
A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  L  M  N  O  P  R  S  T  U  V  W 


setting up, 39.3
overview, 39
setting up, 39.2
overview, 39
setting up, 39.1
defining, 39
overview, 39
overview, 39
setting up, 39.4
overview, 39
setting up, 39.6
overview, 39
setting up, 39.7
overview, 39
setting up, 39.5
overview, 39
setting up, 39.8
A/B Multiple Check Code, 35
Account Balances table (F0902), 11.2, 20.2.1, 24.1, 24.4, 26.2, 32.2, 33.4
Account information
updating, 32.2
Account Ledger table (F0911), 12, 12.2, 24.4
Accounts Payable Ledger table (F0411), 16.1.1
Agreement Entry screen, 28.2.1
AIA Application for Payment report
document, 24.2
overview, 24.2
sample, 24.2.1
Alternate payee
entering, 13.4, 13.4.1
A/P Payment - Sequence ID Update screen, 17.2.1
A/P payment processing
setting up, 42
setting up subcontractor information, 42.1
verifying print options, 42.2
A/P vouchers
changing to Subcontract Management, 11, 11.8
Assigning hold codes to vouchers, 13.3
Audit trails
creating, 33.3
for budgets, 38.1
for commitments, 20.2, 20.2.1, 38.1
purging, 33.2
Automatic Accounting Instructions
See AAIs


entering, 14
processing, 14.1, 17.1.1
Balance-as-of information, 26.2
Balance-to-date information, 26.2
Base agreements
entering commitments, 28.2.2
entering identifying information, 28.2.1
entering jobs/task, 28.2
overview, 27.2
plan codes, 27.2, 27.2
setting up, 27.2, 27.2
Base contracts
See Base agreements
Batch number
locating, 12.2.1
setting up, 39.3
audit trails, 38.1
reviewing details, 21
Budget Comparison screen, 21.1


Canceling vouchers, 15
Category codes
supplier, 28.2.2
Change orders
accessing in other systems, 9.1
creating, 9
entering, 9.2
an Accounts Payable voucher, 11.8
posted vouchers, 11.8
tax amount, 11.6.1
unposted vouchers, 11.8
vouchers, 11.8
Check stub, 42
See Payment instrument
See Progress payments
Commitment Cost reports
generating, 24
overview, 24
Commitment Distribution screen, 7.3, 9.3
Commitment document type code, 41
Commitment Inquiry screen, 20.2.1
Commitment Integrity report
assigning totals, 26.2.5
data sequence, 26.2.5
overview, 26.2
sample, 26.2.3
Commitment reports
AIA Application for Payment, 24.2, 24.2.1
Committed Cost, 24.4, 24.4.1
Subcontract Analysis, 24.1, 24.1.1
Subcontract Detail, 24.3, 24.3.1
Subcontract Distribution, 24.5, 24.5.1
Commitment Revisions
processing modes, 9.1
Commitment Revisions screen, 7.1, 7.2, 9.2, 28.2.2, 29.2
Commitment Text table (F4404), 36.1
Commitments, 38.1
audit trails, 20.2, 20.2.1
change orders, 9
comparing, 26.2.1
displaying variances, 26.2.2
entering, 7, 7.2
entering for base agreements, 28.2.2
open, 20.2, 20.2
overview, 1.2.2
posting, 33.4
recalculating, 34
releasing for base agreements, 29
relieving, 11
reviewing status information, 20.2
revising, 9.2
updating, 33
Committed Amount Ledger, 20.2.1
Committed Cost Detail report
overview, 23.8
sample, 23.8.1
Committed Cost report
overview, 24.4
sample, 24.4.1
Committed Transaction report
overview, 23.7
sample, 23.7.1
Committed Unit Ledger, 20.2.1
Company Constants - Job Cost table (F0026), 33
Comparing committed amounts, 26.2.1
Configuring the payment sequence, 17.2
setting up, 38.1
Contract entry, 5.2
Contract Hold Codes, 41
Contract Log report
generating, 25
overview, 25
sample, 25.1
Contract Log Text table (F4304), 24.3, 25
Contract payment, 42
Contract payments
See Progress payments
Contract Purge Code, 32.3
updating, 32.3
Contract review
overview, 18.2
Contract tables
verifying integrity, 36.2
commitments, 7
creating model, 43.1
financial status information, 20.1
identifying information, 6
locating, 19
multi-currency defaults, 6.1
next numbers, 40.2
overview, 1.2, 5.2
progress payments, 10.2
purging, 36, 36.1
released, 29.2
reviewing, 18.2
reviewing status information, 20
setting up, 5.2
tax information defaults, 6.1
unlocking, 32.1
updating, 32
viewing financial status, 20.1
Contracts for base agreements
releasing, 29.2
Copying log information from a model log, 8.2
Correcting posted vouchers, 1.1
Cost code structure
creating, 3.4
overview, 39
setting up, 39.2
Create audit trail records
See Posting committed costs to jobs
Create Commitment Audit Trail, 33.3
Creating a change order, 9
Creating a job master record, 3.1
Creating a model contract, 43.1
Creating a model log, 43
Creating audit trails, 33.3
Creating log information
See Entering log information
Creating payment groups, 17.1
Creating the cost code structure, 3.4
overview, 39
setting up, 39.1
Currency types
viewing for contracts, 20.1.1


plan codes, 28.1
preferred supplier codes, 28.1
release codes, 28.1
supplier codes, 28.1
Defining AAIs, 39
Deleting unposted vouchers, 15.3
Descriptive text
entering for change orders, 9.3
Detailed Status by Supplier report
overview, 23.4
sample, 23.4.1
Detailed Voucher Inquiry screen, 20.1
Displaying commitment variances, 26.2.2
Document type codes, 41


alternate payee, 13.4.1
commitments for base agreements, 28.2.2
identifying information for base agreements, 28.2.1
jobs for base agreements, 28.2
tasks for base agreements, 28.2
Entering a change order
See Creating a change order
Entering a voucher with retainage, 11.7
Entering a voucher with taxes, 11.6
Entering a voucher with units, 11.5
Entering backcharges, 14
Entering change order information, 9.2
Entering commitment details, 7.2
Entering commitment information, 7
Entering identifying information, 6
Entering jobs for base agreements
overview, 28.2
Entering log information, 8.1
for model contracts, 43.2
Entering tasks for base agreements
overview, 28.2
Entering the job or task
See Setting up a project or job
Entering vouchers, 11
Exchange rates, 20.1.1
Expired logs
updating status, 8.1.1, 25


F0026 (Company Constants - Job Cost table), 33
F0026 (Company Constants Revisions - Job Cost table), 38.1
F0902 (Account Balances table), 11.2, 20.2.1, 24.1, 24.4, 26, 26.2, 32.2, 33.4
F0911 (Account Ledger table), 12, 12.2, 24.4
F1011 (JF - F0006/F0901 - Company, Cost Center table), 26.2
F4301 (Purchase Order Header File table), 35, 36.2
F4301 (Purchase Order Header table), 24.3
F4303 (Log Master table), 24.3, 24.4, 25, 36.2
F4304 (Contract Log Text table), 24.3, 25
F4311 (Purchase Order Detail table), 23.1, 23.5, 23.8, 24.2, 24.3, 24.4, 24.5, 26, 26.2, 32.2, 33.1, 33.3, 34, 36.2
F43199 (Purchase Order Detail Ledger table), 20.2.1, 26, 26.2, 33.2, 33.3, 33.4, 34
F4404 (Commitment Text table), 36.1
See Tables
Financial report s
Committed Transaction, 23.7
Financial reports
Committed Cost Detail report, 23.8, 23.8.1
Committed Transaction, 23.7.1
Contract Log, 25
Detailed Status by Supplier, 23.4, 23.4.1
generating, 22.2
overview, 22.2
Status Report by Job, 23.2, 23.2.1
Status Report by Supplier, 23.1, 23.1.1
Subcontract History, 23.6, 23.6.1
Subcontract Open Status, 23.3, 23.3.1
Unit Price report, 23.5, 23.5.1
Financial status information
reviewing for contracts, 20.1
Floor plans
See plan codes


G702 document
See AIA application for payment
Generating committed cost reports, 24
Generating financial reports, 22.2
Generating reports, 22.2
Global updates
overview, 31.2
purging contracts, 36
recalculating commitments, 34
updating commitment information, 33
updating contract information, 32
updating payment code, 35


Hold codes
assigning, 13.3
See Retainage
individual vouchers, 13.3
multiple vouchers, 13.3
progress payments, 6.1
vouchers, 13.3
assigning to progress payments, 11.2
assigning to vouchers, 13.3


Identifying information
entering for base agreements, 28.2.1
entering for jobs and projects, 6
revising, 6.2
Identifying the job
for base agreements, 29.1
See Setting up user defined codes
Integrity Report/Purge, 36.2
Integrity reports
Commitment Integrity, 26.2, 26.2.3
generating, 26
Open Item Integrity, 26.1, 26.1.1
overview, 26


JF - F0006/F0901 - Company, Cost Center table (F1011), 26.2
Job Category Code Revisions screen, 3.2, 29.1
Job master records
creating, 3.1
Job Master Revisions screen, 3.1, 3.2, 29.1
Job plans
Plan codes
Job setup
overview, 2.2
entering for base agreements, 28.2
setting up, 3
overview, 2.2
setting up multiple by company, 3.3
setting up within a project, 3.2


committed amounts, 20.2.1
committed units, 20.2.1
PA, 33.4
PU, 33.4
Locating a batch number, 12.2.1
Locating a contract, 19
Log, 24.3
Log ID codes, 41
Log Master table (F4303), 24.4, 25, 36.1
copying from a model log, 8.2
creating model, 43
entering, 8.1
entering for model contracts, 43.2
status, 8.1.1
updating expired, 8.1.1
working with, 8


Master table (F4303), 24.3
Model contracts
creating, 43.1
See Base agreements
Model logs
copying, 8.2
creating, 43
Modifying a supplier master record, 4.3.1
Multi-currency, 1.2.3, 11.2
defaults, 6.1
reviewing information, 24.3


Name Search screen, 4.2
Next numbers
for contracts, 40.2
for vouchers, 40.3
understanding, 40
Next Numbers screen, 40.2, 40.3


Offset a posted vouchers, 15.2
Open amounts
reviewing, 20.2
updating, 33.1
Open Item Integrity report
overview, 26.1
sample, 26.1.1
contract review, 18.2
entering identifying information, 6
entering jobs for base agreements, 28.2
entering tasks for base agreements, 28.2
progress payments, 10.2
setting up base agreements, 27.2
setting up user defined codes for base agreements, 28.1
system setup, 37.2


PA ledger, 20.2.1, 33.4
Payment checks
printing, 4.3.2
Payment code
updating for progress payments, 35
Payment groups
creating, 17.1
Payment instrument
revising for individual vouchers, 13.2
revising for multiple vouchers, 13.2
verifying, 11.1
Payment Instrument Defaults screen, 42.2
Payment processing
overview, 1.2.3
Payment sequence
configuring, 17.2
overview, 39
overview, 39
setting up, 39.4
overview, 39
setting up, 39.6
overview, 39
setting up, 39.7
Plan codes, 27.2, 27.2, 28.1, 28.2.2
defining, 28.1
Post Committed Costs to Jobs, 33.4
Posting vouchers, 12, 12.2
Preferred supplier codes, 28.1
defining, 28.1
AIA Application for Payment report, 24.2, 24.2.1
Commitment Integrity report, 26.2, 26.2.3
Committed Cost Detail report, 23.8, 23.8.1
Committed Cost report, 24.4
Committed Transaction report, 23.7, 23.7.1
Contract Log report, 25.1
Detailed Status by Supplier report, 23.4, 23.4.1
Open Item Integrity report, 26.1
Status Report by Job, 23.2, 23.2.1
Status Report by Supplier, 23.1, 23.1.1
Subcontract Analysis report, 24.1
Subcontract Detail report, 24.3
Subcontract Distribution report, 24.5
Subcontract History report, 23.6, 23.6.1
Subcontract Open Status report, 23.3, 23.3.1
Unit Price report, 23.5, 23.5.1
backcharges, 14.1, 17.1.1
Processing mode
selecting, 6.1
Processing options
Progress Payment Entry, 11.2, 11.5.1
Processing progress payments, 17
Programs and IDs
P0002 (next numbers), 40.2, 40.3
P00051 (user defined codes revisions), 28.1
P00051 (user defined codes), 41.1
P00121 (automatic accounting instructions, 39.1, 39.2, 39.3, 39.4, 39.5, 39.6, 39.7, 39.8
P0026 (Company Constants Revisions - Job Cost), 38.2
P00932 (post committed costs to jobs), 33.4
P00PURGE (purge commitment audit trail), 33.2
P01054 (supplier master information), 4.3.1, 42.1
P01200 (name search), 4.2
P04101I (detailed voucher inquiry), 20.1
P04114 (speed release), 13.2, 16.2.1
P04115 (speed release pay item split), 13.5
P0415 (sequence review), 17.2.1
P04151 (A/P payment - sequence ID update), 17.2.1
P0417 (payment instrument defaults), 42.2
P04201 (voucher journal review), 12.1.1
P04570 (create payment groups), 17.1.1
P04572J (write program), 42.2
P09800 (post vouchers to G/L), 12.2
P40230 (commitment inquiry), 20.2.1
P40910 (commitment integrity report), 26.2, 26.2.3
P4303 (subcontract log details), 8.3, 43.2
P4304 (subcontract log revisions), 8.1, 43.2
P43105 (progress payment entry), 11.2, 12.1, 14.1, 15.2, 16.1
P432121 (budget comparison), 21.1
P434201 (subcontract analysis report), 24.1, 24.1.1
P434201 (subcontract open status report), 23.3, 23.3.1
P43421 (detailed status by supplier report), 23.4, 23.4.1
P44001 (agreement entry), 28.2.1
P44001 (subcontract entry), 6, 6.1, 11.2, 43.1
P4401P (subcontract detail report), 24.3, 24.3.1
P4402 (commitment revisions), 7.1, 7.2, 9.2, 28.2.2, 29.2
P4404 (commitment distribution), 7.3, 9.3
P44200 (subcontract financial inquiry), 20.1
P44202 (subcontract voucher inquiry), 20.1
P44210 (subcontract search), 19.1
P44230 (subcontract open order inquiry), 20.2
P44300 (contract log report), 25, 25.1
P44310 (subcontract distribution), 24.5, 24.5.1
P44410 (open item integrity report), 26.1
P44425 (status report by job), 23.2, 23.2.1
P44425 (status report by supplier), 23.1
P44430 (committed cost report), 24.4, 24.4.1
P44435 (committed cost detail report), 23.8, 23.8.1
P44440 (AIA application for payment report), 24.2, 24.2.1
P44450 (subcontract history report), 23.6, 23.6.1
P44500 (unit price report), 23.5, 23.5.1
P44600 (committed transaction report), 23.7, 23.7.1
P44890 (subcontract unlock), 32.1
P44910 (restate commitments), 34
P44990 (purge contract information), 36.1
P44991 (integrity report/purge), 36.2
P44995 (A/B multiple check code), 35
P44996 (contract purge code), 32.3
P44997 (update open amounts), 33.1
P51006 (job revisions by company), 3.3
P510062 (job category code revisions), 3.2, 29.1
P510063 (job master revisions), 3.1, 3.2, 29.1
Progress Payment Entry
processing modes, 11.2
processing options, 11.2
Progress Payment Entry screen, 12.1, 14.1, 15.2, 16.1
Progress payments, 10.2
configuring payment sequence, 17.2
creating payment groups, 17.1
holding, 6.1
holds, 11.2
overview, 10.2
printing, 17.1.1
printing checks, 4.3.2
processing, 17
revising due date, 13.6
setting up subcontractor information, 42.1
splitting, 13.5
updating payment code, 35
verifying print options, 42.2
Project setup
overview, 2.2
Projected final information, 38.1
Projection audit trails, 38.1
setting up, 3
overview, 2.2
overview, 39
setting up, 39.5
overview, 39
setting up, 39.8
PU ledger, 20.2.1, 33.4
Purchase Order Detail Ledger table (F43199), 20.2.1, 26, 26.2, 33.2, 33.3, 33.4, 34
Purchase Order Detail table (F4311), 23.1, 23.2, 23.5, 23.8, 24.1, 24.2, 24.2, 24.3, 24.4, 24.5, 26, 26.2, 32.2, 33.1, 33.3, 34, 36.1
Purchase Order Header File table (F4301), 35, 36.1
Purchase Order Header table (F4301), 24.3
Purge code
updating, 32.3
Purge Commitment Audit Trail, 33.2
Purging audit trails, 33.2
Purging contract information, 36.1


Recalculating commitments, 1.2.3, 34
Release codes, 28.1
defining, 28.1
final retainage, 16.2.1
individual vouchers, 13.3
multiple vouchers, 13.3
partial retainage, 16.2.1
retainage, 16.2.1
vouchers, 13.3
Releasing a contract
for base agreements, 29.2
Releasing commitments
for base agreements, 29
Releasing retainage for subcontract management
See Posting vouchers
Releasing retainage using Progress Payment Entry, 16.1
Releasing retainage using Speed Release, 16.2
Relieving commitments, 11
AIA Application for Payment report, 24.2
commitment cost reports, 24
Committed Cost Detail report, 23.8
Committed Cost report, 24.4
Committed Transaction report, 23.7
Contract Log report, 25
Detailed Status by Supplier report, 23.4
financial reports, 22.2
generating, 22.2
integrity reports, 26
overview, 22.2
Status Report by Job, 23.2
Status Report by Supplier, 23.1
Subcontract Analysis report, 24.1
Subcontract Detail report, 24.3
Subcontract Distribution report, 24.5
Subcontract History report, 23.6
Subcontract Open Status report, 23.3
Unit Price report, 23.5
Restate Commitments, 34
entering vouchers, 11.7
release using Progress Payment Entry, 16.1
release using Speed Release, 16.2
releasing, 16, 16.2.1
releasing final amounts, 16.2.1
releasing partial amounts, 16.2.1
VAT tax, 11.7
audit trail information, 20.2.1
contracts, 18.2
groups of vouchers, 12.1.1
multi-currency information, 24.3
open amounts, 20.2
vouchers, 12
Reviewing and posting vouchers, 12
Reviewing budget details, 21
Reviewing commitment status information, 20.2
Reviewing financial status information, 20.1
Reviewing status information, 20
Reviewing vouchers, 12.1
identifying information, 6.2
payment instrument, 13.2, 13.2
progress payments due date, 13.6, 13.6
Revising the due date for a payment, 13.6
Revising the payment instrument, 13.2


Agreement Entry, 28.2.1
A/P Payment - Sequence ID Update, 17.2.1
Automatic Accounting Instructions for BP, 39.3
Automatic Accounting Instructions for CR, 39.2
Automatic Accounting Instructions for CT, 39.1
Automatic Accounting Instructions for PC, 39.4
Automatic Accounting Instructions for PCRETN, 39.6
Automatic Accounting Instructions for PCVATP, 39.7
Automatic Accounting Instructions for PT, 39.5
Automatic Accounting Instructions for PTVATD, 39.8
Budget Comparison, 21.1
Commitment Distribution, 7.3, 9.3
Commitment Inquiry, 20.2.1
Commitment Revisions, 7.1, 7.2, 9.2, 28.2.2, 29.2
Detailed Voucher Inquiry, 20.1
Job Category Code Revisions, 3.2, 29.1
Job Master Revisions, 3.1, 3.2, 29.1
Job Revisions by Company, 3.3
Name Search, 4.2
Next Numbers, 40.2, 40.3
Payment Instrument Defaults, 42.2
Progress Payment Entry, 11.2, 12.1, 14.1, 15.2, 16.1
Sequence Review, 17.2.1
Speed Release, 13.2, 16.2.1
Speed Release Pay Item Split, 13.5
Subcontract Entry, 6.1, 11.2, 43.1
Subcontract Financial Inquiry, 20.1
Subcontract Log Details, 8.3, 43.2
Subcontract Log Revisions, 8.1, 43.2
Subcontract Management Constants, 38.2
Subcontract Open Order Inquiry, 20.2
Subcontract Search, 19.1
Subcontract Voucher Inquiry, 20.1
Supplier Master Information, 4.3.1, 42.1
User Defined Codes, 41.1
User Defined Codes Revisions, 28.1
Voucher Journal Review, 12.1.1
Sequence Review screen, 17.2.1
Setting up
base agreements, 27.2
contracts, 5.2
overview, 2.2
multi-currency, 6.1
overview, 2.2
system, 37.2
tax information, 6.1
user defined codes for base agreements, 28.1
Setting up a project or job, 3
Setting up A/P payment processing, 42
Setting up bank payables, 39.3
Setting up base agreements, 27.2
Setting up contract payables, 39.4
Setting up jobs within a project, 3.2
See Creating a job master record
See Setting up base agreements
Setting up multiple jobs by company, 3.3
See Setting up user defined codes
Setting up payables tax accounts, 39.5
Setting up range of contract cost types, 39.2
See Setting up user defined codes
Setting up retainage payables, 39.6
Setting up specific contract cost types, 39.1
See Setting up user defined codes
Setting up subcontractor information
for A/P payment processing, 42.1
Setting up subcontractor information for payments
See Setting up print options for A/P payments
Setting up system constants, 38.1
Setting up user defined codes, 41
Setting up user defined codes for base agreements
See Setting up user defined codes
Setting up VAT tax payables, 39.7
Setting up VAT tax recoverables, 39.8
Speed Release Pay Item Split screen, 13.5
Speed Release screen, 13.2, 16.2.1
Splitting payments, 13.5
Status information
for commitments, 20.2
reviewing for contracts, 20
Status Report by Job
overview, 23.2
sample, 23.2.1
Status Report by Supplier
overview, 23.1
sample, 23.1.1
Subcontract Analysis report
overview, 24.1
sample, 24.1.1
Subcontract Detail report
overview, 24.3
sample, 24.3.1
Subcontract Distribution report
overview, 24.5
sample, 24.5.1
Subcontract Entry, 6.1
processing modes, 6.1
processing options, 6.1
Subcontract Entry screen, 6.1, 11.2, 43.1
Subcontract Financial Inquiry screen, 20.1
Subcontract History report
overview, 23.6
sample, 23.6.1
Subcontract Log Details screen, 8.3, 43.2
Subcontract Log Revisions screen, 8.1, 43.2
Subcontract Management Constants screen, 38.2
Subcontract Management system
features, 1.2
integration, 1.1
overview, 1
tables, 1.3
Subcontract Open Order Inquiry screen, 20.2
Subcontract Open Status report
overview, 23.3
sample, 23.3.1
Subcontract Search screen, 19.1
Subcontract Unlock screen, 32.1
Subcontract Voucher Inquiry screen, 20.1
setting up, 4.1
Subcontractor setup
overview, 4.1
searching for, 4.2
setting up, 4.1
Supplier category code, 28.2.2
Supplier codes, 28.1
defining, 28.1
Supplier Master Information screen, 4.3.1, 42.1
Supplier master record
modifying, 4.3.1
searching for, 4.2
setting up, 4.1
setting up, 37.2
System setup
overview, 37.2


F0026 (Company Constants - Job Cost), 33
F0026 (Company Constants Revisions - Job Cost), 38.1
F0411 (Accounts Payable Ledger), 16.1.1
F0902 (Account Balances), 11.2, 20.2.1, 24.1, 24.4, 26.2, 32.2, 33.4
F0911 (Account Ledger), 12, 12.2, 24.4
F1011 (JF - F0006/F0901 - Company, Cost Center), 26.2
F4301 (Purchase Order Header File), 35, 36.1
F4301 (Purchase Order Header), 24.3
F4303 (Log Master), 24.3, 24.4, 25, 36.1
F4304 (Contract Log Text), 24.3, 25
F4311 (Purchase Order Detail), 23.1, 23.2, 23.5, 23.8, 24.1, 24.2, 24.3, 24.4, 24.5, 26, 26.2, 32.2, 33.1, 33.3, 34, 36.1
F43199 (Purchase Or der Detail Ledger), 33.2
F43199 (Purchase Order Detail Ledger), 20.2.1, 26, 26.2, 33.3, 33.4, 34
F4404 (Commitment Text), 36.1
entering for base agreements, 28.2
Tax explanation codes, 41
Tax information
defaults, 6.1
changing, 11.6.1


11, 41
CT, 41
DT, 41
EX, 41
HC, 41
setting up, 41
setting up for base agreements, 28.1
next numbers for contracts, 40.2
Unit Price report
overview, 23.5
sample, 23.5.1
Unlocking a contract, 32.1
expired logs, 25
Updating account information, 32.2
Updating commitment information, 33
Updating contract information, 32
Updating open amounts, 33.1
Updating payment code, 1.2.3, 35
Updating the contract purge code, 32.3
User defined codes
See UDCs
User Defined Codes Revisions, 28.1
User Defined Codes screen, 41.1


VAT tax on retainage, 11.7
Verifying print options
for A/P payment processing, 42.2
Verifying the integrity of contract tables, 36.2
See Correcting vouchers
Voucher Journal Review screen, 12.1.1
canceling, 15
changing, 11.8, 11.8, 11.8
changing A/P to Subcontract Management, 11.8
deleting, 15.3
entering, 11
with dollars, 11.4
with retainage, 11.7
with taxes, 11.6
with units, 11.5
holding individual, 13.3
holding multiple, 13.3
next numbers, 40.3
offsetting, 15.2
overview, 13
posting, 12, 12.2
releasing individual, 13.3
releasing multiple, 13.3
reversing, 15.2
reviewing, 12, 12.1
reviewing groups, 12.1.1
See Correcting vouchers


for progress payments, 11.2
Working with log information, 8
Working with vouchers, 13
Write Program P04572J, 42.2