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Updated: Wednesday, July 27, 2022

webui-dashboard (7)


webui-dashboard - The Oracle Solaris WebUI Dashboard


The Oracle Solaris 11.4 Dashboard is the main screen of the Oracle Solaris WebUI. Typically, it is the first screen that users see after logging in. (Note, however, that it is possible for users to login and navigate directly to other WebUI apps, bypassing the Dashboard.) The term Dashboard here refers to the System Status panel consisting of charts and tables and does not include the main WebUI header area and its associated menus and buttons, which is covered in webui(7) manual page.

The purpose of the Dashboard is to provide a landing page within the Oracle Solaris WebUI which gives users an overview of the system's current and recent state and highlights any anomalies that might require their attention.

The Dashboard is accessed by navigating to the WebUI's base URL: https://<hostname>:6787/solaris/

The System Status panel of the Dashboard consists of a toolbar and a series of tiles containing tables and charts.


The toolbar contains two buttons: Pause/Resume Charts and Faults and Activity. The Pause/Resume Charts button will pause and re-start the polling of sstore(7) to retrieve updated data for the charts. The Faults and Activity button toggles the visibility of the Faults/Recent Activity table (see below). Hiding the Faults/Recent Activity table makes more room for charts on smaller browser windows.

Faults/Recent Activity table

This table, when visible, is always the first tile in the System Status section. It shows recent events that occurred on the system, divided into two tabs: the Faults tab shows FMA faults and the Recent Activity tab shows all other events. Both tabs contain selection and filter fields that can be used to narrow down the list of events shown. If there are events to show then a summary of each event is shown in the table below. Clicking on an event opens a popup dialog that gives more details about the event.

The Faults/Recent Activity table is limited to showing a total of up to 100 events from the previous 7 days. If there are in excess of 100 events to show or if the events occurred more than a week ago, they will be truncated from the list.


The remainder of the available Dashboard space is taken up with a series of charts that show recent system activity in a number of different categories, overlaid with any related events which occurred on the system at that time. These charts show utilization, saturation, and errors for important system resources. For more information about the performance methodology, see the analytics(7) manual page.

As the user changes the size of the browser window, these charts may re-flow and reorder themselves to best utilize the available space.

Each chart has a brief title describing what it depicts. Hovering the mouse over a chart will bring up a slightly more verbose tooltip explaining the chart's contents.

If the chart contains events, they are depicted with small triangles within the chart. Hovering the mouse over an event marker will bring up a tooltip giving more information about the event.

Clicking on any chart tile will close the Dashboard and take the user to a relevant sheet in the analytics(7) app which will allow the user to see a more detailed view of related stats and allow greater user interaction.

See Also

analytics(7), webui(7)