Managing SAN Devices and Multipathing in Oracle® Solaris 11.2

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Updated: December 2014

No Connections to the iSCSI Target From the Local System

How to Troubleshoot iSCSI Connection Problems

  1. Become an administrator.
  2. List your iSCSI target information.

    For example:

    initiator# iscsiadm list target
            TPGT: default
            ISID: 4000002a0000
            Connections: 0
  3. If no connections are listed in the iscsiadm list target output, check the /var/adm/messages file for possible reasons why the connection failed.

    You can also verify whether the connection is accessible by using the ping command or by connecting to the storage device's iSCSI port by using the telnet command to ensure that the iSCSI service is available. The default port is 3260.

    In addition, check the storage device's log file for errors.

  4. If your target is not listed in the iscsiadm list target output, check the /var/adm/messages file for possible causes.

    If you are using SendTargets as the discovery method, try listing the discovery-address by using the –v option to ensure that the expected targets are visible to the host. For example:

    initiator# iscsiadm list discovery-address -v
    Discovery Address:
    	Target name: eui.210000203787dfc0
    		Target address:
    	Target name: eui.210000203787e07b
    		Target address:

    If you are using iSNS as the discovery method, try enabling the iSNS discovery method and listing the isns-server using the –v option to ensure that the expected targets are visible to the host. For example:

    initiator# iscsiadm list isns-server -v
    iSNS Server IP Address:
            Target name:
                    Target address:, 1
            Target name:
                    Target address:, 1
            Target name:
                    Target address:, 1