending on CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER_ID:

       o For Clang: the oldest architecture that works.

       o For NVIDIA: the default architecture chosen  by  the  compiler.   See
         policy CMP0104.

       Users  are  encouraged  to  override this, as the default varies across
       compilers and compiler versions.

       This variable is used to initialize the CUDA_ARCHITECTURES property  on
       all targets. See the target property for additional information.


            set(CMAKE_CUDA_ARCHITECTURES 75)

          project(example LANGUAGES CUDA)

       CMAKE_CUDA_ARCHITECTURES  will  default  to 75 unless overridden by the

       New in version 3.17.

       List of features known to the CUDA compiler

       These features are known to be available for use  with  the  CUDA  com-
       piler.   This   list  is  a  subset  of  the  features  listed  in  the
       CMAKE_CUDA_KNOWN_FEATURES global property.

       See the cmake-compile-features(7) manual  for  information  on  compile
       features and a list of supported compilers.

       New in version 3.8.

       Default value for CUDA_EXTENSIONS property of targets.

       This variable is used to initialize the CUDA_EXTENSIONS property on all
       targets.  See that target property for additional information.

       See the cmake-compile-features(7) manual  for  information  on  compile
       features and a list of supported compilers.

       New in version 3.10.

       the compiler executable to use when compiling host code for  CUDA  lan-
       guage files.  This maps to the nvcc -ccbin option.

       The CMAKE_CUDA_HOST_COMPILER variable may be set explicitly before CUDA
       is first enabled by a project() or enable_language() command.  This can
       be  done via -DCMAKE_CUDA_HOST_COMPILER=... on the command line or in a
       toolchain file.  Or, one may set the CUDAHOSTCXX  environment  variable
       to provide a default value.

       Once  the  CUDA language is enabled, the CMAKE_CUDA_HOST_COMPILER vari-
       able is read-only and changes to it are undefined behavior.

          Since  CMAKE_CUDA_HOST_COMPILER  is   meaningful   only   when   the
          CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER_ID  is  NVIDIA,  it  does  not make sense to set
          CMAKE_CUDA_HOST_COMPILER without also setting CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER to

          Ignored when using Visual Studio Generators.

       New in version 3.8.

       Default value for CUDA_STANDARD property of targets.

       This  variable  is used to initialize the CUDA_STANDARD property on all
       targets.  See that target property for additional information.

       See the cmake-compile-features(7) manual  for  information  on  compile
       features and a list of supported compilers.

       New in version 3.8.

       Default value for CUDA_STANDARD_REQUIRED property of targets.

       This variable is used to initialize the CUDA_STANDARD_REQUIRED property
       on all targets.  See that target property for additional information.

       See the cmake-compile-features(7) manual  for  information  on  compile
       features and a list of supported compilers.

       New in version 3.8.

       When the CUDA language has been enabled, this provides a semicolon-sep-
       arated list of include directories provided by the CUDA  Toolkit.   The
       value may be useful for C++ source files to include CUDA headers.

       New in version 3.1.

       List of features known to the C++ compiler

       These features are known to be available for use with the C++ compiler.
       This   list   is   a   subset   of   the   features   listed   in   the
       CMAKE_CXX_KNOWN_FEATURES global property.

       See  the  cmake-compile-features(7)  manual  for information on compile
       features and a list of supported compilers.

       New in version 3.1.

       Default value for CXX_EXTENSIONS property of targets.

       This variable is used to initialize the CXX_EXTENSIONS property on  all
       targets.  See that target property for additional information.

       See  the  cmake-compile-features(7)  manual  for information on compile
       features and a list of supported compilers.

       New in version 3.1.

       Default value for CXX_STANDARD property of targets.

       This variable is used to initialize the CXX_STANDARD  property  on  all
       targets.  See that target property for additional information.

       See  the  cmake-compile-features(7)  manual  for information on compile
       features and a list of supported compilers.

       New in version 3.1.

       Default value for CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED property of targets.

       This variable is used to initialize the CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED  property
       on all targets.  See that target property for additional information.

       See  the  cmake-compile-features(7)  manual  for information on compile
       features and a list of supported compilers.

       New in version 3.1.

       List of features known to the C compiler

       These features are known to be available for use with the  C  compiler.
       This  list is a subset of the features listed in the CMAKE_C_KNOWN_FEA-
       TURES global property.

       See the cmake-compile-features(7) manual  for  information  on  compile
       features and a list of supported compilers.

       New in version 3.1.

       Default value for C_EXTENSIONS property of targets.

       This  variable  is  used to initialize the C_EXTENSIONS property on all
       targets.  See that target property for additional information.

       See the cmake-compile-features(7) manual  for  information  on  compile
       features and a list of supported compilers.

       New in version 3.1.

       Default value for C_STANDARD property of targets.

       This variable is used to initialize the C_STANDARD property on all tar-
       gets.  See that target property for additional information.

       See the cmake-compile-features(7) manual  for  information  on  compile
       features and a list of supported compilers.

       New in version 3.1.

       Default value for C_STANDARD_REQUIRED property of targets.

       This variable is used to initialize the C_STANDARD_REQUIRED property on
       all targets.  See that target property for additional information.

       See the cmake-compile-features(7) manual  for  information  on  compile
       features and a list of supported compilers.

       Fortran default module output directory.

       Most  Fortran  compilers write .mod files to the current working direc-
       tory.  For those that do not, this is set to . and used when  the  For-
       tran_MODULE_DIRECTORY target property is not set.

       Fortran flag for module output directory.

       This  stores  the  flag  needed  to  pass the value of the Fortran_MOD-
       ULE_DIRECTORY target property to the compiler.

       Fortran flag to enable module output.

       Most Fortran compilers write .mod files out by  default.   For  others,
       this stores the flag needed to enable module output.

       New in version 3.21.

       Default value for HIP_ARCHITECTURES property of targets.

       This is initialized to the default architecture chosen by the compiler.

       This  variable  is used to initialize the HIP_ARCHITECTURES property on
       all targets. See the target property for additional information.

       New in version 3.19.

       ISPC generated header output directory.

       This variable is used to initialize the ISPC_HEADER_DIRECTORY  property
       on  all  the  targets.  See the target property for additional informa-

       New in version 3.19.2.

       Output suffix to be used for ISPC generated headers.

       This variable is used to initialize the ISPC_HEADER_SUFFIX property  on
       all the targets.  See the target property for additional information.

       New in version 3.19.

       Default value for ISPC_INSTRUCTION_SETS property of targets.

       This  variable is used to initialize the ISPC_INSTRUCTION_SETS property
       on all targets. See the target property for additional information.

       New in version 3.7.1.

       When Cross Compiling for Android this variable contains  the  toolchain
       binutils  machine name (e.g. gcc -dumpmachine).  The binutils typically
       have a <machine>- prefix on their name.

       See        also        CMAKE_<LANG>_ANDROID_TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX        and

       New in version 3.7.

       When  Cross  Compiling  for Android this variable contains the absolute
       path prefixing the toolchain GNU compiler and its binutils.

       See        also        CMAKE_<LANG>_ANDROID_TOOLCHAIN_SUFFIX        and

       For example, the path to the linker is:


       New in version 3.7.

       When  Cross Compiling for Android this variable contains the host plat-
       form suffix of the toolchain GNU compiler and its binutils.

       See        also        CMAKE_<LANG>_ANDROID_TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX        and

       Rule variable to append to a static archive.

       This  is a rule variable that tells CMake how to append to a static ar-
       chive.  It is used in place  of  CMAKE_<LANG>_CREATE_STATIC_LIBRARY  on
       some  platforms  in  order  to  support  large object counts.  See also

       Rule variable to create a new static archive.

       This is a rule variable that tells CMake how to  create  a  static  ar-
       chive.   It  is  used in place of CMAKE_<LANG>_CREATE_STATIC_LIBRARY on
       some platforms in order to  support  large  object  counts.   See  also

       Rule variable to finish an existing static archive.

       This  is  a  rule  variable that tells CMake how to finish a static ar-
       chive.  It is used in place  of  CMAKE_<LANG>_CREATE_STATIC_LIBRARY  on
       some  platforms  in  order  to  support  large object counts.  See also

       New in version 3.20.

       Byte order of  <LANG>  compiler  target  architecture,  if  known.   If
       defined and not empty, the value is one of:

              The target architecture is Big Endian.

              The target architecture is Little Endian.

       This is defined for languages C, CXX, OBJC, OBJCXX, and CUDA.

       If  CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES specifies multiple architectures, the value
       of CMAKE_<LANG>_BYTE_ORDER is non-empty only if all architectures share
       the same byte order.

       The full path to the compiler for LANG.

       This  is  the  command  that will be used as the <LANG> compiler.  Once
       set, you can not change this variable.

       This variable can be set by the user during the first time a build tree
       is configured.

       If  a  non-full path value is supplied then CMake will resolve the full
       path of the compiler.

       The variable could be set in a user supplied toolchain file or  via  -D
       on the command line.

          Options that are required to make the compiler work correctly can be
          included as items in a list; they can not be changed.

          #set within user supplied toolchain file
          set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER /full/path/to/qcc --arg1 --arg2)


          $ cmake ... -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER='qcc;--arg1;--arg2'

       The external toolchain for cross-compiling, if supported.

       Some compiler toolchains do not ship their own auxiliary utilities such
       as  archivers  and  linkers.   The  compiler  driver may support a com-
       mand-line  argument  to   specify   the   location   of   such   tools.
       CMAKE_<LANG>_COMPILER_EXTERNAL_TOOLCHAIN  may  be  set to a path to the
       external toolchain and will be passed to the compiler  driver  if  sup-

       This  variable  may  only  be  set in a toolchain file specified by the
       CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE variable.

       Compiler identification string.

       A short string unique to the compiler vendor.  Possible values include:

          Absoft = Absoft Fortran (absoft.com)
          ADSP = Analog VisualDSP++ (analog.com)
          AppleClang = Apple Clang (apple.com)
          ARMCC = ARM Compiler (arm.com)
          ARMClang = ARM Compiler based on Clang (arm.com)
          Bruce = Bruce C Compiler
          CCur = Concurrent Fortran (ccur.com)
          Clang = LLVM Clang (clang.llvm.org)
          Cray = Cray Compiler (cray.com)
          Embarcadero, Borland = Embarcadero (embarcadero.com)
          Flang = Flang LLVM Fortran Compiler
          Fujitsu = Fujitsu HPC compiler (Trad mode)
          FujitsuClang = Fujitsu HPC compiler (Clang mode)
          G95 = G95 Fortran (g95.org)
          GNU = GNU Compiler Collection (gcc.gnu.org)
          GHS = Green Hills Software (www.ghs.com)
          HP = Hewlett-Packard Compiler (hp.com)
          IAR = IAR Systems (iar.com)
          Intel = Intel Compiler (intel.com)
          IntelLLVM = Intel LLVM-Based Compiler (intel.com)
          MSVC = Microsoft Visual Studio (microsoft.com)
          NVHPC = NVIDIA HPC SDK Compiler (nvidia.com)
          NVIDIA = NVIDIA CUDA Compiler (nvidia.com)
          OpenWatcom = Open Watcom (openwatcom.org)
          PGI = The Portland Group (pgroup.com)
          PathScale = PathScale (pathscale.com)
          ROCMClang = ROCm Toolkit Clang-based Compiler (rocmdocs.amd.com)
          SDCC = Small Device C Compiler (sdcc.sourceforge.net)
          SunPro = Oracle Solaris Studio (oracle.com)
          TI = Texas Instruments (ti.com)
          TinyCC = Tiny C Compiler (tinycc.org)
          XL, VisualAge, zOS = IBM XL (ibm.com)
          XLClang = IBM Clang-based XL (ibm.com)

       This variable is not guaranteed to be defined for all compilers or lan-

       Defined to true if the language is enabled.

       When  language <LANG> is enabled by project() or enable_language() this
       variable is defined to 1.

       New in version 3.10.

       Command that outputs the compiler pre definitions.


       The target for cross-compiling, if supported.

       Some compiler drivers are inherently cross-compilers, such as clang and
       QNX qcc. These compiler drivers  support  a  command-line  argument  to
       specify the target to cross-compile for.

       This  variable  may  only  be  set in a toolchain file specified by the
       CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE variable.

       Compiler version string.

       Compiler version in major[.minor[.patch[.tweak]]] format.   This  vari-
       able is not guaranteed to be defined for all compilers or languages.

       might indicate the respective C and C++ compiler version.

       Rule variable to compile a single object file.

       This is a rule variable that tells CMake how to compile a single object
       file for the language <LANG>.

       Rule variable to create a shared library.

       This is a rule variable that tells CMake how to create a shared library
       for the language <LANG>.  This rule variable is a ; delimited  list  of
       commands to run to perform the linking step.

       Rule variable to create a shared module.

       This is a rule variable that tells CMake how to create a shared library
       for the language <LANG>.  This rule variable is a ; delimited  list  of
       commands to run.

       Rule variable to create a static library.

       This is a rule variable that tells CMake how to create a static library
       for the language <LANG>.

       Flags for all build types.

       <LANG> flags used regardless of the value of CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE.

       This is initialized for each language from environment variables:

       o CMAKE_C_FLAGS: Initialized by the CFLAGS environment variable.

       o CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS: Initialized by the CXXFLAGS environment variable.

       o CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS: Initialized by the CUDAFLAGS environment variable.

       o CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS: Initialized by the FFLAGS environment variable.

       This value is  a  command-line  string  fragment.  Therefore,  multiple
       options  should  be separated by spaces, and options with spaces should
       be quoted.

       The flags in this variable will be passed to the compiler before  those
       in   the  per-configuration  CMAKE_<LANG>_FLAGS_<CONFIG>  variant,  and
       before  flags  added  by  the  add_compile_options()   or   target_com-
       pile_options() commands.

       Flags for language <LANG> when building for the <CONFIG> configuration.

       The  flags  in this variable will be passed to the compiler after those
       in the CMAKE_<LANG>_FLAGS variable,  but  before  flags  added  by  the
       add_compile_options() or target_compile_options() commands.

       New in version 3.11.

       Value  used  to  initialize the CMAKE_<LANG>_FLAGS_<CONFIG> cache entry
       the first time a build tree is configured for  language  <LANG>.   This
       variable  is meant to be set by a toolchain file.  CMake may prepend or
       append content to the value based on the environment and  target  plat-

       See also CMAKE_<LANG>_FLAGS_INIT.

       This  variable  is the Debug variant of the CMAKE_<LANG>_FLAGS_<CONFIG>

       New in version 3.7.

       This variable is the  Debug  variant  of  the  CMAKE_<LANG>_FLAGS_<CON-
       FIG>_INIT variable.

       New in version 3.7.

       Value  used  to initialize the CMAKE_<LANG>_FLAGS cache entry the first
       time a build tree is configured for language <LANG>.  This variable  is
       meant  to be set by a toolchain file.  CMake may prepend or append con-
       tent to the value based on the environment and  target  platform.   For
       example,  the  contents  of  a  xxxFLAGS  environment  variable will be
       prepended, where xxx will be language-specific but not necessarily  the
       same  as <LANG> (e.g. CXXFLAGS for CXX, FFLAGS for Fortran, and so on).
       This value is  a  command-line  string  fragment.  Therefore,  multiple
       options  should  be separated by spaces, and options with spaces should
       be quoted.

       See also  the  configuration-specific  CMAKE_<LANG>_FLAGS_<CONFIG>_INIT

       This variable is the MinSizeRel variant of the CMAKE_<LANG>_FLAGS_<CON-
       FIG> variable.

       New in version 3.7.

       This variable is the MinSizeRel variant of the CMAKE_<LANG>_FLAGS_<CON-
       FIG>_INIT variable.

       This variable is the Release variant of the CMAKE_<LANG>_FLAGS_<CONFIG>

       New in version 3.7.

       This variable is the Release variant  of  the  CMAKE_<LANG>_FLAGS_<CON-
       FIG>_INIT variable.

       This    variable    is    the    RelWithDebInfo    variant    of    the
       CMAKE_<LANG>_FLAGS_<CONFIG> variable.

       New in version 3.7.

       This    variable    is    the    RelWithDebInfo    variant    of    the
       CMAKE_<LANG>_FLAGS_<CONFIG>_INIT variable.

       File extensions that should be ignored by the build.

       This  is  a list of file extensions that may be part of a project for a
       given language but are not compiled.

       Directories implicitly searched by the compiler for header files.

       CMake does not explicitly specify these directories on compiler command
       lines  for  language  <LANG>.  This prevents system include directories
       from being treated as user include directories on some compilers, which
       is  important for C, CXX, and CUDA to avoid overriding standard library

       This value is not used for Fortran because it has no  standard  library
       headers  and some compilers do not search their implicit include direc-
       tories for module .mod files.

       Implicit linker search path detected for language <LANG>.

       Compilers  typically  pass  directories  containing  language   runtime
       libraries  and  default library search paths when they invoke a linker.
       These paths are implicit linker search directories for  the  compiler's
       language.   CMake automatically detects these directories for each lan-
       guage and reports the results in this variable.

       Some toolchains read implicit directories from an environment  variable
       such  as LIBRARY_PATH.  If using such an environment variable, keep its
       value consistent when operating in a given  build  tree  because  CMake
       saves the value detected when first creating a build tree.

       If  policy  CMP0060  is  not  set to NEW, then when a library in one of
       these directories is given  by  full  path  to  target_link_libraries()
       CMake will generate the -l<name> form on link lines for historical pur-

       Implicit linker framework search path detected for language <LANG>.

       These paths are implicit linker framework search  directories  for  the
       compiler's language.  CMake automatically detects these directories for
       each language and reports the results in this variable.

       Implicit link libraries and flags detected for language <LANG>.

       Compilers typically pass language runtime library names and other flags
       when  they  invoke a linker.  These flags are implicit link options for
       the compiler's language.  CMake automatically detects  these  libraries
       and flags for each language and reports the results in this variable.

       Target architecture library directory name detected for <LANG>.

       If  the  <LANG>  compiler passes to the linker an architecture-specific
       system library search directory such as <prefix>/lib/<arch> this  vari-
       able contains the <arch> name if/as detected by CMake.

       Rule variable to link an executable.

       Rule variable to link an executable for the given language.

       Preference value for linker language selection.

       The  "linker  language" for executable, shared library, and module tar-
       gets is the language  whose  compiler  will  invoke  the  linker.   The
       LINKER_LANGUAGE  target  property sets the language explicitly.  Other-
       wise, the linker language is that  whose  linker  preference  value  is
       highest  among languages compiled and linked into the target.  See also

       True if CMAKE_<LANG>_LINKER_PREFERENCE propagates across targets.

       This is used when CMake selects a linker language for a  target.   Lan-
       guages compiled directly into the target are always considered.  A lan-
       guage compiled into static libraries linked by the target is considered
       if this variable is true.

       New in version 3.13.

       Defines  the  syntax  of  compiler driver option to pass options to the
       linker tool. It will be used to translate the  LINKER:  prefix  in  the
       link options (see add_link_options() and target_link_options()).

       This  variable  holds a semicolon-separated list of tokens.  If a space
       (i.e. " ") is specified as last token, flag and LINKER: arguments  will
       be  specified  as  separate  arguments  to  the  compiler  driver.  The
       CMAKE_<LANG>_LINKER_WRAPPER_FLAG_SEP variable can be specified to  man-
       age concatenation of arguments.

       For example, for Clang we have:

          set (CMAKE_C_LINKER_WRAPPER_FLAG "-Xlinker" " ")

       Specifying "LINKER:-z,defs" will be transformed in -Xlinker -z -Xlinker

       For GNU GCC:

          set (CMAKE_C_LINKER_WRAPPER_FLAG "-Wl,")

       Specifying "LINKER:-z,defs" will be transformed in -Wl,-z,defs.

       And for SunPro:

          set (CMAKE_C_LINKER_WRAPPER_FLAG "-Qoption" "ld" " ")

       Specifying "LINKER:-z,defs" will be transformed in -Qoption ld -z,defs.

       New in version 3.13.

       This variable is used with CMAKE_<LANG>_LINKER_WRAPPER_FLAG variable to
       format  LINKER:  prefix in the link options (see add_link_options() and

       When specified, arguments of the LINKER: prefix  will  be  concatenated
       using this value as separator.

       Extension for the output of a compile for a single file.

       This  is  the  extension  for an object file for the given <LANG>.  For
       example .obj for C on Windows.

       Identification string of "simulated" compiler.

       Some compilers simulate other compilers to serve  as  drop-in  replace-
       ments.   When  CMake  detects  such a compiler it sets this variable to
       what would have been the  CMAKE_<LANG>_COMPILER_ID  for  the  simulated

       Version string of "simulated" compiler.

       Some  compilers  simulate  other compilers to serve as drop-in replace-
       ments.  When CMake detects such a compiler it  sets  this  variable  to
       what  would  have  been the CMAKE_<LANG>_COMPILER_VERSION for the simu-
       lated compiler.

       Size of pointer-to-data types for language <LANG>.

       This holds the size (in bytes) of pointer-to-data types in  the  target
       platform ABI.  It is defined for languages C and CXX (C++).

       Extensions of source files for the given language.

       This is the list of extensions for a given language's source files.

       New in version 3.6.

       Include  directories to be used for every source file compiled with the
       <LANG> compiler.  This is meant for  specification  of  system  include
       directories  needed  by  the  language  for  the current platform.  The
       directories always appear at the end of the include path passed to  the

       This variable should not be set by project code.  It is meant to be set
       by CMake's platform information modules for the current  toolchain,  or
       by a toolchain file when used with CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE.


       New in version 3.6.

       Libraries  linked  into  every executable and shared library linked for
       language <LANG>.  This is meant for specification of  system  libraries
       needed by the language for the current platform.

       This variable should not be set by project code.  It is meant to be set
       by CMake's platform information modules for the current  toolchain,  or
       by a toolchain file when used with CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE.


       New in version 3.16.

       Default value for OBJC_EXTENSIONS property of targets.

       This variable is used to initialize the OBJC_EXTENSIONS property on all
       targets.  See that target property for additional information.

       See the cmake-compile-features(7) manual  for  information  on  compile
       features and a list of supported compilers.

       New in version 3.16.

       Default value for OBJC_STANDARD property of targets.

       This  variable  is used to initialize the OBJC_STANDARD property on all
       targets.  See that target property for additional information.

       See the cmake-compile-features(7) manual  for  information  on  compile
       features and a list of supported compilers.

       New in version 3.16.

       Default value for OBJC_STANDARD_REQUIRED property of targets.

       This variable is used to initialize the OBJC_STANDARD_REQUIRED property
       on all targets.  See that target property for additional information.

       See the cmake-compile-features(7) manual  for  information  on  compile
       features and a list of supported compilers.

       New in version 3.16.

       Default value for OBJCXX_EXTENSIONS property of targets.

       This  variable  is used to initialize the OBJCXX_EXTENSIONS property on
       all targets.  See that target property for additional information.

       See the cmake-compile-features(7) manual  for  information  on  compile
       features and a list of supported compilers.

       New in version 3.16.

       Default value for OBJCXX_STANDARD property of targets.

       This variable is used to initialize the OBJCXX_STANDARD property on all
       targets.  See that target property for additional information.

       See the cmake-compile-features(7) manual  for  information  on  compile
       features and a list of supported compilers.

       New in version 3.16.

       Default value for OBJCXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED property of targets.

       This  variable is used to initialize the OBJCXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED prop-
       erty on all targets.  See that target property for additional  informa-

       See  the  cmake-compile-features(7)  manual  for information on compile
       features and a list of supported compilers.

       New in version 3.7.

       Set to the Swift language version  number.   If  not  set,  the  oldest
       legacy  version  known  to  be  available  in the host Xcode version is

       o Swift 4.0 for Xcode 10.2 and above.

       o Swift 3.0 for Xcode 8.3 and above.

       o Swift 2.3 for Xcode 8.2 and below.

       Specify a CMake file that overrides platform information for <LANG>.

       This is a language-specific version  of  CMAKE_USER_MAKE_RULES_OVERRIDE
       loaded only when enabling language <LANG>.

       New in version 3.1.

       Specify the CTest BuildDirectory setting in a ctest(1) dashboard client

       New in version 3.1.

       Specify the CTest MakeCommand setting in a  ctest(1)  dashboard  client

       New in version 3.1.

       Specify  the  CTest  BuildName  setting  in a ctest(1) dashboard client

       New in version 3.1.

       Specify the CTest BZRCommand setting in  a  ctest(1)  dashboard  client

       New in version 3.1.

       Specify  the  CTest  BZRUpdateOptions  setting  in a ctest(1) dashboard
       client script.

       New in version 3.4.

       Specify the CTest ChangeId  setting  in  a  ctest(1)  dashboard  client

       This  setting  allows  CTest  to  pass arbitrary information about this
       build up to CDash.  One use of this feature is to allow CDash  to  post
       comments on your pull request if anything goes wrong with your build.

       New in version 3.1.

       Tell the ctest_start() command how to checkout or initialize the source
       directory in a ctest(1) dashboard client script.

       New in version 3.1.

       Specify the CTest DefaultCTestConfigurationType setting in  a  ctest(1)
       dashboard client script.

       If  the  configuration  type  is set via -C <cfg> from the command line
       then this variable is populated accordingly.

       New in version 3.1.

       Specify the CTest ConfigureCommand  setting  in  a  ctest(1)  dashboard
       client script.

       New in version 3.1.

       Specify  the  CTest  CoverageCommand  setting  in  a ctest(1) dashboard
       client script.

       Using Cobertura as the coverage  generation  within  your  multi-module
       Java project can generate a series of XML files.

       The  Cobertura Coverage parser expects to read the coverage data from a
       single XML file which contains  the  coverage  data  for  all  modules.
       Cobertura  has  a program with the ability to merge given cobertura.ser
       files and then another program to generate a combined XML file from the
       previous  merged  file.   For command line testing, this can be done by
       hand prior to CTest looking for the coverage files. For script  builds,
       set  the  CTEST_COVERAGE_COMMAND variable to point to a file which will
       perform these same steps, such as a .sh or .bat file.

          set(CTEST_COVERAGE_COMMAND .../run-coverage-and-consolidate.sh)

       where the run-coverage-and-consolidate.sh script is perhaps created  by
       the configure_file() command and might contain the following code:

          #!/usr/bin/env bash
          CoberturaFiles="$(find "/path/to/source" -name "cobertura.ser")"
          SourceDirs="$(find "/path/to/source" -name "java" -type d)"
          cobertura-merge --datafile coberturamerge.ser $CoberturaFiles
          cobertura-report --datafile coberturamerge.ser --destination . \
                           --format xml $SourceDirs

       The  script  uses find to capture the paths to all of the cobertura.ser
       files found below the project's source directory.  It keeps the list of
       files  and  supplies  it as an argument to the cobertura-merge program.
       The --datafile argument signifies where the result of the merge will be

       The  combined  coberturamerge.ser file is then used to generate the XML
       report using the cobertura-report program.   The  call  to  the  cober-
       tura-report program requires some named arguments.

              path to the merged .ser file

              path to put the output files(s)

              file format to write output in: xml or html

       The  rest  of  the  supplied arguments consist of the full paths to the
       /src/main/java directories of each module within the source tree. These
       directories are needed and should not be forgotten.

       New in version 3.1.

       Specify  the  CTest  CoverageExtraFlags setting in a ctest(1) dashboard
       client script.

       New in version 3.1.

       Specify the CTest CurlOptions setting in a  ctest(1)  dashboard  client

       A  list  of  regular expressions which will be used to exclude files by
       their path from coverage output by the ctest_coverage() command.

       It is initialized by ctest(1), but may be edited in a CTestCustom file.
       See ctest_read_custom_files() documentation.

       A  list  of  regular  expressions  which  will  be used to exclude when
       detecting error messages in build outputs by the ctest_test() command.

       It is initialized by ctest(1), but may be edited in a CTestCustom file.
       See ctest_read_custom_files() documentation.

       A  list  of regular expressions which will be used to detect error mes-
       sages in build outputs by the ctest_test() command.

       It is initialized by ctest(1), but may be edited in a CTestCustom file.
       See ctest_read_custom_files() documentation.

       The number of lines to include as context which follow an error message
       by the ctest_test() command. The default is 10.

       It is initialized by ctest(1), but may be edited in a CTestCustom file.
       See ctest_read_custom_files() documentation.

       The  number  of lines to include as context which precede an error mes-
       sage by the ctest_test() command. The default is 10.

       It is initialized by ctest(1), but may be edited in a CTestCustom file.
       See ctest_read_custom_files() documentation.

       When  saving  a  failing  test's  output,  this is the maximum size, in
       bytes, that will be collected by the ctest_test() command. Defaults  to
       307200 (300 KiB).

       If a test's output contains the literal string "CTEST_FULL_OUTPUT", the
       output will not be truncated and may exceed the maximum size.

       It is initialized by ctest(1), but may be edited in a CTestCustom file.
       See ctest_read_custom_files() documentation.

       The  maximum  number  of  errors  in  a single build step which will be
       detected.  After this, the ctest_test() command will truncate the  out-
       put.  Defaults to 50.

       It is initialized by ctest(1), but may be edited in a CTestCustom file.
       See ctest_read_custom_files() documentation.

       The maximum number of warnings in a single build  step  which  will  be
       detected.   After this, the ctest_test() command will truncate the out-
       put.  Defaults to 50.

       It is initialized by ctest(1), but may be edited in a CTestCustom file.
       See ctest_read_custom_files() documentation.

       When  saving  a  passing  test's  output,  this is the maximum size, in
       bytes, that will be collected by the ctest_test() command. Defaults  to
       1024 (1 KiB).

       If a test's output contains the literal string "CTEST_FULL_OUTPUT", the
       output will not be truncated and may exceed the maximum size.

       It is initialized by ctest(1), but may be edited in a CTestCustom file.
       See ctest_read_custom_files() documentation.

       A  list  of  regular  expressions  to  use  to exclude tests during the
       ctest_memcheck() command.

       It is initialized by ctest(1), but may be edited in a CTestCustom file.
       See ctest_read_custom_files() documentation.

       A list of commands to run at the end of the ctest_memcheck() command.

       It is initialized by ctest(1), but may be edited in a CTestCustom file.
       See ctest_read_custom_files() documentation.

       A list of commands to run at the end of the ctest_test() command.

       It is initialized by ctest(1), but may be edited in a CTestCustom file.
       See ctest_read_custom_files() documentation.

       A list of commands to run at the start of the ctest_memcheck() command.

       It is initialized by ctest(1), but may be edited in a CTestCustom file.
       See ctest_read_custom_files() documentation.

       A list of commands to run at the start of the ctest_test() command.

       It is initialized by ctest(1), but may be edited in a CTestCustom file.
       See ctest_read_custom_files() documentation.

       A  list  of  regular  expressions  to  use  to exclude tests during the
       ctest_test() command.

       It is initialized by ctest(1), but may be edited in a CTestCustom file.
       See ctest_read_custom_files() documentation.

       A  list  of  regular  expressions  which  will  be used to exclude when
       detecting warning messages in build outputs by the  ctest_build()  com-

       It is initialized by ctest(1), but may be edited in a CTestCustom file.
       See ctest_read_custom_files() documentation.

       A list of regular expressions which will be used to detect warning mes-
       sages in build outputs by the ctest_build() command.

       It is initialized by ctest(1), but may be edited in a CTestCustom file.
       See ctest_read_custom_files() documentation.

       New in version 3.1.

       Deprecated.  Use CTEST_CHECKOUT_COMMAND instead.

       New in version 3.1.

       Specify the CTest CVSCommand setting in  a  ctest(1)  dashboard  client

       New in version 3.1.

       Specify  the  CTest  CVSUpdateOptions  setting  in a ctest(1) dashboard
       client script.

       New in version 3.1.

       Specify the CTest DropLocation setting in a ctest(1)  dashboard  client

       New in version 3.1.

       Specify  the  CTest  DropMethod  setting in a ctest(1) dashboard client

       New in version 3.1.

       Specify the CTest DropSite  setting  in  a  ctest(1)  dashboard  client

       New in version 3.1.

       Specify  the  CTest  IsCDash  setting  in  a  ctest(1) dashboard client

       New in version 3.1.

       Specify the CTest DropSitePassword  setting  in  a  ctest(1)  dashboard
       client script.

       New in version 3.1.

       Specify  the  CTest DropSiteUser setting in a ctest(1) dashboard client

       New in version 3.4.

       A list of regular expressions which will be used to  find  files  which
       should be covered by the ctest_coverage() command.

       It is initialized by ctest(1), but may be edited in a CTestCustom file.
       See ctest_read_custom_files() documentation.

       New in version 3.1.

       Specify the CTest GITCommand setting in  a  ctest(1)  dashboard  client

       New in version 3.6.

       Specify  the  CTest  GITInitSubmodules  setting in a ctest(1) dashboard
       client script.

       New in version 3.1.

       Specify the CTest  GITUpdateCustom  setting  in  a  ctest(1)  dashboard
       client script.

       New in version 3.1.

       Specify  the  CTest  GITUpdateOptions  setting  in a ctest(1) dashboard
       client script.

       New in version 3.1.

       Specify the CTest HGCommand setting  in  a  ctest(1)  dashboard  client

       New in version 3.1.

       Specify  the  CTest  HGUpdateOptions  setting  in  a ctest(1) dashboard
       client script.

       New in version 3.10.

       Specify the CTest LabelsForSubprojects setting in a ctest(1)  dashboard
       client script.

       New in version 3.1.

       Specify  the  CTest  MemoryCheckCommand setting in a ctest(1) dashboard
       client script.

       New in version 3.1.

       Specify the CTest MemoryCheckCommandOptions setting in a ctest(1) dash-
       board client script.

       New in version 3.1.

       Specify  the  CTest  MemoryCheckSanitizerOptions  setting in a ctest(1)
       dashboard client script.

       CTest prepends correct sanitizer options *_OPTIONS environment variable
       to executed command. CTests adds its own log_path to sanitizer options,
       don't provide your own log_path.

       New in version 3.1.

       Specify the CTest  MemoryCheckSuppressionFile  setting  in  a  ctest(1)
       dashboard client script.

       New in version 3.1.

       Specify  the  CTest  MemoryCheckType  setting  in  a ctest(1) dashboard
       client script.   Valid  values  are  Valgrind,  Purify,  BoundsChecker,
       DrMemory,  CudaSanitizer,  ThreadSanitizer, AddressSanitizer, LeakSani-
       tizer, MemorySanitizer and UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer.

       New in version 3.1.

       Specify the CTest NightlyStartTime  setting  in  a  ctest(1)  dashboard
       client script.

       Note  that  this  variable  must always be set for a nightly build in a
       dashboard script. It is needed so that nightly builds can  be  properly
       grouped together in CDash.

       New in version 3.1.

       Specify  the  CTest  P4Client  setting  in  a ctest(1) dashboard client

       New in version 3.1.

       Specify the CTest P4Command setting  in  a  ctest(1)  dashboard  client

       New in version 3.1.

       Specify  the  CTest  P4Options  setting  in a ctest(1) dashboard client

       New in version 3.1.

       Specify the CTest  P4UpdateOptions  setting  in  a  ctest(1)  dashboard
       client script.

       New in version 3.18.

       Specify  the  CTest  ResourceSpecFile  setting  in a ctest(1) dashboard
       client script.

       This can also be used to specify the resource spec file  from  a  CMake
       build.   If  no  RESOURCE_SPEC_FILE  is  passed  to  ctest_test(),  and
       CTEST_RESOURCE_SPEC_FILE is not specified in the dashboard script,  the
       value of this variable from the build is used.

       New in version 3.11.

       Setting  this  to  0  prevents  ctest(1)  from  being run again when it
       reaches the end of a script run by calling ctest -S.

       New in version 3.1.

       Legacy option.  Not used.

       The directory containing the top-level CTest script.   The  concept  is
       similar to CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR.

       New in version 3.1.

       Specify the CTest Site setting in a ctest(1) dashboard client script.

       New in version 3.14.

       Specify  the  CTest  SubmitURL  setting  in a ctest(1) dashboard client

       New in version 3.1.

       Specify the CTest  SourceDirectory  setting  in  a  ctest(1)  dashboard
       client script.

       New in version 3.1.

       Specify  the  CTest  SVNCommand  setting in a ctest(1) dashboard client

       New in version 3.1.

       Specify the CTest SVNOptions setting in  a  ctest(1)  dashboard  client

       New in version 3.1.

       Specify  the  CTest  SVNUpdateOptions  setting  in a ctest(1) dashboard
       client script.

       New in version 3.4.

       Specify the TestLoad setting in the CTest Test Step of a ctest(1) dash-
       board  client  script.   This  sets the default value for the TEST_LOAD
       option of the ctest_test() command.

       New in version 3.1.

       Specify the CTest  TimeOut  setting  in  a  ctest(1)  dashboard  client

       New in version 3.1.

       Legacy option.  Not used.

       New in version 3.1.

       Specify  the CTest UpdateCommand setting in a ctest(1) dashboard client

       New in version 3.1.

       Specify the CTest UpdateOptions setting in a ctest(1) dashboard  client

       New in version 3.1.

       Specify  the  CTest  UpdateVersionOnly  setting in a ctest(1) dashboard
       client script.

       New in version 3.15.

       Specify the CTest UpdateVersionOverride setting in a ctest(1) dashboard
       client script.

       New in version 3.1.

       Specify  the  CTest UseLaunchers setting in a ctest(1) dashboard client

       List of files which have been installed using an  ABSOLUTE  DESTINATION

       This  variable is a Read-Only variable which is set internally by CPack
       during installation and before packaging using  CMAKE_ABSOLUTE_DESTINA-
       TION_FILES  defined  in  cmake_install.cmake scripts.  The value can be
       used within CPack project configuration  file  and/or  CPack<GEN>.cmake
       file of <GEN> generator.

       Boolean toggle to include/exclude top level directory (component case).

       Similar usage as CPACK_INCLUDE_TOPLEVEL_DIRECTORY but for the component
       case.   See  CPACK_INCLUDE_TOPLEVEL_DIRECTORY  documentation  for   the

       New in version 3.21.

       CPack   variables   (set   via  e.g.  cpack  -D,  CPackConfig.cmake  or
       CPACK_PROJECT_CONFIG_FILE scripts) are not directly visible in  instal-
       lation scripts.  Instead, one can pass a list of varName=value pairs in
       the CPACK_CUSTOM_INSTALL_VARIABLES variable.   At  install  time,  each
       list  item  will  result  in a variable of the specified name (varName)
       being set to the given value.  The = can be omitted for an empty value.

       CPACK_CUSTOM_INSTALL_VARIABLES allows the packaging installation to  be
       influenced  by the user or driving script at CPack runtime without hav-
       ing to regenerate the install scripts.

          install(FILES large.txt DESTINATION data)

          install(CODE [[
              # "run-compressor" is a fictional tool that produces
              # large.txt.xz from large.txt and then removes the input file
              execute_process(COMMAND run-compressor $ENV{DESTDIR}${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/large.txt)

       With the above example snippet, cpack will by default run the installa-
       tion  script with ENABLE_COMPRESSION unset, resulting in a package con-
       taining the uncompressed large.txt.  This can be overridden when invok-
       ing cpack like so:


       The  installation  script  will then run with ENABLE_COMPRESSION set to
       TRUE, resulting in a package  containing  the  compressed  large.txt.xz

       Ask CPack to error out as soon as a file with absolute INSTALL DESTINA-
       TION is encountered.

       The fatal error is emitted before the  installation  of  the  offending
       file  takes  place.   Some  CPack  generators,  like NSIS, enforce this
       internally.     This    variable    triggers    the    definition    of

       Boolean toggle to include/exclude top level directory.

       When  preparing  a  package CPack installs the item under the so-called
       top level directory.  The purpose of is to include (set to 1 or  ON  or
       TRUE) the top level directory in the package or not (set to 0 or OFF or

       Each CPack generator has a built-in default value  for  this  variable.
       E.g.  Archive generators (ZIP, TGZ, ...) includes the top level whereas
       RPM or DEB don't.  The user may override the default value  by  setting
       this variable.

       There  is a similar variable CPACK_COMPONENT_INCLUDE_TOPLEVEL_DIRECTORY
       which may be used to override the behavior for the component  packaging
       case  which  may have different default value for historical (now back-
       ward compatibility) reason.

       New in version 3.11.

       Default permissions for implicitly created directories  during  packag-

       This   variable  serves  the  same  purpose  during  packaging  as  the
       CMAKE_INSTALL_DEFAULT_DIRECTORY_PERMISSIONS  variable   serves   during
       installation (e.g. make install).

       If  include(CPack)  is used then by default this variable is set to the

       The prefix used in the built package.

       Each CPack generator has a default value  (like  /usr).   This  default
       value  may  be overwritten from the CMakeLists.txt or the cpack(1) com-
       mand line by setting an alternative value.  Example:


       This is not the same purpose as CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX which is used when
       installing from the build tree without building a package.

       Boolean toggle to make CPack use DESTDIR mechanism when packaging.

       DESTDIR  means  DESTination DIRectory.  It is commonly used by makefile
       users in order to install software at non-default location.   It  is  a
       basic  relocation  mechanism  that  should  not be used on Windows (see
       CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX documentation).  It is usually invoked like this:

          make DESTDIR=/home/john install

       which will install the concerned software using the  installation  pre-
       fix,  e.g.  /usr/local  prepended  with the DESTDIR value which finally
       gives /home/john/usr/local.  When  preparing  a  package,  CPack  first
       installs the items to be packaged in a local (to the build tree) direc-
       tory  by  using  the  same   DESTDIR   mechanism.    Nevertheless,   if
       CPACK_SET_DESTDIR  is  set then CPack will set DESTDIR before doing the
       local  install.   The  most  noticeable  difference  is  that   without
       fix   whereas   with   CPACK_SET_DESTDIR   set,    CPack    will    use
       CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX as a prefix.

       Manually setting CPACK_SET_DESTDIR may help (or simply be necessary) if
       some install rules uses absolute DESTINATION (see CMake install()  com-
       mand).  However, starting with CPack/CMake 2.8.3 RPM and DEB installers
       tries to handle DESTDIR automatically so that it  is  seldom  necessary
       for the user to set it.

       Ask CPack to warn each time a file with absolute INSTALL DESTINATION is

       This  variable   triggers   the   definition   of   CMAKE_WARN_ON_ABSO-
       LUTE_INSTALL_DESTINATION when CPack runs cmake_install.cmake scripts.

       New in version 3.13.

       Operator to read cache variables.

       Use the syntax $CACHE{VAR} to read cache entry VAR.  See the cmake-lan-
       guage(7) variables documentation for more complete documentation of the
       interaction of normal variables and cache entries.

       When  evaluating  Variable  References  of the form ${VAR}, CMake first
       searches for a normal variable with that name, and if not  found  CMake
       will  search  for a cache entry with that name.  The $CACHE{VAR} syntax
       can be used to do direct cache lookup and ignore  any  existing  normal

       See  the set() and unset() commands to see how to write or remove cache

       Operator to read environment variables.

       Use the syntax $ENV{VAR} to read environment variable VAR.

       To test whether an environment variable is defined, use  the  signature
       if(DEFINED ENV{<name>}) of the if() command.

       See  the set() and unset() commands to see how to write or remove envi-
       ronment variables.

       CMake has many internal variables.   Most  of  them  are  undocumented.
       Some  of  them,  however,  were at some point described as normal vari-
       ables, and therefore may be encountered in legacy code. They  are  sub-
       ject to change, and not recommended for use in project code.

       Path to top of source tree. Same as CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR.

       This  is  an  internal  cache entry used to locate the source directory
       when loading a CMakeCache.txt from a build tree.  It should not be used
       in  project code.  The variable CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR has the same value and
       should be preferred.

       An internal variable subject to change.

       This is used in determining the compiler ABI and is subject to change.

       An internal variable subject to change.

       This is used in determining the compiler ABI and is subject to change.

       New in version 3.10.

       An internal variable subject to change.

       This is used to identify the variant of a compiler based on its  target
       architecture.   For some compilers this is needed to determine the cor-
       rect usage.

       New in version 3.10.

       An internal variable subject to change.

       This is used to identify the variant of a compiler based on an internal
       version  number.   For  some  compilers this is needed to determine the
       correct usage.

       An internal variable subject to change.

       This is used in determining the platform and is subject to change.

       Skip _BUILD_TYPE flags if true.

       This is an internal flag used by the generators in CMake to tell  CMake
       to skip the _BUILD_TYPE flags.

       When generating for Visual Studio 9 2008 or greater with the Intel For-
       tran plugin installed, this specifies the .vfproj project  file  format
       version.   This is intended for internal use by CMake and should not be
       used by project code.

       2000-2021 Kitware, Inc. and Contributors

       See attributes(7) for descriptions of the following attributes:

       |Availability   | developer/build/cmake |
       |Stability      | Uncommitted           |

       Source code for open source software components in Oracle  Solaris  can
       be found at https://www.oracle.com/downloads/opensource/solaris-source-

       This    software    was    built    from    source     available     at
       https://github.com/oracle/solaris-userland.    The  original  community
       source                was                downloaded                from

       Further information about this software can be found on the open source
       community website at http://www.cmake.org/.

3.21.0                           Jun 27, 2022               CMAKE-VARIABLES(7)