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Updated: Wednesday, July 27, 2022

cpack-generators (7)


cpack-generators - CPack Generator Reference


Please see following description for synopsis


CPACK-GENERATORS(7)                  CMake                 CPACK-GENERATORS(7)

       cpack-generators - CPack Generator Reference

   CPack Archive Generator
       CPack generator for packaging files into an archive, which can have any
       of the following formats:

          o 7Z - 7zip - (.7z)

          o TBZ2 (.tar.bz2)

          o TGZ (.tar.gz)

          o TXZ (.tar.xz)

          o TZ (.tar.Z)

          o TZST (.tar.zst)

          o ZIP (.zip)

       New in version 3.1: 7Z and TXZ formats support.

       New in version 3.16: TZST format support.

       When this generator is called from CPackSourceConfig.cmake (or  through
       the package_source target), then the generated archive will contain all
       files  in  the   project   directory,   except   those   specified   in
       CPACK_SOURCE_IGNORE_FILES.   The  following is one example of packaging
       all source files of a project:


       When this generator is called from CPackConfig.cmake  (or  through  the
       package target), then the generated archive will contain all files that
       have been installed via CMake's install() command (and  the  deprecated
       commands install_files(), install_programs(), and install_targets()).

   Variables specific to CPack Archive generator

              Package file name without extension. The extension is determined
              from the archive  format  (see  list  above)  and  automatically
              appended   to  the  file  name.   The  default  is  <CPACK_PACK-
              AGE_FILE_NAME>[-<component>], with spaces replaced by '-'.

              New  in   version   3.9:   Per-component   CPACK_ARCHIVE_<compo-
              nent>_FILE_NAME variables.

              Enable  component  packaging.  If enabled (ON), then the archive
              generator creates  multiple packages. The default is OFF,  which
              means  that  a single package containing files of all components
              is generated.

   Variables used by CPack Archive generator
       These variables are used by the Archive generator, but are also  avail-
       able  to CPack generators which are essentially archives at their core.
       These include:

          o CPack Cygwin Generator

          o CPack FreeBSD Generator

              New in version 3.18.

              The number of threads to use when performing the compression. If
              set  to  0, the number of available cores on the machine will be
              used instead.  The default is 1 which limits  compression  to  a
              single  thread.  Note  that  not  all  compression modes support
              threading in all environments. Currently, only the  XZ  compres-
              sion may support it.

              See also the CPACK_THREADS variable.

              New  in  version  3.21:  Official  CMake  binaries  available on
              cmake.org now ship with a liblzma that  supports  parallel  com-
              pression.  Older versions did not.

   CPack Bundle Generator
       CPack Bundle generator (macOS) specific options

   Variables specific to CPack Bundle generator
       Installers  built on macOS using the Bundle generator use the aforemen-
       tioned DragNDrop (CPACK_DMG_xxx) variables,  plus  the  following  Bun-
       dle-specific parameters (CPACK_BUNDLE_xxx).

              The  name  of  the  generated  bundle. This appears in the macOS
              Finder as the bundle name. Required.

              Path to an macOS Property List (.plist) file that will  be  used
              for  the generated bundle. This assumes that the caller has gen-
              erated or specified their own Info.plist file. Required.

              Path to an macOS icon file that will be used as the icon for the
              generated  bundle.  This  is  the icon that appears in the macOS
              Finder for the bundle, and in the macOS dock when the bundle  is
              opened. Required.

              Path  to  a  startup  script. This is a path to an executable or
              script that will be run whenever an end-user  double-clicks  the
              generated bundle in the macOS Finder. Optional.

              New in version 3.2.

              The name of your Apple supplied code signing certificate for the
              application.  The name  usually  takes  the  form  Developer  ID
              Application:  [Name]  or  3rd  Party  Mac Developer Application:
              [Name]. If this variable is not set the application will not  be

              New in version 3.2.

              The  name  of the Property List (.plist) file that contains your
              Apple entitlements for sandboxing your application. This file is
              required for submission to the macOS App Store.

              New in version 3.2.

              A  list  of  additional files that you wish to be signed. You do
              not need to list the main application folder, or the  main  exe-
              cutable.  You  should  list  any frameworks and plugins that are
              included in your app bundle.

              New in version 3.3.

              Additional parameter that  will  passed  to  codesign.   Default
              value: --deep -f

              New in version 3.2.

              Path  to  the codesign(1) command used to sign applications with
              an Apple cert. This variable can be used to override  the  auto-
              matically  detected  command  (or  specify  its  location if the
              auto-detection fails to find it).

   CPack Cygwin Generator
       Cygwin CPack generator (Cygwin).

   Variables affecting the CPack Cygwin generator
       o New in version 3.18: CPACK_ARCHIVE_THREADS

   Variables specific to CPack Cygwin generator
       The following variable is specific to installers build  on  and/or  for

              The  Cygwin  patch  number.  FIXME: This documentation is incom-

              The Cygwin patch file.  FIXME: This documentation is incomplete.

              The Cygwin build script.  FIXME: This  documentation  is  incom-

   CPack DEB Generator
       The built in (binary) CPack DEB generator (Unix only)

   Variables specific to CPack Debian (DEB) generator
       The  CPack DEB generator may be used to create DEB package using CPack.
       The CPack DEB generator is a CPack generator thus it uses the CPACK_XXX
       variables used by CPack.

       The  CPack DEB generator should work on any Linux host but it will pro-
       duce better deb package when Debian specific tools dpkg-xxx are  usable
       on the build system.

       The  CPack  DEB generator has specific features which are controlled by
       the specifics CPACK_DEBIAN_XXX variables.

       CPACK_DEBIAN_<COMPONENT>_XXXX variables may be used in  order  to  have
       component specific values.  Note however that <COMPONENT> refers to the
       grouping name written in upper case. It may be either a component  name
       or a component GROUP name.

       Here are some CPack DEB generator wiki resources that are here for his-
       toric reasons and are no longer maintained but may still prove useful:

          o https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/community/-/wikis/doc/cpack/Configuration

          o https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/community/-/wikis/doc/cpack/PackageGenerators#deb-unix-only

       List of CPack DEB generator specific variables:

              Enable component packaging for CPackDEB

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   : OFF

              If enabled (ON) multiple packages are generated.  By  default  a
              single package containing files of all components is generated.


              Set Package control field (variable is automatically transformed
              to lower case).

              o Mandatory : YES

              o Default   :

                o CPACK_PACKAGE_NAME for non-component based installations

                o CPACK_DEBIAN_PACKAGE_NAME  suffixed  with  -<COMPONENT>  for
                  component-based installations.

              New in version 3.5: Per-component CPACK_DEBIAN_<COMPONENT>_PACK-
              AGE_NAME variables.



              New in version 3.6.

              Package file name.

              o Mandatory : YES

              o Default   : <CPACK_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME>[-<component>].deb

              This may be set to DEB-DEFAULT to allow the CPack DEB  generator
              to generate package file name by itself in deb format:


              Alternatively  provided  package  file name must end with either
              .deb or .ipk suffix.

              New in version 3.10: .ipk suffix used by OPKG packaging system.

                 Preferred setting of this variable  is  DEB-DEFAULT  but  for
                 backward  compatibility with the CPack DEB generator in CMake
                 prior to version 3.6 this feature is disabled by default.

                 By using non default filenames  duplicate  names  may  occur.
                 Duplicate  files get overwritten and it is up to the packager
                 to set the variables in  a  manner  that  will  prevent  such

              New in version 3.10.

              The Debian package epoch

              o Mandatory : No

              o Default   : -

              Optional  number  that  should be incremented when changing ver-
              sioning schemas or fixing mistakes in  the  version  numbers  of
              older packages.

              The Debian package version

              o Mandatory : YES

              o Default   : CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION

              This variable may contain only alphanumerics (A-Za-z0-9) and the
              characters . + - ~ (full stop, plus, hyphen, tilde)  and  should
              start  with  a digit. If CPACK_DEBIAN_PACKAGE_RELEASE is not set
              then hyphens are not allowed.

                 For backward compatibility with CMake 3.9 and lower a  failed
                 test of this variable's content is not a hard error when both
                 variables are not set. An author warning is reported instead.

              New in version 3.6.

              The Debian package release - Debian revision number.

              o Mandatory : No

              o Default   : -

              This  is  the numbering of the DEB package itself, i.e. the ver-
              sion of the packaging and not the version of  the  content  (see
              CPACK_DEBIAN_PACKAGE_VERSION).  One may change the default value
              if the previous packaging was buggy and/or you want to put  here
              a fancy Linux distro specific numbering.


              The Debian package architecture

              o Mandatory : YES

              o Default    :  Output  of dpkg --print-architecture (or i386 if
                dpkg is not found)

              New in version 3.6: Per-component CPACK_DEBIAN_<COMPONENT>_PACK-
              AGE_ARCHITECTURE variables.


              Sets the Debian dependencies of this package.

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   :

                o An empty string for non-component based installations

                o CPACK_DEBIAN_PACKAGE_DEPENDS  for  component-based installa-

              New in version 3.3: Per-component CPACK_DEBIAN_<COMPONENT>_PACK-
              AGE_DEPENDS variables.

                 If   CPACK_DEBIAN_PACKAGE_SHLIBDEPS   or   more  specifically
                 CPACK_DEBIAN_<COMPONENT>_PACKAGE_SHLIBDEPS is  set  for  this
                 component,  the  discovered  dependencies will be appended to
                 CPACK_DEBIAN_<COMPONENT>_PACKAGE_DEPENDS      instead      of
                 CPACK_DEBIAN_PACKAGE_DEPENDS.                              If
                 CPACK_DEBIAN_<COMPONENT>_PACKAGE_DEPENDS is an empty  string,
                 only  the  automatically  discovered dependencies will be set
                 for this component.


                 set(CPACK_DEBIAN_PACKAGE_DEPENDS "libc6 (>= 2.3.1-6), libc6 (< 2.4)")

              New in version 3.6.

              Sets inter-component dependencies if  listed  with  CPACK_COMPO-
              NENT_<compName>_DEPENDS variables.

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   : -

              The Debian package maintainer

              o Mandatory : YES

              o Default   : CPACK_PACKAGE_CONTACT


              The Debian package description

              o Mandatory : YES

              o Default   :

                o CPACK_DEBIAN_<COMPONENT>_DESCRIPTION  (component  based  in-
                  stallers only) if set,  or  CPACK_DEBIAN_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION
                  if set, or

                o CPACK_COMPONENT_<compName>_DESCRIPTION  (component based in-
                  stallers only) if set, or CPACK_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION if  set,

                o content  of  the  file  specified  in CPACK_PACKAGE_DESCRIP-
                  TION_FILE if set

              If after that description  is  not  set,  CPACK_PACKAGE_DESCRIP-
              TION_SUMMARY  going  to  be  used if set. Otherwise, CPACK_PACK-
              AGE_DESCRIPTION_SUMMARY will be  added  as  the  first  line  of
              description as defined in Debian Policy Manual.

              New   in   version   3.3:  Per-component  CPACK_COMPONENT_<comp-
              Name>_DESCRIPTION variables.

              New  in   version   3.16:   Per-component   CPACK_DEBIAN_<COMPO-
              NENT>_DESCRIPTION variables.

              New  in  version  3.16: The CPACK_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION_FILE vari-


              Set Section control field e.g. admin, devel, doc, ...

              o Mandatory : YES

              o Default   : "devel"

              New in version 3.5: Per-component CPACK_DEBIAN_<COMPONENT>_PACK-
              AGE_SECTION variables.


              New in version 3.7.

              Deprecated since version 3.14.

              The archive format used for creating the Debian package.

              o Mandatory : YES

              o Default   : "gnutar"

              Possible value is:

              o gnutar

                 This  variable  previously  defaulted  to the paxr value, but
                 dpkg has never supported that tar format. For backwards  com-
                 patibility the paxr value will be mapped to gnutar and a dep-
                 recation message will be emitted.

              New in version 3.1.

              The compression used for creating the Debian package.

              o Mandatory : YES

              o Default   : "gzip"

              Possible values are:

              o lzma

              o xz

              o bzip2

              o gzip


              Set Priority control field e.g. required,  important,  standard,
              optional, extra

              o Mandatory : YES

              o Default   : "optional"

              New in version 3.5: Per-component CPACK_DEBIAN_<COMPONENT>_PACK-
              AGE_PRIORITY variables.


              The URL of the web  site  for  this  package,  preferably  (when
              applicable)  the  site  from  which  the  original source can be
              obtained and any additional upstream documentation  or  informa-
              tion may be found.

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   : CMAKE_PROJECT_HOMEPAGE_URL

              New in version 3.12: The CMAKE_PROJECT_HOMEPAGE_URL variable.

                 The  content  of  this field is a simple URL without any sur-
                 rounding characters such as <>.


              May be set to ON in order to use dpkg-shlibdeps to generate bet-
              ter package dependency list.

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   :

                o CPACK_DEBIAN_PACKAGE_SHLIBDEPS if set or

                o OFF

                 You  may need set CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH to an appropriate value
                 if you use this feature, because if you don't  dpkg-shlibdeps
                 may    fail    to   find   your   own   shared   libs.    See

                 You  can also set CPACK_DEBIAN_PACKAGE_SHLIBDEPS_PRIVATE_DIRS
                 to an appropriate value if you use this feature, in order  to
                 please  dpkg-shlibdeps.  However, you should only do this for
                 private shared libraries that could not get  resolved  other-

              New in version 3.3: Per-component CPACK_DEBIAN_<COMPONENT>_PACK-
              AGE_SHLIBDEPS variables.

              New  in  version   3.6:   Correct   handling   of   $ORIGIN   in

              New in version 3.20.

              May  be  set  to  a  list  of  directories that will be given to
              dpkg-shlibdeps via its -l option.  These  will  be  searched  by
              dpkg-shlibdeps in order to find private shared library dependen-

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   :

                 You should prefer to set CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH to an  appropri-
                 ate  value  if  you use dpkg-shlibdeps. The current option is
                 really only needed for private shared library dependencies.

              May be set when invoking cpack in order to trace debug  informa-
              tion during the CPack DEB generator run.

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   : -


              Sets the Pre-Depends field of the Debian package.  Like Depends,
              except that it also forces dpkg to complete installation of  the
              packages  named  before  even  starting  the installation of the
              package which declares the pre-dependency.

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   :

                o An empty string for non-component based installations

                o CPACK_DEBIAN_PACKAGE_PREDEPENDS for component-based  instal-

              New in version 3.4: Per-component CPACK_DEBIAN_<COMPONENT>_PACK-
              AGE_PREDEPENDS variables.



              Sets the Enhances field  of  the  Debian  package.   Similar  to
              Suggests  but  works  in the opposite direction: declares that a
              package can enhance the functionality of another package.

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   :

                o An empty string for non-component based installations

                o CPACK_DEBIAN_PACKAGE_ENHANCES for component-based  installa-

              New in version 3.4: Per-component CPACK_DEBIAN_<COMPONENT>_PACK-
              AGE_ENHANCES variables.



              Sets the Breaks field of the  Debian  package.   When  a  binary
              package  (P)  declares  that  it breaks other packages (B), dpkg
              will not allow the package (P) which declares Breaks be unpacked
              unless  the  packages  that  will be broken (B) are deconfigured
              first.  As long as the package (P) is configured, the previously
              deconfigured packages (B) cannot be reconfigured again.

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   :

                o An empty string for non-component based installations

                o CPACK_DEBIAN_PACKAGE_BREAKS  for  component-based  installa-

              New in version 3.4: Per-component CPACK_DEBIAN_<COMPONENT>_PACK-
              AGE_BREAKS variables.



              Sets the Conflicts field of the Debian package.  When one binary
              package declares a  conflict  with  another  using  a  Conflicts
              field,  dpkg will not allow them to be unpacked on the system at
              the same time.

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   :

                o An empty string for non-component based installations

                o CPACK_DEBIAN_PACKAGE_CONFLICTS for component-based installa-

              New in version 3.4: Per-component CPACK_DEBIAN_<COMPONENT>_PACK-
              AGE_CONFLICTS variables.


                 This is a stronger restriction than  Breaks,  which  prevents
                 the  broken  package from being configured while the breaking
                 package is in the "Unpacked" state but allows  both  packages
                 to be unpacked at the same time.


              Sets  the Provides field of the Debian package.  A virtual pack-
              age is one which  appears  in  the  Provides  control  field  of
              another package.

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   :

                o An empty string for non-component based installations

                o CPACK_DEBIAN_PACKAGE_PROVIDES  for component-based installa-

              New in version 3.4: Per-component CPACK_DEBIAN_<COMPONENT>_PACK-
              AGE_PROVIDES variables.



              Sets  the  Replaces  field  of the Debian package.  Packages can
              declare in their control file that they should  overwrite  files
              in certain other packages, or completely replace other packages.

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   :

                o An empty string for non-component based installations

                o CPACK_DEBIAN_PACKAGE_REPLACES  for component-based installa-

              New in version 3.4: Per-component CPACK_DEBIAN_<COMPONENT>_PACK-
              AGE_REPLACES variables.



              Sets  the  Recommends field of the Debian package.  Allows pack-
              ages to declare a strong, but not absolute, dependency on  other

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   :

                o An empty string for non-component based installations

                o CPACK_DEBIAN_PACKAGE_RECOMMENDS  for component-based instal-

              New in version 3.4: Per-component CPACK_DEBIAN_<COMPONENT>_PACK-
              AGE_RECOMMENDS variables.



              Sets  the Suggests field of the Debian package.  Allows packages
              to declare a suggested package install grouping.

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   :

                o An empty string for non-component based installations

                o CPACK_DEBIAN_PACKAGE_SUGGESTS for component-based  installa-

              New in version 3.4: Per-component CPACK_DEBIAN_<COMPONENT>_PACK-
              AGE_SUGGESTS variables.


              New in version 3.6.

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   : OFF

              Allows to generate shlibs control file  automatically.  Compati-
              bility is defined by CPACK_DEBIAN_PACKAGE_GENERATE_SHLIBS_POLICY
              variable value.

                 Libraries are only considered if they have both library  name
                 and  version set. This can be done by setting SOVERSION prop-
                 erty with set_target_properties() command.

              New in version 3.6.

              Compatibility policy for auto-generated shlibs control file.

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   : "="

              Defines compatibility policy for auto-generated  shlibs  control
              file.  Possible values: "=", ">="



              This  variable  allow  advanced user to add custom script to the
              control.tar.gz.   Typical  usage  is  for  conffiles,  postinst,
              postrm, prerm.

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   : -



              New in version 3.4: Per-component CPACK_DEBIAN_<COMPONENT>_PACK-
              AGE_CONTROL_EXTRA variables.


              New in version 3.4.

              This variable indicates if the Debian policy  on  control  files
              should be strictly followed.

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   : FALSE



              This  overrides the permissions on the original files, following
              the       rules        set        by        Debian        policy

                 The original permissions of the files will  be  used  in  the
                 final  package  unless this variable is set to TRUE.  In par-
                 ticular, the scripts should have the proper  executable  flag
                 prior to the generation of the package.


              New in version 3.5.

              Sets  the  Source  field of the binary Debian package.  When the
              binary package name is not the same as the source  package  name
              (in  particular  when  several components/binaries are generated
              from one source) the source from which the binary has been  gen-
              erated should be indicated with the field Source.

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   :

                o An empty string for non-component based installations

                o CPACK_DEBIAN_PACKAGE_SOURCE  for  component-based  installa-


                 This value is not interpreted. It  is  possible  to  pass  an
                 optional  revision number of the referenced source package as

   Packaging of debug information
       New in version 3.13.

       Dbgsym packages contain debug symbols for debugging packaged binaries.

       Dbgsym packaging has its own set of variables:


              Enable generation of dbgsym .ddeb package(s).

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   : OFF

          Binaries must contain debug symbols before packaging so  use  either
          Debug or RelWithDebInfo for CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE variable value.

   Building Debian packages on Windows
       New in version 3.10.

       To  communicate  UNIX  file  permissions  from the install stage to the
       CPack DEB generator the "cmake_mode_t" NTFS alternate data stream (ADT)
       is used.

       When  a  filesystem  without  ADT support is used only owner read/write
       permissions can be preserved.

   Reproducible packages
       New in version 3.13.

       The environment variable SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH may be set to a  UNIX  time-
       stamp,  defined as the number of seconds, excluding leap seconds, since
       01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 UTC.  If set, the CPack DEB generator will use its
       value for timestamps in the package.

   CPack DragNDrop Generator
       The DragNDrop CPack generator (macOS) creates a DMG image.

   Variables specific to CPack DragNDrop generator
       The  following variables are specific to the DragNDrop installers built
       on macOS:

              The volume  name  of  the  generated  disk  image.  Defaults  to

              The  disk image format. Common values are UDRO (UDIF read-only),
              UDZO (UDIF zlib-compressed)  or  UDBZ  (UDIF  bzip2-compressed).
              Refer to hdiutil(1) for more information on other available for-
              mats. Defaults to UDZO.

              Path to a custom .DS_Store file. This .DS_Store file can be used
              to  specify the Finder window position/geometry and layout (such
              as hidden toolbars, placement of the icons etc.). This file  has
              to be generated by the Finder (either manually or through Apple-
              Script) using a normal folder from which the .DS_Store file  can
              then be extracted.

              New in version 3.5.

              Path  to a custom AppleScript file.  This AppleScript is used to
              generate a .DS_Store file  which  specifies  the  Finder  window
              position/geometry and layout (such as hidden toolbars, placement
              of the icons etc.).  By specifying a custom AppleScript there is
              no need to use CPACK_DMG_DS_STORE, as the .DS_Store that is gen-
              erated by the AppleScript will be packaged.

              Path to an image file to be used as the background.   This  file
              will  be  copied to .background/background.<ext>, where <ext> is
              the original image file  extension.   The  background  image  is
              installed  into the image before CPACK_DMG_DS_STORE_SETUP_SCRIPT
              is executed or CPACK_DMG_DS_STORE is installed.  By  default  no
              background image is set.

              New in version 3.6.

              Default behavior is to include a symlink to /Applications in the
              DMG.  Set this option to ON to avoid adding the symlink.

              New in version 3.5.

              Directory where license and menu files for  different  languages
              are  stored.   Setting  this  causes  CPack  to look for a <lan-
              guage>.menu.txt    and    <language>.license.txt    or     <lan-
              guage>.license.rtf   file   for   every   language   defined  in
              CPACK_DMG_SLA_LANGUAGES.    If   both    this    variable    and
              CPACK_RESOURCE_FILE_LICENSE  are  set,  CPack will only look for
              the menu files and use the same license file for all  languages.
              If both <language>.license.txt and <language>.license.rtf exist,
              the .txt file will be used.

              New in version 3.17: RTF support.

              New in version 3.5.

              Languages for which a license agreement is provided when  mount-
              ing  the generated DMG. A menu file consists of 9 lines of text.
              The first line is is the name of the language itself, uppercase,
              in  English  (e.g. German).  The other lines are translations of
              the following strings:

              o Agree

              o Disagree

              o Print

              o Save...

              o You agree to the terms of the License Agreement when you click
                the "Agree" button.

              o Software License Agreement

              o This  text cannot be saved. The disk may be full or locked, or
                the file may be locked.

              o Unable to print. Make sure you have selected a printer.

              For every language in this list, CPack will try  to  find  files
              <language>.menu.txt  and <language>.license.txt in the directory
              specified by the CPACK_DMG_SLA_DIR variable.

              New in version 3.17.

              File name when packaging <component> as its own DMG  (CPACK_COM-
              PONENTS_GROUPING set to IGNORE).

              o Default: CPACK_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME-<component>

              The filesystem format. Common values are APFS and HFS+.  See man
              hdiutil for a full list of supported formats.  Defaults to HFS+.

              Path to the hdiutil(1) command used to  operate  on  disk  image
              files  on macOS. This variable can be used to override the auto-
              matically detected command  (or  specify  its  location  if  the
              auto-detection fails to find it).

              Path  to  the SetFile(1) command used to set extended attributes
              on files and directories on macOS. This variable can be used  to
              override  the  automatically  detected  command  (or specify its
              location if the auto-detection fails to find it).

              Path to the Rez(1) command used to compile resources  on  macOS.
              This variable can be used to override the automatically detected
              command (or specify its location if the auto-detection fails  to
              find it).

   CPack External Generator
       New in version 3.13.

       CPack  provides  many  generators  to  create packages for a variety of
       platforms and packaging systems. The intention is for CMake/CPack to be
       a  complete  end-to-end  solution for building and packaging a software
       project. However, it may not always be possible to use  CPack  for  the
       entire  packaging process, due to either technical limitations or poli-
       cies that require the use of certain tools. For this reason, CPack pro-
       vides  the  "External" generator, which allows external packaging soft-
       ware to take advantage of some of the functionality provided by  CPack,
       such as component installation and the dependency graph.

   Integration with External Packaging Tools
       The  CPack  External  generator  generates  a .json file containing the
       CPack internal metadata, which gives external software  information  on
       how  to  package  the  software. External packaging software may itself
       invoke CPack, consume the generated metadata, install and package files
       as required.

       Alternatively  CPack  can invoke an external packaging software through
       an  optional  custom  CMake  script  in   CPACK_EXTERNAL_PACKAGE_SCRIPT

       Staging  of  installation files may also optionally be taken care of by
       the generator when enabled  through  the  CPACK_EXTERNAL_ENABLE_STAGING

   JSON Format
       The  JSON  metadata file contains a list of CPack components and compo-
       nent groups, the various options passed  to  cpack_add_component()  and
       cpack_add_component_group(),  the  dependencies  between the components
       and component groups, and various other options passed to CPack.

       The JSON's root object will always provide two fields: formatVersionMa-
       jor and formatVersionMinor, which are always integers that describe the
       output format of the generator.  Backwards-compatible  changes  to  the
       output  format  (for  example,  adding  a  new  field that didn't exist
       before) cause the minor version to be incremented, and backwards-incom-
       patible changes (for example, deleting a field or changing its meaning)
       cause the major version to be incremented and the minor  version  reset
       to  0. The format version is always of the format major.minor. In other
       words, it always has exactly two parts, separated by a period.

       You can request one or more specific versions of the output  format  as
       described below with CPACK_EXTERNAL_REQUESTED_VERSIONS. The output for-
       mat will have a major version that exactly matches the requested  major
       version,  and  a  minor  version  that  is greater than or equal to the
       requested  minor   version.   If   no   version   is   requested   with
       CPACK_EXTERNAL_REQUESTED_VERSIONS,  the  latest  known major version is
       used by default. Currently, the only supported format is 1.0, which  is
       described below.

   Version 1.0
       In  addition to the standard format fields, format version 1.0 provides
       the following fields in the root:

              The components field is an object with component  names  as  the
              keys  and  objects  describing the components as the values. The
              component objects have the following fields:

              name   The name of the component. This is always the same as the
                     key in the components object.

                     The   value   of   the   DISPLAY_NAME   field  passed  to

                     The  value   of   the   DESCRIPTION   field   passed   to

                     True if HIDDEN was passed to cpack_add_component(), false
                     if it was not.

                     True if REQUIRED  was  passed  to  cpack_add_component(),
                     false if it was not.

                     True  if  DISABLED  was  passed to cpack_add_component(),
                     false if it was not.

              group  Only present if  GROUP  was  passed  to  cpack_add_compo-
                     nent().  If  so,  this field is a string value containing
                     the component's group.

                     An array of components the  component  depends  on.  This
                     contains  the  values  in  the DEPENDS argument passed to
                     cpack_add_component(). If no DEPENDS argument was passed,
                     this is an empty list.

                     An  array of installation types the component is part of.
                     This contains the values in  the  INSTALL_TYPES  argument
                     passed  to  cpack_add_component().  If  no  INSTALL_TYPES
                     argument was passed, this is an empty list.

                     True if DOWNLOADED was passed  to  cpack_add_component(),
                     false if it was not.

                     The name of the archive file passed with the ARCHIVE_FILE
                     argument to  cpack_add_component().  If  no  ARCHIVE_FILE
                     argument was passed, this is an empty string.

              The  componentGroups  field  is  an  object with component group
              names as the keys and objects describing the component groups as
              the  values.  The  component  group  objects  have the following

              name   The name of the component group. This is always the  same
                     as the key in the componentGroups object.

                     The   value   of   the   DISPLAY_NAME   field  passed  to

                     The  value   of   the   DESCRIPTION   field   passed   to

                     Only present if PARENT_GROUP was passed to cpack_add_com-
                     ponent_group(). If so, this field is a string value  con-
                     taining the component group's parent group.

                     True   if   EXPANDED   was   passed  to  cpack_add_compo-
                     nent_group(), false if it was not.

              isBold True  if  BOLD_TITLE  was  passed   to   cpack_add_compo-
                     nent_group(), false if it was not.

                     An  array  of names of components that are direct members
                     of the group (components that have this  group  as  their
                     GROUP). Components of subgroups are not included.

                     An  array of names of component groups that are subgroups
                     of the group (groups that have this group as  their  PAR-

              The  installationTypes field is an object with installation type
              names as the keys and objects describing the installation  types
              as  the values. The installation type objects have the following

              name   The name of the installation type.  This  is  always  the
                     same as the key in the installationTypes object.

                     The   value   of   the   DISPLAY_NAME   field  passed  to

              index  The integer index of the installation type in the list.

              The projects field is  an  array  of  objects  describing  CMake
              projects  which  comprise  the CPack project. The values in this
              field are derived  from  CPACK_INSTALL_CMAKE_PROJECTS.  In  most
              cases,  this  will be only a single project. The project objects
              have the following fields:

                     The project name passed to CPACK_INSTALL_CMAKE_PROJECTS.

                     The name of the component or  component  set  which  com-
                     prises the project.

                     The  build  directory  of  the CMake project. This is the
                     directory which contains the cmake_install.cmake script.

                     The subdirectory to install the project into  inside  the
                     CPack package.

              The  package  name  given in CPACK_PACKAGE_NAME. Only present if
              this option is set.

              The package version given in CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION. Only present
              if this option is set.

              The  package  description  file  given in CPACK_PACKAGE_DESCRIP-
              TION_FILE. Only present if this option is set.

              The package description summary given in  CPACK_PACKAGE_DESCRIP-
              TION_SUMMARY. Only present if this option is set.

              The  build configuration given to CPack with the -C option. Only
              present if this option is set.

              The     default     directory     permissions      given      in
              this option is set.

              True if CPACK_SET_DESTDIR is true, false if it is not.

              The install prefix given in CPACK_PACKAGING_INSTALL_PREFIX. Only
              present if CPACK_SET_DESTDIR is true.

              True if CPACK_STRIP_FILES is true, false if it is not.

              True   if  CPACK_WARN_ON_ABSOLUTE_INSTALL_DESTINATION  is  true,
              false if it is not.

              True  if  CPACK_ERROR_ON_ABSOLUTE_INSTALL_DESTINATION  is  true,
              false if it is not.

   Variables specific to CPack External generator
              This variable is used to request a specific version of the CPack
              External generator. It is a list of  major.minor  values,  sepa-
              rated by semicolons.

              If this variable is set to a non-empty value, the CPack External
              generator will iterate through each item in the list  to  search
              for  a version that it knows how to generate. Requested versions
              should be listed in order of descending preference by the client
              software, as the first matching version in the list will be gen-

              The generator knows how to generate the version if it has a ver-
              sioned   generator  whose  major  version  exactly  matches  the
              requested major version, and whose minor version is greater than
              or  equal  to  the  requested  minor  version.  For  example, if
              CPACK_EXTERNAL_REQUESTED_VERSIONS contains 1.0,  and  the  CPack
              External  generator  knows how to generate 1.1, it will generate
              1.1.  If the generator doesn't know how to generate a version in
              the  list, it skips the version and looks at the next one. If it
              doesn't know how to generate any of the requested  versions,  an
              error is thrown.

              If  this  variable  is  not set, or is empty, the CPack External
              generator will generate the highest major and minor version that
              it knows how to generate.

              If   an   invalid   version   is   encountered  in  CPACK_EXTER-
              NAL_REQUESTED_VERSIONS  (one  that  doesn't  match  major.minor,
              where major and minor are integers), it is ignored.

              This variable can be set to true to enable optional installation
              into a temporary staging area which can then be  picked  up  and
              packaged by an external packaging tool.  The top level directory
              used by CPack for the current packaging  task  is  contained  in
              CPACK_TOPLEVEL_DIRECTORY.   It  is  automatically  cleaned up on
              each run before packaging is initiated and can be used for  cus-
              tom temporary files required by the external packaging tool.  It
              also contains the staging  area  CPACK_TEMPORARY_DIRECTORY  into
              which CPack performs the installation when staging is enabled.

              This  variable  can  optionally specify the full path to a CMake
              script file to be run as part of the CPack  invocation.   It  is
              invoked  after  (optional)  staging  took  place  and may run an
              external packaging tool. The script has access to the  variables
              defined by the CPack config file.

              New in version 3.19.

              The CPACK_EXTERNAL_PACKAGE_SCRIPT script may set this list vari-
              able to the full paths of generated package files.   CPack  will
              copy  these  files  from  the  staging directory back to the top
              build directory and  possibly  produce  checksum  files  if  the
              CPACK_PACKAGE_CHECKSUM is set.

   CPack FreeBSD Generator
       New in version 3.10.

       The built in (binary) CPack FreeBSD (pkg) generator (Unix only)

   Variables affecting the CPack FreeBSD (pkg) generator
       o New in version 3.18: CPACK_ARCHIVE_THREADS

   Variables specific to CPack FreeBSD (pkg) generator
       The  CPack  FreeBSD  generator may be used to create pkg(8) packages --
       these may be used on FreeBSD, DragonflyBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD,  but  also
       on Linux or OSX, depending on the installed package-management tools --
       using CPack.

       The CPack FreeBSD generator is a CPack generator and uses the CPACK_XXX
       variables  used by CPack. It tries to re-use packaging information that
       may already be specified for Debian packages for the CPack DEB  Genera-
       tor. It also tries to re-use RPM packaging information when Debian does
       not specify.

       The CPack FreeBSD  generator  should  work  on  any  host  with  libpkg
       installed.  The packages it produces are specific to the host architec-
       ture and ABI.

       The CPack FreeBSD generator sets package-metadata  through  CPACK_FREE-
       BSD_XXX  variables.  The  CPack FreeBSD generator, unlike the CPack Deb
       generator, does not specially support componentized packages; a  single
       package  is  created  from  all  the software artifacts created through

       All of the variables can be set specifically for FreeBSD  packaging  in
       the  CPackConfig  file  or  in  CMakeLists.txt,  but  most of them have
       defaults  that  use  general  settings  (e.g.  CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME)   or
       Debian-specific  variables  when those make sense (e.g. the homepage of
       an upstream project is usually unchanged by the flavor  of  packaging).
       When  there is no Debian information to fall back on, but the RPM pack-
       aging has it, fall back to the RPM information (e.g. package license).

              Sets the package name (in the package manifest, but also affects
              the output filename).

              o Mandatory: YES

              o Default:

                o CPACK_PACKAGE_NAME  (this  is  always  set  by CPack itself,
                  based on CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME).

              Sets the package comment. This is  the  short  description  dis-
              played by pkg(8) in standard "pkg info" output.

              o Mandatory: YES

              o Default:

                o CPACK_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION_SUMMARY  (this  is  always  set by
                  CPack itself, if nothing else sets it explicitly).

                o PROJECT_DESCRIPTION (this can be set  with  the  DESCRIPTION
                  parameter for project()).

              Sets  the  package  description. This is the long description of
              the package, given by "pkg info"  with  a  specific  package  as

              o Mandatory: YES

              o Default:

                o CPACK_DEBIAN_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION  (this  may  be set already
                  for Debian packaging, so it is used as a fallback).

              The URL of the web  site  for  this  package,  preferably  (when
              applicable)  the  site  from  which  the  original source can be
              obtained and any additional upstream documentation  or  informa-
              tion may be found.

              o Mandatory: YES

              o Default:

                 o CMAKE_PROJECT_HOMEPAGE_URL,   or   if   that  is  not  set,
                   CPACK_DEBIAN_PACKAGE_HOMEPAGE (this may be set already  for
                   Debian packaging, so it is used as a fallback).

              New in version 3.12: The CMAKE_PROJECT_HOMEPAGE_URL variable.

              The  license, or licenses, which apply to this software package.
              This must be one or more license-identifiers that pkg recognizes
              as acceptable license identifiers (e.g. "GPLv2").

              o Mandatory: YES

              o Default:


              This  variable  is  only of importance if there is more than one
              license.  The default is "single", which is only applicable to a
              single  license.   Other acceptable values are determined by pkg
              -- those are "dual" or "multi" -- meaning choice (OR) or  simul-
              taneous (AND) application of the licenses.

              o Mandatory: NO

              o Default: single

              The FreeBSD maintainer (e.g. kde@freebsd.org) of this package.

              o Mandatory: YES

              o Default: none

              The  origin (ports label) of this package; for packages built by
              CPack outside of the ports system this is  of  less  importance.
              The  default  puts the package somewhere under misc/, as a stop-

              o Mandatory: YES

              o Default: misc/<package name>

              The ports categories where this package lives (if it were to  be
              built  from  ports).  If none is set a single category is deter-
              mined based on the package origin.

              o Mandatory: YES

              o Default: derived from ORIGIN

              A list of package origins that should be added as package depen-
              dencies.   These  are in the form <category>/<packagename>, e.g.
              x11/libkonq.  No version information needs to be provided  (this
              is not included in the manifest).

              o Mandatory: NO

              o Default: empty

   CPack IFW Generator
       New in version 3.1.

       Configure  and run the Qt Installer Framework to generate a Qt install-

       This cpack generator generates configuration and meta  information  for
       the  Qt Installer Framework (QtIFW), and runs QtIFW tools to generate a
       Qt installer.

       QtIFW provides tools and utilities to create installers for  the  plat-
       forms supported by Qt: Linux, Microsoft Windows, and macOS.

       To make use of this generator, QtIFW needs to be installed.  The CPack-
       IFW module looks for the location of the QtIFW command-line  utilities,
       and defines several commands to control the behavior of this generator.

       You  can  use  the  following variables to change behavior of CPack IFW

              New in version 3.3.

              Set to ON to enable addition debug output.  By default is OFF.

              Name of the installer as displayed on the title bar.  By default

              Publisher  of  the  software  (as  shown  in the Windows Control
              Panel).  By default used CPACK_PACKAGE_VENDOR.

              URL to a page that contains  product  information  on  your  web

              Filename for a custom installer icon. The actual file is '.icns'
              (macOS), '.ico' (Windows). No functionality on Unix.

              Filename for a custom window icon in PNG format for the Install-
              er application.

              Filename for a logo is used as QWizard::LogoPixmap.

              New in version 3.8.

              Filename for a watermark is used as QWizard::WatermarkPixmap.

              New in version 3.8.

              Filename for a banner is used as QWizard::BannerPixmap.

              New in version 3.8.

              Filename  for  an  image used as QWizard::BackgroundPixmap (only
              used by MacStyle).

              New in version 3.8.

              Wizard style to be used ("Modern", "Mac", "Aero" or "Classic").

              New in version 3.8.

              Default width of the wizard in pixels. Setting  a  banner  image
              will override this.

              New in version 3.8.

              Default  height  of  the  wizard  in pixels. Setting a watermark
              image will override this.

              New in version 3.20.

              Set to OFF if the widget listing installer  pages  on  the  left
              side of the wizard should not be shown.

              It is ON by default, but will only have an effect if using QtIFW
              4.0 or later.

              New in version 3.8.

              Color of the titles and subtitles (takes  an  HTML  color  code,
              such as "#88FF33").

              New in version 3.15.

              Filename for a stylesheet.

              Default  target  directory  for  installation.   By default used
              "@ApplicationsDir@/CPACK_PACKAGE_INSTALL_DIRECTORY"   (variables
              embedded in '@' are expanded by the QtIFW scripting engine).

              You can use predefined variables.

              Default  target  directory  for  installation with administrator

              You can use predefined variables.

              New in version 3.11.

              Set to OFF if the target directory should not  be  deleted  when

              Is ON by default

              The group, which will be used to configure the root package

              The root package name, which will be used if configuration group
              is not specified

              New in version 3.3.

              Name of the default program group for the product in the Windows
              Start menu.

              By default used CPACK_IFW_PACKAGE_NAME.

              New in version 3.3.

              Filename  of  the generated maintenance tool.  The platform-spe-
              cific executable file extension is appended.

              By default used QtIFW defaults (maintenancetool).

              New in version 3.3.

              Filename for the  configuration  of  the  generated  maintenance

              By default used QtIFW defaults (maintenancetool.ini).

              New in version 3.3.

              Set to ON if the installation path can contain non-ASCII charac-

              Is ON for QtIFW less 2.0 tools.

              New in version 3.3.

              Set to OFF if the installation path cannot contain space charac-

              Is ON for QtIFW less 2.0 tools.

              New in version 3.3.

              Filename for a custom installer control script.

              New in version 3.7.

              List  of  additional  resources ('.qrc' files) to include in the
              installer binary.

              You can use cpack_ifw_add_package_resources() command to resolve
              relative paths.

              New in version 3.10.

              The target binary extension.

              On  Linux,  the  name  of  the  target  binary  is automatically
              extended with '.run', if you do not specify the extension.

              On Windows, the target is created as  an  application  with  the
              extension '.exe', which is automatically added, if not supplied.

              On  Mac,  the  target  is  created as an DMG disk image with the
              extension '.dmg', which is automatically added, if not supplied.

              The list of remote repositories.

              The default value of this variable is computed by CPack and con-
              tains  all repositories added with command cpack_ifw_add_reposi-
              tory() or updated with command cpack_ifw_update_repository().

              If this is ON all components will be downloaded.  By default  is
              OFF or used value from CPACK_DOWNLOAD_ALL if set

              Resolve duplicate names when installing components with groups.

              Additional  prepared  packages dirs that will be used to resolve
              dependent components.

              New in version 3.10.

              Additional prepared repository dirs that will be used to resolve
              and  repack  dependent  components.  This feature available only
              since QtIFW 3.1.

   QtIFW Tools
              New in version 3.3.

              The version of used QtIFW tools.

       The following variables provide the locations of the QtIFW command-line
       tools  as  discovered  by  the  module  CPackIFW.   These variables are
       cached, and may be configured if needed.

              New in version 3.19.

              The path to archivegen.

              The path to binarycreator.

              The path to repogen.

              The path to installerbase.

              The path to devtool.

   Hints for Finding QtIFW
       Generally, the CPack IFW generator automatically finds QtIFW tools, but
       if  you  don't  use a default path for installation of the QtIFW tools,
       the path may be specified in either a CMake or an environment variable:

              New in version 3.9.

              An CMake variable which specifies the location of the QtIFW tool

              The  variable  will  be cached in the CPackConfig.cmake file and
              used at CPack runtime.

              An environment variable which  specifies  the  location  of  the
              QtIFW tool suite.

          The specified path should not contain "bin" at the end (for example:

       The CPACK_IFW_ROOT variable has a higher  priority  and  overrides  the
       value of the QTIFWDIR variable.

   Other Settings
   Online installer
       By  default,  this generator generates an offline installer. This means
       that that all packaged files are fully contained in the installer  exe-

       In  contrast,  an online installer will download some or all components
       from a remote server.

       The DOWNLOADED option in the  cpack_add_component()  command  specifies
       that  a component is to be downloaded. Alternatively, the ALL option in
       the cpack_configure_downloads() command specifies that  all  components
       are to be be downloaded.

       The  cpack_ifw_add_repository()  command and the CPACK_IFW_DOWNLOAD_ALL
       variable allow for more specific configuration.

       When there are online components, CPack  will  write  them  to  archive
       files.  The help page of the CPackComponent module, especially the sec-
       tion on the cpack_configure_downloads() function, explains how to  make
       these files accessible from a download URL.

       New in version 3.9.

       Some  variables  and command arguments support internationalization via
       CMake script. This is an optional feature.

       Installers created by QtIFW tools have built-in  support  for  interna-
       tionalization  and  many  phrases  are localized to many languages, but
       this does not apply to the  description  of  the  your  components  and
       groups that will be distributed.

       Localization of the description of your components and groups is useful
       for users of your installers.

       A localized variable or argument can contain a  single  default  value,
       and a set of pairs the name of the locale and the localized value.

       For example:

          set(LOCALIZABLE_VARIABLE "Default value"
            en "English value"
            en_US "American value"
            en_GB "Great Britain value"

   See Also
       Qt Installer Framework Manual:

       o Index page: http://doc.qt.io/qtinstallerframework/index.html

       o Component                                                  Scripting:

       o Predefined                                                 Variables:

       o Promoting                                                    Updates:

       Download Qt Installer Framework for your platform from Qt site:

   CPack NSIS Generator
       CPack  Nullsoft  Scriptable  Install  System  (NSIS) generator specific

       Changed in version 3.17: The NSIS generator requires NSIS 3.0 or newer.

   Variables specific to CPack NSIS generator
       The following variables are specific to the graphical installers  built
       on Windows Nullsoft Scriptable Install System.

              The  default installation directory presented to the end user by
              the NSIS installer is under this root dir.  The  full  directory
              presented        to        the        end        user        is:

              An icon filename.  The name of a *.ico file  used  as  the  main
              icon for the generated install program.

              An  icon  filename.   The  name of a *.ico file used as the main
              icon for the generated uninstall program.


              New in version 3.5.

              The filename of a bitmap to use as the  NSIS  MUI_WELCOMEFINISH-

              New in version 3.5.

              The filename of a bitmap to use as the NSIS MUI_UNWELCOMEFINISH-

              Extra NSIS commands that will be added to the beginning  of  the
              install  Section,  before  your install tree is available on the
              target system.

              Extra NSIS commands that will be added to the end of the install
              Section, after your install tree is available on the target sys-

              Extra NSIS commands that will be added to the uninstall Section,
              before your install tree is removed from the target system.

              The arguments that will be passed to the NSIS SetCompressor com-

              Ask about uninstalling previous versions first.  If this is  set
              to  ON,  then an installer will look for previous installed ver-
              sions and if one is found, ask the user whether to uninstall  it
              before proceeding with the install.

              Modify  PATH  toggle.   If this is set to ON, then an extra page
              will appear in the installer that will allow the user to  choose
              whether the program directory should be added to the system PATH

              The display name string that appears in the Windows Apps &  fea-
              tures in Control Panel

              The title displayed at the top of the installer.

              A path to the executable that contains the installer icon.

              URL to a web site providing assistance in installing your appli-

              URL to a web site providing more information about your applica-

              Contact information for questions and comments about the instal-
              lation process.

              New in version 3.7.

              Custom install directory for the specified component  <compName>
              instead of $INSTDIR.

              Additional NSIS commands for creating Start Menu shortcuts.

              Additional NSIS commands to uninstall Start Menu shortcuts.

              Creating  NSIS  Start  Menu  links  assumes that they are in bin
              unless this variable is set.  For example, you would set this to
              exec if your executables are in an exec directory.

              Specify an executable to add an option to run on the finish page
              of the NSIS installer.

              Specify links in [application] menu.  This should contain a list
              of pair link link name. The link may be a URL or a path relative
              to installation prefix.  Like:

                     "CMake Help" "https://cmake.org" "CMake Web Site")

              New in version 3.17.

              Specify the name  of  the  program  to  uninstall  the  version.
              Default is Uninstall.

              New in version 3.17.

              The  title  to  display  on  the top of the page for the welcome

              New in version 3.17.

              Display the title in the welcome page on 3 lines instead of 2.

              New in version 3.17.

              The title to display on the top of the page for the finish page.

              New in version 3.17.

              Display the title in the finish page on 3 lines instead of 2.

              New in version 3.17.

              The image to display on the header of installers pages.

              New in version 3.18.

              If set, declares that the installer is DPI-aware.

              New in version 3.20.

              If set, updates the text at the bottom of  the  install  window.
              To set the string to blank, use a space (" ").

              New in version 3.20.

              If  set,  trim  down  the size of the control to the size of the
              branding text string.  Allowed  values  for  this  variable  are
              LEFT,  CENTER  or RIGHT.  If not specified, the default behavior
              is LEFT.

              New in version 3.21.

              If set, specify the name of the NSIS executable. Default is mak-

   CPack NuGet Generator
       New in version 3.12.

       When  build a NuGet package there is no direct way to control an output
       filename due a lack of the corresponding CLI option of NuGet, so  there
       is  no CPACK_NUGET_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME variable. To form the output file-
       name NuGet uses the package name  and  the  version  according  to  its
       built-in rules.

       Also,    be    aware    that    including   a   top   level   directory
       (CPACK_INCLUDE_TOPLEVEL_DIRECTORY) is ignored by this generator.

   Variables specific to CPack NuGet generator
       The CPack NuGet generator may be used to create  NuGet  packages  using
       CPack.  The CPack NuGet generator is a CPack generator thus it uses the
       CPACK_XXX variables used by CPack.

       The CPack NuGet generator has specific features which are controlled by
       the  specifics  CPACK_NUGET_XXX  variables. In the "one per group" mode
       (see CPACK_COMPONENTS_GROUPING), <compName> placeholder  in  the  vari-
       ables  below  would  contain a group name (uppercased and turned into a
       "C" identifier).

       List of CPack NuGet generator specific variables:

              Enable component packaging for CPack NuGet generator

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   : OFF


              The NUGET package name. CPACK_NUGET_PACKAGE_NAME is used as  the
              package id on nuget.org

              o Mandatory : YES

              o Default   : CPACK_PACKAGE_NAME


              The NuGet package version.

              o Mandatory : YES

              o Default   : CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION


              A long description of the package for UI display.

              o Mandatory : YES


                Default :

                       o CPACK_COMPONENT_<compName>_DESCRIPTION,

                       o CPACK_COMPONENT_GROUP_<groupName>_DESCRIPTION,

                       o CPACK_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION


              A comma-separated list of packages authors, matching the profile
              names on nuget.org. These are displayed in the NuGet Gallery  on
              nuget.org  and  are used to cross-reference packages by the same

              o Mandatory : YES

              o Default   : CPACK_PACKAGE_VENDOR


              A human-friendly title of the package, typically used in UI dis-
              plays  as on nuget.org and the Package Manager in Visual Studio.
              If not specified, the package ID is used.

              o Mandatory : NO


                Default :

                       o CPACK_COMPONENT_<compName>_DISPLAY_NAME,

                       o CPACK_COMPONENT_GROUP_<groupName>_DISPLAY_NAME


              A comma-separated list of the  package  creators  using  profile
              names  on  nuget.org. This is often the same list as in authors,
              and is ignored when uploading the package to nuget.org.

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   : -


              An URL for the package's home page, often shown in  UI  displays
              as well as nuget.org.

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   : CPACK_PACKAGE_HOMEPAGE_URL


              Deprecated  since  version  3.20:  Use  a  local license file (-
              CPACK_NUGET_PACKAGE_LICENSE_FILE_NAME) or a (SPDX) license iden-
              tifier (CPACK_NUGET_PACKAGE_LICENSE_EXPRESSION) instead.

              An  URL for the package's license, often shown in UI displays as
              well as on nuget.org.

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   : -


              New in version 3.20.

              A Software Package Data Exchange (SPDX) license identifier  such
              as  MIT,  BSD-3-Clause,  or  LGPL-3.0-or-later. In the case of a
              choice  of  licenses  or  more  complex  restrictions,  compound
              license  expressions  may be formed using boolean operators, for
              example MIT OR BSD-3-Clause.  See  the  SPDX  specification  for
              guidance on forming complex license expressions.

              If     CPACK_NUGET_PACKAGE_LICENSE_FILE_NAME    is    specified,

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   : -


              The package's license file in .txt or .md format.

              If    CPACK_NUGET_PACKAGE_LICENSE_FILE_NAME    is     specified,

              New in version 3.20.

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   : -


              Deprecated  since  version  3.20:  Use  a  local  icon  file  (-
              CPACK_NUGET_PACKAGE_ICON) instead.

              An URL for a 64x64 image with transparency background to use  as
              the icon for the package in UI display.

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   : -


              New in version 3.20.

              The  filename  of  a 64x64 image with transparency background to
              use as the icon for the package in UI display.

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   : -


              A short description of the package for UI display. If omitted, a
              truncated version of description is used.

              o Mandatory : NO



              A  description  of the changes made in this release of the pack-
              age, often used in UI like the Updates tab of the Visual  Studio
              Package Manager in place of the package description.

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   : -


              Copyright details for the package.

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   : -


              New in version 3.20.

              Locale specifier for the package, for example en_CA.

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   : -


              A  space-delimited  list  of tags and keywords that describe the
              package and aid discoverability of packages through  search  and

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   : -


              A list of package dependencies.

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   : -


              A  version  specification  for  the particular dependency, where
              <dependency> is an item  of  the  dependency  list  (see  above)
              transformed with MAKE_C_IDENTIFIER function of string() command.

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   : -

              Enable debug messages while executing CPack NuGet generator.

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   : OFF

   CPack PackageMaker Generator
       PackageMaker CPack generator (macOS).

       Deprecated since version 3.17: Xcode no longer distributes the Package-
       Maker tools.  This CPack generator will be removed in a future  version
       of CPack.

   Variables specific to CPack PackageMaker generator
       The  following  variable  is  specific to installers built on Mac macOS
       using PackageMaker:

              The version of macOS that  the  resulting  PackageMaker  archive
              should  be  compatible with. Different versions of macOS support
              different features. For example, CPack  can  only  build  compo-
              nent-based  installers  for  macOS  10.4  or newer, and can only
              build installers that download components on-the-fly  for  macOS
              10.5 or newer. If left blank, this value will be set to the min-
              imum version of macOS that supports the requested features.  Set
              this  variable  to  some  value (e.g., 10.4) only if you want to
              guarantee that your installer will work on that version of  mac-
              OS,  and  don't mind missing extra features available in the in-
              staller shipping with later versions of macOS.

   Background Image
       New in version 3.17.

       This group of variables controls the background image of the  generated

              Adds  a  background  to Distribution XML if specified. The value
              contains the path to image in Resources directory.

              Adds an alignment attribute to the  background  in  Distribution
              XML.  Refer to Apple documentation for valid values.

              Adds  a scaling attribute to the background in Distribution XML.
              Refer to Apple documentation for valid values.

              Adds a mime-type attribute to  the  background  in  Distribution
              XML.  The option contains MIME type of an image.

              Adds  an  uti  attribute  to the background in Distribution XML.
              The option contains UTI type of an image.

              Adds a background for the Dark Aqua theme to Distribution XML if
              specified.  The  value  contains  the path to image in Resources

              Does the same as CPACK_PACKAGEMAKER_BACKGROUND_ALIGNMENT option,
              but for the dark theme.

              Does  the  same as CPACK_PACKAGEMAKER_BACKGROUND_SCALING option,
              but for the dark theme.

              Does the same as CPACK_PACKAGEMAKER_BACKGROUND_MIME_TYPE option,
              but for the dark theme.

              Does  the  same as CPACK_PACKAGEMAKER_BACKGROUND_UTI option, but
              for the dark theme.

   CPack productbuild Generator
       New in version 3.7.

       productbuild CPack generator (macOS).

   Variables specific to CPack productbuild generator
       The following variable is specific to installers  built  on  Mac  macOS
       using ProductBuild:

              Path  to  the productbuild(1) command used to generate a product
              archive for the macOS Installer or Mac App Store.  This variable
              can  be  used to override the automatically detected command (or
              specify its location if the auto-detection fails to find it).

              New in version 3.8.

              Adds a digital signature to the resulting package.

              New in version 3.8.

              Specify a specific keychain to search for the signing identity.

              Path to the pkgbuild(1) command used to generate an macOS compo-
              nent  package  on  macOS.  This variable can be used to override
              the automatically detected command (or specify its  location  if
              the auto-detection fails to find it).

              New in version 3.8.

              Adds a digital signature to the resulting package.

              New in version 3.8.

              Specify a specific keychain to search for the signing identity.

              Full  path  to a file that will be used as the preinstall script
              for the named <COMP> component's package, where  <COMP>  is  the
              uppercased  component  name.   No  preinstall script is added if
              this variable is not defined for a given component.

              Full path to a file that will be used as the postinstall  script
              for  the  named  <COMP> component's package, where <COMP> is the
              uppercased component name.  No postinstall script  is  added  if
              this variable is not defined for a given component.

              New in version 3.9.

              If  specified  the productbuild generator copies files from this
              directory (including subdirectories) to the Resources directory.
              This    is    done   before   the   CPACK_RESOURCE_FILE_WELCOME,
              files are copied.

   Background Image
       New in version 3.17.

       This  group of variables controls the background image of the generated

              Adds a background to Distribution XML if  specified.  The  value
              contains the path to image in Resources directory.

              Adds  an  alignment  attribute to the background in Distribution
              XML.  Refer to Apple documentation for valid values.

              Adds a scaling attribute to the background in Distribution  XML.
              Refer to Apple documentation for valid values.

              Adds  a  mime-type  attribute  to the background in Distribution
              XML.  The option contains MIME type of an image.

              Adds an uti attribute to the  background  in  Distribution  XML.
              The option contains UTI type of an image.

              Adds a background for the Dark Aqua theme to Distribution XML if
              specified. The value contains the path  to  image  in  Resources

              Does the same as CPACK_PRODUCTBUILD_BACKGROUND_ALIGNMENT option,
              but for the dark theme.

              Does the same as  CPACK_PRODUCTBUILD_BACKGROUND_SCALING  option,
              but for the dark theme.

              Does the same as CPACK_PRODUCTBUILD_BACKGROUND_MIME_TYPE option,
              but for the dark theme.

              Does the same as CPACK_PRODUCTBUILD_BACKGROUND_UTI  option,  but
              for the dark theme.

   CPack RPM Generator
       The built in (binary) CPack RPM generator (Unix only)

   Variables specific to CPack RPM generator
       The CPack RPM generator may be used to create RPM packages using CPack.
       The CPack RPM generator is a CPack generator thus it uses the CPACK_XXX
       variables used by CPack.

       The  CPack  RPM generator has specific features which are controlled by
       the specifics CPACK_RPM_XXX variables.

       CPACK_RPM_<COMPONENT>_XXXX variables may be used in order to have  com-
       ponent  specific  values.   Note however that <COMPONENT> refers to the
       grouping name written in upper case. It may be either a component  name
       or  a  component  GROUP name. Usually those variables correspond to RPM
       spec file entities. One may find  information  about  spec  files  here

       Changed  in  version 3.6: <COMPONENT> part of variables is preferred to
       be  in  upper  case  (e.g.  if  component  is  named   foo   then   use
       CPACK_RPM_FOO_XXXX variable name format) as is with other CPACK_<COMPO-
       NENT>_XXXX  variables.   For  the  purposes   of   back   compatibility
       (CMake/CPack  version  3.5  and lower) support for same cased component
       (e.g. fOo would be used as CPACK_RPM_fOo_XXXX) is still  supported  for
       variables  defined  in older versions of CMake/CPack but is not guaran-
       teed for variables that will be added in the future. For  the  sake  of
       back  compatibility  same cased component variables also override upper
       cased versions where both are present.

       Here are some CPack RPM generator wiki resources that are here for his-
       toric reasons and are no longer maintained but may still prove useful:

          o https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/community/-/wikis/doc/cpack/Configuration

          o https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/community/-/wikis/doc/cpack/PackageGenerators#rpm-unix-only

       List of CPack RPM generator specific variables:

              Enable component packaging for CPack RPM generator

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   : OFF

              If  enabled  (ON)  multiple packages are generated. By default a
              single package containing files of all components is generated.


              The RPM package summary.

              o Mandatory : YES


              New in version  3.2:  Per-component  CPACK_RPM_<component>_PACK-
              AGE_SUMMARY variables.


              The RPM package name.

              o Mandatory : YES

              o Default   : CPACK_PACKAGE_NAME

              New  in  version  3.5: Per-component CPACK_RPM_<component>_PACK-
              AGE_NAME variables.


              New in version 3.6.

              Package file name.

              o Mandatory : YES


                       <CPACK_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME>[-<component>].rpm with spaces
                       replaced by '-'

              This  may be set to RPM-DEFAULT to allow rpmbuild tool to gener-
              ate package file name by itself.  Alternatively provided package
              file name must end with .rpm suffix.

                 By  using  user provided spec file, rpm macro extensions such
                 as for generating debuginfo packages or by simply using  mul-
                 tiple  components  more  than  one rpm file may be generated,
                 either from a single spec file or from  multiple  spec  files
                 (each  component  execution  produces its own spec file).  In
                 such cases duplicate file names may occur as a result of this
                 variable  setting  or  spec file content structure. Duplicate
                 files get overwritten and it is up to the packager to set the
                 variables in a manner that will prevent such errors.

              New in version 3.8.

              Main component that is packaged without component suffix.

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   : -

              This  variable can be set to any component or group name so that
              component or group rpm package is  generated  without  component
              suffix in filename and package name.

              New in version 3.10.

              The RPM package epoch

              o Mandatory : No

              o Default   : -

              Optional  number  that  should be incremented when changing ver-
              sioning schemas or fixing mistakes in  the  version  numbers  of
              older packages.

              The RPM package version.

              o Mandatory : YES

              o Default   : CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION


              The RPM package architecture.

              o Mandatory : YES

              o Default   : Native architecture output by uname -m

              This  may be set to noarch if you know you are building a noarch

              New in version  3.3:  Per-component  CPACK_RPM_<component>_PACK-
              AGE_ARCHITECTURE variables.

              The RPM package release.

              o Mandatory : YES

              o Default   : 1

              This  is  the numbering of the RPM package itself, i.e. the ver-
              sion of the packaging and not the version of  the  content  (see
              CPACK_RPM_PACKAGE_VERSION).  One may change the default value if
              the previous packaging was buggy and/or you want to put  here  a
              fancy Linux distro specific numbering.

          This  is the string that goes into the RPM Release: field. Some dis-
          tros (e.g. Fedora, CentOS) require 1%{?dist} format and not  just  a
          number.      %{?dist}    part    can    be    added    by    setting

              New in version 3.6.

              The dist tag that is added  RPM Release: field.

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   : OFF

              This is the reported %{dist} tag from the  current  distribution
              or  empty  %{dist}  if RPM macro is not set. If this variable is
              set then RPM Release: field value is  set  to  ${CPACK_RPM_PACK-

              The RPM package license policy.

              o Mandatory : YES

              o Default   : "unknown"


              The RPM package group.

              o Mandatory : YES

              o Default   : "unknown"

              New  in  version  3.5: Per-component CPACK_RPM_<component>_PACK-
              AGE_GROUP variables.

              The RPM package vendor.

              o Mandatory : YES

              o Default   : CPACK_PACKAGE_VENDOR if set or "unknown"


              The projects URL.

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   : CMAKE_PROJECT_HOMEPAGE_URL

              New in version 3.12: The CMAKE_PROJECT_HOMEPAGE_URL variable.


              RPM package description.

              o Mandatory : YES

              o Default  :  CPACK_COMPONENT_<compName>_DESCRIPTION  (component
                based  installers only) if set, CPACK_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION_FILE
                if set or "no package description available"

              New in version  3.2:  Per-component  CPACK_RPM_<component>_PACK-
              AGE_DESCRIPTION variables.

              RPM compression type.

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   : -

              May be used to override RPM compression type to be used to build
              the RPM. For example some Linux distribution now default to lzma
              or  xz compression whereas older cannot use such RPM. Using this
              one can enforce compression type to be used.

              Possible values are:

              o lzma

              o xz

              o bzip2

              o gzip


              RPM spec autoreq field.

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   : -

              May be used to enable (1, yes)  or  disable  (0,  no)  automatic
              shared libraries dependency detection. Dependencies are added to
              requires list.

                 By default automatic dependency detection is enabled  by  rpm


              RPM spec autoprov field.

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   : -

              May  be  used  to  enable  (1, yes) or disable (0, no) automatic
              listing of shared libraries that are provided  by  the  package.
              Shared libraries are added to provides list.

                 By  default  automatic  provides  detection is enabled by rpm


              RPM spec autoreqprov field.

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   : -

              Variable enables/disables autoreq and autoprov at the same time.
              more details.

                 By default automatic detection feature is enabled by rpm.


              RPM spec requires field.

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   : -

              May be used to set RPM dependencies (requires).  Note  that  you
              must  enclose  the  complete requires string between quotes, for

                 set(CPACK_RPM_PACKAGE_REQUIRES "python >= 2.5.0, cmake >= 2.8")

              The required package list of an RPM file could be printed with:

                 rpm -qp --requires file.rpm


              RPM spec conflicts field.

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   : -

              May be used to set negative RPM dependencies  (conflicts).  Note
              that  you  must  enclose  the  complete  requires string between
              quotes, for example:

                 set(CPACK_RPM_PACKAGE_CONFLICTS "libxml2")

              The conflicting package list of an RPM  file  could  be  printed

                 rpm -qp --conflicts file.rpm


              New in version 3.2.

              RPM spec requires(pre) field.

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   : -

              May  be used to set RPM preinstall dependencies (requires(pre)).
              Note that you must enclose the complete requires string  between
              quotes, for example:

                 set(CPACK_RPM_PACKAGE_REQUIRES_PRE "shadow-utils, initscripts")


              New in version 3.2.

              RPM spec requires(post) field.

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   : -

              May    be    used    to   set   RPM   postinstall   dependencies
              (requires(post)).  Note  that  you  must  enclose  the  complete
              requires string between quotes, for example:

                 set(CPACK_RPM_PACKAGE_REQUIRES_POST "shadow-utils, initscripts")


              New in version 3.2.

              RPM spec requires(postun) field.

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   : -

              May be used to set RPM postuninstall dependencies (requires(pos-
              tun)). Note that you must enclose the complete  requires  string
              between quotes, for example:

                 set(CPACK_RPM_PACKAGE_REQUIRES_POSTUN "shadow-utils, initscripts")


              New in version 3.2.

              RPM spec requires(preun) field.

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   : -

              May    be    used   to   set   RPM   preuninstall   dependencies
              (requires(preun)). Note  that  you  must  enclose  the  complete
              requires string between quotes, for example:

                 set(CPACK_RPM_PACKAGE_REQUIRES_PREUN "shadow-utils, initscripts")


              RPM spec suggest field.

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   : -

              May be used to set weak RPM dependencies (suggests). If rpmbuild
              doesn't support the Suggests tag, CPack will emit a warning  and
              ignore  this  variable.  Note that you must enclose the complete
              requires string between quotes.


              RPM spec provides field.

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   : -

              May be used to set RPM  dependencies  (provides).  The  provided
              package list of an RPM file could be printed with:

                 rpm -qp --provides file.rpm


              RPM spec obsoletes field.

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   : -

              May be used to set RPM packages that are obsoleted by this one.

              build a relocatable RPM.

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   : CPACK_PACKAGE_RELOCATABLE

              If  this  variable is set to TRUE or ON, the CPack RPM generator
              will try to build a relocatable RPM package. A  relocatable  RPM
              may be installed using:

                 rpm --prefix or --relocate

              in  order  to  install it at an alternate place see rpm(8). Note
              that currently this may fail if CPACK_SET_DESTDIR is set to  ON.
              If  CPACK_SET_DESTDIR is set then you will get a warning message
              but if there is file installed with  absolute  path  you'll  get
              unexpected behavior.

              Deprecated - use CPACK_RPM_SPEC_MORE_DEFINE instead.

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   : -

              o Deprecated: YES

              May  be  used to override the __spec_install_post section within
              the generated spec file.  This affects the install  step  during
              package  creation,  not during package installation.  For adding
              operations to be  performed  during  package  installation,  use

              RPM extended spec definitions lines.

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   : -

              May be used to add any %define lines to the generated spec file.
              An example of its use is to  prevent  stripping  of  executables
              (but  note that this may also disable other default post install

                 set(CPACK_RPM_SPEC_MORE_DEFINE "%define __spec_install_post /bin/true")

              Toggle CPack RPM generator debug output.

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   : -

              May be set when invoking cpack in order to trace debug  informa-
              tion during CPack RPM run. For example you may launch CPack like

                 cpack -D CPACK_RPM_PACKAGE_DEBUG=1 -G RPM


              A user provided spec file.

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   : -

              May be set by the user in order to specify a  USER  binary  spec
              file to be used by the CPack RPM generator instead of generating
              the file.  The specified  file  will  be  processed  by  config-
              ure_file( @ONLY).

              Spec file template.

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   : -

              If  set CPack will generate a template for USER specified binary
              spec file and stop with an error. For example launch CPack  like


              The  user  may  then use this file in order to hand-craft is own
              binary    spec    file    which     may     be     used     with



              Path   to   file  containing  pre  install/uninstall/transaction

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   : -

              May be used to embed a pre  installation/uninstallation/transac-
              tion  script  in  the  spec  file.  The referred script file (or
              both) will be read and directly put after  the  %pre  or  %preun
              section   If   CPACK_RPM_COMPONENT_INSTALL  is  set  to  ON  the
              install/uninstall/transaction script for each component  can  be
              overridden  with  CPACK_RPM_<COMPONENT>_PRE_INSTALL_SCRIPT_FILE,
              CPACK_RPM_<COMPONENT>_PRE_UNINSTALL_SCRIPT_FILE,             and
              CPACK_RPM_<COMPONENT>_PRE_TRANS_SCRIPT_FILE One may verify which
              scriptlet has been included with:

                 rpm -qp --scripts  package.rpm

              New in version 3.18: The  CPACK_RPM_PRE_TRANS_SCRIPT_FILE  vari-



              Path   to  file  containing  post  install/uninstall/transaction

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   : -

              May be used to embed a post installation/uninstallation/transac-
              tion  script  in  the  spec  file.  The referred script file (or
              both) will be read and directly put after the %post  or  %postun
              section.   If  CPACK_RPM_COMPONENT_INSTALL  is  set  to  ON  the
              install/uninstall/transaction script for each component  can  be
              overridden  with CPACK_RPM_<COMPONENT>_POST_INSTALL_SCRIPT_FILE,
              CPACK_RPM_<COMPONENT>_POST_TRANS_SCRIPT_FILE   One   may  verify
              which scriptlet has been included with:

                 rpm -qp --scripts  package.rpm

              New in version 3.18: The CPACK_RPM_POST_TRANS_SCRIPT_FILE  vari-



              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   : -

              May  be  used  to explicitly specify %(<directive>) file line in
              the spec file. Like %config(noreplace) or  any  other  directive
              that be found in the %files section. Since the CPack RPM genera-
              tor is generating the list of files (and directories)  the  user
              specified  files of the CPACK_RPM_<COMPONENT>_USER_FILELIST list
              will be removed from the generated list. If referring to  direc-
              tories do not add a trailing slash.

              New  in  version 3.8: You can have multiple directives per line,
              as in %attr(600,root,root) %config(noreplace).

              RPM changelog file.

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   : -

              May be used to embed a changelog in the spec file.  The referred
              file will be read and directly put after the %changelog section.

              list of path to be excluded.

              o Mandatory : NO


                       /etc  /etc/init.d  /usr  /usr/bin /usr/include /usr/lib
                       /usr/libx32  /usr/lib64  /usr/share  /usr/share/aclocal

              May  be  used  to  exclude  path (directories or files) from the
              auto-generated list  of  paths  discovered  by  CPack  RPM.  The
              default  value  contains a reasonable set of values if the vari-
              able is not defined by the user. If the variable is  defined  by
              the  user  then  the  CPack  RPM  generator  will NOT any of the
              default path. If you want to add some path to the  default  list
              then  you  can use CPACK_RPM_EXCLUDE_FROM_AUTO_FILELIST_ADDITION

              New in version 3.10: Added  /usr/share/aclocal  to  the  default
              list of excludes.

              additional list of path to be excluded.

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   : -

              May be used to add more exclude path (directories or files) from
              the   initial   default   list   of    excluded    paths.    See

              New in version 3.2.

              Packages relocation paths list.

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   : -

              May  be  used to specify more than one relocation path per relo-
              catable RPM.  Variable contains a list of relocation paths  that
              if     relative     are     prefixed    by    the    value    of
              CPACK_RPM_<COMPONENT>_PACKAGE_PREFIX  or   by   the   value   of
              CPACK_PACKAGING_INSTALL_PREFIX  if  the component version is not
              provided.  Variable is not component based as its content can be
              used to set a different path prefix for e.g. binary dir and doc-
              umentation dir  at  the  same  time.   Only  prefixes  that  are
              required  by  a  certain component are added to that component -
              component must contain at least one file/directory/symbolic link
              with  CPACK_RPM_RELOCATION_PATHS prefix for a certain relocation
              path to be added. Package will not contain any relocation  paths
              if  there  are no files/directories/symbolic links on any of the
              provided prefix locations.  Packages that either do not  contain
              any relocation paths or contain files/directories/symbolic links
              that are outside relocation paths print  out  an  AUTHOR_WARNING
              that RPM will be partially relocatable.

              New in version 3.2.

              Per component relocation path install prefix.

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   : CPACK_PACKAGING_INSTALL_PREFIX

              May  be used to set per component CPACK_PACKAGING_INSTALL_PREFIX
              for relocatable RPM packages.


              New in version 3.3.

              Removal of default install prefix from relocation paths list.

              o Mandatory : NO


                       NENT>_PACKAGE_PREFIX  are  treated as one of relocation

              May  be  used  to  remove   CPACK_PACKAGING_INSTALL_PREFIX   and
              CPACK_RPM_<COMPONENT>_PACKAGE_PREFIX from relocatable RPM prefix

              New in version 3.3.

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   : -

              May be used to set additional man dirs that could potentially be
              compressed by brp-compress RPM macro. Variable content must be a
              list of regular expressions that point to directories containing
              man  files  or to man files directly. Note that in order to com-
              press man pages a path must also be present in brp-compress  RPM
              script and that brp-compress script must be added to RPM config-
              uration by the operating system.

              Regular expressions that are added by default  were  taken  from
              brp-compress RPM macro:

              o /usr/man/man.*

              o /usr/man/.*/man.*

              o /usr/info.*

              o /usr/share/man/man.*

              o /usr/share/man/.*/man.*

              o /usr/share/info.*

              o /usr/kerberos/man.*

              o /usr/X11R6/man/man.*

              o /usr/lib/perl5/man/man.*

              o /usr/share/doc/.*/man/man.*

              o /usr/lib/.*/man/man.*


              New in version 3.6.

              default user ownership of RPM content

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   : root

              Value  should  be  user  name and not UID.  Note that <compName>
              must be in upper-case.


              New in version 3.6.

              default group ownership of RPM content

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   : root

              Value should be group name and not GID.   Note  that  <compName>
              must be in upper-case.


              New in version 3.6.

              default permissions used for packaged files

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   : - (system default)

              Accepted  values  are  lists with PERMISSIONS. Valid permissions

              o OWNER_READ

              o OWNER_WRITE

              o OWNER_EXECUTE

              o GROUP_READ

              o GROUP_WRITE

              o GROUP_EXECUTE

              o WORLD_READ

              o WORLD_WRITE

              o WORLD_EXECUTE

              Note that <compName> must be in upper-case.


              New in version 3.6.

              default permissions used for packaged directories

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   : - (system default)

              Accepted values are lists with  PERMISSIONS.  Valid  permissions
              are  the  same  as for CPACK_RPM_DEFAULT_FILE_PERMISSIONS.  Note
              that <compName> must be in upper-case.

              New in version 3.11.

              force execute permissions on programs and shared libraries

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   : - (system default)

              Force set owner, group and world execute permissions on programs
              and  shared  libraries.  This can be used for creating valid rpm
              packages on systems such as Debian where shared libraries do not
              have execute permissions set.

          Programs  and  shared  libraries  without  execute  permissions  are
          ignored during separation of  debug  symbols  from  the  binary  for
          debuginfo packages.

   Packaging of Symbolic Links
       New in version 3.3.

       The CPack RPM generator supports packaging of symbolic links:

          execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND}
            -E create_symlink <relative_path_location> <symlink_name>)
          install(FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/<symlink_name>
            DESTINATION <symlink_location> COMPONENT libraries)

       Symbolic  links will be optimized (paths will be shortened if possible)
       before being added to the package or if multiple relocation  paths  are
       detected, a post install symlink relocation script will be generated.

       Symbolic links may point to locations that are not packaged by the same
       package (either a different component or even not packaged at all)  but
       those  locations  will be treated as if they were a part of the package
       while determining if symlink should be either created or present  in  a
       post install script - depending on relocation paths.

       Changed  in version 3.6: Symbolic links that point to locations outside
       packaging path produce a warning and are  treated  as  non  relocatable
       permanent symbolic links.  Previous versions of CMake produced an error
       in this case.

       Currently there are a few limitations though:

       o For  component  based  packaging  component  interdependency  is  not
         checked  when  processing  symbolic links. Symbolic links pointing to
         content of a different component are  treated  the  same  way  as  if
         pointing to location that will not be packaged.

       o Symbolic  links pointing to a location through one or more intermedi-
         ate symbolic links will not be handled differently - if the  interme-
         diate  symbolic  link(s) is also on a relocatable path, relocating it
         during package installation may cause initial symbolic link to  point
         to an invalid location.

   Packaging of debug information
       New in version 3.7.

       Debuginfo  packages  contain  debug  symbols  and sources for debugging
       packaged binaries.

       Debuginfo RPM packaging has its own set of variables:


              Enable generation of debuginfo RPM package(s).

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   : OFF

          Binaries must contain debug symbols before packaging so  use  either
          Debug or RelWithDebInfo for CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE variable value.

          Packages  generated  from packages without binary files, with binary
          files but without execute permissions or without debug symbols  will
          cause packaging termination.

              Provides  locations  of  root  directories  of source files from
              which binaries were built.

              o Mandatory : YES if CPACK_RPM_DEBUGINFO_PACKAGE is set

              o Default   : -

          For CMake project CPACK_BUILD_SOURCE_DIRS is set by default to point
          to CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR and CMAKE_BINARY_DIR paths.

          Sources  with path prefixes that do not fall under any location pro-
          vided with CPACK_BUILD_SOURCE_DIRS will not be present in  debuginfo


              Prefix  of  location where sources will be placed during package

              o Mandatory : YES if CPACK_RPM_DEBUGINFO_PACKAGE is set


                       "/usr/src/debug/<CPACK_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME>" and for com-
                       ponent      packaging      "/usr/src/debug/<CPACK_PACK-

          Each source path prefix  is  additionally  suffixed  by  src_<index>
          where  index  is index of the path used from CPACK_BUILD_SOURCE_DIRS
          variable.    This     produces     <CPACK_RPM_BUILD_SOURCE_DIRS_PRE-
          FIX>/src_<index> replacement path.  Limitation is that replaced path
          part must be shorter or of equal  length  than  the  length  of  its
          replacement.     If     that     is     not    the    case    either
          CPACK_RPM_BUILD_SOURCE_DIRS_PREFIX variable  has  to  be  set  to  a
          shorter path or source directories must be placed on a longer path.

              Directories  containing  sources  that  should  be excluded from
              debuginfo packages.

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   : "/usr /usr/src /usr/src/debug"

              Listed paths are owned by other RPM packages and  should  there-
              fore not be deleted on debuginfo package uninstallation.

              Paths        that        should       be       appended       to
              CPACK_RPM_DEBUGINFO_EXCLUDE_DIRS for exclusion.

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   : -

              New in version 3.8.

              Create a single debuginfo package even if  components  packaging
              is set.

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   : OFF

              When  this  variable  is  enabled it produces a single debuginfo
              package even if component packaging is enabled.

              When using this feature in combination with components packaging
              and  there  is  more  than  one component this variable requires
              CPACK_RPM_MAIN_COMPONENT to be set.

          If none of the CPACK_RPM_<component>_DEBUGINFO_PACKAGE variables  is
          set then CPACK_RPM_DEBUGINFO_PACKAGE is automatically set to ON when


              New in version 3.9.

              Debuginfo package file name.

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   : rpmbuild tool generated package file name

              Alternatively provided debuginfo package file name must end with
              .rpm suffix and should differ from file names of other generated

              Variable may contain @cpack_component@ placeholder which will be
              replaced  by  component  name  if component packaging is enabled
              otherwise it deletes the placeholder.

              Setting the variable to RPM-DEFAULT may be  used  to  explicitly
              set filename generation to default.

          CPACK_RPM_FILE_NAME  also  supports  rpmbuild tool generated package
          file name - disabled by default but can be enabled  by  setting  the
          variable to RPM-DEFAULT.

   Packaging of sources (SRPM)
       New in version 3.7.

       SRPM packaging is enabled by setting CPACK_RPM_PACKAGE_SOURCES variable
       while usually using  CPACK_INSTALLED_DIRECTORIES  variable  to  provide
       directory containing CMakeLists.txt and source files.

       For CMake projects SRPM package would be produced by executing:

          cpack -G RPM --config ./CPackSourceConfig.cmake

          Produced  SRPM  package  is  expected to be built with cmake(1) exe-
          cutable and packaged with cpack(1) executable so CMakeLists.txt  has
          to  be located in root source directory and must be able to generate
          binary rpm packages by executing cpack -G command. The two  executa-
          bles as well as rpmbuild must also be present when generating binary
          rpm packages from the produced SRPM package.

       Once the SRPM package is generated it can be used  to  generate  binary
       packages  by creating a directory structure for rpm generation and exe-
       cuting rpmbuild tool:

          mkdir -p build_dir/{BUILD,BUILDROOT,RPMS,SOURCES,SPECS,SRPMS}
          rpmbuild --define "_topdir <path_to_build_dir>" --rebuild <SRPM_file_name>

       Generated packages will be located in build_dir/RPMS directory  or  its
       sub directories.

          SRPM  package internally uses CPack/RPM generator to generate binary
          packages so CMakeScripts.txt can decide during the  SRPM  to  binary
          rpm  generation step what content the package(s) should have as well
          as how they should be packaged (monolithic or components). CMake can
          decide  this  for  e.g.  by reading environment variables set by the
          package manager before starting the process of generating binary rpm
          packages. This way a single SRPM package can be used to produce dif-
          ferent binary rpm packages on different platforms depending  on  the
          platform's packaging rules.

       Source RPM packaging has its own set of variables:

              Should  the  content  be  packaged  as  a source rpm (default is
              binary rpm).

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   : OFF

          For cmake projects CPACK_RPM_PACKAGE_SOURCES variable is set to  OFF
          in  CPackConfig.cmake  and  ON  in CPackSourceConfig.cmake generated

              Additional command-line parameters  provided  to  cmake(1)  exe-

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   : -

              Packaging install prefix that would be provided in CPACK_PACKAG-
              ING_INSTALL_PREFIX variable for producing binary RPM packages.

              o Mandatory : YES

              o Default   : "/"

              List of source rpm build dependencies.

              o Mandatory : NO

              o Default   : -

              May  be  used  to  set  source  RPM  build  dependencies  (Buil-
              dRequires).  Note  that  you  must  enclose  the  complete build
              requirements string between quotes, for example:

                 set(CPACK_RPM_BUILDREQUIRES "python >= 2.5.0, cmake >= 2.8")

   CPack WIX Generator
       CPack WIX generator specific options

       New in version 3.7: Support  CPACK_COMPONENT_<compName>_DISABLED  vari-

   Variables specific to CPack WIX generator
       The following variables are specific to the installers built on Windows
       using WiX.

              Upgrade GUID (Product/@UpgradeCode)

              Will be automatically generated unless explicitly provided.

              It should be explicitly set to  a  constant  generated  globally
              unique  identifier  (GUID)  to  allow your installers to replace
              existing installations that use the same GUID.

              You may for example explicitly set this variable in your  CMake-
              Lists.txt to the value that has been generated per default.  You
              should not use GUIDs that you did not generate yourself or which
              may belong to other projects.

              A GUID shall have the following fixed length syntax:


              (each X represents an uppercase hexadecimal digit)

              Product GUID (Product/@Id)

              Will be automatically generated unless explicitly provided.

              If  explicitly provided this will set the Product Id of your in-

              The installer will abort if it detects a pre-existing  installa-
              tion that uses the same GUID.

              The    GUID    shall    use    the    syntax    described    for

              RTF License File

              If CPACK_RESOURCE_FILE_LICENSE has an .rtf extension it is  used

              If  CPACK_RESOURCE_FILE_LICENSE  has  an  .txt  extension  it is
              implicitly converted to RTF by the WIX Generator.  The  expected
              encoding of the .txt file is UTF-8.

              With  CPACK_WIX_LICENSE_RTF  you  can  override the license file
              used by the WIX Generator in case CPACK_RESOURCE_FILE_LICENSE is
              in an unsupported format or the .txt -> .rtf conversion does not
              work as expected.

              The Icon shown next to the program name in Add/Remove programs.

              If set, this icon is used in place of the default icon.

              This variable allows you to override the Id of the <UIRef>  ele-
              ment in the WiX template.

              The default is WixUI_InstallDir in case no CPack components have
              been defined and WixUI_FeatureTree otherwise.

              The bitmap will appear at the top of all installer  pages  other
              than the welcome and completion dialogs.

              If set, this image will replace the default banner image.

              This image must be 493 by 58 pixels.

              Background bitmap used on the welcome and completion dialogs.

              If  this variable is set, the installer will replace the default
              dialog image.

              This image must be 493 by 312 pixels.

              Start menu folder name for launcher.

              If this variable  is  not  set,  it  will  be  initialized  with

              New in version 3.16: If this variable is set to ., then applica-
              tion shortcuts will be created directly in the  start  menu  and
              the uninstaller shortcut will be omitted.

              Language(s) of the installer

              Languages are compiled into the WixUI extension library.  To use
              them, simply provide the name of the culture.   If  you  specify
              more  than one culture identifier in a comma or semicolon delim-
              ited list, the first one that is found will be  used.   You  can
              find      a      list     of     supported     languages     at:

              Template file for WiX generation

              If this variable is set, the specified template will be used  to
              generate  the WiX wxs file.  This should be used if further cus-
              tomization of the output is required.

              If this variable is not set, the default MSI  template  included
              with CMake will be used.

              Optional  list  of  XML files with fragments to be inserted into
              generated WiX sources.

              New in version 3.5: Support listing multiple patch files.

              This optional variable can be used to specify an XML  file  that
              the  WIX  generator will use to inject fragments into its gener-
              ated source files.

              Patch files understood by the CPack WIX generator roughly follow
              this RELAX NG compact schema:

                 start = CPackWiXPatch

                 CPackWiXPatch = element CPackWiXPatch { CPackWiXFragment* }

                 CPackWiXFragment = element CPackWiXFragment
                     attribute Id { string },

                 fragmentContent = element * - CPackWiXFragment
                     (attribute * { text } | text | fragmentContent)*

              Currently  fragments  can be injected into most Component, File,
              Directory and Feature elements.

              New in version 3.3: The following additional special Ids can  be

              o #PRODUCT for the <Product> element.

              o #PRODUCTFEATURE for the root <Feature> element.

              New  in  version  3.7: Support patching arbitrary <Feature> ele-

              New in version 3.9: Allow setting additional attributes.

              The following example illustrates how this works.

              Given that the WIX generator creates the following XML element:

                 <Component Id="CM_CP_applications.bin.my_libapp.exe" Guid="*"/>

              The following XML patch file may be used to inject  an  Environ-
              ment element into it:

                   <CPackWiXFragment Id="CM_CP_applications.bin.my_libapp.exe">
                     <Environment Id="MyEnvironment" Action="set"
                       Name="MyVariableName" Value="MyVariableValue"/>

              Extra WiX source files

              This  variable  provides  an  optional  list of extra WiX source
              files (.wxs) that should be compiled and linked.  The full  path
              to source files is required.

              Extra WiX object files or libraries

              This  variable  provides  an  optional  list of extra WiX object
              (.wixobj) and/or WiX library (.wixlib) files.  The full path  to
              objects and libraries is required.

              This  variable  provides a list of additional extensions for the
              WiX tools light and candle.

              This is  the  tool  specific  version  of  CPACK_WIX_EXTENSIONS.
              <TOOL> can be either LIGHT or CANDLE.

              This  list  variable  allows you to pass additional flags to the
              WiX tool <TOOL>.

              Use it at your own risk.  Future versions of CPack may  generate
              flags which may be in conflict with your own flags.

              <TOOL> can be either LIGHT or CANDLE.

              If  this  variable is set the generated installer will create an
              entry  in  the  windows  registry  key  HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Soft-
              ware\Kitware\CMake\Packages\<PackageName>  The value for <Packa-
              geName> is provided by this variable.

              Assuming you also install a CMake configuration file  this  will
              allow  other  CMake  projects  to  find  your  package  with the
              find_package() command.

              New in version 3.1.

              This variable can be used to provide a value for the Windows In-
              staller property <PROPERTY>

              The  following list contains some example properties that can be
              used to customize  information  under  "Programs  and  Features"
              (also known as "Add or Remove Programs")

              o ARPCOMMENTS - Comments

              o ARPHELPLINK - Help and support information URL

              o ARPURLINFOABOUT - General information URL

              o ARPURLUPDATEINFO - Update information URL

              o ARPHELPTELEPHONE - Help and support telephone number

              o ARPSIZE - Size (in kilobytes) of the application

              New in version 3.7.

              Sets  the name of the root install feature in the WIX installer.
              Same as CPACK_COMPONENT_<compName>_DISPLAY_NAME for components.

              New in version 3.7.

              Sets the description of the root install feature in the WIX  in-
              staller. Same as CPACK_COMPONENT_<compName>_DESCRIPTION for com-

              New in version 3.7.

              If this variable is set to true, the default install location of
              the  generated  package  will be CPACK_PACKAGE_INSTALL_DIRECTORY
              directly.  The install location will not be  located  relatively
              below ProgramFiles or ProgramFiles64.

                     Installers  created with this feature do not take differ-
                     ences between the system on which the installer  is  cre-
                     ated  and the system on which the installer might be used
                     into account.

                     It is therefore possible that the  installer  e.g.  might
                     try  to install onto a drive that is unavailable or unin-
                     tended or a path that does not follow the localization or
                     convention  of  the  system  on which the installation is

              New in version 3.9.

              This variable allows specification of a custom root  folder  ID.
              The  generator  specific  <64>  token can be used for folder IDs
              that come in 32-bit and 64-bit variants.  In 32-bit  builds  the
              token will expand empty while in 64-bit builds it will expand to

              When unset generated installers will default installing to  Pro-

              This  variable  can optionally be set to the root directory of a
              custom WiX Toolset installation.

              When unspecified CPack will try to locate a WiX Toolset  instal-
              lation via the WIX environment variable instead.

              New in version 3.19.

              This  variable  provides a list of custom namespace declarations
              that are necessary for using WiX  extensions.  Each  declaration
              should  be  in the form name=url, where name is the plain names-
              pace without the usual xmlns: prefix  and  url  is  an  unquoted
              namespace  url.  A  list  of  commonly known WiX schemata can be
              found here: https://wixtoolset.org/documentation/manual/v3/xsd/

       2000-2021 Kitware, Inc. and Contributors

       See attributes(7) for descriptions of the following attributes:

       |Availability   | developer/build/cmake |
       |Stability      | Uncommitted           |

       Source code for open source software components in Oracle  Solaris  can
       be found at https://www.oracle.com/downloads/opensource/solaris-source-

       This    software    was    built    from    source     available     at
       https://github.com/oracle/solaris-userland.    The  original  community
       source                was                downloaded                from

       Further information about this software can be found on the open source
       community website at http://www.cmake.org/.

3.21.0                           Jun 27, 2022              CPACK-GENERATORS(7)