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Oracle® ZFS Storage Appliance Customer Service Manual

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Updated: November 2018

Setting a Threshold Alert for SSD Endurance (CLI)

Use the following procedure to set a threshold alert for SSD endurance.

  1. To set a threshold alert for SSD endurance, use the following CLI commands:
    hostname:configuration alerts> thresholds
    hostname:configuration alerts thresholds> create
    hostname:configuration alerts threshold (uncommitted)> set
                          statname = ssd.endurance[ssd] (uncommitted)
  2. To list the properties of the threshold alert, use the following CLI command:
    hostname:configuration alerts threshold (uncommitted)> list
                              uuid = <generated on commit>
                          statname = ssd.endurance[ssd] (uncommitted)
                              type = normal
                             limit = (unset)
                           minpost = 5 minutes
                              days = all
                      window_start = none
                        window_end = 00:00
                         frequency = 5 minutes
                          minclear = 5 minutes

    Note -  The remaining fields are set the same way you would set them for any other threshold alert.