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Updated: Wednesday, July 27, 2022



webui - Oracle Solaris WebUI


The Oracle Solaris WebUI is a framework for delivering web apps for Oracle Solaris. It provides a means of authenticating users and allowing the user to navigate between various web apps that are integrated with the WebUI.

By default, the WebUI listens on port 6787. Listening on port 443 and then redirecting requests to port 6787 can be enabled by setting conf/redirect_from_https to true on svc:/system/webui/server:default. See the webui-service(7) manual page for an example.


Each screen within the WebUI, except for the Login screen, corresponds to a different route or URL. Examples of screens are the main WebUI Dashboard screen or any of the screens in the Analytics app such as the Home Sheet screen.

Navigating from one screen to another (by, for example, clicking on a chart in the Dashboard to open up a specific sheet in the Analytics app) changes the current WebUI route. The URL in the browser will change but the entire WebUI is not reloaded on each route change. The user can also use the browser's back and forward buttons to switch between previously visited screens without reloading the WebUI.

All URLs beginning with the WebUI's base route, https://<hostname>/solaris/ are under the control of the WebUI.

Login Screen

If an user attempts to access a URL within the WebUI and they do not have a valid session running, they are first directed to the Login screen. There they must enter a valid username and password for the system. Authentication is performed using the Oracle Solaris RAD PAM module.

The Login screen has a simplified version of the WebUI header, which shows the Oracle logo and a title, but does not contain any interactive user interface elements. The Login screen also contains a simple footer with links to standard Oracle terms and conditions and copyright information. This footer is only shown on the Login screen and it is removed to save space once the user is fully logged in.

Accessibility Screen

The first time a user logs in, they will be presented with a screen showing Accessibility options. If the user does not select the option labeled 'Show these options' at sign in, this screen will not be shown to the user again on this system.

The Accessibility screen contains a version of the WebUI header with a single button allowing the user to Sign Out without proceeding. The Accessibility screen contains the same footer as the Login screen.

Other Screens

Once the users have passed the Login screen, they are taken to whichever screen they entered the URL for. If the user entered the base WebUI route: https://<hostname>/solaris/ they will go be taken to the Oracle Solaris WebUI Dashboard.

If they enter any URL prefixed by this address, they will be taken to the corresponding screen. If the URL entered is not a valid route for a WebUI screen, they will be shown an error message.

Once the user has logged into the WebUI, the footer is removed to save space and the header is replaced with a different header that gives access to more WebUI functionality.

WebUI Header UI Components

The top left of the header consists of an Oracle logo and the title of the currently running WebUI app (or the Dashboard's title, if no other app is running). Clicking on the Oracle logo will navigate the user back to the Dashboard from any WebUI app.

The top right area of the header contains the WebUI Toolbar which consists of the following elements:

  • Faults & Events counters

  • System Info toggle button

  • Applications menu

  • User menu

Faults & Events counters

This area shows either a single icon with the accompanying text: No alerts, or three icons showing counts of high, medium and low priority faults and events that have occurred on the system.

System Info toggle button

This is a button whose label is the system's hostname. Clicking this button will toggle the appearance of a drawer that shows high-level information about the system such as its IP address and CPU architecture.

Applications Menu

Using this menu the user can navigate between the Dashboard and any WebUI apps that are installed on the system. The Analytics app will always be installed with the WebUI, other apps may optionally be installed.

User Menu

This menu button is labeled with the name of the currently logged in user. This menu provides access to the following options:


This option opens the help screens.


This option opens a dialog box showing some information about the WebUI itself.

Sign Out

This option will log the user out of the WebUI and take them back to the login screen. Any polling of sstore(7) for chart or event data will be terminated.

Logging out does not change the WebUI route. If the user logs back in again in the same browser window, they will go back to the app screen that they logged out from.

Application Tabs

If the currently running application has more than one screen, then there will be a number of tab buttons arranged together under the WebUI Toolbar. The currently active screen will be indicated by its tab having a blue background. Clicking on any other tab button will take the user to the relevant screen within the app.

See Also

analytics(7), webui-dashboard(7), webui-preferences(7), webui-service(7)